
Access Denied

"Hi, mind if I sit here? My friend told me that this spot got the best wifi signal."

"Sure. Go ahead."


Kyuhyun took his bag out from a stool next to him and placed it on a floor by his stool instead. A black-haired man dressed in casual short-sleeved blue shirt and white jeans smiled at him and, at that moment, both of them were stunned and kept staring at each other fixedly. For a moment it felt as if the world had stopped spinning and there were only him and this cute stranger. After a while, the stranger was first to realize that they were staring at each other. Blushing slightly, the stranger sat down on the stool next to him. Kyuhyun turned his attention back to his laptop after staring at that pale pink lips for a bit longer. He resumed doing his assignment while occasionally glancing at the man beside him. He could see the newcomer took out a silver-colored laptop from his peripheral vision, probably doing some homework too. They were in a small cafe hidden in a deep alley unknown by most college students. For that reason, the wifi signal here was pretty strong. Out of all the seats in the shop, the two stool seats at a wooden counter by a window got the best signal. Kyuhyun discovered this fact by pure coincidence and he thought no one but him knew that, so he was a bit miffed knowing that someone else knew this secret too. Nevertheless, it was just one more person sharing the wifi with him. He wasn't that unreasonable to hoard it all to himself.


Though it means my game won't be as smooth as it used to be...


Sighing to himself, Kyuhyun accepted the fact that he couldn't enjoy high speed internet by himself anymore.




"What? Access denied? But how...?"


Kyuhyun glanced at the man beside him whose laptop was showing the login screen. He tried to log into an administrator account but kept inputting a wrong password, so the screen showed an alerting window with a short message read "Access denied". At first, Kyuhyun wasn't interested in whatever the man was doing. No matter how cute the stranger was, he still had his own assignment to do. However, Seeing that almond-shaped eyes staring at the screen with anxious gaze made him feel guilty like he just abandoning some puppy. In the end, he interfered with the man's poor attempt that led him nowhere.


"Did you forget your own password?"


The man turned to face him and Kyuhyun found his gaze lingering at that pale pink lips again.


"Actually, this isn't my laptop," the man explained, "I borrowed it from my friend but I didn't know that it requires a password. He probably forgot to tell me too."

"Or he didn't tell you because he knew you can just log into a guest account?"


The man stared at him with a blank gaze. He repeatedly blinked cluelessly and Kyuhyun found his focus being drawn to that fluttering, rich and dark eyelashes closing on a pair of beautiful black eyes.


"A guest account?" The man said looking genuinely confused.

"Yeah, the administrator account belongs to your friend so all you have to do is logging in as a guest."


Kyuhyun leaned into the man's personal space and secretly inhaled. The man smelled like a rich coffee mixed with vanilla and he suddenly felt thirsty. Dragging his finger on a touchpad, he moved the black pointy cursor to a message "Login as guest" and clicked it. The screen blinked and a home screen appeared within the next second. The man gasped in amazement looking at the laptop that worked just fine now. He turned to face Kyuhyun and smiled happily with slightly redder cheeks. Kyuhyun noticed that his heart skipped a wrong beat for just a second at that smile.


"Thank you so much! Er...?"

"Cho Kyuhyun, a junior studying com-sci, you?"

"I'm Kim Jongwoon, a junior too but I study business. Nice to meet you Kyuhyun! And seriously, thanks!"

"Nah, it's alright. Us college students must help each other. After all, we wouldn't want to see our comrade without a homework to submit, right?"


Jongwoon giggled while nodding at him, his cheeks still reddening, and Kyuhyun found his attention being captured by that magnetic laugher as if a spell was cast on him.




What Kyuhyun loved about this cafe was the free wifi that didn't require a password, though that was probably because the old lady, the owner, didn't know how to set up one. His new acquaintance seemed to enjoy this advantage too. The way Jongwoon's eyes widened and the corners of his mouth rose up when the wifi connected were just too cute. Kyuhyun forgot to do his assignment for a while as he was busy staring at the man beside him. But when Jongwoon opened a blank Excel sheet, he was reminded of his own work so he begrudgingly turned back to his laptop.


However, not even five minutes had passed when Jongwoon ran into a problem again.


"What? Access denied? Again!?"


Kyuhyun looked away from his laptop to see what happened this time. Right now, the screen was showing the login page of the faculty of business's website. Under the blank box in the center of the screen were a tiny red message read as "Access denied: wrong password. Two attempts remaining." Jongwoon frowned and pouted while trying to type the password again, and Kyuhyun stared at that duck lips with undivided attention. He only snapped out of his weird thought when he heard Jongwoon crying out in disbelief.


"What!? I typed the correct password so why did it still say access denied!?"


He looked at the screen this time. The small but glaringly red message changed into "Access denied: wrong password. One attempt remaining." At the same time, Jongwoon who was hit by panic began to bite his fingers. Kyuhyun frowned in disapproval and held Jongwoon's hands in both of his to stop that.


