
I hate that you're happy (NCT Ten Fanfiction)
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Jinsil was busy walking towards the bus stop one afternoon when she heard the continuous beeping of someone's car behind her. 


Irritated, the woman scowled behind her and was ultimately shocked to see that it was her annoying workmate who was honking at her. 


Okay, well maybe not so very annoying actually...


After all, he stood up for her earlier. 


She stopped walking, waiting for the guy to roll down his car window. She crossed her arms on top of her chest, waiting for Jung Jaehyun to spill whatever it is that he wants. 


"What do you want?" She snapped and he smirked. 


"A little hostile, aren't we?" He teased. "Shall I make you remember what I did for you earlier?" 


Jinsil rolled her eyes at him, annoyed that he was bringing the earlier situation right now. 


Indeed, he stood up for her earlier after her workmates scolded her for being late for the meeting. 


It was never like her to be late, so she was very much disappointed with herself too. But just recently, she realized she was becoming more stressed over everything else that it's affecting her work performance too. 


After the meeting, she stood still accepting all the reprimand from the head of the HR office—everybody's eyes were on her. 


She has never wished for the ground to swallow her whole more than that time. 


And, just like a prince charming on his noble steed, Jung Jaehyun stood up for her, saying that every Head manager should have a copy of shares and profit and loss of the Company. 


Subsequently, that made all employee present in the room to shut up for the newcomer had a point. Indeed, he is a viable contributor to the company. 


Jinsil huffed. "Fine. Thank you!" She grumbled as she scowled at the smiling guy who, at her response, arched one brow. 


"Thank you?" He queried teasingly. The woman copied his earlier movement, arching one brow at him. "Yeah, thank you." She let out the words heavily, trying to get her point across. 


Jaehyun nodded his head oh-so-slowly, the action irking the other. He smirked once more upon seeing her brows furrowing. 


"Too bad I'm accepting thank you's." He mused. 


"What?!" the woman screeched indignantly. "You're crazy! I already told you I was thankful! It's not my fault you're not accepting thank you's!"


She turned to leave before she loses her mind talking to the retarded guy but the sound of his car beeping once more stopped her from walking any further. 


She turned around to scowl at him. "What?!"


Pushing the doors of his car, Jaehyun laughed at her cute expression. 


"You're the one insisting that I'm pestering you, but you're letting me pester you." He crosses his arms while he smiled at her, this time a charming one. 


And Jinsil hated the fact that she's feeling the butterflies in her stomach dancing wildly. She felt like a deer caught in red lights and she furrowed her brows, trying to mask it. 


"You're crazy!" She hollered at him, her hands balling to fists as she felt her cheeks redden in embarassment. 


Knowing that no good will happen if she continue talking to him, the woman finally her heels to go home, wanting to leave the obnoxious guy behind. 


"Hey, come on Jinsil! Aren't you going to do anything for me?!" Jaehyun whined that stopped her from her tracks once again. 


"What the heck do you want?!" She roared the moment she swung around to glower at him. 


Jaehyun grinned from ear to ear and the woman never wanted anything more than to wipe that annoying smile off his face. 


"Let's go on a date!" he proposed and that got Jinsil scowling even more. "What?!" 


"Come on, dont put any malice to it. Just a thank you for what I did, right? I told you I wasn't accepting thank you." He reasoned. 


"Look, you having issues with accepting 'thank yous ' is not my problem." She arched one brow at him, folding her arms on her chest. "Also, I'm an introvert who doesn't like attention, especially from strangers."


That got the other thinking. Dropping his smile off his face, he turned to ask Jinsil seriously. "I helped you several times already. Does that still make me a stranger?" 


He hated the fact that Jinsil considered him a stranger despite his honest efforts to be friends with her.




Gong Jinsil never expected to have fun with Jung Jaehyun but she did. Before she knew it, time went by very fast and after a series of eating, going to karaoke bar, playing VCR games and visiting the amusement and buying souvenirs. 


"Thanks for today." She mumbled shyly with an evident blush on her cheeks as fumbled with the seat straps. Unlike before, she exactly knew now how to untangle the straps from her body. 


Jaehyun nodded absentmindedly, his mind drifting back to her statement earlier. 


"I'm an introvert who doesn't like attention, especially from strangers."


Seeing how unusually quiet her companion had become, the woman decided to finally excuse herself. Pushing the door open, Jinsil stopped from moving any further at the sound of Jaehyun's sad voice. 


"Am I still a stranger to you?" 


She turned her head slowly, wanting to look at him in question. 


She was surprised to see him eyeing her intently as if her response would mean the world to him. Her breath hitched and her brain stopped functioning for a while, with only the thoughts of their 'friendly date' reigning her sanity. 


"No," her eyes falters and came her short soft answer that put the other at ease for he smiled at her brightly. For a moment, she was afraid she would be blinded by it. 


"See you around?" She whispered with a small smile on her face before going out of his vehicle. 


After getting inside the apartment, Jinsil halted all her movements upon seeing her boyfriend at the living room, folding the freshly dried laundry. 


Ten looked up from his work with an unreadable expression on his face, eyeing her from head to toe and back again. 


