It Has To Be You (너여야만해)



“Eomma, can you tell me the story of you and mama? Please? Like how you two met. And how you two finally fall in love with each other?”


“Aigoo, uri Yerimie is curious about that huh?”


The little girl name Yerim vigorously nodded her head.


“Okay then, eomma will tell you the story. But it will be kinda long. I hope Yerim will stay awake until eomma finished the story.” The woman said to a 6 years old kid in her embrace. 


“I will, eomma. Don’t worry.” The girl confidently promised. 


“Okay. So.. i fell in love with your mama the first time my eyes landed on her.” The woman chuckled as she reminiscing. 



(Incheon, 2009)


“Yah, Kim Jungeun! Enough with the fan-service or else we will miss the flight!”


“Chillax, sis! We still have like 45 minutes to spare.” The blonde nonchalantly replied after glancing at her watch on her left wrist.


“They are our fans. We should be nice to them.” Kim Lip continued blowing air kisses to her fangirls and causing those group of girls to squealed loudly. Even some of them almost fainted on spot.


“But you’ve been signing autographs and posing for your girls for almost 30 minutes now!”


“Psh. Fine, Chuu. Let’s go now.” Kim Lip finally relented and start to walked away from the crowds. Not forget to blow them one last kiss. 


But the duo could only take a few steps away before they had to stop again because someone is calling for their names from behind. 


“Kim Lip-ssi! Chuu-ssi!”


The two turned their bodies around in unison and saw an unfamiliar yet pretty face of another blonde girl. Her hair color is almost similar to Kim Lip’s. 


“I’m—i’m so sorry. But can i take a picture with you two? I promise it’ll be quick. Super quick. I’m a very big fan of you two.” The girl said rapidly in one breath. She’s panting hard too. Maybe because she has been running to chase after them. 


“Oh, err Chuu, can we?” Kim Lip unsurely looked at her friend with an eyebrow raised. 


“Sure.” Chuu flashed her infamous gummy smile, causing the girl to go awwing at her. 


“Psh. I thought she said no more fan-service.” Kim Lip mumbled under her breath. Of course Chuu heard that. But she pretended as if she didn’t and continue talking with the fan. 


“What’s your name?” Chuu asked.


“Jinsol. Jung Jinsol.” The girl said with a wide smile. Maybe feeling thrilled because her idol is asking for name. 


“Nice to meet you, Jinsol. So.. who’s gonna take the picture for us?” Chuu asked.


“Oh, i have a friend who will help. Yves-yah!” Jinsol frantically waved at someone who’s sitting not too far from them. 


The girl named Yves stood up as she heard her name being called. She then turned around and when she finally showed her face, Chuu can’t help but let out a soft gasp. 


She was enchanted.


Suddenly the crowd around her is vanished, leaving only her and this beautiful stranger named Yves.


“Yes, Jinsolie?” Yves gracefully walked toward her friend with a slightly confused face. 


“Please help me! Please take a picture of me with them.” Jinsol excitedly told her friend as she pointed at the duo in front of her. 


Yves looked up to see who are the people that Jinsol mentioned. Her eyes met Chuu’s for a split second there. 


Chuu awkwardly flashed her shy smile. And Yves replied the gesture with a polite smile.


But her smile that directed at Chuu even for very briefly, enough to make Chuu’s breath hitched. 


“Ah, okay.” Yves nodded and take Jinsol’s phone from its owner’s hand, ready to take the picture.


Kim Lip is the one who reacted faster between the duo by walking closer toward Jinsol and stop beside her. She waited for Chuu to do the same but her friend seems to be too petrified to move on her spot for some unknown reasons. 


So Kim Lip as a good friend, take the liberty to yelled right at her friend’s pretty face to bring her back from daydreaming. 


“YAH KIM JIWOO! COME HERE PPALLI!” Kim Lip shouted and that’s effectively snapped Chuu back to reality. 


“A-ah. Coming!” She groggily said, slightly blushing. 


Kim Lip just shook her head in fake empathy. 


They took some pictures together and once they are done, Jinsol bowed her head toward the two idols and say her thank you again for sparing their precious busy time to take a picture with her. Also apologize for holding them back too long. 


Chuu and Kim Lip just smiled at her and waved their hands dismissively, silently telling Jinsol that it was no biggie so she shouldn’t be worried too much about that. 


