part two.

R U Ridin’?

    “Stop the car,” you tell him.

    “Here?” Baekhyun asks in confusion.

    You laugh—crazed from adrenaline and the emotions of how surreal everything feels. It’s currently midnight, and he’s driven halfway across Texas. “Pull up to the next rest stop, Baekhyun,” you say with a more serious tone.

    He doesn’t really question you, probably assuming that you’d needed to use the restroom or something.

    You point toward the open parking lot where there’s a grove of trees surrounding it, and he parks quickly. Then, he turns to you with the question burning in his eyes.

    “Have you ever slept in your car?” You ask him.

    Baekhyun shakes his head. “I could always get us rooms at a hotel, you know?”

    You tsk. “That’s not the point. Come on, get up. Can you pop the trunk for a sec’?”

    He follows you out of the car, and you shuffle through your suitcase, pulling out a sizable blanket and two pillows.

    Baekhyun laughs incredulously. “You carry bedding with you?”

    “And you don’t? I thought you were spontaneous, Baekhyun. Or maybe that stops at using a gas guzzler for a road trip,” you taunt playfully.

    He shakes his head, an amused smile curling at his lips. You hop in the backseat, placing the pillow vertically behind you to support your back. He copies you when you toss him the pillow.

    Since it’s the middle of July, the air is naturally warm, so the lighter blanket is enough to share between the two of you. You point to the sky. “This is the best part of the trips. Sleeping outside with no one around you.”

    “Don’t tell me that you’re about to spout some hidden knowledge about stars?” He asks with a cheeky smile.

    You roll your eyes. “Nope, I have no knowledge whatsoever. I just like appreciating nature when I can, is that wrong of me?”

    Baekhyun stretches his folded legs until they hit yours, and you do the same to stir mischief. You both tangle your legs together, but when you go to pull back, he traps you. Laughing, you give up after five minutes of struggling for your extremities.

    Even in the dark, you can see his bright eyes, and you wonder how he can be so open about himself. He’d been right about you being naturally guarded. Despite growing up with your overly doting mom, you were someone who found it hard to trust anybody—much less a stranger you'd just met today.

    He’d also been right when he said that it felt like you two had known each other for a lifetime. It was easy talking to him, and you didn’t feel the need to pry into his life. You were content with what he was willing to give you.

    He’s watching you intently, and you had a feeling that he does it often, but it doesn’t give you the creeps. It felt like he was secretly looking out for you rather than being overly nosy.

    “I take it that you do this type of thing often?” His voice is soft, but you can hear it as clear as day. He sounds like he belongs here. In the sort of mystical environment away from the busyness of the city.

    You nod thoughtfully. “I like road trips because they help me unwind. My everyday life is hectic and the moment I step inside court, it feels like I’m in a war zone—constantly.”

    “You said you’re a judge right? And if you’re from DC, that means you’re a federal judge?” Baekhyun sends you an impressed look as he gives you another quick once over.

    You chuckle to yourself. “I’m a magistrate, so I don’t have nearly as much power as a regular judge. It’s not as impressive as you think it is.”

    He frowns. “But you look so young, pretty. It's kind of a shame that you’re cooped up in a courtroom all day.”

    “I’m twenty-eight, Baek. I spent most of my twenties studying law, and as you see, I’m not much of a party girl. It was never really a problem.”

    Baekhyun blows out a breath. “Good for you.” He lets out an airy laugh at the look you send him. “Really—I mean it. It doesn’t make you a prude. I think it’s respectable. I screwed around in my twenties and made some regrettable choices, but honestly, what I got out of it made it somewhat worth it.”

    “What were the implications?” You ask, tilting your head.

    “Well, you know—quickly having an adult mindset. I stopped ing around and put the party life behind me,” he explains.

    You squint your eyes at him. “What do you do? I feel like we’ve only been talking about me.”

    Baekhyun smiles softly. “Maybe because you’re the one with a more dynamic lifestyle. So far, you’re a self-claimed buffer—“ You kick him for that comment, and he continues, laughing in adoration while he’s at it, “you’re a federal magistrate judge, and you take road trips leisurely when you can definitely afford to fly. Trust me. I’m not as interesting as you think I am.”

