Extra ft. The Proposal

Safe In Your Arms




October 2014

Hyukjae and Leeteuk sat at the isolated cafeteria in the SM building, contentedly devouring their kimchi fried rice after a long day of meetings about the recent Super Junior promotions. Well, Leeteuk was anyway while Hyukjae was just staring at his food in a silent contemplation. Their manager, who was in the middle of sorting out their schedules, exchanged a confused glance with the leader.


“What’s with the long face, Not Leeteuk?”  The manager asked jokingly. “Usually you’d be stuffing your face and stealing everyone else’s food along with it.”


“Don’t feel like eating.” Hyukjae mumbled back completely distracted.


The pair was worried now. Hyukjae didn’t even whine about the nickname. Something was wrong.


“Hyuk what’s wrong?” The manager tried again.


He just sighed and looked down at the table without answering. Something was clearly bothering him. 


“You know you can tell us anything, right?” Leeteuk added gently.


“It’s just that this time next year, I’ll be in the army.” He replied dejectedly.


“It’s going to be fine, Hyukjae. Time will fly and you’ll be back before you know it.” Leeteuk said with a knowing smile. “Trust me.”


“It’s not that Hyung.” Hyukjae sighed. “It’s just that I won’t see Donghae for two years. I mean we barely survived those months he was in China...”


“Look Hyukjae.” The manager said softly. “It’s only for two years. After that, both of you can be together forever. Think of the good years coming up ahead.”


“Yeah. It’s not like those two years would ever change your feelings for each other.” Leeteuk said. “I mean literally everyone knows that the two of you are meant for each other.”


“Exactly.” Hyukjae nodded as if it confirmed his thoughts.


“I want to propose to him.” 


Leeteuk choked on his food.


“You...WHAT?” He exclaimed.


The manager quickly checked that no one was nearby to overhear their conversation. Luckily, the cafeteria was empty.


“I want to propose to him.” Hyukjae repeated more firmly.


“Are you sure?” The manager questioned.


“I am.” He nodded. “Then we’ll be bounded by the rings at least when we’re in the army. And we can get married after we return.”


“You do realize it won’t be legal here?” Leeteuk asked almost hesitantly.


“I’ve always wanted have a wedding abroad anyway.” Hyukjae shrugged. “Both of us know that we’ll never be accepted in Korea”


Leeteuk winced at the bittersweet tone of acceptance. He hated the extent the pair had to go to conceal their relationship. In the entertainment industry, dating was frowned upon and condemned anyway, but homouality, it was enough to ruin their whole career. The leader wished that they would be accepted by the law, that the public would be able to see how real their love was. But alas that was impossible in the society they lived in.


“You know that you and Donghae don’t need a  pair of rings or a piece of paper to confirm your feelings, right?” Leeteuk said softly. 


“I know that Hyung.” Hyukjae smiled.




November 2014


“So you’ve planned everything?” Kyuhyun raised an eyebrow, looking amused.


They were in the Super Junior dorms. Even though all the members ahead moved out a while ago, they had decided to meet up there to talk about the proposal while Donghae was away visiting his family.


Hyukjae was pacing restlessly almost like a caged animal.


“I think so.” He nodded.


“Relax Hyukjae! You’ve sorted everything out. It’s going to be perfect!” Sungmin smiled reassuringly.


“Hyung you’re not even proposing today! Calm down!” Ryeowook laughed at him.


“Yeah come on kid. How are you going to propose if you’re this nervous even thinking about it?” Heechul questioned dryly.


“You say that like you didn’t threaten me half an hour ago.” Hyukjae scoffed.


The resident diva laughed out loud, while the rest of the members looked at the pair in confusion.


“Look Hyukjae. You’re my dongseng and I love you but Donghae’s my baby.” Heechul smiled softly. “And as his stand-in father it’s my duty lecture his future life partner on how to take care of him.”


“You told me you would castrate me, rip my limbs apart and throw me into the sea if I ever hurt Donghae!” Hyukjae exclaimed throwing his hands in the air in defeat.


Kangin and Shindong broke out into snickers at the statement.


“Like I said I planned that speech years ago.” Heechul replied looking amused. “How was I supposed to know that it will be you I’ll be saying it to?”


“But... but...” Hyukjae stuttered looking as if though he was about to pull his own hair out, out of frustration.


“Ignore him.” Leeteuk said. “I’m proud of you, Hyuk. It honestly feels like my own children are getting married.”


