
Young Love, High School Love (Discontinued)

Yuna's father and her step mother came back from business trip in New York after one month. Yuna told her father that she wants to transfer to another school. She didn't talk much about reasons and didn't mention about bullying at all but her father could feel her strong will so he agreed to transfer her to another school. Yuna didn't tell a single thing about being bullied by Yuri too.

"It's ok. I'll transfer you to another school and find another driver to drive you school." -Yuna's father-

"It's ok, Dad. I can go by myself. Please let me take train to school." Yuna insisted.

"OK if you insist! By the way if there is any problem, don't hide it from me. You're my daughter. You can share me." -Yuna's dad-

"Yes Dad, thank you!" -Yuna-

Yuna finally transferred to another school and will start in one week.


Since her father is back, Yuri dares not to bully Yuna so Yuna’s mental becomes better a lot.

Every day she keeps in touch with JR by phone. They talk and share each other about their daily life, what they have met. It has been one week only that they haven't met but they already miss each other so much. They made an appointment to meet after class on Yuna's first day at new school.


[ First Day at New School ]

Yuna transferred to new school where it takes 30minutes from her old school. Everyone here is friendly. Yuna soon made friends with her classmates. She finally thinks she has found her place.

< During Break Time >

"Yuna, may I have your contact? I just wanna make friend with you." Jeonghan who is the class monitor in her class came to her.

"Wow... I've never seen class monitor asked for any girl's number before. Omg and it's just her first day." her classmates got amazed by their class monitor fast approach.

"Class Monitor, here is my phone number!" she took the phone from her Jeonghan and typed her number for him.

"Thank you and if you don't mind, why don't we go to eat something after class today? It's your first day. I'll invite our classmates too. Let’s consider it’s a welcome party! What do you say?" -Jeonghan-

"I'm sorry but today I have a date after class with my boyfriend." Yuna made the whole class got surprised to know she has a boyfriend already.

"Omg she has a boyfriend. Yes she must have a boyfriend since she's this pretty." her classmates kept gossiping.

"Ah it's ok then, maybe next time." Jeonghan got upset and left.


After class, Yuna left class with a few of her female classmates.

"Yuna, why did you transfer here? I heard you're from Seoul Highschool. There is everyone's dream study place. But why did you leave?" one among her classmates asked.

"I just think I don't suit there so I wanna come to different place. I'm from countryside. Seoul is very new to me so that modern school is too much for me. And I already love here just by studying the first day. All of you are so nice to me." Yuna showed her love to her classmates.

"Good! You're very nice and friendly to us too."

They were walking and chit chatting until they left school.


JR was already waiting for Yuna in front of her new school.

"Oops? Isn’t that JR from Nu'est Boys? OMG my crush! Why is he here?" one of Yuna's classmates got surprised to see JR.

"OMG he's so handsome. I think I should take a picture of him." her another classmate got excited to see him too.

Other students who know Nu'est Boys became so excited to see him too. Nu'est Boys are so popular among high school students in Seoul that's why even students from other schools know them. Many students kept gossiping and went wild shouting when they saw him.

JR approached Yuna as soon as he saw her coming.

"Yuna-ah, I'm here!" he shouted then ran to her.

"Oh god, he's here for you, Yuna? Is he the boyfriend you said you're having a date with after class?" her classmates asked her surprisingly.

Yuna kept smiling shyly then she nodded.

"Yuna-ah, let's go!" JR became so excited to meet his girlfriend again after one week.

"Wait, aren't you going to say hello to my friends? I've made some friends today." -Yuna-

"Oh..." JR didn't pay attention to them at all.

"This is Hyesoo, Seoyoen and Kaeun." Yuna introduced her new friends to him.

"Hi, hello! Nice to meet you, JR-shi. I've always wanted to see you this close. Omg you're so handsome." her classmates couldn't hide their excitement.

"Can we go now, Yuna?" JR not just didn't reply them, they didn't even look at them at all.

"What is that behavior? They have talked to you nicely. Why are you ignoring them like this? It’s too much just to say Hi." Yuna became so upset.

"They've known me already. I don't have to introduce myself to them." -JR-

"Fine! I'm gonna go home now." Yuna said then turned to say goodbye to her friends and left.

"Hey, why are you angry with me? Wait!" JR followed her.

"Yuna, what's up? Why are you angry with me like this? Come on, say something!" -JR-

"I don't have anything to talk with gangster. Forget about our date today! I'm gonna go home." -Yuna-

"I just wanted to look at only you. I miss you a lot." -JR-

"But it's really rude to ignore people when they were talking nicely to you like this. You'd better change those gang behaviors." -Yuna-

"I'm a gangster that's why I'm gang like that. Can't help!" JR became pissed off too.