    “Are you kidding? The suspense is killing me.” You nudge him playfully.

    He raises his palms up into the air. “Alright, alright. I’m just a regular ole guy who began a company with his friend right out of uni.”

    You blow a raspberry. “Oh, come on. You’re being modest. That’s a huge risk.”

    Baekhyun merely shrugs, but you press him out of interest.

    “So what kind of company is it?”

    “Fashion,” he says nonchalantly. “Mostly streetwear.”

    You ooh and awe, which makes him break into a grin. “I can see that now. You—sir—have impeccable fashion. And your secretary was right. I definitely wouldn’t have guessed that you were a CEO with tinsel in your hair. Is this a marketing ploy?”

    Baekhyun’s laugh makes your chest warm. He looks like he’s truly enjoying the conversation, and you’re glad he’s finally opening up about himself. “I’m glad you think so highly of me, but don’t go putting me on a pedestal, pretty.”

    You cluck your tongue. “Come on, Baek. Wait—how old are you?”

    “I’m thirty,” he answers easily.

    You nod earnestly. “You’re thirty. When I think of CEOs, I think of old men with salt and pepper hair who spend their leisure time—golfing, which is definitely boring as . And what else? Ah—drinking with their buddies in the luxury of their own private country club. Not to discredit them for their work because I’d probably lose every strand of my hair from the stress of running a day-to-day operation. I think you should be proud of what you do, Baek. It’s amazing—not only because you’re young, but it must’ve taken so much hard work to get to where you are.”

    When he looks at you, you can now make out something new swirling in them. It’d looked positively like appreciation, and you were surprised that he regarded your words so carefully. He must hear things like this every day.

    “What?” You titter nervously.

    Baekhyun rests his palm on the side of his head as he leans on the black leather. You feel shivers when he levels this look at you. An almost intense inclination for you. Butterflies explode in your stomach, and you’re suddenly concerned about your wellbeing.

    You’ve never felt like this before. Not even with Eli. Definitely not with your puppy crushes either.

    “Quit looking at me like that,” you tell him, slightly squirming in your seat. “Hasn’t anyone told you this?”

    He croons, “I’ve been told many things, pretty. Not to be egotistical, but I’m aware of how striking I am and I’ve become aware of the fact that that’s what most women see. They’re awed by the unconventional CEO. Young and attractive, they say.” And the way he says those two words is unlike anything you’ve ever heard from him. He sounds so off-putting and derisive. Not at all like the buoyant character you’re used to seeing from him.

    But his expression softens once again when he meets your gaze. “I forgot how nice it was to be appreciated for my diligence.”

    “For what it’s worth,” you say cheekily. “I still think you’re insanely gorgeous, and it’s getting really difficult to ward off your pheromones the more I get to know you. I guess that makes me still pretty shallow, doesn’t it?”

    Baekhyun grins. “You’ve gotta stop brushing my ego like that, pretty. You’re spoiling me too much.”

    You stick out your tongue. “You deserve it, honestly—any man who doesn’t go off spouting about some feminist crap because they find it hard to believe that I have a say in politics gets a point in my book.”

    He waggles his eyebrows. “ conventionalism. We’re sleeping under the stars, baby. Spontaneity can be our thing.”

    You lean forward a tiny bit. “Are you hitting on me?” Your question borders on conspiracy, but you’re being impish because when it comes to Baekhyun, this side of you is incontestably prominent.

    Baekhyun’s eyes twinkle. “Make of that what you will.”

    “So what do you do for fun—other than inanely taking your supercars for a spin?”

    He blows a raspberry. “Wow.” Shaking his head in feigned hurt, he admonishes, “you really don’t let things go, do you? Tip. Don’t my ego only to bring me down the next second.”

    “I do what I want. How do you think I get men to respect me in court?” You challenge, lips tugging into a smile.

    “Feisty,” he purrs. “To answer your question, I don’t have much free time, but when I do, I prefer to spend my time productively.”

    You scoff. “Gee, you’re such an old fart. Are you sure you’re thirty and not a hundred?”