“To each other!” Kyuhyun snorted looking mildly disgusted. “That’s !”


“Oh my god!” Sungmin screeched reaching out to hit the younger on the back of his head.


“Don’t use God’s name in vain.” Siwon retorted lightly out of habit.


This ignited a round of arguments among the members.


“Hyung just show us the rings.” Ryeowook said feeling slightly sorry for the agitated man before him.


Hyukjae took out a small leather box and placed it on the table before him.


“The rings better be good.” Yesung commented offhandedly as Ryeowook reached out to open the box.


“They’re perfect, Hyung. I was there to help him pick it out.” Siwon replied confidently.


A gasp echoed through the room as two stunning engagement rings rested on a velvet case. The bands were intricately carved, light reflecting off the metal.


“There’s something written on it?” Shindong asked as he inspected the bands closely.


“Yeah, I had them engraved.” Hyukjae replied as the box was passed around the members.


For a love that shines brighter than the moon.


Donghae’s ring glowed.


For a love as vast as the never ending seas.


Hyukjae’s ring glistened.


“That’s...beautiful!” Yesung exclaimed, the slightly eccentric and usually quiet man looked emotional.


“Didn’t know that you were such a romantic.” Kangin exclaimed gruffly.


“Only for Donghae though.” Sungmin said almost dreamily staring at the shining rings.


The moment was broken when the velvet case was passed to Kyuhyun who looked unimpressed.


“Good, you bought a spare ring. You really do have everything planned out.” He nodded in mock approval.


“What? No. The other ring is for me. Why would I need a spare ring?” Hyukjae questioned bewildered.


“Because you do realize the man you’re proposing to managed to singlehandedly break two computers right?”Kyuhyun asked slyly.


“Yes, but-“


“And that he’s responsible for more than half of the broken stuff in the dorms?” Kangin added. 


“Yes but he can’t possibly break platinum bands!” Hyukjae exclaimed.


“It’s Lee Donghae we’re talking about. He can wreck chaos wherever he goes.” Heechul said joining in with the teasing.


Hyukjae looked completely lost.


He turned to look at Siwon, who looked throughly amused by his expression.


“Maybe I should buy another ring?” He questioned weakly.


All the members broke out into snickers. It was far too easy to tease Hyukjae these days. Leeteuk sighed and came to his rescue.


“Don’t listen to them. They’re just messing with you.”


The leader put his hands over the younger’s ears in a way parents do to their child when they don’t want them to hear something inappropriate.


“And you three!” Leeteuk glared at Kyuhyun, Kangin and Heechul who looked smug. “Don’t act like you’re not the ones who are going to be bawling your eyes out during the entire wedding because your baby’s getting married!”


“What! No-“


“As if I would cry for those-“


“I’m manly. I don’t cry-“


“It’s true though. Donghae’s definitely the maknae around here.” Yesung said randomly. “And you three will totally-“


“I will kidnap your turtle if you finish that sentence!” A war cry echoed through the room , followed by pillows being flung around.


Poor Hyukjae looked like he had died a little inside. He seemed to be seriously questioning why he let s know of his plan to propose in the first place.


“Come on. Let’s get out of here before these idiots convince you to do a dance flash mob while you’re at it.” Leeteuk said guiding a very stressed Hyukjae outside.




December 2014


“Remind me again why that idiot hasn’t proposed yet?” 


Kangin scoffed glancing at Leeteuk in disbelief, while the later just sighed at him.


“Because Kangin, he’s waiting for an important day to come for both of them.” The leader explained.


“What makes tomorrow any better than today?” Kangin deadpanned.


Leeteuk felt like face palming as he turned to look at the other.


“It’s called being romantic!!” He exclaimed. “This is the exact reason why your still single!”


Kangin blinked confused as the older just gave up and walked away.


New Year’s Eve 2014/2015



“So let me get this straight... I’m missing my  New Year’s Eve tradition with my boyfriend because you want me to play Starcraft with you until dawn?”


Donghae stared at Kyuhyun with utter disbelief. The pair was in the latter’s room, with games controllers in hand, in the Super Junior dorms. The younger didn’t even glance at him as he answered.


“Yep.”  He replied before drifting his focus back to slaying the enemies.


Donghae sighed but didn’t ask any further questions. The pair continued to game for a solid two hours until they were interrupted by a certain Kim Heechul.


