I'M LOOKING FOR THE FOLLOWING PEOPLE (might be u, check this out)



so i'm looking for the following ppl that i used to rp with, i miss them

if the description fits, pls message me, let me show u how much i missed u


fc: seulgi

  • we met at around 2015 - 2016
  • u had a boyfriend who faceclaimed baekhyun but y'all had a messy break up & u told me the last time we spoke that u hated his guts
  • u went to my rp (memeboi) & fought with the other admin cause he was an

fc: sandara

  • idrk remember when we met but it must've been 2014 - 2015
  • i was chanyeol
  • u had a weird obsession for daesung
  • u asked me for a baby the first day i arrived at the rp
  • when i attempted to do it lit with para u told me "wtf are u doing? writing a whole story?"
  • u asked me to take u to the hospital when u were abt to give birth, i told u to just ride a bicycle to the hospital
  • u always threatened to hit me with a bat
  • we transfered on line, u had a sister that i also talked to
  • she hated using "/" and "*" for actions & just wrote it straight down

fc: sungjae

  • we met at hyeyu
  • u were my bestfriend
  • i called u 'haebutt'
  • i used to skype with u & ur sister
  • i became friends with ur irl friends from australia, one of them were called safia


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ongjen #2
I came across this and I’m not any of these people but ty for making memeboi exist it was a fun time love Pepe Donald oppa ? still can’t believe you predicted the future: legend
do u remember sungjae's ooc name?