Wish of a Thousand Stars~APPLY~


Wish of a Thousand Stars~APPLY~


I saw all the new group fics, and finally decided to try my hand at it. So all of those who want to apply put on your thinking caps and let it go. I want you to apply for this fic. I've already got an idea for group name, but I need quite the amount of appliers.

Name[Koren Name]:
Personality[detailed please]:
Background[previous work]:
Likes/Dislikes[10 bullets altogether]:
Hobbies/Fears/Talents[15 bullets altogether]:
Trivia[random facts about you;10 bullets]:
Appearance[3-4 pics; 1 full-body pic included]:
Persona[3 picks only]:
Position[4 picks only]:
Partner[Pick 3 people from the list]:
Anything Else[Sibling Requests]:



Ageyo Queen
Charisma Queen
4D Dreamer
Ice Queen
Bubble Queen


Leader /Sub Singer/Sub Dancer/ Sub Rapper
Lead Singer/Sub Dancer/ Sub Rapper
Main Singer/ Center Model/Sub Dancer
Main Dancer/Sub Actress/ Sub MC
Lead Dancer/Sub Actress/ Main Model
Lead Singer/ Lead Dancer/ Sub Rapper
Main Actress/ Sub MC/ Sub Center Model
Main Rapper/ Song Writer/ Lead Singer
Jack of all Trades [part of all things]

Partners/Sibling Requests:


Super Junior
Big Bang
FT Island
One Day(2am & 2pm)


After School
Wonder Girls
9 Muses
4 Minute 


Anyways that's basically all that I need, and don't forget the password. It's just one picture of my favorite idol, Woo Kevin. You can add anything else you'd like to add to the application. In fact I perfer that you do so, the more unique the more likely you'll get picked. Lots of uck to you appliers!


