Guarding You for 21 Years


"What does treasure means, sonsaengnim*?" a boy with caramel brown hair asked, his large dark brown eyes staring curiously at his teacher who had been reading fairy tales.

The man who was holding a picture storybook stopped his tale and turned to one of his students. A soft-dimpled smile spread across his lips, "treasure means something very valuable, Kyuhyun-ah," he said while patting his student's short brown hair.

The child called Kyuhyun nodded in understanding. The teacher chuckled softly, Kyuhyun was one of the smartest kids in his age; proven by Kyuhyun's articulation which is far more perfect than other kids on his age and his extreme curiosity. While other children are busy listening to his tales or fall asleep, only Kyuhyun took the opportunity to ask a word he doesn't know the meaning. That kid wants to fully understand the tale that the teacher is reading.

"All right ... where were we?" the kindergarten teacher who wearing a nametag that reads Leeteuk turned his attention back to his storybook. But not all students paying him attention, the genius boy named Cho Kyuhyun is busy thinking about what 'treasure' he has.




" Treasure?"

The petite boy's deep black eyes glanced his friend who was reading a space-themed book on his side, "why Kyukyu suddenly asking that?" his attention shifted from the tortoise in front of him to a boy who has been sitting on his side since the beginning of lunchtime.

"Yesterday sonsaengnim talked about 'treasure' and told us to draw our 'treasure' right? Well, I'm confused ... " he closed the book on his lap and let out a heavy sigh, "so, what's your treasure Yesungie? "

The raven-haired boy stared his friend. His tiny fingers automatically move towards his mouth. The little boy has a bad habit to bite his nails when thinking or focusing. However, before the short fingers touched the tiny red lips; Kyuhyun had already grabbed his wrist and held it tight. The other boy’s swiftness surprised the boy called Yesungie.

"Aish ... Stop biting your nails! " grumbled the Cho who was later replied by a small 'sorry' from the Kim family's only child.

"Umm ... Yesungie treasure ...? Eomma and Appa? " uncertain by his answer. His voice trembled because Kyuhyun still looked at him with annoyance (Kyuhyun who was upset was scary for anyone, including Yesung), "what about Kyukyu? Would Kyukyu draw Kyukyu’s Eomma and Appa too? " he asked while tilting his head cutely.

The brown-haired boy in front of him snorted, "Yesungie knows that my Appa and Eomma were never at home, right?" his hand let go Yesung's wrist which he had been holding before, his thumb rubbed the tiny wrist gently; worried that his grip had left marks on Yesung's pale skin, "so there's no way they would be my 'treasure' ..." he continued.

Yesung's dark eyes blinked adorably, he watched as his friend's expression turned into sadness. Yesung doesn't like it when his only friend is sad. Because when Yesung is sad, Kyuhyun will cheer him up. If he is sad and Kyuhyun is also sad, who will cheer him up later? There is no way that other children would want to approach him because he is obsessed with turtles. The 5-year-old boy has been labeled as ‘weird’ by other children.

"What if Yesungie becomes Kyukyu's 'treasure'?" he said suddenly. The hands that are not being held by Kyuhyun move to pat his friend's head, the little boy must stand on his tiptoe to do so because of their height gap, "is it allowed?"

Now it's Kyuhyun’s caramel eyes turn to blinks repeatedly. He stared at his best friend who was still patting his head.

"That is right!" he exclaimed. His face brightened, “Yesungie is always there for me! Yesungie is always there when Mom and Dad are not there! ” the boy's hands curled around the little body of the raven’s. Yesung's chubby cheek collided with Kyuhyun's chest because of Kyuhyun's tight hug.

"OK! From now on Yesungie is my 'treasure'!! ” a big smile appeared on the lips of the brunet, he looked at the cute boy in his arms, "I will take good care of Yesungie because Yesungie is my 'treasure'!"






"I'm surprised you still kept your promise 21 years ago," a black-haired young man with a white flower crown and transparent veil chuckled. One of his hands was busy styling his rather long bangs, while the other was holding a bouquet of white roses. A matching tuxedo wraps his tiny body perfectly.

