
Young Love, High School Love (Discontinued)

Yuna was sent to hospital by Nu'est Boys. Minhyun called Yuri to tell about Yuna’s hospitalizing.

Yuna is still unconscious inside ICU room. Nu'est Boys are waiting outside.

[ In Front of ICU Room]

"Everything is because of you, Hwang Minhyun. Why did you take her there?" JR angrily grabbed Minhyun's collar again.

"She insisted me. I didn't expect this to happen too." -Minhyun-

"Calm down, JR! Nobody wants it to happen. Maybe she is being sick since before she went there. Let's keep calm and wait until doctor come out!" -Aron-

JR released Minhyun and went to sit on the floor crying at aside.

"Yuna, what's wrong with you? Why did you faint all of sudden like this? Yuna, please don't have any problem!" JR kept sobbing alone.

(Yuna, if I know this would happen, I wouldn't have taken you there. You must be hurt and shocked till faint like this. I'm sorry. I didn’t mean to make this happen.) Minhyun talked in mind to himself. He is so sad too. He felt so regret to take her there.

“Is Yuna family coming?” Ren turned to ask Minhyun.

“Her father is coming.” -Minhyun-

“Wah, I don’t think we should let him see us in this condition especially you, JR.” Ren turned to talk to JR.

“I have to wait to know about her condition.” -JR-

“But you look so messy, you even have blood and injury with you. He will know we have gone to fight.” -Ren-

“Yes I don’t think you should show up in front of him in such condition especially when it’s your first time to meet him.” -Baekho-

“I don’t go. I’ve to make sure she’s fine. I don’t care about her father’s first impression to me.” JR strongly refused.

“I don’t think he’ll continue allowing his daughter to date with you if he finds out you’re a gangster.” -Aron-

“You all should leave. I’ll take care of here.” -Minhyun-

“No! Do you want to act as her boyfriend? Don’t ever dream of it! I’ll be here until she wakes up.” -JR-

“Fine! Let’s see how her father judges you!” -Minhyun-


A moment later Yuri and her father arrived.

“Yuna, where is my daughter?” Mr. Song (Yuna and Yuri’s father) arrived with extreme worry about his daughter.

“Hello, Mr. Song, Yuna is inside! Doctor is still checking up. Not yet come out.” Minhyun politely showed his respect to Mr. Song.

“What happened to my daughter?” Mr. Song worryingly asked.

“It’s…..” Minhyun turned to look at his friends who silently kept facing down.
“We aren’t really sure but she got nose bleeding then fainted all of sudden.” Minhyun decided not to mention about the fight.

“I see. Are you all her friends?” -Mr. Song-

“Yes, Sir.” -Minhyun-

“Is her boyfriend here? I heard she’s dating recently but I’ve not met her boyfriend yet.” -Mr. Song-

“Dad, her boyfriend is over there.” Yuri pointed to JR.

JR quickly stepped forward to show himself.

“I’m her boyfriend. I’m sorry to meet you in such condition.” JR nervously introduced himself.

“Did you go on fight? Are you a gangster?” Mr. Song noticed JR’s messy cloth and injuries on his face and hand. JR became worried and couldn’t reply him.

“He’s the most famous and powerful leader of gangsters in my school.” -Yuri-
Yuri wouldn’t let go of chance to embarrassed JR.

“How did Yuna fall in love with such person?” Mr. Song became a bit pissed off to know.

JR became so upset but he remained silent.

“There are a lot of things that you don’t know. When Yuna wakes up, you can ask her about her beloved boyfriend.” -Yuri-

“I’ll ignore it for now. Yuna’s condition is the most important.” -Mr. Song-

Mr. Song sat down and waited for Yuna’s result impatiently. Everyone remained silent too.


Half an hour later, doctor came out. Everyone quickly went to doctor.

“Who is patient’s relative?” -Doctor-

“I’m her father.” -Mr. Song-

“The patient is safe now. I’ll transfer her to other room but don’t disturb her yet, let her rest a little bit more. And you, please come to my office with me!” Doctor explained Yuna’s condition then called Mr. Song to go with him for a private talk. Everyone was curious. JR became even more worried.


Yuna was moved to VIP room. Everyone went to visit her there.