“Ah you’re here! Perfect!” Heechul said clapping his hand together once. “Come on Donghae, we’ve got work do to.”


“What’s up Hyung?” Donghae asked confused.


Heechul grabbed Donghae by the arm and dragged him to the older’s former room. Kyuhyun followed them in, finally ditching his game to see what the commotion was about.


“Well you see, I had a bet with the Kims. I was convinced that I could dress a person up better than them.“ Heechul explained rummaging through his closest.


“You made a bet with your stylists that you can style a person better than them.” Kyuhyun deadpanned. “Your stylists who do it professionally as a job?”


“Work on your attitude maknae.” Heechul scoffed. “And I thought you were smart. I have something the Kims don’t.”


“Narcissism?” Kyuhyun retorted.


“No. Him.” Heechul answered back pointing at Donghae who was seating on the bed. “You just need to find an amazing visual and dress him up to win. I’m a genius. An absolute genius.”


“Are you sure about the narcissism?” Kyuhyun snorted.


The older just ignored him. With that being said Heechul dumped the clothes he had gathered into Donghae’s arms. 


“Now go get dressed.” He instructed.


“But Hyung it’s almost midnight!!” Donghae protested.


“There’s no time limit to looking fabulous. Now shoo!” Heechul ushered the younger towards the bathroom.


Donghae emerged back grumbling but wearing a white shirt with a dark tie and trousers, finished with a checkered suit jacket.


Heechul made him seat on the bed, styling his brunette locks and applying a some light makeup. Kyuhyun leaned against the wall watching the them for a while then returning to his room clearly bored. The redhead had just finished with the styling when Donghae’s phone rang.


Incoming call: Hyukjae <3


“Hyukkie?” Donghae answered surprised.


“Hey babe.” A deep voice replied.


It almost sounded as if though he was slightly nervous. There was a panicked edge to his voice.


“What are you doing up at this time?! It’s-“ he looked around for a clock. “-1:30am!”


“I know. I was wondering if we could go see sunrise together earlier than usual this year.”


“Sure Hyuk. How come you suddenly decided to wake up this? It usually takes ages for you to get out of bed. You’re really not a morning person.And you’re actually willing to go outside in the cold.” Donghae teased.


Hyukjae chuckled from the other end of the line.


“It’s our tradition to watch sunrise, so we’ll be going anyway. And besides I miss you.” 


“I miss you too.” Donghae smiled.


“Even though we saw each other less than six hours ago.” He added playfully.


“Those hours felt like eternity.” Hyukjae replied.


There was a tone of sincerity behind the cheesy words that startled Donghae. But Hyukjae continued without letting Donghae voice out his confusion.


“You’re at the dorms right? Meet me in the playground near the Han River? I’ll meet you there. Love you.”


“Love you too.” Was all Donghae managed to say before the call ended.


He stared at his phone in confusion.


“Who was it?” Heechul asked coming into the room.


“Hyukjae.” He replied. “He wanted to meet up.”


“Then you’d better go. Wear that outfit, I spent ages perfecting it.” Heechul said straightening out Donghae’s suit jacket. “Don’t keep him waiting. It’s freezing out there.”


Heechul lead him towards the living room but came to a abrupt stop then his heel. 


“Hold on I want to take a photo.” He announced. “Wait till I bring my camera.”


The redhead rushed back into his room the same time as Kyuhyun came out of his. The youngest joined Donghae in the living room.





“So are you going to tell me what’s going to happen tonight or do I have to guess?” Donghae asked with a hint of amusement.


The other was surprised. Kyuhyun gulped audibly, his voice shaking a bit as he answered.


“What do you mean, Hyung?”


Heechul returned with a camera, pausing when he noticed the tension among the pair. He put the device down in the sofa.


“I’m not that dense you know.” Donghae answered. “I know you guys have been hiding something from me for the past couple of weeks.”


“I don’t know what your talking about.” Kyuhyun quickly defended himself.


Heechul however remained silent, attempting to read the younger’s expression. It was apparent that Donghae was trying to be calm but there was a tone of desperation in his words. 


“Come on Kyuhyun! I’m a bit naive sometimes but I’m not stupid!” Donghae said softly, hurt sweeping into his voice. “Everyone’s been acting different lately  like they know something that I don’t. Worst of all Hyukjae’s hiding it from me too!”


Donghae looked down defeatedly, desperately trying to stop the tears building up in his eyes.