    “I’m sure you wouldn’t have called me gorgeous if that were the case.”

    “I would die if I lived like you.”

    Baekhyun quirks an eyebrow at you. “Okay, Miss Opinionated. What do you do to pass time then? Are you the type that lives in nightclubs or the type that lives in the vicinity of her home?”

    You lean back, raking a hand through your hair. “Neither. I’m actually an environmentally conscious chick—and before you give me all that bull about being a stereotypical progressive—none of the things I do have to be for show. You know—the reason why my car is crap is because I normally have no need for one. I bike everywhere because frankly, you’re able to take in more of your surrounding that way. I also advocate on the weekends and as you know, I’m pretty opinionated so it’s the camaraderie that I enjoy. Then, there’s also Friday evening dates with myself in which I indulge in overpriced dinner. I’m letting you know now that I’m really out there—not to scare you away or anything.”

    He nods periodically, taking in your words silently. “You’re—“ He stops, turning up to the sky in search for his answer.

    You decide to help him out. “Disgustingly liberal?”

    Baekhyun snorts out a laugh. “I mean—are you?”

    “My political views are not to be divulged, sorry." You bite back a grin as you sing the word sorry. "But I can tell you that my political stances on each platform basically negate each other. I’m pretty complicated in that way. Eli dislikes that I’m more objective than I am subjective,” you explain.

    “To be fair, I appreciate that you aren’t just visually stimulating. Men who settle for a passive woman don’t know what they’re missing out on, and I don’t have a problem with that—don't get me wrong. I understand that everyone has their own cup of tea. I’ve seen too much of the world. Is it wrong to want someone who can stand up to you and call you out for your bull rather than kiss your ?”

    Your eyebrows raise in question. “Are we speaking generally or personally?”

    His tongue darts out, swiping over his bottom lip. “I thought I made it really obvious, pretty.”

    You shrug, eyes glinting with mischief. “What if you’re just naturally suave?”

    Baekhyun chuckles with a shake of his head. “You’re a hard nut to crack.”

    “I’m also pretty tasty once you get past the shell.”

    “I bet.”

    The air around you two is heavy with tension. You can feel the hair on your arms raising from the supercharged static electricity buzzing around the two of you. You don’t know whether to bolt or entertain the thoughts of maybe.

    The rest of the night is spent exchanging your views on life and learning about each other. It was safe to say that you’ve never had so much fun having a conversation with a candid man who wasn’t solely interested in taking your pants off. He was a mix of intelligence and emotion—but the biggest difference you could make out from him versus the other guys you’ve talked to was his optimism.

    It’d been a nice change because, for one, you were often times cynical. And it’s exactly what they say: two cynics never make an optimistic. Conversations couldn’t be drawn out between your friends because you’d both end up agreeing.

    But with Baekhyun, it’s not so much that you two clash. It’s the fact that he has his own opinions, but he’s not attempting to shove it down your throat or dismiss you because you’re a female. He regards you thoughtfully and then offers his two cents, and wow, let’s say you didn’t know how it was possible for no one to have put a ring on his finger yet.

    You were sure you’d eventually passed out from exhaustion when your eyes flutter open, and you’re shivering a bit from the damp morning air. There’s a note on his seat, and you quickly snatch it up.

    Didn’t want to wake you up. I’m just surveying the rest stop. I’ll be back.

    - B

    You let out a drowsy yawn, raising your arms up to stretch. Your neck was sore from sleeping upright, but your gaze dips down only to realize that he’d made sure to tuck you in and fix your sleeping position.

    Your heart does backflips, and you honestly don’t know if it’s a good sign that you’re already having heart problems so early in the morning.

    You check the time on your almost dead phone to see that it’s a quarter to seven. The sky above you is completely clear, and it’s like you’re staring up into a canvas of unlimited possibilities. You’ve never felt so liberated—and the crazy thing is that you’ve been on these type of trips every summer. How was this summer any different?

    The answer lies in your companion. He’d unexpectedly made you anticipate the rest of the trip, which means you’re also dreading the day you have to part ways with him.