[ In VIP Room ]

JR has been sitting next to Yuna and holding her hand worryingly, refused to leave no matter how his friends persuade him to leave.

“I think you should take your dirty hand from my sister before my father arrives. Don’t you see how he reacted when he knew you’re her boyfriend? He has no way accept your relationship with her. Better stop appearing!” -Yuri-

JR remained silent, trying to hold his pain.

“You’re really shameless. You have been hurting my sister with your both hands in the past and today you indirectly hurt her till became in this condition, don’t you feel bad a little bit for yourself? How dare you keep holding her hands like this? Take it away!” Yuri went to pull JR’s hand from holding sleeping Yuna.

“You’re just useless and shameless. You should thank me for not telling everything to my dad. Now leave! Leave from here! We don’t welcome you here.” -Yuri-

JR became so sad and broken inside.

“Let me stay until Yuna becomes conscious. I’m so worried about her.” JR finally begged to stay.

Suddenly Yuna woke up.

“Yuna, Yuna!!!”

“Yuna, you finally woke up! Are you feeling better now?” JR rushed to her.

Yuna struggled to get up. JR helped her.

“Take your bloody hands away from me, Jonghyun!” Yuna suddenly burst out crying.
“I don’t want to see you anymore. After what you have done to my friend and that random fight… I don’t want to see you anymore. I’m scared of you. I’m so hopeless with you.”

“Yuna, please let me explain! Don’t be like this to me! Give me a chance!” JR hugged her.

“JR, let go of her! How much do you want to hurt her more?” Minhyun couldn’t stand seeing how Yuna is suffered because of JR.

“Yuna, don’t do like this to me! Don’t be scared of me! It makes my heart hurt.” JR kept hugging her and cried.

“I’m scared of you. Let go of me!” Yuna kept crying and trying to release herself from him.

That moment Mr. Song arrived.

“What happened?” -Mr. Song-

“Dad hik hik” -Yuna-

“You, let go of my daughter!” Mr. Song ordered JR and entered to hug Yuna instead.

“Why are you crying, my dear? Dad is here. Don’t be scared!” Mr. Song consoled Yuna.

“Dad, I want to be alone.” Yuna kept crying, holding her dad.

Mr. Song ordered everyone to go out. Now there are only him and Yuna inside the room.

“Yuna, what’s wrong with you, my dear? Why are you crying? Are you feeling better now?” -Mr. Song-

“Dad, I’m scared. I dreamt about grandma. She said she wants me to go with her.” -Yuna-

“Oh dear, it’s just a dream. You’re not going anywhere. You’re gonna stay with Dad here.” -Mr. Song-

“Dad, where is my mother?” Yuna finally asked her father about her mother.

“Yuna, don’t talk about this! She isn’t worth for us to talk about.” -Mr. Song-

“But I want to meet her. If she’s still alive, please let me meet her once.” -Yuna-

“I don’t know where she is or if she’s alive or not either.” -Mr. Song-

“Dad, I want to meet my mom. hik hik” Yuna kept insisting and crying.

“Don’t be sad! You have me. Dad will take care of you with my best. You don’t have to need others. Stop crying and take rest! You still need more rest.” Mr. Song tried to console Yuna and lullaby her to sleep.

Yuna slept soundly by the power of medicine. Mr. Song is so heart-breaking right now. He’s so worried about Yuna’s health and mental condition especially after what doctor has told him.

“I’ve been lacked. I’m not a good dad. If there is anything happen with you, I’m not gonna forgive myself.” Mr. Song sobbed next to his sleeping daughter.


JR was so sad after seeing how Yuna reacted to him when she woke up. He felt really sorry and couldn’t sleep for full night.



Yuri came to find Minhyun in his class.

“Minhyun, after class today, do you want to go to visit Yuna with me?” Yuri talked out loud, made sure JR could hear.

“I’d like to. I’m worried about her so much.” Minhyun agreed right away.

“I think she’ll be happy to see you unlike somebody that she doesn’t want to meet but still appearing shamelessly.” Yuri tried to attack JR.

“See you after class then!” -Minhyun-

JR felt so hurt so hear Yuri’s words but she was saying the truth. Yuna won’t be happy to see him at this moment. He decided not to show up.


[ In Hospital ]

Yuna was served by personal nurse who her father arranged for her. She feels a bit better now.