“He never hid anything from me. Especially not for entertainment!” He continued frustration straining every word. “I mean it’s kind of obvious that he set something up tonight and you two had to distract me because he never wakes up this early! There’s no way he just decided to go outside in the freezing cold!”


He sighs and looks down at the floor, pulling at the end of his checkered suit jacket.


“How did you...” Kyuhyun trailed off, lost for words.


The youngest clearly didn’t see this sudden obstacle coming beforehand. Everyone had relied on Donghae being completely clueless to the surprise. The usually blunt maknae was speechless.


“I’m not that oblivious.” Donghae said his voice breaking.


“So you know what’s going to happen?” Heechul questioned, his deep gaze holding a seriousness that was rarely seen.


“It’s  another hidden camera prank, isn’t it?” Donghae’s replied offhandedly.


Heechul and Kyuhyun’s eyes widened in realization.Donghae misinterpreted their surprise as confirmation.


“So it is a prank.” He continued looking forlorn. “I know we are Super Junior and the pranks aren’t meant to hurt anyone... and I really want to be a good sport about this...but doing  this to me on New Year’s Eve... isn’t that going too far? You know that it’s our special day and I can’t believe Hyukjae of all people agreed-“


“Donghae.” Heechul cut him off firmly.


He walked towards the younger, gently wiping off the tears that were rolling down his cheeks.


“You were right.” Heechul said. “We were planning something behind your back and tonight Kyuhyun asked you to stay with him because we had to set it up. And yes, Hyukjae was in on it too.”


Kyuhyun stared at the older incredulously. But Heechul didn’t spare him a single glance as he kept his focus on Donghae’s hurt orbs that looked devastated at the admission.


“But I swear that this isn’t a prank.” Heechul finished firmly.


“What? I don’t... I don’t understand...”Donghae  sniffled confused.


The red headed diva who was known by the public for his sarcastic and brutally savage commentary simply smiled at the crying man in fond exasperation. Heechul pulled Donghae into a hug, the younger immediately buring his head the other’s shoulder. 


“How am I supposed to let you go if you keep acting like this?” Heechul muttered almost to himself.


“But I wanna hug longer.” The boy, well man, in his arms whined, tightening his grip.


“That’s not what I meant.” 


Kyuhyun looked over at the hugging pair, then turned away and quickly wiped his eyes. He felt a rush of emotions overwhelm him. It was hard to believe that Donghae of all people had grown up so much. Even though he was younger than the other, Donghae had always been the baby of the group. 


However the maknae knew that there was no place safer for him to be than by Hyukjae’s side. He felt comforted by that fact.


Heechul gestured for him to come over. Soon the three of them were in a warm embrace in the middle of the living room.


“Kyuhyun are you crying?!” Donghae exclaimed rather alarmed when they broke apart.


“No. No. Something just got in my eye.” He denied gruffly.


“Hyung you too?” Donghae asked his voice sounding like that of a lost child.


Both Heechul and Kyuhyun inwardly cooed at his adorable expression of concern. After all this was Lee Donghae, a boy (well a man) who had enough love to give to everyone. Someone who trusted everyone with his whole heart. Someone without a hidden agenda. Most of all someone who valued family above everything.


“Don’t mind it.” Heechul laughed softly, patting Donghae’s cheeks. “It just feels like my baby grew up all of a sudden.”


“Yeah exactly.” Kyuhyun nodded.


“But I’m older than you!” Donghae sulked crossing his arms.


“We can argue about this all day, but you need to get going otherwise you’ll late.” Kyuhyun said quickly ushering him towards the door.


“Late for what?” Donghae asked as they practically threw him out of the apartment.


“All I can say is that it’s a pleasant surprise. And I promise there won’t be any filming or cameras of any sort. Trust us.” Heechul said.


“Ok hyung.” Donghae nodded hesitantly.


“Go to Hyukjae. He’ll be waiting for you.” Heechul urged.


When Donghae reached the playground it was completely isolated, there wasn’t a soul even walking in the streets. But then again no one in the right mind would visit it at this time in this freezing whether.


He wrapped his suit jacket more tightly around him, looking around for signs of Hyukjae. The playground was barely illuminated, the street lamps being the only source of light. He tried to call his boyfriend, but he didn’t pick up.


“Hyukjae?” Donghae tentatively called out shivering as a cold breeze passed.