"Don't bite your fingers. Calm down, alright? Let me take a look at it."



Kyuhyun freed only one hand from Jongwoon's hold, just in case that Jongwoon might bite his fingers again. He turned the silver laptop to face him and carefully checked everything on the screen. He checked the website's URL first but found nothing wrong with it. He then opened the website in a new tab to see if it was down or not, to which the answer was, no, the website itself working perfectly fine. He could access other websites just fine in the new tab so no problem with the internet connection too. He almost thought that Jongwoon probably inputted a wrong password until he saw the language setting at the lower right corner of the screen...


"Hey, what was your password language again?"

"Obviously Korean. Why?"

"Well, the keyboard is currently set at English, so..."


He smirked seeing Jongwoon's face turning bright red from embarrassment. He couldn't believe that someone would make such a beginner mistake like this but then he met Jongwoon. If it was his friends who made such a mistake, he would have laughed himself to death by now (though he doubted his friends would ever do something stupid like this.) However, when it came to Jongwoon, he found the man to be irresistibly adorable instead. Was he being biased because Jongwoon was totally his type?


"T-Thank you, I'll be more observant next time..."


Staring at Jongwoon's rosy cheeks, Kyuhyun actually wished that the man would stay clumsy like this.




Kyuhyun completely abandoned his assignment to observe Jongwoon instead. Why would he bother stressing himself when there was some entertainment to watch? Not to say that his assignment wasn't due soon anyway. He kept watching while smirking at Jongwoon who clumsily typed the password again (in Korean this time.) He couldn't help but chuckle at the way Jongwoon carefully typing the password by pressing one key at a time with his short finger. Though he guessed it was partly his fault for not letting Jongwoon's hand go even though the man no longer bit his fingers. From the look of it, Jongwoon was probably right-handed. That was why he had a hard time typing with his left hand alone. Jongwoon's cuteness greatly tugged at his heartstrings and he couldn't stop his true feeling from slipping out.


"You're really cute."


Jongwoon accidentally pressed the enter key instead of whatever letter keys he was supposed to press. Both men looked up and stared at the screen in unison.



Access denied: wrong password. You've inputted a wrong password 3 times. Your account is automatically locked for security reasons. Please contact staff at computer science department to unlock it.



Jongwoon's face slowly contorted into horror the more he read the cursed message, and Kyuhyun felt guilty for thinking that the man actually looked cuter.


"No! My account! All my saved works are in there and I need to submit them tonight!"


Jongwoon glared at Kyuhyun who smiled back innocently.


"This is your fault! If only you didn't hold m- if you didn't distract me then I wouldn't accidentally press the enter!"

"What? Isn't it obviously your fault?"

"How!? How any of this is my fault!?"

"It's your fault for being too cute."


Jongwoon cutely opened and closed his mouth repeatedly like a goldfish, unable to respond to Kyuhyun's direct flirting. Seeing his smirk only made the man turn even redder (from anger or embarrassment, he didn't know). Jongwoon snarled at Kyuhyun but it only made him look cuter because it reminded Kyuhyun of an angry kitten.


"You're the worst! I lost my works because of you but all you did is trying to get in my pants!?"

"Well, will you let me in?"


"Hahahaha! Just kidding! Don't worry about your account. I can get it back."


Kyuhyun laughed at how fast Jongwoon's expression changed from angry to hopeful. If he didn't happen to be the one behind the disappearance account, he would have teased the shorter man to his heart's content by now.


"Really!? You can do that!? How? Are you gonna hack into the database and take my account back?"

"Jongwoon, I think you watch too many spy movies. I'm just a com-sci student, not a hacker."

"What?" Jongwoon instantly looked disappointed, "then, how will you help me? Wait, did you lie to me so you can get me off your back?"

"I'm a man of my words. I said I'll help you so I'll do it, though my method might not be as cool as you imagine."


He took out his phone and dialed someone who he knew could solve this problem in a heartbeat. Seeing Jongwoon staring at him curiously, Kyuhyun changed the call to a speaker mode so the man could listen to the conversation too.



"Shindong hyung. I need your help."

"With what? Elaborate."

"My friend entered a wrong password three times so his account is locked now. Can you unlock it for him?"

"...You know that you can contact other com-sci staff and have them unlock it, right?"

"I know. But they work according to the queue so it'll take a day or two to get to my friend's account. He didn't have the luxury to wait."

"So you bribe me to cut him in line? Now I'm interested in this 'friend' of yours."

"Well, he won't be my friend for long, that much I'm certain."


Kyuhyun smirked and took time appreciating Jongwoon's rosy cheeks.


"Ah, it's that kind of friend then? Gotcha."

"So you'll do it?"

"Under one condition, help me sort the library database this weekend."

"Deal. Now hurry up and unlock it please. He needs to get something from there."