Today after school, Yuna’s 3 good friends came to visit her at hospital.

“Yuna-ah, we’re so worried when we heard you’re hospitalizing.” -Hyesoo-

“What’s wrong with you? Why are you in this condition?” -Seoyoen-

“Hmm maybe I was so shocked and sad too much that’s why I ended up fainting yesterday.” -Yuna-

“Why did you get shocked? What happened?” -Kaeun-

Yuna lost her smile and started sobbing.

“Oh I’m sorry if I hurt you.” Kaeun hugged her to console.

Yuna collected her bravery and shared what happened to her friends. Her friends became shocked to know about JR’s cruel, random fight.

“He’s definitely not a human. He is heartless.” -Hyesoo-

“I really think you must break up with him. It’s not safe to be with such gangster. His enemies are harming you because of him and he went to fight people randomly just to find that few men who wanted to catch you??? I think it’s really crazy.” -Seoyoen-

“He may be a little bit cruel but it’s because he loves Yuna so much. He wants to protect a girl he loves.” -Kaeun-

“Let’s say fighting people randomly is because of Yuna, but dating with him is no safe. He has so many enemies. I still think Yuna should break up with him.” -Seoyoen-

“Yes I think so. Just sending people to beat Jeonghan is enough reason for Yuna to break up. Jeonghan really didn’t deserve this.” -Hyesoo-

“Have you asked him about bullying Jeonghan yet?” -Kaeun-

“No not yet, since that day I’ve not talked with him yet. There are many problems keep coming. I’m so tired. How is Jeonghan-shi’s condition now, by the way?” -Yuna-

“He got better a lot. Maybe he will leave hospital in 2 or 3 days. Don’t worry about him! We’ve told him about your condition too. He’s so worried about you and told you to take care.” -Kaeun-

“I’m happy to hear that. Hope he’ll be fine soon.” -Yuna-

They were talking with Yuna for quite long about this and that then they left.


While Hyesoo, Seoyoen and Kaeun were leaving hospital, they ran into JR who was sitting soullessly on a bench inside hospital garden.

“Ops, that’s Yuna’s boyfriend. Why is he there?” -Hyesoo-

“He may have no face to meet Yuna after how he shocked her that day. If I were Yuna, I’d be shocked too. Let’s leave! I’m really afraid of this guy.” -Seoyoen-

“I want to ask him something.” -Kaeun-

“What? You want to talk with that gangster? Give up this idea! He seems like in bad mood. Maybe he would kill us. Let’s leave now!” Hyesoo and Seoyoen tried to stop Kaeun but Kaeun already approached JR.

“You!” Kaeun stood in front of JR and called him with no fear. JR looked up to them.

“Are you all Yuna’s friends?” JR asked.

“You, why are you this cruel? Why did you send people to beat Jeonghan like this?” Kaeun was tearful.

“What? I sent who to hit who?” -JR-

“You sent your gang subordinators to beat Jeonghan. You already beat him inside the karaoke. Why did you have to send people to beat him again like this? You almost killed a good man. If I have evidence, I’ll sue you to jail.” Kaeun talked with anger and tears.

“What? I didn’t send anybody to hit that guy. After I hit him in karaoke, I went back home. I didn’t send anybody to hit him.” JR got shocked and kept denying.

“You’re not just cruel but good at acting too. Why don’t you dare to accept the truth? -Kaeun-

“Why would I accept something I didn’t do?” JR volume up his voice.

“Kaeun, it’s enough. Let’s go!” Hyesoo and Seoyoen tried to stop Kaeun.

“I really didn’t do it. It must be someone is trying to mess with me and Yuna’s relationship. I’ll find out.” -JR-

“Don’t bully Jeonghan again, I warn you!” -Kaeun-

After throwing anger to JR, Kaeun, Hyesoo and Seoyoen left.

JR was very curious. He couldn’t think of who could do this to him. That moment, JR saw Yuri and Minhyun were walking to enter the hospital together.

“Minhyun and Yuri… can it be them? They became close all of sudden and problem between me and Yuna keep occurring. This is so doubtful. I’ve to find out.” JR decided to stalk them.


[ In Hospital ]

Yuna was surprised to see Minhyun and Yuri came to visit her together.

