
Pink is the warmest color
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Byul's POV 

I woke up from a slight tap in my left shoulder, I look or more like glare at the person who dares to cut my good sleep. It was Jung Wheein, my seatmate, I slightly groaned at her and was supposed to go back to sleep when she pointed in front using her lips

"What?" I asked her annoyed. She kept on pointing the front but I don't care about it and I wanna go back to sleep. I was about to really go back to sleep when she tapped me again 

"Yah Jung Wheein!" I stand up angrily, really angry. She look shocked but at the same time scared. I don't blame her but she can't blame me too. She then pointed up front. I look at it only to find the people around in the classroom looking at us specifically me. I feel so embarrassed when I look at the teacher in her desk with a girl standing beside her. 'Sht I thought I was home'

The girl is cute, not so tall, chubby cheeks, natural red lips, and a dashing smile. The only thing that caught my attention is her pink hair, it's annoying and just.... annoying. I look at our homeroom teacher and bowed

"You're really smart Ms. Moon but it doesn't gave you all the right to fall asleep especially in my class" oh I know, I am very much aware of how strict Mrs. Lee is that I find it amusing when I myself dared to fell asleep in her class

"I am sorry ma'am, it is not my intention to do so" I replied still bowing 

"And apologize to Ms. Jung she did you a favor but you chose to be a btch earlier" She then replied, I never know teachers are allowed to say those things but I quickly bow down to Wheein and mouthed a small 'I'm sorry' which I truly mean. I sit down and look at the pink-haired girl she was looking back at me. Her eyes are so alluring and deep, some might find it scary but I find it amusing. Her hair, still annoying duh 

"So class, I would like you to welcome our new student. Introduce yourself Ms."

The new student bowed at us and then suddenly look straight at me

"Hi, I am Kim Yongsun. I am a transferee from LA. Hope we get along with each other" 

Some of my classmate cheered by what she said, I can't blame them she's beautiful and it's new that we got a transferee from LA. 

"She's so beautiful" WheeIn suddenly whispered at me while still looking at Yongsun. I replied with a nod agreeing of what she said. I look around the classroom and realize that the seat in my right is the only vacant seat I got nervous. God, she really is beautiful.

"Get yourself comfortable Ms. Kim" Mrs. Lee pointed at seat beside me. I don't know but as Yongsun approaches the seat the tenser I get. I can hear my heart pounding. She sat comfortably at her seat and took a notebook and a pen. I look at her every move without even noticing that she's looking back at me 

"Is there something wrong Ms.? You seemed bothered" she suddenly spoke. I was taken aback and suddenly stuttered

"A-ah n-nothing. No, I'm sorry" she giggled and shook her head

"You're cute. I'm Kim Yongsun by the way in case you're not listening to me earlier" she whispered at me. Should I be offended or what? But why am I blushing? 

"I did listen. Nice to meet you I'm Moon ByulE" good thing I didn't stutter

"Oh that's nice. So you're my first friend here. Can I join you to lunch later?" 

I just nodded at her and mouthed 'Sure'. She smiled at me and started taking notes. 'I like how straight forward she is. I might consider her as my friend already, except for her hair' 


After that encounter me and Yongsun are inseparable. Wherever I go she's with me, wherever she goes I am with her. Sometimes we took Wheein with us if she doesn't have a date (Jung Wheein is a baby but that doesn't mean she can't date). I am already fond with presence but still her pink hair.

Now, the both of us were here at small café near her apartment 

"I just find it amusing how we suddenly click at each other" she spoke

"What do you mean?"

"Like the first time I talk to you I know that I will like you"

"Ohhh so you like me huh Kim Yongsun"

"Why not? You're adorable sometimes cute, honest and smart. I find it lucky to have a friend like you" I looked at her. A friend huh I felt a slight sting in my heart as she mention it and I don't know why. 

"Well I am lucky too then? since you're my friend"

"What was that supposed to mean Moon?"

"You're adorable too, attractive, and smart too" I replied she just look at me amusingly

"Thank you Moon" she smiled at me and I smiled at her

"By the way Byulkong do you know Mark from Class B?"

"Yes, why?" 

"She asked me out"

I almost spit the tea I was drinking at her when she told me that 'news'

"What? What did you say then?"

"Uhm I haven't given him the answer tho. I told him I needed some time"


"I mean there's nothing wrong of dating right? And he's cute" I suddenly felt down. My heart sank and I don't know. I'm starting to think I might have extracted some feelings for Yongsun but I can't tell her. She might find it uncomfortable.

"So you're saying yes to him?" I asked her. It was almost 2 months since we've known each other but I haven't known until now that I like Yongsun, I really do like her. 

"Well, maybe? I don't know"

"Okay?" 'fck that hurt'

I might have been spoken what's on my mind when she suddenly looked at me worried

"What hurts?" 

"U-uh n-nothing. It's the tea I drank it while it's still hot"

"Be careful next time Byulkong" she told me, worried still written in her eyes. 

"Don't mind about me dating Byul, It's no big deal." IT IS A BIG DEAL! For me at least. I fell silent. She suddenly spoke

"Say byul I was just curious, what's your first impression of me" 

"Hmmm? Why'd you ask?"

"Come on Byulkong everyone has their own first impression of a person. What's your first impression of me"

"You? Uhmm. You're cute? and bubbly." I told her 

"The cute part was more like a question, it sounds like you're unsure" she giggled which I admit is like a melody in my ears

"No it's not like that Yongkong. I found you cute and adorable. Except for your hair" I laugh at what I said. I should be honest with her tho

"Wait what? You don't like my hair?" 

"More like I don't like pink that much"

"Hey! Pink is awesome! How dare you byulkong"

"Well, what can I say?"

"Oh come on.  I treasure this hair."

"I know, I know. I am not asking for you to dye it or something" 

"Then what's not to like?"

"Your hair is annoying" 

"What? Hey that's too much byul" she said while laughing. At least we

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Chapter 1: kiyowo ?
Chapter 1: oh my! that was cute <3
Hawkeye12 #3
Chapter 1: That was really cute!
Chapter 1: Adorable!!! This made my heart warmer.