    Getting out of the car wasn’t an easy feat. Your legs were still asleep and numb from being in a sitting position all night. You run a hand down your clothes. Your t-shirt had been wrinkled, but your jeans were in dire need of being changed. It was probably a bad idea to hang out in the Texan desert during high winds.

    You laugh incredulously when you see that he’s left the keys in the cupholder. Either he’d been careless or simply way too trusting. Nonetheless, it only makes you adore him all the more, and it’s a strange notion. You weren’t one for swooning, but since yesterday, that's all you've been doing.

    Popping open his trunk, you shuffle through your duffle to grab a yellow floral maxi dress and some toiletries for freshening up.

    When you come back from the restroom and approach his car, you can make him out clearly among the sparse crowd of people. And you can truly say that he’s absolutely beautiful. He’s changed into a matching street style sweatsuit with serif lettering that you think reads Paris. In an otherwise excessive manner, if worn by others, it would've been in bad taste, but that isn't the case for him because he looks strikingly boyish, and like you said, beautiful.

    “Are you wearing your shirt backward?” You question, eyes squinting at the silk tag on his white tee.

    Baekhyun’s eyes immediately brighten when he sees you, and you kind of do a double-take because he’s cute. “Does it look silly?”

    You shake your head. “No, actually—are you sure you’re an executive member of the company and not a model?”

    He bites his bottom lip, smiling. “Positive.” And then he grabs something out of his car, tossing it at you. It sails midair and you frantically catch it before it shatters on the ground. Baekhyun laughs when you shoot him a glare.

    “A heads up would’ve been nice,” you murmur. Lifting the glass bottle in your hand, you inspect the drink.

    “But it turned out well in the end, didn’t it?”

    “You and your optimism.”

    “Only after I have my coffee, pretty,” he remarks, winking.

    You approach him, eyebrows raised. “I was starting to think the day I see you hot and bothered would be the day the sun sets in the East.”

    “You’re lucky then because you’d be running in the opposite direction,” he tells you breezily.

    You bite back a grin. “Tell me. Does your secretary immensely hate you or does she have a thing for your supposed side?”

    He moves into the driver’s seat, adjusting it as he says, “hm, what do you think? Why else would she suggest I put tinsel in my hair?”

    You join him. “I think she’d expected you to make a fool out of yourself, but she’s probably regretting how completely and utterly wrong she is.”

    His laugh is delightful to listen to, and he starts the engine, backing from the parking space. You can’t help but check out his side profile as he has his right arm slung over your headrest when he backs out. Byun Baekhyun is a person that God made when he’d said it and dumped an entire bottle of perfection into the stirring pot.

    “You know, if you looked any harder, you’ll probably turn out to be like everyone else who eventually asks me if I’m really thirty,” he indicates in good humor.

    You roll your eyes at his comment, not caring that he’s caught you red-handed. “Hey, I can appreciate a work of art when I deem it necessary. Leave me be.”

    He clucks his tongue. “You’re getting smoother by the day, pretty.”

    You wink at him. “What can I say? I only learn from the best.”


“So what exactly do you listen to?”

    Baekhyun hums, “music.”

    You snort. “No, duh.” Shaking your head in amusement, you say, “what kind of music are you into?”

    He deliberates, “I listen to whatever on’s the radio sometimes, but if I have a genre I really like, it’d be R&B.”

    “ yes!” You exclaim, jumping in your seat.

    He glances sideways, eyes shining in adoration.

    You level a look at him. “I love Korean R&B. There’s just something about how familiar it all is. Every song is different, but it has a similar vibe. I love that you can down and dirty to Jay Park, but you can also have your soft boy moment with Crush and Zion.T—you feel?”

    Baekhyun chuckles. “Take the aux, pretty.”

    Your jaw drops. “Really? You trust me?”

    He nods, pretending to be wary. “Should I be scared?”

    You plug the USB in your phone, and the first track makes him wince. But you’re delightfully clapping along.

    Baekhyun groans, “really? How old is this song?”

    “Dude, it’s Tay Tay! Show some love,” you protest, which makes him laugh. “But I keep cruising, can’t stop, won’t stop moving—

    He’s shaking his head, secretly telling you to stop, but you ignore him, leaning in closer.