“Sister, how are you feeling now?” Yuri acted nice to Yuna. Yuna was surprised.

“I’m feeling better a lot now.” -Yuna-

“It’s good. I was so worried about you when you fainted all of sudden yesterday.” -Minhyun-

“I’m sorry to make you all worried. How about you? Are you ok, Minhyun?” Yuna asked worryingly to Minhyun back because JR hit him badly yesterday.

“I’m fine. I had some medicine already. My stomach is a little hurt after got hit my JR yesterday.” -Minhyun-

“I’m sorry to make you get hurt like this. If I didn’t insist you to take me there, you would not…” -Yuna-

“Don’t mention it! Just you are fine, I’m happy now.” Minhyun sat on the bed next to her and patted her head with a smile.

“Thank you so much! I owe you again.” -Yuna-

“Please hurry get well soon if you want to thank me! I don’t want to see you in this condition.” -Minhyun-

“Sorry to disturb you both! But Yuna, Dad said he can’t come here today because he is so tied up with his work so you don’t have to wait for him. Nurse will take care of you.” -Yuri-

“I got it.” -Yuna-

“I’m gonna leave you both alone. Minhyun, I’m leaving first.” Yuri said then left.

Minhyun and Yuna spent an hour together. They talked a lot and they were having a happy time together.

“Well, Yuna, I think I’ve disturbed you a lot. Please hurry take rest! I’m going to leave now. I’ll come again tomorrow.” -Minhyun-

“Thank you for visiting me today! Good-night!” -Yuna-

“Are you going to sleep after I leave or are you still waiting for someone?” Minhyun referred to JR.

“I’m gonna sleep. My father isn’t coming. I’m not waiting for anyone.” -Yuna-

“I don’t think JR will come after being treated by your father yesterday. He loves his pride so much. You don’t have to wait.” -Minhyun-

“How did my father treat him?” Yuna became worried to hear.

“Your father isn’t happy when he found out that JR is the leader of gangsters. I don’t think he will continue allowing you to keep this relationship.” -Minhyun-

“I see. I’m going to sleep now and it’s getting dark now. Please take care on the way home! Good-night, Minhyun!” Yuna tried to chase Minhyun before she couldn’t hold her tears.

Minhyun left and Yuna started crying. She kept thinking if this relationship really comes to the end. As she thinks that nobody is support this relationship, she felt really hurt and cried painfully till fell asleep.


Talking about JR, he was outside hospital until he made sure Yuna is already sleeping and nobody would go to visit her at this hour. He went to her room at mid night.

He became tearful as soon as he saw she was sleeping on the bed sickly like this.

“Yuna, here I come! I know you don’t want to see me so I came at this hour when you’re already sleeping. I want to take care of you so much but if I appear, you’ll get hurt again. I’m such a useless boyfriend. Yuna, how are you feeling now? I hope you’ll be fine soon. I’m so worried.” JR was sitting next to her, holding her hand and kept sobbing.

“You know what I’m afraid the most now is your health condition and being asked to break up with you. You know that day when I said I want to make a family with you in the future, I really meant it. I really want our young love grow old together. If you give me a chance, I’ll use it to correct myself and do whatever you want because I really love you and I think this love will make me do whatever you want. Please get better soon, my precious girl!” JR kissed on her forehead then left a few drops of tear on her.

Before dawn, he left. JR ran into Yuna’s personal nurse in front of her room while he was leaving. He quickly escaped before nurse asked him something.



“Good-morning, Yuna-shi! How are you feeling now?” -nurse-

“I think I feel better a lot now. Will I leave hospital soon?” -Yuna-

“Maybe we need to check your condition today and if it’s totally fine, maybe you can leave tomorrow.” -nurse-

“Good! I miss school so much. I hope I can go back soon.” -Yuna-

“Please have this porridge then take this medicine!” nurse prepared breakfast and medicine for Yuna.
“Oh by the way, did your relative come to stay with you last night? I saw a good-looking man left your room around 5AM but he quickly left so I didn’t have time to ask.” -nurse-

“I don’t think so. My father was busy so he couldn’t come last night. But good-looking man? how does he look like?” Yuna was curious.

“He looks around your age, tall and very handsome. His front hair is a bit long with dark red hair, I guess. It was so dark so I couldn’t see his face clear but very charismatic and handsome.” -nurse-

“Jonghyun… I thought I was dreaming that he came here so it wasn’t a dream.” Yuna murmured alone.