Chuu was waiting for Yves to walks toward her too. She was anticipating to take a picture with that girl. Slightly feeling excited and nervous on the inside. 


But Yves didn’t move an inch from her place. She just patiently wait for Jinsol to finish whatever things she needs to say to her idols before they can leave together. 


So Chuu can’t hold it in anymore. 


“Hi, won’t you take a picture with m— us too?” Chuu asked Yves. They looked at each other and this time the eye contact is lasted longer than before. 


“Ah.. I’m good. Thank you.” Yves politely smiled at Chuu as she’s lightly shaking her head. 


Chuu’s heart dropped. Her smile withers. 


Why Yves doesn’t want to take a picture with her? Isn’t Chuu a famous idol in Korea? Is Yves not her fan? Or she doesn’t know who Chuu is? Or it’s because she doesn’t like her? A hater maybe? 


The thought of having this girl as her hater somehow pricks her heart. 


“C’mon, Chuu. We gotta go.” Kim Lip reminded her friend. Chuu weakly nodded. 


“I’m sorry, Jinsol-ssi. But we have a plane to catch. It was nice to meet you.” Kim Lip charmingly smiled at Jinsol, causing the taller woman to blushed.


“Hope we can meet again someday.” And as if that’s really necessary, Kim Lip winked at her and of course Jinsol blushed even harder because of that. 


“Y-yes. I-i hope so too.” Jinsol stammered and for some reasons Kim Lip thinks that pretty endearing to see. 


The duo idols waved goodbye at Jinsol and Yves. And the two wished them a safe flight since they will be flying to Japan for their concert.


Chuu is frowning. And that’s very peculiar of her because Chuu almost never lose her smile. And that worried her friend. 


“Yah Kim Jiwoo, you’re okay? You seems a bit off.” Kim Lip worriedly eyeing her friend. 


“Nothing.” Chuu answered and heaved a big sigh. That’s surely not nothing. 


“You’ve been acting weird since we leave Jinsol and her friend..WAIT! I think i know why!” Kim Lip smirked. 


“What?” Chuu weakly asked. Too busy with her own thoughts to realize the teasing smirk that Kim Lip currently has on her face. 


“You really like her huh?”




“Don’t play dumb with me. I saw the way you see her earlier. I just thought it was a mere adoration because she’s pretty and tall and slender. So model-like. So.. your type. But seeing you being this sad because she refused to take a picture with you.. wow.. that just wow.” Kim Lip laughed teasingly. 


Chuu sighed again. For the nth time.


“Am i that obvious?” She pouted. Chuu is always a big baby. A very hyper and loud one. 


“Yup. Kinda. And besides i’m your best friend. So it’s easier to read you y’know.” Kim Lip shrugged. Then she suddenly halted, causing Chuu who linked her arm with her also stopped on her track. 


“Yah, what now?” 


“Do you want me to ask for her number for you?” Kim Lip raised her eyebrows suggestively. There’s a playful smile on her lips. 


Chuu scoffed. “Like you dare..”


“Oh what was that? Are you underestimating me, Kim Jiwoo? Fine. Wait for me here. I’ll run back there real quick and get your princess for you.”


Chuu let to dropped slightly ajar when she saw her best friend really run off just like that, without even waiting for her response, and come back after around 10 minutes later with a smug smile on her face.


“You owe me a big time, Chuu. I got her mobile phone number.” 


And Chuu immediately tackled her friend with a very tight-bone crushing hug as she thanked her non stop. 




“D-do you think i should text her?” Chuu asked as she hides her face behind her hands.


She only peeks at her friend, waiting for her reaction from the small gap between her fingers. 


“No, just sit and wait for her to text you first. Oh wait, she doesn’t have your mobile phone number! Because it was you who asked for her number three days ago and still do nothing about it! Grow some balls, Kim Jiwoo!”


Chuu slumped on her seat even further after get scolded by her friend. 


“But! What should i say? Does she even still remember me, Jungeun-ahhh..” Chuu whined like a kid. 


The truth is, Chuu is always confident. Always bright. But for once, she looks so helpless. Almost pitiful. All because of a girl named Yves that she just have met one time. 


Ever since Chuu met her that day in the airport, Chuu can’t forget her pretty face.


