the reboot // plotlines

the reboot // deadline may 22nd
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plotlines• • •


Subunit - Sage
Age: 1997-1995
Position(s): Main Dancer, (lead rapper if no azalea)  Vocal, Choreographer.

camillia - TAKEN

Subunit - Magnolia
Age: 1999
Position: Lead Vocal, Lead Dancer, Rapper


Subunit - Sage
Age: 1998 - 1996.
Position(s): Main Vocal, Producer



Subunit - Magnolia
Age: 1997 - 1994.
Position(s): Main Dancer, Visual, Vocal, Sub-Rapper

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14 streak #1
I'm very sorry but I don't think I'm going to apply for this after all. Good luck for the story tho!
reveal_ #2
love the concept. i'll be sending mine in soon!
Chapter 2: i know what plotline i'm going for ^^
14 streak #4
Chapter 2: I’m going to go for the cosmo plotline! Though it will be a bit weird to see her as a rapper, since the oc I have in mind is usually a main vocalist
Chapter 2: this look so interesting!!! can't wait omg <3333
14 streak #6
I love this idea and I have several characters that would be suitable for this fic!