“Huh? Any problem?” Nurse couldn’t catch what she said.

“Nothing! I’ll finish this porridge and take medicine. -Yuna-


Yuna was waiting for JR to come for full day but he didn’t come at all. She felt a bit guilty for chasing him in front of everyone that day but it’s because she couldn’t control her anger.

Today after class Minhyun came to visit her again but Yuna didn’t have soul inside her body because she kept thinking about JR and looking at door to see if he would come.

“Look like you don’t feel like talking to me today.” Minhyun showed his upset.

“Oh it’s not like that. I just couldn’t stop thinking about something.” -Yuna-

“About JR, right?” -Minhyun-

“Minhyun, I…” -Yuna-

“So you’re really thinking about him. I see…” Minhyun got pissed off.

“I’m sorry.” -Yuna-

“I think I shouldn’t disturb your time to think about him. I’m leaving now. Bye bye! Take care of yourself!” Minhyun couldn’t stand with Yuna’s soullessness so he left. Yuna knew she made him upset but she didn’t know what to do because she really couldn’t stop thinking about her boyfriend.


That night Mr. Song came to visit Yuna and told her the good news that tomorrow she can leave hospital. Yuna was so happy to hear. Then Mr. Song left her with the nurse.

At midnight JR came again and he did the same like yesterday. He covered blanket for her.

He was sitting next to her, holding her hand and kept showing his sorrow for the mistake he has made.

“Yuna, I think I need to leave now before I got caught again. I don’t want you know that I come. I’m afraid you’ll be unhappy. Good-night, my love! Have a good sleep tonight!” he left a kiss on her forehead and ready to leave.

Yuna was pretending to sleep for the whole time because she knew tonight he would come when she slept.

“Jonghyun!!!” Yuna called JR. JR got surprised and quickly turned back.


“Are you leaving like this? Why did you come at this hour?” -Yuna-

“I… I’m afraid you will be unhappy to see me so…” -JR-

“Don’t you have anything to explain to me?” -Yuna-

JR stood still.

“Fine! If you don’t have anything to say then you can leave. I’m gonna sleep.” -Yuna-

“Wait! I think there is a lot of misunderstanding between us. If you’re fine to see my face, then can we talk a little bit?” -JR-

“I have a lot to talk with you too.” -Yuna-

JR went to sit on the chair next to her.

“I know I was wrong to go on random fight but because I was so angry. I can’t stand seeing people harming you like that. Please understand me!” -JR-

“But fighting the innocent is really too much. They don’t deserve it and you hurt yourself too. Look, your face and your hand, you got injured because of that random fight.” Yuna touched his hand.

“Are you worried about me?” -JR-

“I really wish I would not.” Yuna started sobbing.

“Yuna, I promise I won’t go on random fight and fight innocent people again.” -JR-

“You’d better promise to stop going to any fight. I want you stop fighting and get out from gang world.” -Yuna-

“I actually only fight those who make problem with me, just this time I fought those innocents because of you.” -JR-

“How about Jeonghan, my classmate? Why did you send people to beat him badly like this? He didn’t even do anything wrong.” -Yuna-

“I didn’t. I met your female friends yesterday too. They asked me about this and I really got shocked. I didn’t know about this at all. I swear I didn’t send anybody to beat him. After I left Karaoke that day, I went back home.” JR strongly denied.

“Are you sure you didn’t?” -Yuna-

“Yuna, you know me you should know that I’m not the type who is afraid to accept what I did. But I didn’t do it so I can’t accept something I didn’t do. We’ve been dating. You should know me.” -JR-

“Then who did this? Jeonghan isn’t a gangster and he is very gentle. I don’t think he has enemies. Those gangsters said you sent them to beat him. I’m getting confused now.” -Yuna-

“I think there is somebody trying to ruin our relationship. I’ll find out. Please give me time! I’ll proof everything to you. From now on I’ll do whatever you want, just please don’t break up with me! I really mean it when I said I want to make a family with you in the future.” JR started sobbing too.

Yuna was watching JR crying for a while then touched his face.

