The 3


The 3 is a ring of special agents that killed many people from 2005-2016. One day all of the agents under The 3 went missing. No one knows what happened to them and what could have caused the disappearance. On a random date in 2017 a group of 18 children(the same number of past agents) were left at the door of The 3 headquarters. The kids ranged in ages from 1-5. These kids have been trained to be the next wave of The 3 agents. These kids were each raised by a captain. Those captains were YG, JYP, and SM. But they died mysteriously. With a new power being brought with the intent to kill. These 18 kids will have to stop them.


The 3 is ran by the captains YG, SM, and JYP. But they were all killed. The kids all had many questions.

How were the captains killed?

Who killed them?

Where were the agents before them?


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Astraea21 #1
Chapter 3: This is interesting!
LiMario_8 #2
Chapter 3: it's 2021, Happy New year helloooo
LiMario_8 #3
Chapter 2: "My Lisa" oh Jennieeeeee
LiMario_8 #4
Chapter 1: Wow, wonderful AU kpops!