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doraemonmojacko #1
no update??
updatee pleasee ~~
update please ~^^ gomawo ^^
Mrem96 #4
Name[Koren Name]: Kim Hye Rin<br />
Age[16-21]: 18<br />
Birthdate[Year,Month,Day]: 1992, May, 12<br />
Personality[detailed please]: Funny, dorky,smart and talented girl. Very friendly and charismatic. She has a very beautiful voice like Kim Taeyeon... probably because she's her sister.<br />
Background[previous work]: college student and working at a porridge shop as a part time job<br />
Nationality: Korean<br />
Likes/Dislikes[10 bullets altogether]:<br />
- Likes wearing shirts, jackets, pants and high cut shoes<br />
- Likes to play her drums and guitar<br />
- Likes to listen to music<br />
- Likes to mingle with friends<br />
- Likes to play volleyball and basketball<br />
- Hates Arrogant and boastful people<br />
<br />
Hobbies/Fears/Talents[15 bullets altogether]:<br />
- Playing volleyball<br />
- Listening to music<br />
- Playing Starcraft<br />
- Loves to sing and dance<br />
- Loves to play guitar and drums<br />
-Loves to wear jackets<br />
Trivia[random facts about you;10 bullets]: <br />
- Dork<br />
- Math and science whizz<br />
- Volleball team captain and libero<br />
Appearance[3-4 pics; 1 full-body pic included]:<br />
- http://29.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_ld9ixtugSP1qa5dcno1_400.jpg<br />
- http://26.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lbeumi1kuc1qa5dcno1_400.jpg<br />
- http://30.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lb7fe2olRS1qa5dcno1_400.jpg<br />
- http://24.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_l9wxqfuCVF1qa5dcno1_400.jpg<br />
[full body] - http://s3prod.weheartit.netdna-cdn.com/images/5694232/tumblr_ldsr183vUE1qdx3jjo1_500_large.png?1292973085<br />
<br />
Persona[3 picks only]: <br />
- Charisma queen<br />
- Prankster<br />
- Bubble queen<br />
Position[4 picks only]:<br />
- Main Singer, Lead Rapper, Song writer and Actress<br />
Partner[Pick 3 people from the list]: Kim Jonghyun (will end up with him. An arrogant and boastful person), Jung Yunho (Love triangle who is so quiet but smart)<br />
Anything Else[Sibling Requests]: Kim Taeyeon (sister who will end up with SUJU's Leeteuk), Kyuhyun (big brother who loves to piss her)<br />
Password: <br />
- http://www.asianpopcorn.com/battle_images/Kevin_Woo_Sung_U_Kiss__03122009040538.jpg<br />
- http://www.asianpopcorn.com/Themes/Images_other/200993003136.jpg
Name[Korean Name]: Park Mi Rae <br />
<br />
STAGE NAME: Doraemi(pronounced as doraymi)<br />
<br />
Age[16-21]: 18<br />
<br />
Birth date[Year,Month,Day]: 1994 march 10<br />
<br />
Personality:<br />
A very out-going and hyper person. Likes to prank and make fun of others. Im a little devil in disguise but in the end I always feel guilty and apologize for what I’ve done. I use my aeygo to get out of complicated situations. Im Carefree and just go with the flow type of person. You can read me like an open map because most of my emotions show on my face. I have an unexpectedly strong will and when Im determined to so something will definitely succeed. I Like being surrounded by people and I hate being alone. Im not the brightest one out there but im really good in singing and dancing. I Like to talk a lot and when you notice that Im unusually quiet it's either because Im planning of pranks or seriously thinking about something. I lose my concentration easily. And Im extremely stubborn. <br />
<br />
mingming on 12-21-2010 12:45:49 says:<br />
Appearance[3-4 pics; 1 full-body pic included]:<br />
- http://29.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_l7717yXDu41qa5dcno1_500.jpg<br />
- http://27.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_l5e1dshdiN1qa5dcno1_500.jpg<br />
- http://24.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_kvyr9dhaAz1qa5dcno1_250.jpg <br />
- http://25.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_krv1u8CUbI1qa5dcno1_400.jpg<br />
(full body) - http://30.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_l5acqhmcmd1qa5dcno1_400.jpg<br />
<br />
Persona[3 picks only]:<br />
Ageyo Queen<br />
Ice queen<br />
Prankster<br />
<br />
<br />
Position[4 picks only]:<br />
lead Singer/ lead Dancer/ sub Rapper/ song writer <br />
<br />
Partner[Pick 3 people from the list]:<br />
SHINee Jonghyun(end up with jonghyun :D) / Super Junior Leeteuk/ SHINee Minho<br />
<br />
Anything Else[Sibling Requests]: <br />
Lee Joon(mblaq) as my brother :]<br />
<br />
Password:<br />
http://i579.photobucket.com/albums/ss233/Kyou_niko11/KevinWoo-1.jpg <br />
<br />
Hobbies<br />
- writing songs<br />
- singing<br />
- dancing<br />
- playing pranks <br />
- drawing random chibi characters <br />
- reading (manga)<br />
- choreographing dances <br />
- taking pictures(photography)<br />
<br />
Fears<br />
- losing my loved ones<br />
