Part 2

Distracted Escape

 Part 2


Today is the day.
Today is the day that I finally had the courage to admit my feelings.
Today is the day that I will tell her how much she means to me.
Today is the day that I will tell her how much I love her.
Today is the day that Lee Chaerin will become my girl.

I have been repeating those sentences ever since I woke up. I finally decided, that no matter what she says, I’ll still confess my feelings. That no matter what happens, I’ll be waiting for her answer. 
After weeks of avoiding me, I knew I couldn’t take it anymore. I have to be take this chance, or else I’ll definitely lose her. Even our friendship, I knew it was bound to be broken. And I decided that I won’t let that happen. I, Kwon Jiyong, am going to confess my feelings, once and for all. And if she rejects me, I’ll just try harder.

End of POV

It was a typical Monday for the YG people. Another recording was scheduled. Jiyong has been waiting for an hour, trying to memorize his words, trying to compose his self. It has taken a lot of will power for him to decide. He has to express what he feels about her. Lee Chaerin has successfully turned him into a crazy and yet in love guy. 


“TOP oppa!”
“Chaerin! You want to go there later after work?”
“Eh? Sure thing oppa. Is he going to be there?”
“Of course! That guy never fails to show up.”

Chae’s POV

After weeks of avoiding him, I finally convinced myself that I’d be able to let go of him. I knew that my feelings for him would mean nothing. And I met someone, someone that made me happy. Someone that made me realize that I could eventually get over my sunbae.

But what is this I’m feeling right now?
Heart, didn’t I tell you to follow what my brain says? I told you to forget him, why are you beating so fast now? Breathe in, breathe out. Calm down, Chaerin. It’s just a simple recording, like always.


A happy Chaerin went inside the room and greeted Jiyong.

“Sunbae! Annyeong!” She hugged him, without even thinking, till trying to convince herself that it was a right decision to tell him now. 

“Ah, annyeong.” A surprised Jiyong answered. Did she know that he was going to confess to her today that’s why she’s finally talking to him again? ‘Aish, Jiyong-ah, get a hold of yourself. You can do this.’ He said to himself.

“Oppa I have to tell you something!” She excitedly said, not even pausing “I’m dating someone right now.”


“Sunbae! Annyeong!”

Oh she looks so pretty smiling like that.
I wish we’d never fight again.
I missed her.

“Oppa I have to tell you something!”

Today is the day that I will tell her how much she means to me. 

Is she going to tell me that she missed me too?

Today is the day that I will tell her how much I love her. 

Is she going to say that she loves me too?

Today is the day--

“I’m dating someone right now.”

…that Lee Chaerin has become someone else’s girl.

And today, Kwon Jiyong, the self-proclaimed heartbreaker, is officially broken hearted.


Chae’s POV

Whoa. I said it. I really really said it.

“Oh really? Congratulations Chaerin-ah, you really are a big girl now.” 

Why does it feel like he doesn’t care at all? Maybe my decision was right. I really had to move on. I’m dating someone now, it’s unfair for him.
“Thanks, I’ll let you two meet sometime.” 
“Of course you have to, he has to pass the YG test.” Oh I forgot about that.
“I’ll tell him that. Let’s start now, yes?” 

I should be happy, right? Then why do I feel like my heart got broken again? 


If Chaerin thinks that what happened was for the better, well she’s wrong. Both of them felt much worse and they became more awkward than how Dara and TOP is. 

They were both fooling themselves, both trying to fix their friendship. Both trying to act normal. 
But Jiyong could not just let it go. 
He has to meet the man.


“Jiyong! Come with me tonight! I’ll show you something” Dara tried to pull the sleep-deprived Jiyong from the couch.
“Not today noona, I’m tired.”
“Oh? You’re tired? Alright you rest there but you just lost your chance to see her man. They’re meeting tonight with some of the guy’s friends.”
“What time should I be ready?” He got up and blurted out desperately.

Chaerin was about to enter the room when she heard their voices, but she could not figure out their conversation. Just the plain fact that they were together was enough for her to convince herself to back off.

“This is exactly why I chose to give up, you’re always with her.” She whispered to herself and ran out to call ‘that someone’ thinking that his voice would pull her back to reality.

“Oppa, are we still meeting tonight? Yes. Okay, see you there.” 


At the bar, Dara and Jiyong could be seen at the counter, trying out every possible drink they can order, to buy time of course.

“Hey, you have to help me on this, Ji. We have to keep our eyes open. It’s hard to spot them in this crowd.”

No response.

“Yah! Jiyong, are you even liste—“ she turned around only to find out who she was talking to. No one.
She stood up and followed the what seemed to be lost guy. The two of them stopped at a group of 3 guys and a lady.

“Jiyong! WTHELL are we doing here?” Dara whined.

Upon hearing a familiar name, Chaerin turned around only to be surprised to see Jiyong behind her.

“Oppa! What brings you here?

“Care to introduce me to your guy?” Jiyong bitterly asked without even looking at her and instead subtly glaring at the guy.
“Oh! Good timing!” Chaerin pulled the man beside her and made him face Jiyong.
“This is Jiyong oppa, my favorite sunbae. I suppose you know him.” Chaerin stated. 

“Hi. I’m Kim Hyun Joong. It’s an honor to finally meet you, Jiyong-ssi. I’ve heard a lot about you from Chae.”
“Kim. Hyun. Joong?” he then looked at CL with questioning eyes.

Chae’s POV

Did he just get mad? Or was it my imagination?
Why was he making a big deal out of this? So what if it’s Hyun Joong oppa that I’m dating?
Why does he even care?

“Why oppa? I’ll kill you if you tell me you don’t know him.” Will I even have the courage to kill you? 

“Of Course I do! Kim Hyun Joong, leader of SS501, one of TOP Hyung’s bestfriends.” He stopped to breathe “but you didn’t tell me that this guy is HIM.”
“Why? did you even ask?” you’re acting really weird. Is it that surprising?
“uhh… No.” See! You didn’t ask because you don’t even care.


“I’m sorry Jiyong-ssi. I should’ve introduced myself a little earlier.” Hyung Joong interrupted.

“Aish, don’t worry Hyun Joong-ssi, there’s nothing to be sorry about.” Dara butted in to lift up the now building tension “Yah! Jiyongie! You shouldn’t act like that! Hyun Joong-ssi might get scared.”

“Sorry. I’m Kwon Jiyong by the way, you can call me GD if you want.” He then said bowing apologetically.


Are you seriously telling me that it’s Kim Hyun Joong? Of all people, why does it have to be him? If it’s this man Chaerin is dating then I totally lost all chances. I just lost the game even before it started. I just lost the will to fight more.


Because I know that he can make her happy.

But please let me kill someone first. I think I know who has caused this. If not for him, maybe Chaerin won’t meet Hyun Joong hyung. Maybe I still had the chance to tell her how I feel.

“TOP hyung, can you come with me for a second? I’d like to ask something.”

Choi Seunghyun, you better say your final prayers now.


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teddiebears #1
love this, thank you
gdclforeal #2
Chapter 3: It makes me want to listen GD says the last part. The shocking-cute-funny-"A,BABY?!?!"
fdjkaljgnfdaklgnj #3
VIPNinja #4
wow this was good
Lumyrose #5
awww adorable!!^^
How can there be NO comments for this fanfic. It was too cute for words...well the ending was. Lol, so cute.