"Fine!" Yuna said then started walking from him.

"You're really not gonna go with me today?" JR shouted behind.

"I'm gonna go back home now." Yuna replied and she already teared up.

JR walked to her and grabbed her hand to go with him.

"Jonghyun, what are you doing? Let go of me! I really want to go home now. I don't really feel like going out with you today." Yuna tried to release her hand from him.

"We're going back to your school." he replied and continued grabbing her hand to go back with him.

"Wh-why?" Yuna curiously asked.

"To say something nice to your friends!" he replied and got Yuna fluttery.

They walked back school. Luckily, Hyesoo, Seoyon and Kaeun were still there.

"Hyesoo-shi, Seoyon-shi and Kaeun-shi! Hi, I'm JR. Nice to know you!" he walked to them and introduced himself. He smiled to them, even waved his hand to them as greeting. Yuna's friends got lost. They weren't even be able to give him a reply. They were in a great shock and became speechless as well as Yuna.

NU'EST (L.O.Λ.E) - JR (Junior Royal) - Asianfanfics

"Please take care of my girlfriend, she's new to here. I gotta go with my girlfriend now. See you next time!" JR waved goodbye to them then grabbed Yuna's hand to leave.

Yuna was really lost with her boyfriend's behavior. It's her first time seeing him like this.

"Are you sure you're not sick today?" Yuna with a smile.

"I can lose my pride if I can make you have feeling to go on date with me back." -JR-

"You're so cute." Yuna kept smiling.

"Can you go with me now?" -JR-

"Let's go!" -Yuna-

They walked holding hand to date at a café.

[ At Café ]

"How was your first day at school?" -JR-

"Everyone is so nice. I've made many friends. I'm doing fine there. Don't worry!" -Yuna-

"Is there any guy chase after you?" -JR-

"No!" -Yuna-

"Good then! If there is any problem, you must tell me. Don't hide, ok?" -JR-

"I got it. Don't worry about me too much! How about you? How are you doing at school?" -Yuna-

"I'm doing fine too. I pay attention to class a lot. The only problem is I miss you. Your seat is just in front of me and it makes me miss you when I see the empty space." JR expressed his sadness.

"I miss you too but we can meet now so don't be too sad." Yuna gave him a cheerful smile.

"Good! By the way, do you want to go to Han River? It’s so good weather today. I think it must be very fresh there." -JR-

"Let's go! I've not gone there yet. I'd love to go." -Yuna-

Then they left to Han River in the early evening.


[ At Han River ]

"Ahhhh so relaxing!" JR soon laid down on grass when they arrived at Han River.

"It's so good here. The view and the river!" Yuna sat down next to him.

"I often come here. I like here so much. Couples really like coming here at night to see the starry night." -JR-

"Do you always come to have a date here?" Yuna .

"Nooo!" JR quickly got up and denied.
"I always come with my members. And it's the first time I come with a girl."

"I see. By the way, where are your friends today?" -Yuna-

"They've gone to game center. We love going there a lot." -JR-

"You missed it today because of me..." -Yuna-

"Nah, you're more important than game. I miss you a lot. I'm happy now." he gave her a sweet smile.

"You know I like seeing your smile like this. It's so cute and not scary at all. Please smile a lot!" Yuna touched his face.

"Will you promise to love me more if I smile a lot?" -JR-

"I promise." Yuna answered without hesitation.

"I'll love you more and more too, Yuna." he took her hand that was touching his face to kiss.

"Do you want to lay down here? It'll make you fall asleep in a few minutes. Very good feeling! Wanna try?" -JR-

Yuna nodded then they laid down on the green grass next to each other and closed their eyes.

JR soon fell asleep after a few minutes but wouldn't let go of her hand. Yuna got up and kept sitting, looking at sleeping JR.

"I'd love to know about you more, Jonghyun. The more I spend time with you the more I feel you're warm to be with and not scary at all." she touched his sleeping face.


After half an hour, JR woke up and it was already dark.

"Oh Yuna, what time is it now? I'm sorry. I fell asleep." he quickly got up.

"Around 7pm now! Did you have a good sleep?" -Yuna-

"Ah I guess I did. I'm sorry to waste time on our date like this. It's dark now. I'll send you home." -JR-

"No need to rush! I can stay a little bit longer. I wanna see the night sky here." -Yuna-

"Good! I'd love too. You know we can see shooting star from here if we're lucky." -JR-

"Really? Let's wait to see then! I hope we'll see. I wanna make a wish." Yuna was excited to hear.