Yves and her sweet angelic smile. Her long-straight black hair that looks so smooth. Her very enviable figure and amazing body proportion. Her full-red lips that looks so soft.. and kissable. 


Chuu’s cheeks redden at the thought. 


She had it bad. Real bad. 


Kim Lip let out a sigh. 


Her friend being so hopeless right now. 


“Look, I don’t know the answer for sure. But you are Chuu! Who doesn’t know you especially in Korea? So she surely still remember you. Or again, at least know who you are. And the fact that she gave me her number for you means something! Right? If she doesn’t at least slightly like or attracted to you too, she will not give her number.”


“A-are you sure you already make it clear to her that it was me who asked for her number? N-not you?” Chuu looks even more smaller than before. Squeaking with her small voice instead of speaking like a normal human would do. 


She keeps on sliding down on her chair. 


Kim Lip really wanted to pinch her cheeks for being that cute. But she has to hold it for now. Her friend needs her. She needs her to bring some senses into her head. 


“Yah pabo. Now you think that girl mistakenly think i was the one who asked for her number? And she gave it because she liked me? If yes, you can rest assure. Because i remember it perfectly how i said it to her. Lemme quote the exact words for you, i said; ‘hey Yves-ssi, i’m sorry but you know the girl who’s with me earlier? Chuu? She seems to really like you. But she is too shy to directly ask you by herself. But if you don’t mind, could you please give your number for that pabo Chuu?’ That exactly what i— ouch! Yah! Why did you slap me?!” Poor Kim Lip. She quickly rubbed her aching shoulder to ease the pain that given by her brutal friend. 


“Did you really have to say that? Really? Way to embarrassed me.” Chuu glared at her friend. 


“What? I just said the truth. And i helped you! Remember that!” Kim Lip glared back. 


Chuu smiled a little. Now at least she can smiled. 


“Thank you, Lippie. I feel slightly confident now. At least she really gave her number to you because she knew it was me who asked for it.” 


Kim Lip just lazily hummed in response. 


With a new gained confidence, Chuu open her phone contact and easily find Yves’s number that she saved there. 



To: Yves


Hi, it’s me, Chuu. 

Thank you for giving me your number. 

I hope we can at least be friends. 

If you want it too, of course. 



Chuu sent the message. And wait for the reply. She keeps on clutching to her phone as if her life is depended on it.


Kim Lip saw that and wish her friend a good luck with her trademark playful smirk. 


But since they will have a rehearsal for their upcoming performance, the duo leave their hotel and go to the concert hall. 


The rehearsal is quite long and packed, so Chuu can barely check her phone. Her poor heart felt restless all day. Expecting for a reply from a certain someone. 


And as if that feeling itself is not annoying enough, Kim Lip who stayed beside her all the time keep teasing her by singing one of Chuu’s famous songs called ‘Heart Attack’ out loud. 


“You attack my heart~ Yves attacks your heart~~” Kim Lip keeps singing that lines.


And Chuu inwardly swear, if Kim Lip is not her best friend and her one and only group mate, she won’t mind to push her off the stage and make it look like an accident.




A long tired day finally ended. 


Chuu rushed to get her phone to check if there’s a reply fro Yves. 


Much to her relief. There’s one. 



From: Yves



Is this really Chuu-nim?



Even the reply is rather short and surely nothing special in it, she even called Chuu with -nim. Way to be formal. But Chuu still feels happy. She can feel how her cheeks start to hurt for smiling too big. 


Chuu is contemplating hard. About how to reply Yves. 


She’s asking if she’s really Chuu. To make sure it’s not some prank from some stranger that use Chuu’s name.


Who can blame her? She has all the right to question that and feel suspicious. 


And as if there’s a light bulb appear above her head, Chuu quickly type something on her phone. 



To : Yves


Yeah, it’s really me. I can prove it to you. 


I met you and your friend, Jinsol at Incheon airport 3 days ago. You wore a white sweater and black skinny jeans. And you had a red beanie on your head too. 


And oh! Here’s another proof. 


(Sent a picture)



Chuu sent a selfie of her that she just take on spot. Hoping it will make Yves finally believe her. 


This time the reply came faster than the first. After around 10 minutes, Chuu’s phone dinged. 


