
Twisted Fate

Friday night, 2:43 am. Jungkook was walking back to his apartment from the library, rather boring I know but mid-terms were around the corner and Jungkook couldn't really spend another night getting intoxicated af, banging some chick or a guy (he's bi) even though that was what he only wanted to do at the moment. Life, huh? He dragged his feet sluggishly, feeling tired. All those notes he crammed up at the library was getting to him. Jungkook wasn't a bad student per se, he was above average but he wasn't a top student either. Hence the cramming session. The streets were quiet, save for some college kids smoking here and there and the occassional group of friends drunk out of their minds and screaming their heart out, it was quite bare. Pathetic for a Friday night, Jungkook thought. Well exams week were near so it was expected.

He quickened his pace as he wanted to reach his apartment faster and go straight to bed. Also, his bladder was full. He couldn't wait to reach home. Walking past a convenience store, he stalled by the entrance for a few seconds, entertaining the thought of getting some snacks for the exam week but he quickly brushed the thought off. Snacks can wait, he can get them tomorrow. Sleep was calling. As he was about to walk past the store, he noticed an alleyway beside the convenience store. It was dark and filled with mostly garbage, he could tell coming from the nasty smell. Jungkook peeked around and entered the alleyway to take a leak. His bladder was starting to bother him.

Jungkook sighed as he finally relieved his bladder, just as he was about to finish he heard the sound of shuffling behind him. Alarmed, Jungkook was about to turn his head before-


Jungkook squeaked, literally. Tucking his back in hastily, he turned around to face whoever it was. 

"Hi." The voice repeated again, it was a boy obviously by the sound of his deep voice.

Jungkook could see a black silhouette and his heartbeat quickened. Was he going to die today? No he can't, he's too young to die!

"Erm..hello?" The stranger called out again. 

"My name's Taehyung. What's yours?" The stranger tried again.

Jungkook halted. Why was the stranger introducing himself out of the blue? He could hear the stranger shuffling his feet again.

A pause.

"Who are you?" Jungkook questioned, he was weirded out.

"I'm Taehyung.." the stranger spoke, "I just introduced myself a second ago.."

Jungkook squinted his eyes. He knew that.

"No. I mean who are you and why are you introducing yourself to me?" 

There was a quiet pause for a while.

"I..I wanted to make friends."

Huh? Okay, now this was getting weird. Who the is this guy?

"I moved here in this area three days ago so I wanted to make some new friends!" The boy ended off rather cheerily.

To say that Jungkook was shocked would be an understatement. He was creeped out. Who the is this man and why was he looming around an alleyway to make friends? Oh wait, was he some sort of distraction before a gang jumps out and attacks him? , Jungkook needed to get out of here fast.

Jungkook could feel the boy anticipating his response. 

"So..?" The stranger mumbled. 

Jungkook deadpanned. "Look I don't know what kind of you're on but asking a total stranger to be your friend in the middle of an alleyway in pitch black darkness ain't it man. Bye." A pause, before Jungkook added, "Weirdo."

This was the weirdest thing to ever happen to Jungkook in his entire 21 years of existence.

Jungkook hastily walked out, he wasn't going to get murdered here. No, he was not going to go down in history as "The boy who got murdered in an alleyway while taking a leak." Nope. Never.

He quickened his pace and was about to round the corner when he heard footsteps running after him. Don't tell me it is who I think it is, Jungkook thought to himself. 

"Wait!" The familiar voice called after him. 

Jungkook mentally cursed himself, you gotta be kidding me.

Paying no heed, Jungkook broke off into a run. He ain't gambling with dead today. 

"Please wait!" The stranger shouted. 

Tired and wanting to go to bed, Jungkook stopped mid-run and whirled around, ready to settle this whole weird situation with the stalkerish stranger. 

The first thing he noticed was the stranger, or the boy, bending over with his hands on his knees, trying to catch his breath. After what seems like forever, the boy finally looked up and faced Jungkook and Jungkook's breath hitched. To say that Jungkook was awestruck would be an understatement. He wasn't prepared for this moment. In a funny way, it felt like the whole world around him stopped. The boy in front of him, looked ethereal. He was breathtakingly beautiful. He was dressed in all black and his black hair framed his face perfectly, everything about the boy screamed beautiful. The boy took a few steps forward and stood directly under a street lamp and that was when all the oxygen in Jungkook's body left. The boy's features were illuminated by the light of the lamp and he looked wonderful. His eyes, Jungkook could get lost in those eyes forever. As cliche as it sounds, it was literally happening and Jungkook has never been this swept away by someone's appearance. 

The boy noticed Jungkook staring at him which made him shuffle his feet and clear his voice shyly, which brought Jungkook out of his reverie. Jungkook mentally scolded himself, the boy was literally harrassing him by running after him and Jungkook wasn't that shallow to fall for someone's looks alone. The boy had mental issues, Jungkook deciphered from the whole situation. He took a step back in his mind and took in the boy's whole appearance. He looked about the same age as him and of the same height and his stance was droopy, giving off an aura as that of a kicked puppy.

Clearing his voice, Jungkook started, "Look, I don't know who you are and I'd really appreciate it if you could just leave me alone. I'm really tired now and I don't remember signing up for a creepy guy to follow and run after me."

The boy looked up at him, expression clearly hurt. 

Jungkook gave no room for response as he continued, "You're lucky I haven't called the cops on you," the boy looked scared at the mention of the word cops, if his widening eyes were of any indication, "so it would be extremely wise of you to leave me alone before I really call the cops on you." 

With that, Jungkook turned around and walked off again, thinking the boy would stay away from him now, considering his mild threat of calling the cops. But he heard footsteps after him again and Jungkook was starting to get pissed. What the is up with that guy?

