Chapter 14

🔥Fire and Fangs🔥
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As Chanyeol opened his eyes, he saw Jooeun next to him, asleep. There is nothing more beautiful than seeing the face of the person you love in the morning.  He smiled and gently rubbed her cheek. She smiled in her sleep and snuggled up against him. Chanyeol held her in his arms and kissed the top of her head, closing his eyes and taking in her scent. He could spend hours and hours like this, and her presence alone was a cure for him. He never believed that he would find a girl like her, whom he can trust and he was happy about it. 

He lifted his head to look at the clock that was on the nightstand and it was five past six in the morning. He wanted to get out of bed and prepare breakfast for his love, but at the same time, he wanted to stay like this with her. He kissed her again, slowly moved her onto the pillow, and pulled the covers up, tucking her in. Just as he was about to get up, Jooeun opened her eyes. 

"Don't go..." She said in a sleepy tone, her eyes half-opened. 

"Morning love." Chanyeol smiled and laid back down. 

Jooeun wrapped leaned her head on his chest and closed her eyes. She still didn't feel like getting out of bed. It was one of those days when she just wanted to be lazy in the morning and do nothing. Besides last night she overheard Luhan talk about some tasks that need to be done so the guys weren't even at home this morning and no one knows when they will come back, as for Chul and Choo, they were at work. 

"We have the whole place to ourselves, so let's sleep a bit longer." She said almost in a whisper. 

Chanyeol thought about it for a second and that's when it hit him. He totally forgot about that fact. He smiled brightly and the both of them snuggled up against each other and soon enough they went back to dreamland. 


2 hours later ...

Jooeun woke up and yawned. As she put her left hand down, it landed on Chanyeol's shoulder. Jooeun turned to the side only to find Chanyeol already awake, He was laying on the side and just looking at her. He had a smile on his face and there was a special sparkle in his eyes. She also turned to the side and moved down his jawline. As her hand reached his chin, he took her hand and kissed it. Jooeun smiled at him.

"How are you feeling this morning?" She asked. 

"Much, much better," Chanyeol said and kissed her hand again. "Thanks to you, babe." 

"I'm happy that you shared it with me and that you feel at ease now." Jooeun pushed herself up and kissed his cheek. 

Chanyeol smiled and kissed her on the lips. It was time for both of them to get up. Chanyeol wanted to prepare breakfast for her, and as for Jooeun, she wasn't allowed to help. He wanted to do something for her and since they can't go on a real date, because of her safety, he'll have to make a special atmosphere at home. They both got out of bed and Jooeun helped him make the bed before leaving his room they kissed each other once more and then Jooeun left to take a shower and get ready for the day. 

Chanyeol started humming and went straight into the bathroom to get ready for the day as well. He was happy and he was beaming with a different type of energy. He usually hates mornings, but it was different now. He loved it and he felt refreshed. He felt like something heavy fell off his chest and he had no more worries. He was free and he felt like he was about to spread his wings and fly. He loved this feeling and he didn't want it to go away. 

He turned the water on and quickly got into the shower. He leaned on the wall and just relaxed his body as the water hit it. He loved the feeling of it. Chanyeol closed his eyes and scenes from last night came to mind. He found it silly how he worried over nothing, but of course, he at first did think that she would maybe run away or even call him a monster, but to his surprise, she didn't. She was okay with it and it finally felt good to be accepted and not be judged. Jooeun was an understanding young woman and he felt really special. 

He felt lucky and he was certain about one thing. He doesn't want to lose her and he will do anything in his power to be the man that she deserves. No matter what comes their way he will be the one to protect her

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Chapter 3: ahh the end ! I wanted to know the legend tonight but don't have enough energy to read the following chapter tonight due to a flu given by my generous son ! will be patient in my sleep, it's easy that way :p
Chapter 2: Are the monsters the same as Chul ? I wonder what is their goal for now, they kind of implied that they didn't people who were innocent despite being rude to the hybrids.

Are they wizards like "Xiumin"?

Her necklace is very particular and interact in a mysterious way.
I hope they will encounter again in the next chapter!
Chapter 1: It starts right into action! A lot of mysteries! The description of Chul made me think of doctor Jekyll and mister Hide even if I don't know what is he doing as a monster yet ^^.

So the unknown hurted man as the capacity to boost her power or maybe the fact they are together provoke that effect.

I like it so far. Will read more when I will finish cleaning the house!
I like very much when there is a whole presentation of the story and characters. The fact to add their affiliated stone and signification put us in the universe even before starting reading the first chapter. Great job.
Chapter 24: The ending was lovely! Jooeun is so lucky to have Chanyeol, they are such a sweet couple. 🥰
And finally there is no war or hate between hybrids and nine tails. Jooeun is an amazing leader, I am sure she will do lot of good work.
I am sad that this story is over, it was fun to read, I especially liked Jooeun how caring, sweet and nice she was.
Thank you for writing this story 😄🥰
Chapter 23: Finally Jooeun woke up! And Chanyeol being protective of her was very sweet :)
We got answers to all of the questions, thankfully the battle ended well, Adolphus is destroyed and Jooeun can live with Chanyeol in peace.