“I’ll give you chance if you promise to stop fighting. I’m not asking you to leave your group but please stop fighting. We’re in last year of high school, we should try to study rather than going on fight like that.” -Yuna-

“I promise. I won’t go on fight anymore. Can we make up now?” -JR-

Yuna smiled and nodded. JR rushed to hug her.

“Thank you for giving me chance! I love you. I’ll listen to you from now on. Sorry for making you hurt!” -JR-

“We’re couple. We should talk when there is problem. I’m sorry too to chase you in front of everyone that day. I was so childish. Please forgive me!” -Yuna-

“I deserved it. I was bad. Don’t be sorry!” -JR-

“I was afraid you’d not come to me. I’ve been waiting for you.” -Yuna-

“How could I ignore you? I came last night too but left at dawn. I’m afraid you’ll be hurt to see me.” -JR-

JR released her from his hug and looked at her with sad face.

“I know that. My personal nurse told me that she saw you left. She was describing your look and I knew it was you, charismatic and handsome.” Yuna gave me a smirk.

“You see, everyone knows your boyfriend is handsome.” he gave her a smirk back.

“If you don’t fight, you’ll be more handsome so love yourself more and stop going to fight. I don’t want to see your face with bandages like this.” Yuna touched his face.

“I promise I’ll stop it for you. I’ll be a good boyfriend from now on.” JR took Yuna’s hand to kiss.

“Good! Don’t break your promise, don’t break my heart!” -Yuna-

JR smiled and nodded. Then approached her lips to kiss. Yuna didn’t refuse at all because she misses him so much too.

“You should take rest now. I’m gonna leave.” -JR-

“Are you going to leave at this hour? It’s over midnight now. You should take rest here.” -Yuna-

“Are you asking me to sleep on the bed with you? But we’re just 18, Yuna.” JR .

“ert! I mean on the sofa. I’m worried about your safety to leave at this hour. You can stay here tonight if you don’t mind.” -Yuna-

“I was just kidding. You’re blushing already. So cute! I’d love to sleep here. I’ll leave at dawn.” -JR-

“I’ll discharge tomorrow morning too. My father will come to pick me up.” -Yuna-

“Good! I’m happy that you are fine now. I’ll leave before your father come. If he sees me with his daughter alone, he would kill me.” -JR-

“Aright, let’s talk about my father later. I know we upset you a lot but please understand him too.” -Yuna-

“Because we met at very first when I was in messy condition. It’s right that he didn’t have good impression on me.” -JR-

“Don’t be sad! We’ll deal with it together.” Yuna consoled him.

“Thank you! Alright let’s sleep. You need to take rest. I love you. Good-night!” JR laid her on bed, covered blanket for her then kissed on her forehead.

Yuna soon fell asleep. JR was watching her until fell asleep himself too.

They finally made up and JR decided to stop going to fight and do whatever Yuna asks to do from now on. He has changed a lot since he dates her and he knows it. He preferred to lose his pride and listen to her rather than breaking up with her and seeing her hurt. He himself also knows that this is what we call the power of love.


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Young love isn't that bad. Look, they are so happy together and they're so sweet. <3 :D


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Chapter 22: Yuna is blaming herself :'(
Chapter 22: Yuna is blaming herself :'(
Chapter 21: Please don't break them up Mr song :( and the personal driver is such a snitch!
Chapter 20: Minhyun hates JR because of Yuna :'(
Chapter 19: Glad that Jeonghan finally forgives JR of what he has done to him and why Minhyun had changed? :'(
Chapter 18: What a birthday party it was for her! JR definitely does have a heart inside I hope he does apologize to her new friend for what he did the other day :)
Chapter 16: Minhyun did the right choice to leave the gang but with many problems still and Jeonghan is so welcoming and friendly to her, No wonder he was put as the class monitor he doesn't deserve to get beating up for no reason :'(
Chapter 15: This is what happened when friendship turns sour over jealousy and a girl, She only minhyun's friend I hope they all sorted it out :(
Chapter 14: Yuri is still a bully that she made JR to be a bully for Yuna, and can't believe Minhyun left NU'EST, I hope there's a way to let him join again :'(
Chapter 13: The people at her new school are so friendly to her unlike the people at her last school that I hope they do give her a welcome party :) and, not just Yuna hurt Minhyun but JR too he really should've tell the truth that he liked her