    “It’s like I got this music in my mind, sayin’ it’s gonna be alright—“ You send him an expectant look, and he looks pained.

    But you’re whooping like crazy when he sings the next line. “‘Cause the player’s gonna play, play, play…” It’s timid and sounds like he’s just doing it to entertain you, but you appreciate it. He makes your stomach flutter like crazy, and you’re honestly mind blown at his duality.

    “You’re an absolute madman,” you jest, poking his arm.

    He snorts. “Imagine being a grown man and knowing every single lyric to her title tracks.”

    You titter, “no!”

    But he levels a serious look at you. “You should probably run the other way.”

    “Actually, sign me the up. You said it yourself— conventionalism. I’m not one to care about hypermasculinity. This is a safe space. You can release your inner teenage girl to me, Baek.”

    Baekhyun beams. “You’re such a dork.”

    You waggle your eyebrows. “I warned you, didn’t I? That I wasn’t gonna be a fun passenger.”

    He an eyebrow. “Really? I think you’re pretty damn fun to be around.”

    “You’re such a sweetheart, but you’re giving me way too much credit, though.” You tap through your phone, searching for your actual playlist. “All jokes aside, let’s listen to some real eargasm.”

    The duration of the ride consists of you unabashedly screaming along the lyrics as Baekhyun mostly looks pleasantly amused beside you. But you force him to go along with it, and to your surprise, he does. He humors you by singing along, and you love his voice.

    He should sing more, but quite frankly, you wanted to be a little selfish. He wasn’t yours, but for now, you wanted to keep these little moments to yourself. You selfishly wish that he wouldn’t show these sides of himself to others.

    Baekhyun points to the welcome to New Mexico sign, and you gasp. “I can’t believe it. We drove all the way passed Texas? If you told me that I’d be traveling with a complete stranger yesterday, I’d definitely write you off as a wacko.”

    He smiles. “To be fair, I wouldn’t have trusted myself either.”

    “Why? You’re a good person,” you tell him in earnestness.

    “Aren’t you afraid that you’ll find out that you made the wrong judgment? What makes you think that I’m being completely transparent with you?” His question isn’t snide or anything, and from the looks of it, Baekhyun is truly curious about your impression of him. And it shouldn’t matter what you tell him because he should already know that he’s amazing.

    You fix your eyes on his profile. “I think we all hide things, and you particularly have a lot of secrets, but that doesn’t mean you’re a bad person. I’d be lying if I said I’ve told you everything there is to know about me. This trip is improvised—but I appreciate that you’re genuinely getting to know me. And it’s the little things that made me stay. You know—I’m capable of leaving anytime I want. However, I’ve gotten to see how kind and considerate you are. You didn’t have to let me hitch a ride with you. You didn’t have to pay for dinner. You didn’t have to go along with sleeping at the rest stop. And you definitely didn’t have to engage in our little sing-a-long, but you did it anyway. The fact that you haven’t complained about any of it just makes me respect you more.”

    He looks stunned, which makes you laugh sheepishly.

    “Sorry, I’m a creep—I know. Honestly, you’re not the only observant one. I kind of have to watch people and determine if they’re genuine on a daily basis.”

    Baekhyun shakes his head. “No—no. I just—I’m surprised that you regarded my actions so closely. You know—there’s a reason why I don’t date anymore. It got exhausting being with women who always wanted more than I could give them, but you—“ He releases a breathy laugh. “You’re a breath of fresh air, pretty.”

    You tsk. “Okay. Now, you’re just flattering me. I think you need new friends.”

    “Why? I have you,” he says. Your chest warms, and you have to bite back a grin. Baekhyun clearly hadn’t put much thought in the comment, but the fact that it’d come out so naturally made you ecstatic.

    Before you can think of a reply, your phone buzzes on your lap. It’s a text message from one of your girlfriends.

    Isn’t this Eli?

    You inspect the image she sent you. In it, your ‘boyfriend’ has his arms around another woman and he’s kissing her. Suddenly, you feel sick in your stomach.