Jungkook angrily turned around, clearly feeling pissed.

"Why the do you keep following me you in' creep?!" Jungkook yelled.

The boy jumped in surprise and whimpered. 

"I..I just wanted to be friends." He mumbled out. 

"Why the are you running after strangers in the night asking to be friends? Are you that pathetic? in' loser." Now, Jungkook knew he was being a little mean and harsh with his words but he was feeling really tired by now, both physically and mentally and the weird boy tailing after him was only riling him up.

There was a pause. "I- I'm new here and I-"

But Jungkook cut him off. 

"Yeah I heard that the first time but no sane person would actually try and make friends that way!" 

The boy looked at him with a pained expression again and it made Jungkook more angry. Here he was getting harrassed by the guy and he had the audacity to look hurt. 

"Look, I really don't want to hurt you so go back home and leave me alone."

"Please." Jungkook added, as an afterthought.

It would be a lie to say that Jungkook wasn't feeling a little bit scared now. Yeah, the guy is handsome but he was really weirding him out. And with his looks, he wouldn't have any problem making friends. Jungkook considered the idea of calling up every asylum in South Korea to ask if a patient who goes by the name Taehyung was missing.

He turned around once again and starts to walk away when he hear footsteps yet again. Jungkook tried to ignore it and quickened his pace again but the footsteps followed and this time Jungkook was starting to really get angry. Stopping and turning back in a swift motion, he grabbed the boy by his hoodie and slammed him against the wall, catching the boy by surprise. 

"For 's sake, leave me the alone!" Jungkook yelled.

The boy's breath hitched, eyes turning wide.

He could feel the boy trembling, he looked like he was close to crying.

He let go of the guy and pushed him against the wall harshly and was about to turn around and walk away for the umpteenth time this night but seeing the boy trembling and looking down at his feet while fiddling with the edge of his hoodie, looking like a kicked puppy made something inside Jungkook churn heavily. Maybe he shouldn't have been that harsh as the guy has done nothing harmful, Jungkook felt a bit of guilt swimming in his pits. He wasn't really a bad guy contrary to what the rumours about him in college say. No, he wasn't a loner either. He has a group of close knit friends. But still people liked to make up rumours about him just because he chose to dress in all black most of the time and the girls needed to fantasize about something. He was actually a really soft guy ("which will lead you to heartbreak, Jungkook." Jimin always says.)

Sighing, Jungkook spoke again. He couldn't believe he was doing this.

"Taehyung, right?" 

At the mention of his name, the boy looked up, surprise clearly written on his face and he could see the boy nodding hastily.

Jungkook sighed, "Go home and stop following me. Although your actions are saying otherwise, I'm going to think that you're a great guy so you won't have trouble finding friends in other places. What you're doing right now is really dangerous and for all you know, I could be a serial killer. Its getting really late and I really need to rest now. So, bye."

With that, Jungkook turned around and was about to walk away when Taehyung spoke.

"You said my name..." 

Jungkook turned back again, clearly tired. "What?"

Taehyung looked at him, face beaming. 

What is seriously going on with this guy, Jungkook mentally asked himself.

"You said my name."

The guy suddenly leapt closer to him and placed both his hands on Jungkook's shoulder, "You said my name!"

Now, Jungkook was getting more and more weirded out.

"You said my name, right? Right?? That means we're friends now right? Friends call each other by their name right?!" The guy spoke again, happiness clearly radiating off of him.

Jungkook quickly brushed the guy's hands off of him, he was starting to lose his sanity.

"I don't even know you so just leave me alone-"

"That's alright!" the guy cut him off, "We have time. We can get to know each other!" He responded quite enthusiastically. 

"Can I walk you home, please? You're going to be my first friend in years!" 

Jungkook stared at the guy soullessly. 

"So can you tell me your name?" The guy asked again. 

Jungkook was too tired to deal with the guy at this point, he was slowly losing his energy and he felt like he was going to black out if he didn't go to sleep soon. Choosing to ignore the guy, he turned and walked towards the direction of his apartment without another word. Taehyung chose to trail after him for a while before walking right next to him and blabbering nonsense, he was turning out to be quite a chattery guy. Jungkook couldn't understand what was going on anymore and the tiredness was fogging his brain.

Soon, he reached the building where his apartment was and he was about to walk in before he felt someone grabbing his shoulders. He turned around tiredly to look at the beaming face in front of him. Great, Jungkook. Just great. You led a complete stalkerish stranger right up to your doorstep.

"Have a good night, friend! I'll just address you as friend as you won't tell me your name." Jungkook stared back blankly at him.

Taehyung kept beaming and the sight was making Jungkook more tired. 

Without another word, Jungkook turned back and walked in to the building. He was fed up with the night. He could still feel Taehyung standing there beaming at him and he wanted to go as far away from him as possible. 


Taehyung happily smiled at the boy and waved at him, wishing him a good night. The boy just stared blankly at him and walked away. Taehyung stood there for a while, watching as the boy slowly disappeared into the building. There was the sound of the breeze rustling the trees softly and the faint ding of an elevator was heard in the death of the night. Right then, Taehyung drew up his hood, face turning blank and cold and unapproachable. Putting his hands in his pockets, he swiftly his heels and walked off in the opposite direction where he came from, a sinister smirk slowly adorning his face.











A/N: First chapter up!! I hope you guys like it ^^ I had to write this for the second time because I was being a and accidentally deleted the first one >.< It feels really rushed but I will edit this later as its already past 3 am here. Please do subscribe and comment what you guys think of it! ^^

P.S. English is not my first language so please do forgive my grammar mistakes.




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