A sudden light caught his eyes. He entered the playground walking hesitantly towards the swing set. On of the swings was wrapped up in golden fairy lights. The seat of the swing was decorated with a beautiful floral arrangement adorned with roses, tulips and lilies. In the center rested an envelope addressed to Donghae.


Looking around seeing that no one was there, he took the ivory envelope and opened it curiously. A picture and a note slid out from it. 







Donghae, when we first met in the SM cafeteria I hoped that we’d be able to be together for a long time. 

He chuckled softly gazing at the photo with a fond expression. Suddenly two strings of fairy lights lit up on the ground, creating a path. Donghae looked around but Hyukjae was nowhere to be seen. So he shrugged and followed the path that the lights guided him in.


The trail lead him to a bench just outside the playground which was beautifully decorated with similar flowers and lights. There was another envelope.









The day I found out that we’d be in Super Junior together was the happiest days of my life, since it was also the day you confessed you liked me. I never thought someone as perfect as you would ever return my feelings, but you did. And I was the happiest man alive.


Donghae laughed nostalgically remembering how he had blurted out his feelings for Hyukjae in the rush of the moment and how the other had been rendered speechless until he finally managed to find the words to say that ‘yes, I like you too’ while stuttering and blushing hard.


He continued following the path that was set by the fairy lights till he reached a tree stump covered in a intricate floral arrangement. He opened the envelope.








You told me you wished that one day we’d have our own subunit. Years later that dream came true. I had never felt so contented as when I was standing on stage, performing with you. Donghae you know I’m so proud of you right? I’m so proud of your songs and compositions.


Donghae grinned at the praise. Hyukjae was one of the people he always looked for acceptance from. For him to understand Donghae’s passion and completely support his interests like this  gave him a lot of strength.


The trail was not yet over. It led him to a location, glamorously adorned with flowers of all kinds.


You were there for me during my darkest hours. You believed in me when I couldn’t believe in myself. You loved me when I couldn’t even love myself. Thank you for being there for me, my love.


Smiling sadly Donghae thought back to the days where harsh criticism from anti fans held Hyukjae back. It was a hard time for Super Junior. He felt tears sting his tears.


Shaking his head slightly to get out of the depressing memories, he walked through the path created by the golden lights. The fountain was illuminated with lights and flowers, giving off an enchanted look.



There was good days and bad days. Some which tested us to our limits. But we made it, Hae.


Donghae felt the unshed tears burn his eyes as he recalled all the struggles they had gone through to get to where they are today. He remembered the hurt of not being accepted by the society, the pain of being shamed for fighting for the ones they loved. But they had pulled through. Together.


He almost blindly followed the path lit by fairy lights till he found himself walking in the bank of the Han River. The familiar floral decor greeted him, this time arranged on a deck table. 


Donghae. You were the one who confessed first. You had the courage to tell me you loved me. You stood up for us when the people insulted us. You  took the risk. You fought for what you believed in, while I found myself cowering against the harsh words. That’s one of the things I love about you, you don’t hesitate to fight for what you love. And I want to take that risk too. My love, I have something to tell you.


Tears were freely streaming down Donghae’s face as he sprinted through the trail of golden lights decorating the ground, panting heavily against the cold air. It led him to a pavilion in the Han River.


The pavilion was adorned with beautiful fairy lights and candles, cutting through the darkness of the early morning. Roses, lilies, orchids and carnations covered the railings, intricately arranged into perfection. Donghae stepped inside the pavilion. Surrounded by the calm Han River cascaded by the golden lights it almost felt as if though he was stepping into a fantasy world full of magic.


He walked to the front of the pavilion than faced the River. Donghae came here with Hyukjae almost every year. 


This was the place where they had first confessed that they loved each other, wrapped up in thick coats in the middle of winter, their noses red against the biting cold but with idiotic grins lighting up their faces knowing that the other loved him as much as he did as the first light of dawn appeared in the sky.


With shaking hands, Donghae opened the final envelope.



Donghae, I want you to know that I love you so much. I’ve been in love with you since the start. There’s no one else I want to spend the rest of my life with. To grow old together with.


And I know both of us will be enlisting soon, we’ll be separated for a short while. To be honest I’m not sure how I’m going to survive without seeing you everyday. Without hearing your voice. I’m going to miss you. Your puppy like eyes. Your smile. Your laugh. The way you can make my day better by just walking into the room. I’m going to miss everything about you. 