From : Yves


Oh wow it’s really you :)



To : Yves 


Yeah, it’s me. Really >.<“ Hehe


I know it’s kinda lame, but how about my offer? Can we be friends? :)



From : Yves


Ah, sure! Let’s be friends :)


But just friends alright? ;)



That wink emoticon at the end almost give Chuu a heart attack. And she swears she can hear Kim Lip’s annoying voice echoing in her head singing that stupid line again, ‘Yves attacks Chuu’s heart~~’


But the question kind of confusing Chuu. 


Just friends? Is Yves already guess the real motive as to why Chuu asked for her number. That Chuu actually attracted to her and kinda had that love at first sight when she saw Yves that day. So Yves is drawing the line?


Those thoughts start to exhaust Chuu. She keeps on guessing without really know the real answer. So in the end, she determined to find the answer. Nothing to lose, that’s what she convinced herself when she throw that rather daring question to Yves. 



To : Yves


Oh why tho? Do you have a special friend already?



From : Yves


Haha yeah, i already have that one special yet annoying friend called boyfriend xD


And Chuu’s heart shattered into pieces. 


But she stands back up again. Trying to channelling as much as possible her inner positiveness. Because she convinced herself that it’s too fast to give up now. She should at least try. She can at least be Yves’s friend. 


No harm in trying to gain more friends, right?


So Chuu typed down a reply,



To : Yves


Aww, i see. So okay, deal with being just friends. Hehe


Btw, since we’re friends now, you can call me with Jiwoo. That’s my real name. 



From : Yves


Deal. Hehe


Oh okay, Jiwoo. Then you can call me with my real name too. Yves is like a nickname given by my friends. But i actually prefer people to call me with my real name. Which is Sooyoung. 



To : Yves


Sure, Sooyoung, sure. 


Anything for you ;D



And the two keep on chatting for a bit more before Yves said she needs to study for her exam tomorrow and they bid their good night to each other. Promising to talk some more on the next day if both of them are not busy. 


And so because of that, Chuu is really looking forward to tomorrow.




And as if the universe is rooting for them, as if there’s some mysterious force that pushing the two to be together, they clicked well and really became good friends after few weeks since their first text. 


Unfortunately because of both girls’ busy schedules, they rarely met. That’s inevitable. Since Chuu is a famous idol, and Yves is a college student in one of prestigious universities in Seoul that have a very high education standard, they are both struggling with their life. 


But no matter how busy they were, they never stop talking to each other, not even for a day. They are always texting each other whenever they have time. And call or even face timing each other at night before they went to bed and sleep. 


Chuu feels her feeling for Yves is getting stronger each day. She can’t help it. She’s hopelessly falling for Yves. Even though she knows there’s no hope for her to be more than just a friend for the latter. 


Because Yves like what she said in the beginning of their friendship, she already have a boyfriend. That she has dated for 5 years now. Chuu knows she can’t just ruin that kind of strong-long time built relationship. She doesn’t have a heart to do it either. Because she’s such an angel at heart actually. 


That’s why she settled for being just friends with the person she’s madly in love with. Dealing with the pain on her own. 


Kim Lip always uttered her worries to Chuu. She feels sad if her friend looking that sad and heartbroken. But Chuu always reassured her, telling her she can handle it. She STILL can take it. So Kim Lip should not worry that much for her. 


But if she’s really okay, then why Chuu always silently cry after she saw Yves posted her photo with her boyfriend in Instagram. Or how she keeps updating her instagram stories with her boyfriend. Sharing their interaction and moment, like when they had a cute banter with each other and stuff. Those overly sweet stuff that only make Chuu feels terribly bitter.


And what worse, since Yves really see Chuu as her good friend now, whenever she has a problem or have a fight with her boyfriend, she will share the story with Chuu, seeking for advice because apparently Chuu is a very good listener. 


And she can think maturely, surprisingly way maturer than Yves most of the times. So Yves seek for comfort and answer in Chuu. Totally being oblivious with how Chuu’s heart bleeding with each story she shared. 


And Chuu being the angel she is, instead of persuading Yves to break up with her boyfriend every time they had a fight or big argument, Chuu always try to be neutral and objective. She even defended Yves’ boyfriend when she thought Yves is the one who’s at fault. Telling her to apologize and approach her boyfriend first. And should understand him more bla bla bla. Kim Lip called her stupid for that. And Chuu herself agreed too, but that’s not stopping her from doing it. 


