Chapter 16

🔥Fire and Fangs🔥
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As Jooeun and Aylin were finishing up their spells, they suddenly felt a strange presence. Someone was there and they could sense it but they couldn't see anything. It was quiet in the house and that was strange since Choo and Chul were at the house as well and even though they were in the office, the girls would hear them, but now nothing. They looked at each other and got up. Aylin took her hand and nodded her head. 

It was a sign that they go together and whatever happens they stick together. It was obvious that something was up. Jooeun took out her phone and sighed once she realized that there was no signal. She put her phone away and the two of them headed toward the door and slowly opened it. They both peeked their heads out and looked at both sides. Nothing, but the strange feeling of the presence was now even stronger. 

They closed the door and before they decided to go out they closed their eyes and prayed to the ancestors. Sure, they were both strong, but this is not something they could fight off, this was something that required mental strength. Once they were done, they took a deep breath and opened their eyes. Their eyes have now changed color and it allowed them to see if there were any marks from this strange presence. 

Jooeun opened the door and they walked into the hallway. To their shock, there were a lot of marks on the walls and the floor as well. They were led down the hallway and into the office. That wasn't good. The girls rushed to the office and as they approached they noticed the door was opened. They looked inside and saw Chul on the floor, bleeding, but no trace of Choo.  

Jooeun quickly ran over to Chul and got on her knees next to him. He looked at her but he was too weak to say anything. He was bleeding from his stomach and at this point before Jooeun asked anything she needed to heal him. Aylin was next to the door on the watch-out. Jooeun closed her eyes and placed her hands on his stomach. She closed her eyes and after a few words in Latin, she successfully healed him, and thankfully it was fast. 

"Chul, where is Choo?" Jooeun asked with a tone of panic. 

"They took him away... I'm sorry. I-I..." He said in a whisper. 

"Rest." We'll find him. 

Jooeun got up and walked over to Aylin. They just looked at each other and decided to go and look for Choo. As they opened the door suddenly something came into the room and grabbed them. Since it was dark they didn't see who it was so they were ready to fight it off and at that moment they heard a familiar voice them. It was Luhan and Chanyeol. The girls sighed in relief and relaxed a bit, letting go of the tension they felt. 

Jooeun hugged Chanyeol tightly and buried her head into his chest. He smiled and gently patted her back, holding her close to him. He didn't say anything, he just wanted her to feel safe. He was aware that they didn't have much time, but both Luhan and Chanyeol wanted their girls to feel secure. Chanyeol broke the hug and looked at her. 

"Babe, we need to get out of here." He whispered. 

"Choo..." She said with tears in her eyes. 

"I promise we will find him, the guys are on it," Chanyeol said. "But right now your safety is important."

"He's right," Luhan said. "Both of you need to get out of here."

"The presence is still here," Aylin said. 

"Stronger than before, and we can't fight it off." Jooeun sighed.

Luhan walked over to the window and opened it. 

"Come on." He said and quickly found himself by Chul's side.

Chanyeol wanted to help him but he sent the younger one to stay by Jooeun's and Aylin's side so that they can escape safely. And the only way was the window. Jooeun and Aylin went out first, and the guys followed after them. Luhan gave them directions to the hideout, and while going there Jooeun was trying to figure out how they broke the spell and what made it weaken. 

Chanyeol noticed that she was absent, but he didn't want to say anything, instead, he kept his guard up and made sure they arrived safely. Once there they quickly walked inside and it was actually a home under the ground. Luhan the lights and there was a big hallway. Aylin and Luhan quickly took Chul to one of the

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Chapter 3: ahh the end ! I wanted to know the legend tonight but don't have enough energy to read the following chapter tonight due to a flu given by my generous son ! will be patient in my sleep, it's easy that way :p
Chapter 2: Are the monsters the same as Chul ? I wonder what is their goal for now, they kind of implied that they didn't people who were innocent despite being rude to the hybrids.

Are they wizards like "Xiumin"?

Her necklace is very particular and interact in a mysterious way.
I hope they will encounter again in the next chapter!
Chapter 1: It starts right into action! A lot of mysteries! The description of Chul made me think of doctor Jekyll and mister Hide even if I don't know what is he doing as a monster yet ^^.

So the unknown hurted man as the capacity to boost her power or maybe the fact they are together provoke that effect.

I like it so far. Will read more when I will finish cleaning the house!
I like very much when there is a whole presentation of the story and characters. The fact to add their affiliated stone and signification put us in the universe even before starting reading the first chapter. Great job.
Chapter 24: The ending was lovely! Jooeun is so lucky to have Chanyeol, they are such a sweet couple. 🥰
And finally there is no war or hate between hybrids and nine tails. Jooeun is an amazing leader, I am sure she will do lot of good work.
I am sad that this story is over, it was fun to read, I especially liked Jooeun how caring, sweet and nice she was.
Thank you for writing this story 😄🥰
Chapter 23: Finally Jooeun woke up! And Chanyeol being protective of her was very sweet :)
We got answers to all of the questions, thankfully the battle ended well, Adolphus is destroyed and Jooeun can live with Chanyeol in peace.