I’ve been thinking about what I wanted in life lately, Hae. And in the end I just kept hoping that we’d be together through everything. Wishing that we’d meet again in a million lifetimes. That we’ll be accepted by the world.


So many things changed with time. Our friends. Our thoughts. Our dreams. And even our hairstyles. People come and go, but I know for certain that you’re not someone I could ever let go of, my love.


Donghae, I want to stay by your side for the rest of eternity. Will you let me?


The first rays of dawn glimmered across the horizon signaling the first sunrise of a new year.


Donghae gasped as he released a choked sob, as he clamped his hand on his mouth, his heart swelling with happiness and love. So much love.




A melodic voice that he loved called behind him. He whirled around.



Donghae felt himself catch his breath as Lee Hyukjae stood in the pavilion, looking sharp in a black suit. He looked almost ethereal in the soft glow of the golden fairy lights.They were wearing matching ties, his brain registered offhandedly.


His eyes met Hyukjae’s. Donghae felt his heart painfully beating against his ribs as he met the nervous yet loving gaze of the other. Donghae wondered what he did to deserve such a beautiful angel.


Without really thinking, Donghae rushed forward throwing his arms his boyfriend’s neck buring his tear stained face in the his shoulder.


He felt two strong arms wrapping around his waist, pulling him impossibly closer. Hyukjae pressed soft kisses to his hair as Donghae attempted to compose himself.


“I love you. I love you. Hyuk, I love you so much. I love you Hyukkie!”


He found himself whispering repeatedly. He heard Hyukjae chuckling softly against his ear.  Hyukjae pulled back slightly, just enough to cup Donghae’s face with his hands and wipe away the tears with his thumb.


Hyukjae gazed at the man in his arms in pure adoration. He leaned forward to place a kiss in those thin lips pulling away quickly to rest his forehead on the other’s.


“Hae.” Hyukjae started, an edge of nerves in his voice. “I love you too... I...”


He took a deep breath and continued.


“I know that we have to keep our relationship a secret from the public for the sake of Super Junior but I want you to know that I’m not ashamed of loving you. I... I know I nag about you being too affectionate in front of the cameras... but it’s about time I told that it wasn’t because I was embarrassed to show them our love. I was just afraid... terrified even... that they’d take you away from me if they ever found out about us.”


Hyukjae paused giving Donghae a little kiss on the nose as the latter stared at him with love and understanding.


“There isn’t a moment in my life where I didn’t want you by my side. And I want to be with you as long as you’d let me. Like I said, I want to spend the rest of eternity together.”


He gave Donghae one last peck on his lips, before reaching a shaking hand into his pocket taking out the leather box before getting down on one knee. He opened the box, revealing the two platinum bands that rested on the velvet cushion.


Donghae gasped as his eyes widened in realization, tears yet again falling down his cheeks as he was rendered speechless.


“Lee Donghae. I love you. Will you marry me?” Hyukjae asked his voice breaking at the end.


Donghae found himself nodded frantically as a choked sob erupted from his body.


“Yes. Yes. Yes! Hyukkie...” 


He took Hyukjae’s arms helping him stand up as the other wrapped his arms around him get again giving him a loving kiss on his forehead as he let out his gummy smile looking happier than Donghae has ever seen him be.


The rays of dawn made the Han River light up in kaleidoscopic hues.


Hyukjae gently took off one of the rings and slipped it onto Donghae’s finger. Donghae took the other ring and placed it on Hyukjae’s.

Both of them had smiles on their faces as they stared down at the two interlocked hands with their rings shining brightly.


Turning his gaze back to Hyukjae, Donghae leaned in kissing the other’s plump lips. Hyukjae’s hand travelled to his neck holding him firmly not letting him break the kiss while his other hand wrapped around Donghae’s waist pulling him closer.


They broke apart many many minutes later, with swollen lips and dazzling grins lighting up their faces.


“How did you plan all this?” Donghae asked breathless gesturing at the beautiful pavilion.


Hyukjae simply smiled and moved around him to back hug him placing a kiss on his cheek.


“I had a little help.” He whispered.


It was then Donghae noticed the people that were gathered behind Hyukjae. The most important people in his world. s.


Donghae’s heart swelled when he realized that  these weren’t just any members of Super Junior but the thirteen original members along with Henry and Zhoumi. They were all here. 


He rushed to hug the rest of s, his hand never leaving Hyukjae’s as both of them were showered with congratulations.