    “You okay?” Baekhyun asks beside you.

    Plastering a smile, you reply tightly, “of course, why wouldn’t I be?”

    “You seem kind of down,” he notes.

    The car stops at a red light, and he glances at you in concern. You shake your head. “I’m okay—just kind of tired. I’m gonna nap.” You turn your head so he doesn’t see your crestfallen expression.

    You didn’t know why it mattered so much to you that Eli’s hooking up with someone else. Your relationship had run its course. You understood that, and you already had a strong feeling when he asked for a break that he had no intention of further pursuing a relationship with you. So why did it hurt so much? He should’ve at least made you aware of what he’d wanted.

    Where did everything go wrong? Was it when you settled for the fact that you didn’t mind spending the rest of your life with him despite your better judgment? It wasn’t like you were in love with him. But it still hurt because you’d valued honesty above everything. You wouldn’t have been so pained if he told you the truth.

    Sorry. I think I need some time to think about us. It’s not you, it’s me.

    What he should’ve said was that he’d grown tired of the repetition in your relationship. He should’ve been honest whether that would’ve hurt you or not. You stifle a sigh, closing your eyes to sleep. You didn’t want to think about this anymore.


When you open your eyes, the car is at a stop. You sit up, the familiar tart smell of strawberries wafting by and filling your senses. Your heart thuds in your chest when you sit up, whipping your head around to see your surrounding.

    “Hey.” Baekhyun smiles when you turn to look at him in bewilderment.

    You blink rapidly. “Where are we?”

    “A farm,” he says nonchalantly.

    “What? Wait—why?” You stutter, following him out of the car. And then you realize that the sign to the farm has the words AZ below the name. “We’re in Arizona?”

    He nods, smiling almost apologetically. “I must’ve kept you up really late, sorry.”

    “No,” You protest. “Don’t apologize—please. I had fun.”

    Baekhyun signals you to follow, and you stumble after him on sleepy legs. “You up for some strawberry picking?”

    You don’t know what to say because this is just so random, so you just follow after him into the fields. There are miles of strawberry patches, and the sweet smell makes you dizzy with elation.

    Your eyes prick at the unexpected memories of your dad and summers of you running in the fields, showing customers around—getting scolded by your mom for not wearing enough sunscreen as she spreads aloe on your skin. Most importantly, helping him pick strawberries for harvest and being spoiled by him before he passed away.

    “I’m starting to think that I made you even more depressed, pretty,” Baekhyun says, turning toward you when he grows aware of the distance between the two of you.

    You duck your head, attempting to hide flushed cheeks and glossy eyes, but he catches you by your shoulders.

    “Hey,” he prompts gently. “It’s okay. You don’t have to be embarrassed.” His eyes seek yours, and he cups your cheeks, preventing you from looking away.

    You sniffle, smiling sheepishly. “God. I’ve put a damper on the mood. I’m sorry. I’m usually not so—feminine.”

    Baekhyun snorts a laugh. “That’s warranted because you are a female.”

    “I’m okay now. You can let me go,” you tell him, smiling more confidently now.

    His hands drop, and you suddenly miss the comfort of his hands. “Oh, I forgot to grab a basket,” he deadpans.

    His eyes meet yours and you both burst out laughing. Shaking your head, you tell him, “I’ll be right back. Don’t get lost.”

    When you come back, you see him scrutinizing the green berries near the bottom of the grove. Grinning to yourself, you tiptoe behind him and grab his sides. He jerks forward, yelping in surprise. Baekhyun rolls his eyes when you burst out laughing, hunching over to catch your breath.

    “If you weren’t so cute, you would’ve been buried,” he says as a matter of fact.

    Scoffing, you loop an arm around his, tugging him along to an empty patch. “How’d you think of strawberries?”

    Baekhyun contemplates, “because I thought they’d cheer you up.”

    Frowning, you ask, “and how do you know that I like them?”

    “Because you had a strawberry shake, which is very particular. Most people go for vanilla or chocolate,” he explains.

    “Creep,” you jab playfully.

    “As long as you’re smiling again.”