- dying<br />
- night clubs<br />
<br />
Talents[15 bullets altogether]:<br />
- singing<br />
- dancing<br />
- drawing<br />
- playing guitar <br />
- photography<br />
- rapping<br />
<br />
Trivia[random facts about you;10 bullets]:<br />
- playing pranks on everyone<br />
- bites lower lip when thinking or is bored<br />
- show annoying poker-face when she thinks about something that she really doesn’t want anybody else to know <br />
- draw a smiley face on fogged up glass or window<br />
- walking around crowded places when she feels lonely <br />
- calls her brother when she’s about to sleep <br />
- mumbling in different kinds of languages she starts getting very annoyed <br />
- cover’s when she’s laughing <br />
- sleeping with book covering her face of her ipod earphone plugged in her ears<br />
- poking people when she’s nervous
Background[previous work]:<br />
I was born in Japan, then moved to Seoul (where she I am now) at age 9. I live with my father, mother, and older brother. My mother is always traveling, so I never really had a mother figure in life. I began my dance training in Japan at age 3, and then attended the Tokyo dance academy. I learned many styles of dance: ballet, break-dancing, modern, ballroom, etc. In Seoul I went to a private arts school(which is where I was discovered) My school was doing a showcase, and I performed an original, own choreography 5 minute long performance at age 14. They invited me to become a trainee with the company, which my dad accepted. He(dad) knew his daughter would go far. I had a very rough training, because even though I could dance really well, I had troubles with pitches for singing. I trained after curfew with a tuner, for 2 months, before I finally got it. <br />
Nationality: Japanese/Korean <br />
<br />
Likes<br />
- playing pranks<br />
- teasing<br />
- cameras<br />
- dark chocolate <br />
- Horror Movies (the more gory the better)<br />
- Japanese/korean food <br />
- snow/winter <br />
- dancing & singing<br />
- privacy<br />
- sleeping<br />
- ballad, pop, dance, hip-hop, RnB musics<br />
<br />
Dislikes[10 bullets altogether]:<br />
- plastic surgery<br />
- getting sick<br />
- bullies<br />
- the dark <br />
- being alone <br />
- sharks<br />
- stinky stuff<br />
- smell of cigarettes<br />
- liars <br />
- rude people <br />
Name[Korean Name]: CHA YEON BYUL 채연별 <br />
STAGE NAME: Biancha (pronounced as Bianca)<br />
Age[16-21]: 17<br />
Birthdate[Year,Month,Day]: 1993 May 28<br />
Personality:<br />
Biancha/Yeon Byul is known for being a carefree child who is deathly innocent <br />
Simple. Real. Optimistic. Moody. Stubborn yet easy to please. A music lover. DANCER. Smart. Immature. Clumsy and Silly.Sweet.talks a lot/does weird things when she's nervous. She's outgoing and really understanding. She's an excellent academic student and never fails at making someone laugh (trust me; she's HILARIOUS). She's caring and fun to be around. She sometimes over analyzes things and is very emotional at times.i speak both korean and english. i rarely fall for guys (in real life, i only fell for 2 people), and when i do fall for someone,i like him for a VERY long time.cry-baby.cute. easily confused. trusts people too easily as well,so anyone could make up a lie and she would believe it(even if it was the worse lie ever that anyone would know it is fake).little bit stupid/dork.shy & blushes really easily.<br />
When it comes to something sad or angry << gets really emotional and cries even for a little thing or a fight. She is strong outside but weak inside.
Appearance[3-4 pics; 1 full-body pic included]:<br />
<br />
I used my real pic.. if thats okay.. ? :)<br />
http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc4/hs427.snc4/46987_157619777602140_100000623576540_345664_7566689_n.jpg<br />
http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc4/hs600.snc4/58002_166977813338660_100000793271839_283366_4422452_n.jpg<br />
http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc4/hs407.snc4/46987_157619787602139_100000623576540_345667_2071809_n.jpg<br />
http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc4/hs388.snc4/45098_140651405971301_100000793271839_177253_7589832_n.jpg<br />
<br />
<br />
Persona[3 picks only]:<br />
Ageyo Queen<br />
Prankster<br />
Bubble Queen<br />
Position[4 picks only]:<br />
Lead Singer/ Lead Dancer/ Sub Rapper/ Maknae <br />
<br />
Partner[Pick 3 people from the list]:<br />
Super Junior Lee Donghae / SHINee Key / FT Island Jae jin<br />
but i want to end up w/ donghae.. ^^<br />
Anything Else[Sibling Requests]: <br />
Siwon appa~ (not really related but he was the one who adopted me there..)<br />
<br />
Password:<br />
http://twitter.com/#!/Kevinwoo91<br />
<br />
http://i49.tinypic.com/rc2cld.jpg<br />
<br />
THANK YOU~!!! please pick me up~! *puppy dog eyes* hahaha.. HAPPY HOLIDAYS by the way!<br />