"Where have you been?" He asked her innocently afterwards. "I went to your office to pick you up but the receptionist told me you already went home. I can't reach you by phone also." He eyed her unblinking as he waited for her response. 


"Ah," she let out warily, avoiding his questioning stare. "I-I was with a workmate. I was helping." She didn't know why she lied even though she knows he will never get mad at her even if she tell him the truth. 


But for some reason, she felt scared. 


Ten nodded in understanding. "Also," She continued, clumsily fished her phone out of her purse to show him a proof. "My battery's dead so it must be the reason why you can't reach me."


The guy ended up laughing at her antics. 


"Why are you so defensive?" He teased innocently but that hit his girl straight in the gut. She flinched at the sound of his laugh and she immediately focused her attention to her reflection on their tiled floor. 


"I-I-I'll be going inside to rest. I-I'm tired." She mumbled before leaving him all alone. 


Unknown to her, despite the smiling facade he was wearing, was the real painful ache in his heart. 




Jinsil woke up to sound of water drizzling and she immediately knew that somebody was using the bathroom. Yawning while turning to the opposite side of the bed, the lady tried to remove the brink of sleep in her system. 


She sighed as she stared at the digital clock on the bedside table. 


Just then, the bathroom door opened, revealing Ten who has freshened up for the day, a towel wiping on his wet locks. 


He was obviously surprised to see her already awake at this time of the day so he paused all his ministrations. 


Jinsil unconsciously frowned at his behaviour. "Why are you frowning?" She muttered before pulling herself up to sit on the bed.  


The guy smiled a little before resuming drying his hair. "I'm just surprised to see you're up already. Today's your day off, you must rest all you want."


He walked towards their shared bed and sat down as he reached for his phone. 


Jinsil eyed his every move. 


"You're not going to work?" She asked him curiously and that stopped him from playing with his phone. 


"Yeah," he answered swiftly. 


The woman nodded. After that, awkward silence passed the two lovers.


"Say, Sil-ah. Wanna go on a date?" Ten turned around swiftly to spill his preposition, wiggling his brows. 


A huge smile garced Jinsil's lips. 




Gong Jinsil didn't mean to, but she ended up comparing this day to the date she had with Jaehyun yesterday. 


The way Ten and Jaehyun reacted at her expression while they were riding the viking was very different. While she was crying in fear, Jaehyun brought her closer to his chest, murmuring encouraging words until the ride came to a stop. However, in her boyfriend's case, Ten was busy laughing at her frightened expression, adoring her every single flaw.


The moment the ride went to a halt, the woman stormed off the ride and cried on the nearby bench, leaving Ten confused. 


She was alone for a few moments that she was sure he has gone mad at her earlier behaviour and decided to continue on his own. 


But, goodness. It was his fault! He knows she hated rides ever since high school and he pushed her to ride one today. 


Well, you agreed to ride the viking with Jaehyun yesterday! 


A part of her conscience mocked her. 


Just then, when she finally decided to go home on her own, after a few minutes of sitting on the bench, came her boyfriend who was jogging towards his place, a cone of ice cream in his hand. 


He had that worried but at the same time relieved look on his face as he stretched out his hand to her. 


She glared at him but he responded with a smile. "Did you wait long? The ice cream parlor was packed so it took me a while to order."


She scoffed before taking the cone from his hand seconds later after he shook it lightly. A small smile lightened her face as she went to the food he brought for her. 


Carefully, the boyfriend took a seat beside her, observing her every move. One hand went to pat her crown as an affectionate smile was playing on his lips. 


He knew he went too far by laughing at her when she's genuinely frightened. He was actually relieved that she's starting to recover from her shock all thanks  to her favorite dessert.


"Where do you want to go next?" Ten asked her and she scowled at him. 


"You think of a place," she grumbled. "It was you who proposed this date." She added in an undertone that caused laughter to erupt, coming from the guy. 


Soon, she too ended up laughing at their silliness. 


Today is a remarkable day that would determine the future of their relationship. 




"Say, what do you want t

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I'm torm whether to give this ending or that ending uwu. Enlighten me juseyoooo TT^TT


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Chapter 8: Guess I'm sad too :(
Tnx for updating , actually i've been waiting for you quite patiently . And the chapter was beautiful , thank you .
Chapter 6: . oh no , oh no , oh no no NO nO . i don't wanna believe my eyes , did jinsil just_
what the actual hell??? i wasn't at all ready for this ....=I
Chapter 5: This is so heart wrenching
blue_izce8 #4
Chapter 4: Done with all chaps with smile on my face. Thank you for sharing this story with us. I hope youll update soon. I cant wait to see the jealous side of Ten and what will happen to our love triangle. Stay safe
blue_izce8 #5
Wow! A ten ff! Im happy to have found this story (^.~)
Chapter 4: Just because some people haven't found your story yet , doesn't mean it's not good.
Diamonds are buried really deep inside the earth , and practically unreachable , but that doesn't make them any less precious !
Chapter 4: Hey?? This is really good !! Have some confidence in your work , dude?
You always ask if it's good enough , but now , you had the audacity to say that you don't feel good!!
Damn it .
You are always fine .
Chapter 3: And I really loved this chapter too , you even introduced a new character too. Jaehyun . It's always a great experience to get more into your stories.