    And your stomach bottoms out. You just don’t know how he does it. He shouldn’t be allowed to be this charming, but he is, and it makes your insides turn into mush.

    “My dad was a strawberry farmer in Southern California, and I used to hang around the fields during the summer. So naturally, I practically grew up with strawberries, and honestly, I love them as much as I hate them." You sigh. "They always remind me of him, and I become sad, but unfortunately, they’re such tasty little morsels that I can’t help myself,” you recount, twisting the fruit in your palm.

    Baekhyun watches you tentatively. “Did he pass away?”

    Smiling sadly, you nod. “When I was fifteen, and my mom was wrecked. I had to grow up quickly because we only had each other. She wasn’t strong enough to be a parent after he died, so—“ You exhale shakily. “I did it, and here I am.”

    “To be fair, he’d be proud to see how you’ve turned out. You’re beautiful and well-spoken and cool—minus your questionable music taste,” he teases, nudging you.

    You laugh an unrestrained and heartfelt one. “I’m sorry? Who was it who said he knew every lyric to Taylor Swift?”

    Baekhyun squints his eyes mischievously. “Keep that to yourself, young lady—if you know what’s good for you.”

    You ignore him, holding out a berry in front of his face. “Isn’t it pretty?”

    “Not as pretty as you, but I’d say a close second.”

    Rolling your eyes, you push it against his lips, watching him open and chew carefully. The action makes your heart flutter, and you forcibly look away. His lips were pink and tempting, and you didn’t want to get caught up in the sudden fluke of hormones.

    You settle onto a patch, years of harvesting berries putting you on auto-drive. It’s easy as pie as you grasp the berries gently, twisting it until it falls on your palms. You’re also ambidextrous from having done this a million times. When you turn to Baekhyun, however, he’s not doing so well.

    Laughing at him—loving the cute way his cheeks pink, you clamber over to him after dropping the berries in the basket. “Shut up,” he sulks.

    You laugh even harder. “I didn’t say anything, though.”

    “Your eyes say otherwise. Look here, I’m perfectly capable when I want to be—“

    “Yes, yes, you boss people around at work, but you’re not used to physical labor. Gotcha,” you tease. He shoots you a disdained look but there’s no malice. Just cheery playfulness.

    You sidle up beside him, grasping under his palm. “Hold your hand out like this,” you instruct. “And then just grab the stem like this—twist gently so you don’t break off the leaves.” Your eyes raise to meet his so you can gauge his understanding, but you shouldn’t have.

    His eyes are searing, and there’s a hidden message behind those eyes. You don’t want to assume what he wants, but if you’re thinking the same thing, then you’d really like for it to happen.

    You harrumph, “and just cradle the fruit in your palm and you got yourself a nice looking berry.”

    Darting your eyes, you pull your hand away—or at least you attempt to but your clumsy self falls backward from your squat position and you land on your in a very unladylike way.

    Baekhyun breaks into a grin, and you groan into your palms. On the spectrum of attractiveness, you were probably dropping lower and lower on his scale.

    He drops the berry in the basket beside him and moves to stand on his feet, dusting off his hands. Then, he dips his hand out, offering them to you.

    You firmly grasp it, doing your best to avoid his cheeky expression directed on you. “You didn’t see that,” you murmur.

    He pulls you up and the surge of strength shocks you. You're sure he didn’t expect to pull you so hard as you go flying onto his chest. You squeak, trying to back away. “Sorry! Sorry!”

    But Baekhyun doesn’t let you escape, he tightens his grip on your hand, tugging you until you’re flushed against him.

    “Baekhyun,” you say, meeting his eyes with tentativeness.

    He doesn’t dodge—doesn’t attempt to deflect or even look away. No, he meets your eyes with the same wariness. As if he’s afraid to address the elephant in the room. And honestly, he must’ve known. He had to. You’ve never felt so drawn to someone as he to you.

    Exhaling a shaky breath, he says, “whatever you’re feeling, I feel it too.”

    Your eyes widen, and you can hear your heart pounding in your ears. A million emotions pour inside of you at once. But all you can make out is excitement. Gratefulness that you aren’t the only one. Because let’s be real, that would’ve been awkward as .