And Yves listened well to what Chuu told her. Because she trusted her. And Chuu really take that given trust seriously. Even though it hurts her, like a lot, every time she sees Yves running back into her boyfriend’s embrace after hiding in hers. 


How Yves resting her head on her boyfriend’s broad shoulder after she used Chuu’s as a shoulder to cry on.


But Chuu tried her best to accept that. She has to. She doesn’t have much option here.


Kim Lip who thinks it’s way more than enough for Chuu to take, repetitively suggest her to just give up on Yves. And try to find someone new. Someone who can Chuu claimed as her own wholly. Someone who can finally stop bringing pain to Chuu. 


But Chuu stubbornly refused. Saying Yves is the only one she wants. Causing Kim Lip to yet again, let out a long tired sigh. 


In the end, she can only let her friend be. 


But after 4 years into their friendship, Yves said she will go to States for continuing her study. She will take her Master degree. 


Chuu doesn’t want Yves to go. But what she can do. She has no right to ask her to stay. No matter how much she wanted Yves to stay. 


In the airport, on the day when Yves will leave Korea and go to States, Chuu was there. She purposely emptied all of her schedules that day, just so she can send Yves off. 


Chuu stands awkwardly at the side, as she sees how Yves bid her goodbye to her boyfriend. How they hug each other for so long, as if none want to let go. How Yves cried, feeling sad about leaving her boyfriend. And how they kissed each other sweetly on the lips as if it’s their last. 


Chuu tried her best to not just run away from the scene and cry her heart out. Because turned out, no matter after how many times she witnessed it, the pain is not lessened. She will never get used to the pain. 


After sharing that long passionate kiss with her boyfriend, Yves looked around and her eyes met Chuu’s. Chuu quickly forced out a smile. Even though Yves can’t really see it since Chuu is wearing a mask to hide her identity from public. But Chuu smiled anyway, hoping Yves won’t realize how fake that smile is. 


Yves walked toward Chuu and smiled at her. 


“Hi..” Yves said, her eyes looked sad. 


“Hi.” Chuu replied. Yves can see how Chuu’s eyes mirrored hers. 


“Smile please?” Yves requested. 


“I am smiling right now, Ha Sooyoung.” 


“You are? Let me see it then.” 


“Ani, i can’t risk it. Once people realize it’s me, i will be in a big trouble.”


“I know. But can’t you show me your smile, even just for awhile? I want to see it. Before i leave.” Yves sounds slightly desperate and of course Chuu can’t say no to that. Not when Yves is the one who’s pouting at her right now, looking at Chuu with her sad pleading eyes. 


“Haish, fine.” Chuu pulled down her mask and give Yves her smile half-heartedly. 


“Eyy, that smile didn’t look sincere. Do it again! Properly this time.” 


Chuu rolled her eyes but complied anyway. She flashed Yves her brightest smile, more genuine this time. Yves finally chuckled at that.


“Thank you.” 


Chuu nodded and put her mask back on. But Yves suddenly reached out to pull down the mask again. Surprising Chuu. 






Yves pulled down Chuu’s mask and gave the latter a lingering kiss on her cheek, and then leaned back slightly so she can place her chin on top of Chuu’s shoulder and wrapped her arms around Chuu, hugging her tight. 


“I’ll miss you, Jiwoo-yah.” Yves whispered out.


Chuu was too stunned at first. But luckily she quickly get back to her senses, and slowly wrapped her arms around Yves, hugging her back. 


“I’ll miss you too. Take care there.” 




The two tried their best to keep in touch with each other. Which is worked quite well for a few months. 


But with their big time difference, and their own busy schedules, it was hard. 


So the two naturally drifted apart. Though none of them wanted it. 


The frequent communications they always had lessen gradually before completely come to a stop. 


There were times when they missed each other and wonder about each other’s doing, but too scared to reach out first. Afraid the another person doesn’t feel the same and they will just be a bother. 


They thought they’ll get used to the absence.


But Chuu never really able to forget Yves. Never. 


Because if she did, why she has a piece of Yves in every songs she wrote and sing about?


And so time passed. It’s been a little passed two years since the last time they talked to each other.


But one day, Chuu received a text from Yves. Much to Chuu’s surprise. 



From : Yves


I broke up with him.



To : Yves


I’m sorry but who is this?