“Hangeng Hyung? Kibum?” Donghae questioned in disbelief when they reached him.


“Did you really think I was going to miss this?” Hangeng grinned.


“Heechul Hyung called and threatened me. I would’ve came either way though.” Kibum shrugged.


Donghae could only smile brightly as Hyukjae thanked them for coming. He had never felt so happy in his entire life.


Soon he found himself in the embrace of the two oldest members. The two pillars of Super Junior.


Heechul immediately wrapped Donghae in a bone crushing hug, refusing to let go of him. Leeteuk had to pry him off before going to hug Donghae as well. 


“Donghae, your Hyung sends his congratulations.” Leeteuk said grinned as he pulled apart.


“My Hyung knew?” Donghae turned to look at Hyukjae bewildered.


Hyukjae grinned raising the hand that was interlocked with his, placing a soft kiss on his knuckles.


“Yeah he did. I asked for his permission to marry you.” He replied.


“You did?” He found himself repeating.


“Yeah. I went to Mokpo with Donghwa Hyung and asked for your father’s permission too.” Hyukjae added bashfully.


Donghae was on the verge of tears for the nth time that day. He tugged Hyukjae’s collar pulling him in for another kiss.


“Thank you.” He whispered.


Hyukjae smiled and pecked his forehead, wrapping his arms around him.


The first sunrise of the year warmed up the cold air as Donghae and Hyukjae were surrounded by their members showering them with well wishes on this perfect day.


Donghae looked up at the sky, a soft smile lighting up his face as he sent a prayer to his father, who he knew must be watching over him at that moment before returning to Hyukjae embrace. 


They were right where they belonged.







I finished this ahead of schedule... Yay!! And set a personal record with 5K words... Double Yay!!!


I’ll apologize now if I disappointed any of you with this extra chapter^^ It was only when I started writing this I realized I had no idea what I was doing... I honestly don’t know how to describe a proposal, but I tried to make it as realistic as possible.


Thank you for reading!! And please comment your thoughts down below~~~]






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Chapter 6: I'm crying It was so beautiful.
Chapter 6: Comme toutes tes autres fics je l'adore, je pense que tu pourrais faire des dizaines de fics sur ces deux là et je les aimerais toutes. Tu les a si bien compris, un couple parfais, deux hommes forts qui s'aiment infiniment, le tout associé à ton talent=un chef d'œuvre. Merci
Chapter 1: Comment te dire que j'adore aussi cette fic, tu ne dois plus être surprise, je la trouve superbe. Je pense que tu es un auteur fantastique et j'adore quand Donghae n'est pas considéré comme un bébé. Et tous les suju qui se protègent et se tiennent les coudes c'est comme ça que je les imagines entre eux. Cette affection qui apparaît lorsqu'ils sont tous ensembles et qui fait que nous les aimons tellement. Bref tu les retranscrit parfaitement. Merci authornim
SaraYun #4
Chapter 6: So emotional story T^T
Chapter 6: I read this first. You are the same author with. Oh my, i did get a chance to scroll your other fic last time i read this ?✊? aaaaaa all your fics are amazingg~~ ♥️
attoush96 #6
Chapter 6: Beautiful proposal, loved it ?
Chapter 6: This is beautiful ㅠㅠ
Chapter 1: Ohh.. The things I'd do to these bashers.
Chapter 4: Man, people can 'Eff off. I have seen flak about Eunhyuk and Shindong throughout the years; ugly. Too fat. I've seen most of the SuJu idols talk about how they didnt think they were good looking enough , like Eunhyuk and Yesung. I think every single one of them is attractive, inside and out. Also welcome to the ELF family!! Welcome , welcome! We are glad to have you; I always love when new fans blossom and join the family! Also a very good start for a fic, captures their brotherhood well and how much they care; I am also biased because i love D&E, Donghae and Eunhyuk are my two absolute favorites, not that I dont love all the boys! Beautiful story, riveting and also a bit scary at first. I thought we'd lose someone to the fire! ;-;
Chapter 4: "Sungmin wasn’t the first Super Junior member to get married.
He was the third." Oh God!! That took me off guard!!! Haha I love it!!!!♡(> ਊ <)♡ Great story! Thank you for writing and sharing it~(◍•ᴗ•◍)❤ so beautiful and the relationship of suju made my heart so full.. so heartwarming!( ;∀;)❤️