The Stars Overhead


M A I N   C H A R A C T E R S

Park Hyerin is not a people person. She just doesn't understand how to interact with them. Her blunt honesty makes her seem cruel and hostile, but she doesn't  mean any harm. In Hyerin's opinion, telling the truth is always better than lying, but apparently people don't always agree with her. That's why she prefers to be alone, indulged into books that take her to faraway lands where she won't accidentally offend someone. She does get lonely sometimes, so when Jinki comes along, it's the perfect chance for her to gain a friend. Hyerin discovers a connection she's never had before.

It terrifies her.

Lee Jinki doesn't think he's anything special. In his ragtag group of friends, he's the awkward nerd who tends to stay in the background. He's okay with it though, at least that's what he tells himself. When he first bumped into Hyerin in the library, he felt something spark between the two of them. He's not very good at the whole “making friends” thing, but he's pretty determined to make Hyerin like him back. Only, he might have tried a little too hard because his innocent little endeavor at friendship turned into a full-blown crush.

S U P P O R T I N G   C H A R A C T E R S

Cheerful, extroverted, and currently dating one of the most popular guys at school? Why that's the lovely Eunmi, Hyerin's dear sister. While the Park sisters are only a year apart, they are about as  opposite as night and day. Despite their differences, Eunmi cares a lot about Hyerin and only wants the best for her sister. Unfortunately for Hyerin, this means Eunmi is doing whatever she can to get Jinki and her sister together.

Meet fashionable and dramatic Kim Kibum, whose personality is pretty much a hit or miss. He doesn't approve of Jinki's crush on Hyerin. In fact, he thinks she's a spawn of a demon. Why else would she disprove of his fashion sense? He wishes Jinki would just move on and find a different girl to pine over. Kibum is a good friend though, so he'll stick by Jinki no matter what.

Kim Jonghyun honestly doesn't know where he stands on the whole Jinki-Hyerin issue. On one hand, Jinki is one of his best friends, and Jonghyun would anything to help him. Not to mention that Hyerin is also his girlfriend's sister. On the other, he can't help but to side with Kibum. Frankly, Hyerin creeps him out a little. He swears that girl has to be a robot in disguise, secretly plotting the demise of the world.

Strong, silent-type Choi Minho really lives up to his mystery streak. No one ever knows what's going on inside his head. His friends don't even know what his opinions are on Jinki and Hyerin's relationship. He certainly doesn't oppose it, but he doesn't seem to encourage it either.

Lee Taemin, who is friends to both Jinki and Hyerin, plays the role of peacemaker for both sides. He knows that his friends don't understand Hyerin like he does, but at the same time, it can be pretty hard to befriend Hyerin. If Jinki and Hyerin become a couple, Taemin hopes that it will be the perfect opportunity to get all of his friends to get along.




Hyerin is wandering aimlessly around the library when someone comes rushing out of an aisle, crashing into her and knocking both Hyerin and her books to the ground.

It probably wouldn’t have been so bad if Hyerin didn't ram her head very painfully against a wooden chair.

“Are you okay?” a concerned voice asks her.

“Yeah, I'm fine.” Hyerin mumbles in response as she rubs the bump forming on her head.

She looks up to see a boy around her age, light brown hair dusting over his deeper brown eyes. His soft features are contorted with distress and worry.

“Oh no, you're not.” The boy's eyes widens almost comically, and he seems more distraught than before. “You hit your head, didn't you? That's why you're rubbing your head like that. I'm so sorry. I should have watched where I was going.”

The way he continues to rambles on without pausing for a breath is almost endearing. Hyerin surveys the mess they had created and notices a pair of glasses that lay strewn on the floor. She starts reaching for it but stops abruptly when she feels a hand on her head.

“Does it hurt? I'm really really sorry.”

Hyerin doesn't have to look up to know that the boy is right next to her. He pats her head with surprising gentleness.