    “Can I…?” Baekhyun tilts his head.

    You bite back a smile. How could this man still be so sweet—asking for your permission when his eyes are ravenous? You answer his question by standing on your tippy-toe, pressing a gentle kiss on his lips.

    He groans as if you’re the very thing that unravels him and then he pulls you in closer, threading his fingers in your hair. And it’s more accurate to say that it’s him who’s responsible for making you like feel your soul is being unwound, spinning. Humming pleasantly. You realize that this isn’t enough, despite how amazing the pressure of his lips feels on yours. You want to taste him, and to your relief, he lets you.

    Baekhyun slips his tongue inside, caressing yours. You mewl, stretching your arms and winding it around his neck. He tastes like strawberries. Memories. Good memories that spread within you like paint on a white canvas, spilling and swirling—mixing nostalgia with newness. The old memories with your dad. The happiness and contentment you felt as a child. And now with his gentle kiss that propositions new possibilities.

    Your stomach flits with anticipation, and he’s everything that you want. A gentle soul. A man with forever playful eyes. With lips so pink that you almost feel as though you’ll wreck its innocence. And most importantly, his ability to make you feel like yourself.

    It’s hard to pull back when his hands feel so good, fingers so gentle as he massages your nape. But you do it anyway, and it’s worth it. Because his cheeks are flushed and his lips are shiny with signs of you. And his beautiful hair is pulled in every direction, but to you, he resembles a sculpture. A still portrait you want to keep locked in your mind forever.

    Smiling shyly, you take a step back, raking your hand through your disheveled hair. “So…that was fun,” you drawl, laughing quietly.

    He responds with an incredulous laugh. “Are you kidding? I should’ve done this sooner.”

    You force yourself to peel your eyes from him, and you signal him back to the abandoned strawberries. “They aren’t gonna pick themselves, Baek.”

    Baekhyun bends down next to you, purposely brushing his arms with yours. You giggle when he steals kisses here and there, distracting you from your task.

    The rest of the evening is spent productively with Baekhyun’s strawberry breath and honey laughter. And it may be bad to say this—but you’re kind of glad your car broke down when it did.



[a/n] so fluffy. yk when agnes says he's so fluffy, i'm gonna die! that's literally how i feel rn. hope u enjoy this chapter! i'm having so much fun experimenting <3

we got 3 more chapters, people.

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[rur] i think we need to applaud the fact that i'm consistent in pointing out when my sub counts have reached very inappropriate numbers but hey, it's 69 <3


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Chapter 6: This was so prexious :) i love it.

the way you describe the tention is crazy ! it's very good.
parkshiza #2
Chapter 5: it's sooo beautiful.... I'm sooo happy for them finally like finally, they are together : )
Chapter 5: 😭😭😭 beautiful it’s gonna be complicated but it’s worth it 🥺😘. Thank you for sharing this beautiful story authornim!
Chapter 4: I was so up in the air with their ual chemistry but then the angst suddenly hit me and then i got relieved.. what an emotional rollercoaster.. 😭😭😭
Chapter 3: She called her baby baek and am crying why it is so cute 😭😭 the attraction level between them are so over the roof 😭. And when he said his hobby… am deeeeaaadddddfdddd
Chapter 2: 😭😭😭me loving it they’re so compatible and fluffinesses is chef kiss 😘😘😘
Chapter 1: 😻😻 imagine how lucky you are to meet handsome and gorgeous Baekhyunee during the unlucky trip 😻
Chapter 5: Ohmygod this is so beautiful!! Every part was written so perfectly! Ugh i seriously need more fics like this 😭💞 thank you so much for writing this!
KimHyeJoo #9
Chapter 5: Awww this story is so precious!!!!!❤️❤️❤️
So heartwarming❤️
byunns #10
Chapter 5: honestly????? this is the best. i love the fluff so much dammit, took me long enough to finish a chapter cuz i gotta pause on each sentences to take a breath and scream for a sec. and the last two chapter was a rollercoaster tbh and it makes the story even more better. thank you for this beautifully written au!!