Chuu replied and not long after the message was sent and read, Chuu’s phone ringing loudly.


Chuu tried to calm down her rapid heartbeat (damn, after all this time, Yves still has this effect on her, she thought.) before she picked up the phone just to hear Yves, half yelling at her, asking if she seriously doesn't know who she is. 


Chuu can’t stifle her laughter anymore. So she laughed. Loudly. Almost annoyingly. It was a while since she could laugh this loud.


And soon Yves followed suit. 


The two laughed, and talked to each other for hours. Just like the old time. 


As if the absence was never there. 


Maybe after all, the universe did rooting for them. 


But before they ended their phone call that night, Yves hastily asked Chuu. 


“One more question! How about love life? Dating anyone now?”


“No, still single. I’m still waiting.”


“Waiting for what? The right person?”


“For that right person to finally see that i’m the right person for them.”




2 months later, Yves flied back to Korea after obtaining her master degree. 


And just like a de javu, Chuu is there, waiting for her in the same airport where they bid each other good bye 2 years ago. But with no boyfriend this time. 


They saw each other, and a big smile automatically find its way to their face. 


Chuu spread her arms wide, and Yves waste no time to run inside her embrace


“Welcome home.” Chuu whispered in Yves’ ear. 


Yves nuzzled deeper into Chuu’s neck, breathing her in. 


“I’m home.” She happily sighed. 


And ever since that day, the two become even more inseparable than ever. 




Chuu was in the middle of her break after having hours of dance practice, when her phone suddenly rings with a familiar ringtone that she saved for a certain someone. Someone that very special for her. 




“Is the rumor true?” Yves sounds not happy. Chuu started to feel scared. Yves is always scary when she’s mad. 




“That you dated Jeon Heejin? The pretty model in your new MV?” Yves raised her voice slightly.


“Whaaa— No! Hyunjin will kill me! But anyway, the rumor is not true, Sooyoung-ah.” Chuu despite her confusion, try her best to explain the situation. 


“You sure?” Yves softened slightly. 




“Then why you sound unsure?!”


“I didn’t!”


“You did, Kim Jiwoo! There are even pictures of you two having a lunch date today!”


“I didn’t! And we were just having a friendly lunch date. She’s just a friend. I won’t date Heejin! Or any other person!”


Yves scoffed. Still doesn’t fully believe Chuu. 


And Chuu grew even more frustrated because of that. 


Blame her fatigue and lack of sleeping because of her recent come back that make her become super busy. 


Not to mention how she missed Yves so much. But she still hasn’t get the time to meet the older because of her again, busy schedule. 


And now Yves cornering her like this. She’s really tired. She can’t think properly. 


“Why? Why won’t you date her? She’s pretty a—“






Chuu waited. But after hearing no response from Yves, Chuu can only let out a sigh. Did she make a mistake by saying this? Should she just keep her true feelings stay as a secret forever?


But since it’s too late to take her words back now, Chuu decided to continue what she has started. She suddenly get the courage she needs. 


“Because i only want to date you. Because it’s only you that i love. Ha Sooyoung, i love you. Damn, i really do.”




The silence is too dreadful now. 


“S-Sooyoung? A-are you okay? Please say something. Anything..” Chuu desperately pleaded. “You’re scaring me.” Chuu’s voice slightly cracked at the end. 


*sobs sobs*


“Y-you’re crying??? H-hey.. I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to scare you. It’s just k-kinda slipped out. I’m sorry. Nothing will change between us. We’ll still be friends. Let’s pretend as if it never happened. As if i never said it. Okay?”


“No! W-why would i? I’ve been waiting for it so long, you pabo!” 




“I wish you’re here with me right now so i can kiss you hard.”


“...C-can you say that again? I think i’ve might misheard things...”


“I. Want. To. Kiss. You.” Yves patiently spelled it out word by word to the still stunned Chuu. 


“Oh..” Chuu can only stupidly uttered her ‘oh’. Still can’t believe what’s just happening. It feels like a dream. 


But slowly a stupid big grin start to appear on her face. 


“I love you too, Kim Jiwoo. But seriously tho, can we just skip all of these dating stage and just get married?” Yves sounds so dead serious when she said that. 


And they really did. 


Around 3 months after the confession, Chuu kneeled in front of Yves with a diamond ring in her hand.