“I said, I'm fine,” Hyerin snaps, slapping his hand away. She immediately regrets it when she sees the hurt look on his face.

“You were kinda getting in my space,” Hyerin says meekly as she picks the glasses off the floor. She knows she mustn't sound very convincing. Any normal girl would be squealing in delight if a boy that cute touched her.

“Oh,” the boy laughs uneasily, “Right, sorry.”

“It's okay.” Hyerin runs a finger along the smooth frame of the glasses in her hands. “Are these your glasses?”

“Huh? Oh yeah! They must have fell off when—”

She slips them on his face without waiting for him to finish.

He jerks back a little in surprise, nearly causing Hyerin to stab him in the eye with her index finger. He blinks owlishly at her before breaking out in a big smile.

“Wow. You're really pretty when you're not blurry.” The smile on his face falters and becomes a look of horror, “Wait, that's not what I meant. I mean you're cute when you're blurry too—wait, no. I-I mean, um . . .”

Hyerin can feel a smile tugging at her lips. She gathers up the books that had fallen on the ground in her arms. He stops babbling nonsense and decides to help her.

“You must think I'm a creep.” His voice is a mere whisper when he speaks.

She takes a peek at him to see his face red with embarrassment.

“No, I think you're sorta sweet,” Hyerin says honestly.

His eyes light up. “Really?” He nibbles on his bottom lip. “I'm Lee Jinki by the way, but my friends call me Onew.”

Before she can respond with her own name, a group of boys come straight toward them.

“Hey, Onew!” a dark brown haired boy shouts in their direction. “We've been looking everywhere for you!”

Hyerin frowns. It's a surprise that the shouting didn't get the attention of the librarian.

“I'll see you around, Jinki.”

She quickly stands up walks away, not wanting to get in the way with Jinki and his friends. As she turns the corner of the nearest, she spares Jinki a glance. His gaze follows her as she leaves. She looks away quickly and shuffles through the books she has in her arms. She stops at an astronomy book, one she doesn't remember taking.

Hyerin smiles.

“So you like stars too, huh?”

Title: The Stars Overhead
Rating: PG, maybe PG-13 (for possible profanity)
Genre: Romance, Fluff, Friendship, plus possible angst and some really bad humor, haha
Pairing: Jinki/Onew [SHINee] x Hyerin [OC], side!Jonghyun x Eunmi [OC]
Warnings: Hyerin may seem kinda mean, haha.

Notes: This is written in third person limited from Hyerin's point of view. The prologue is when Jinki and Hyerin first meet, but the actual story will take place a bit later in the story, when Jinki is trying to woo Hyerin xD

I frequently change up my chapters. No need to reread unless I suggest it. It's just me fixing up typos mostly :P Feel free to point any out. (: I won't bite. Promise.

CREDIT: Very awesome poster and background from iridescence @ c:


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Bling_Pisces196 #1
THIS STORY IS AWESOME!! i really like the way taemin isn't all cutesy in this story^^
GREAT WRITING SKILLS and i can't wait to find out what jonghyun did to make eunmi so madddd~
predictator #2
Eh, why only 2 subscribers? You deserve better! This is so well written! I love Taemin LOL. He's so... fluff in this. So fluff. LOL. THEY'RE ALL SO FLUFF. :O
Just_Jeo #3
@ChangCheree: OH NO. You're reading this? STOP. I AM NOT WORTHY OF SUCH AN AWESOME READER. /sobs in a corner

Aww, thanks for the comments. I hope this story meets your expectations. u_u
predictator #4
Also, fabulous layout. I love love love love the colors!! :O :O
predictator #5
I don't know why, but the description really gives off this gossip girl vibe!! LOL XD So exciting! I'm not even a shawol, but this is awesome! subscribed! 8D
Just_Jeo #6
@Bling_Pisces196: Thank you so much for the comment! :DD I aim to make Onew really sweet in this story, haha ^^
Bling_Pisces196 #7
Onew is so sweet here ^^