He looks like the most beautiful angel God has ever created.

The caramel-haired man behind him laughed, his body leaning against the doorway, "of course. After all, you are my most valuable 'treasure' and Cho Kyuhyun always keeps his promise," he said lightly. The tall man was wearing a formal black suit, his hair which was usually only combed carelessly was now styled to show his forehead. Puberty did it right, Cho Kyuhyun has grown into a handsome and elegant adult.

It also happens to the figure who was still busying himself in front of the mirror, his best friend has grown into a beautiful man who steals the hearts of both men and women. Kyuhyun had to work extra hard to protect his best friend.

"Are you ready, Yesungie?" he reached out toward the beautiful man who now turned to face him. A sweet smile etched on Yesung's lips, his small hand grabbed the heir of Cho's big hand and holding it. Both of their fingers intertwined with each other like the times they spent together.

Both of them walked to the altar where the priest had been waiting. Some of their relatives have already occupied the church seats. A dozen pairs of eyes watched their movements. Some of them are crying out, and some others are smiling happily.

Only a small and private marriage, Yesung's personal request.

When the two of them arrived in front of the priest, Kyuhyun unlinked their hands.

He led Yesung’s small hand to the other man awaiting hands who have been waiting for Yesung in front of the priest since earlier. The handsome man in black tuxedo smiled at Kyuhyun and brought Yesung's small hand into his warm grip.

That man is Yesung's soon-to-be husband, Choi Siwon.

Kyuhyun smiled bitterly, his tears almost spilled when he saw the loving gazes that were thrown by the bride and groom. Both of them are truly in love with each other.

He slowly stepped back and sat in the chair closest to Yesung. He smiled, he is trying to smile for the happiness of his best friend whom he had been guarding for 21 years. He did not want to ruin his friend's happy moments by crying.


Cho Kyuhyun always keeps his promises.

He looked after Yesung for 21 years.

He is guarding and protecting his 'treasure' carefully.

And now the task has been completed because there will be other people guarding his 'treasure'.

He should be happy because his best friend finally found a happy ending.






Why does his heart hurt...?





Is it because he did not find happiness together with Yesung by his side?







A/N: this was supposed to be happy ending, but I changed it lol. I do have the happy ending one (it's a draft, halfway done). You guys want it?

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I hope you guys enjoyed o(*>ω<*)o
Stay healthy everyone~ tomorrow is SJR4 eps 2 and let's pray we will have a lot of KyuSung moment(*´▽`*)


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Liza_Blessedx2 #1
Chapter 2: Lovestruck!!! Oh my Kyusung heart <3<3<3
MinHa_mik #2
Chapter 1: Oh.... Un final tal felizmentw triste.... para Kyu... 😞
391 streak #3
Chapter 2: this is really what kyusung's fans want! XDDD
Chapter 2: Ahhh, A KyuSung happy end! I'm so happy ?? And the pic is absolutely ethreal and beautiful ?? This was such a beautiful story, thank you so much for writing this ?
Princeice #5
Chapter 2: Oh Yesungie, the meaning of anything is really anything to Kyu XD
Hope you can sleep well tonight ???
Chapter 2: I can die peacefully now (^▽^) Hahaha Kyuhyun and EunHae are really afraid of Heenim xD I like the end where they argued about nickname, so cute~ I esp love that Yesung pic! You're right he is absolutely gorgeous! (●´□`)♡
Princeice #7
Yeiiyyy at least kyuhyun keep his promise
Well happy end for yewon ❤️❤️❤️
391 streak #8
Chapter 1: what? LOL Well, the ending's gonna be great for yewon fans, but for kyusung fan??? they'd probably cry hahaha

I don't think it's not a happy ending, at least yesung was happy right? BUT, I DO really want to read the other ending, so yeah, GIVE IT TO -ME- US! XD
391 streak #9
are you by any chance Indonesian? Because I am <3 I'm not familiar with wattpad (yet) so yeah, I almost spend my time reading here than to be there hehehe...

btw, welcome~ Gonna read your story~