"I can't. I'm heading to the faculty meeting now. You have to wait two hours."


Kyuhyun turned to Jongwoon with one raised eyebrow. The man seemed hesitant at first but eventually sighed in resignation and nodded.


"Alright, two hours it is. Thanks, hyung."

"Sure thing, bye."


He ended the call and looked up to see Jongwoon stared at him curiously, but it didn't seem like he would ask out loud. So, Kyuhyun took it upon himself to explain.


"Shindong hyung is a professor in my faculty but he is also my senior. We get along well so he doesn't mind helping me with stuff like this."

"I see... Well, at least you're willing to take responsibility of your actions."

"Of course I'm. Actually, I'm more than willingly to take full responsibility of some other actions too."


He said ambiguously using a tone lower than usual and purposefully his lips. He chuckled darkly seeing Jongwoon's turned into a deeper shade of red. Of course, he didn't miss the way Jongwoon glancing at his lips and gulping nervously.


"Jongwoon," Kyuhyun purred while the back of Jongwoon's hand with his thumb, "why don't we find something to do while waiting for your account to get unlocked?"

"W-What do you mean?"

"How about we go to my place and I show you how to thoroughly access and explore your account?"


Kyuhyun couldn't smirk any wickedly seeing Jongwoon gasping in surprise from his shamelessly flirting. The black-haired man struggled to come up with a reply so he kept blinking while blushing furiously.


"Not only that, but I can also find a hole in your operating system and fix it for you. By the way, how do you like your error to be fixed? Repeatedly spam it with my OS until yours overloads and reboots? Or do you prefer taking it slow and patiently build up immunity while I transfer my data to you?"


Kyuhyun didn't know that it was possible for a human to turn this red.


"S-Shameless! ert! How can you say that to someone whom you just met!?"

"Access denied then? What a shame. You'd know that I don't offer this free maintenance to just anyone I met. You're a special case."


He might say that with a dejecting sigh, but his thumb still sensually drew a seductive circle on the back of Jongwoon's small hand. He also made sure to 'unintentionally' his upper lip after sighing. He looked down to hide his smirk after he heard another nervous gulping from the man in front of him.


"A-Actually," Jongwoon began with a cute stammer, "I-I think I might need a few maintenance, I mean, my OS needs it, a-as you can see, it's kind of slow a-and occasionally crashes, maybe s-something is piling up and needed to be taken care of...?"

"Oh, Jongwoon," Kyuhyun leaned in and whispered by the man's ear, "I'm more than happily to run a full test and check it until you're satisfied."

"I'm g-glad to hear that, but, how long...?"

"How long what?" Kyuhyun asked even though he already knew what Jongwoon meant.

"H-How long will we make o- I mean! How long will the maintenance last!?"

"That depends on how well your OS responds to mine, but don't worry, I know you still have assignments to do so it won't take too long."


Kyuhyun blew a puff of warm breath into Jongwoon's reddening ear.


"We can resume the maintenance after you're done with your work, if you wish to, of course."


Jongwoon didn't say anything but his hand quickly shut down his laptop. Then he began to pack his stuff in haste. Kyuhyun chuckled amusingly and pack his own stuff too. That was when he noticed that he got a message from his senior not long ago.



Meeting cancelled. Unlocked done. Don't forget your promise.

- Shindong hyung



"Kyuhyun? Is something the matter?"

"Nothing. Let's go."



Kyuhyun turned to smile warmly at Jongwoon and quickly deleted the message.

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Liza_Blessedx2 #1
Chapter 1: How to make tech terms sound erted? Ask Kyuhyun ..lol As for Jongwoon's reply "......." hahaha!!!!! Love it <3
Chapter 1: Cute story
Kyuhyuns way of flirting though xD
Btw what does OS mean ? I'm not good when it comes to informatics
391 streak #3
Chapter 1: "Not only that, but I can also find a hole in your operating system and fix it for you. By the way, how do you like your error to be fixed? Repeatedly spam it with my OS until yours overloads and reboots? Or do you prefer taking it slow and patiently build up immunity while I transfer my data to you?"


PathxX #4
Chapter 1: I was having fun, I didn't realize I was near the end :(.

「Did he manage to pass his homework on time?」

This question popped into my head after. I got genuinely concerned about how he will be able to pass it. I guess, university made me worry about this stuff too much, I forgot this is fiction xD
PathxX #5
Chapter 1: I was having fun, I didn't realize I was near the end :(.

「Did he manage to pass his homework on time?」

This question popped into my head after. I got genuinely concerned about how he will be able to pass it. I guess, university made me worry about this stuff too much, I forgot this is fiction xD
Chapter 1: The best part is where Kyu flirts using tech terms XD I laughed way too hard at that because how the heck it sounds so silly yet dirty at the same time ヽ( ´ー`)ノ this become my favorite oneshot ever hahaha
Chapter 1: So fluffy and I love the ending~~ ^_^