“Let’s get married, Ha Sooyoung.” That’s not even a question. That’s an invitation. 


“Yeah, let’s do that, Kim Jiwoo.” Yves nodded with her teary eyes, but there’s a beautiful smile curved on her face. 




(Back to present time)


“And that’s how i met and marry your mother, Yerim-ah.” Chuu proudly ended her story with a big smile. 


“Awww. That’s so sweet. Like a fairytale that i read! But wait eomma, the Jinsol you mentioned in the story is Yeojinie’s mummy? Auntie Jungeun’s wife?” 


“Haha yeah. Turned out when she ran back to get mama’s number for me, she also asked for auntie Jinsol’s number for her. That sneaky girl..” Chuu chuckled. 


And as if on cue, the front door pushed open and the always elegant swan-like Yves walked in, holding a grocery paper bag in both hands. 


She did nothing special. Just being there, breathing like any normal human being would do. But she’s still taking Chuu’s breath away. 


“Mamaaaa!” Yerim runs toward her another mother. Yves smiled sweetly at the kid.


She then placed the bag down on the table and squatted down, opening her arms wide for the kid. 


Yerim runs inside her mom’s embrace and hug her tight. Yves easily carry her with one hand and then walk toward Chuu who’s still looking at her with the same honey dripping eyes. 


They’ve been married for almost 10 years now. And Chuu’s love for her never for once decrease. Not even for a bit. In fact, she can feel how Chuu loves her more and more each day. That’s sounds pretty insane, but Chuu proved to her that’s not. 


“Hi, babe.” Yves smiled at her wife and leaned in to give her a peck on her lips. 


“Hi, beautiful.” Chuu replied with a wide foolish grin on her face, still looking like a teenager in love. 


Well, she’s always an idiot for Yves. 


Yves just chuckled and can’t help herself from leaning in again to reward her wife with another kiss for being so cute. 


“Mama, why you finally fall in love with eomma? From eomma’s story, it was her who love you first. You even dated someone else for years.” Yerim cutely tilted her head as she’s looking at Yves, waiting for an explanation. 


Yves raised one of her eyebrows at the kid, before she averted her eyes toward Chuu, silently looking at her wife as if asking what kind of story that she told to their kid. 


Chuu just sheepishly grinned and shrugged.


“Hm.. let’s see..” Yves begins. Pretending to think hard. 


Both Yerim and Chuu are waiting for the answer. Especially Chuu. She looks more eager and impatient to hear what Yves gonna say. Even more excited than their 6 years old kid. 


“I guess i love your eomma because of how sincere and genuine she is. How big her heart is. How she loves me unconditionally.


She just never stop loving me. Even when i caused her so much pain, even when she had to wait for me for so long with uncertainty. She never really give up on me. Even when everyone told her to. 


She was patient with me. She never forced things to me. Because she respected me and my life decisions. Even when i made a wrong decision, instead of scolding me or saying ‘i told you so’, she stayed by my side, helping me to get back on my feet again. So i can smile again. So i can be happy again. Even if she has to trade it with her own happiness. She’s just thats selfless. 


She had lots of chances to make me leave my boyfriend at that time, but she never had any ill intention. She always be the kind person she is. 


And at some point, without i even realize it, i fall in love with her. So hard. And the thought of her being with someone else start to haunted me. It scares me. And it hurts me so much to just even picture her with someone. And i selfishly wanted her for me only.


And that’s when i finally realize that i no longer love your eomma as a good friend, but i love her in a very selfish way where i want to spend the rest of my life loving her and being loved by her.” 


By the time Yves finished on her words, Chuu is already a mess. She has tears on her eyes, threatening to fall down anytime soon as she bites her lower lip that start to quivering because of how hard she tried to suppress her cry. 


Yves saw that and chuckled. 


“Aww, don’t cry you big baby.” Yves reach out to wipe Chuu’s tears with her free hand.


“I love you. So much.” Chuu cutely choked out in between her sobs.


Yves laughed again because of her cute wife. 


“I know, love. And i love you too. So much.”


- fin -



*ps : should i write about LipSoul too? HAHA

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Lazytsm #1
Chapter 1: Lipsoul juseyooooo
Pandawa77 #2
Your friend Just like me, i'm confused to tell Difference Between haseul and yeonjin
Chapter 1: lipsoul, please!!!!!!