Then Yuna lent her head on JR's shoulder, waiting to see shooting star.

After a moment :

"Ops there it is. Let's pray!"

Finally, there was shooting star.

They started crossing their fingers, closing their eyes and prayed.

"I'm done. I hope it’ll come true." Yuna kept smiling after making the wish.

"What did you wish?" -JR-

"I wish we would be always happy and I hope I can meet my mom soon. How about you?" -Yuna-

"I wish we would make a family together." he said with sincere eyes.

"You have thought so far." Yuna got surprised.

"I don't know what we'll face in the future but I won't give up and I'll make a family with you. I'm saying in the name of a man." he seriously said.

"I hope so." she gave him a hopefully smile.

JR raised Yuna’s right hand to kiss then put on his chest.

"This heart will beat this way for only you." -JR-

Yuna was half shy and excited. They were looking and smiling at each other until JR approached her first. He slowly moved his lips to kiss her. Yuna soon closed her eyes and returned the kiss.

That night Han River was so silent that gave a good time for them to have private time together until somebody came.

"Oh wait, isn't that JR? And who is the girl he's kissing with?" Baekho saw them first while Nu'est Boys were walking to Han River.

"I'm sure it's not Yuri. Uri leader (our leader) has another girl now. I totally support. I don't really like that Yuri but who is she? Feel so familiar..." Ren kept analyzing the girl.

"I think we should go to other place. Let's not disturb them! We can ask JR tomorrow who he is dating now." Aron was the only one who knows about JR and Yuna's relationship and tried to prevent the situation.

"I want to go and see." Minhyun seemed to have 50% know who the girl is.

"Ya~ don't go, Minhyun! Let's go to other place!" Aron tried to stop Minhyun but he didn't listen. Baekho and Ren followed.

"Jonghyun!!!" Minhyun called JR. JR and Yuna quickly broke the kiss and looked at him.

"Minhyun!" JR got shocked as well as Yuna.

"Yuna! It's really you. Why is it you? Why are you both..." Minhyun became teary due to great shock.

"Minhyun, listen!" JR wanted to explain but Minhyun approached him and pummeled JR furiously with his fists.

"Why did you do that to me? How could you do that to me?" Minhyun kept beating.

"Minhyun, stop it! Please stop it! Don't use violence like this!" Yuna became worried and tried to stop him.

"Minhyun ah stop it! Let's talk!" Aron, Baekho and Ren quickly entered to stop him.

"Don't stop me! I have to kill this disloyal friend. Why did you steal the girl I love like this?" Minhyun wouldn't stop hitting him. With a great shock and feeling betrayed, he cried out painfully while beating JR.

"Minhyun, Bastard!" JR got pissed off and started hitting Minhyun back.

"Jonghyun ah don't fight! Minhyun, stop it! You both please stop!" s were trying their best to stop them but their anger for each other grew bigger and bigger that they couldn't stop fighting each other.

"Please stop both of you!" Yuna was on her knee, crying.

"Why did you do that to me? Why did you steal the girl I love?" -Minhyun-

"I didn't steal her from you. She doesn't love you. She loves me." JR shouted at Minhyun.

Minhyun got shocked to hear.

"Yuna, do you really love him?" Minhyun turned to ask Yuna.

"Minhyun, I'm sorry." Yuna replied with guilty.

"Why sorry? You should tell me that you don't love him, he's lying and he was forcing you to kiss. You should tell me like this." Minhyun shouted loudly to her.

"Minhyun, I really feel thankful for everything you have done to me. Those times when nobody was here for me, you were always here for me. Thank you so much but my feeling for you is just a friend. Please forgive me!" Yuna sincerely told him.

"Yuna, it's ok not to love me but how could you love this bastard?" Minhyun pointed to JR who was sicky crawling on the ground.

"I don't know why but I already love him." -Yuna-

"SONG YUNA!!!" Minhyun left the fight with JR then heading to Yuna.

"Minhyun!!!" Yuna got scared of him. It's the first time that Yuna saw Minhyun this scary.

"Don't ever dare to touch my girlfriend!" JR struggled to get up and went to grab Minhyun from heading to Yuna and they started fighting again.

"Stop it! Are you both crazy? We're friends. We should talk with mouth not hand like this. Try to calm yourself, both of you!" Aron angrily shouted at them, acting as the oldest brother.

Baekho and Ren went to grabbed Minhyun, separated him from JR.

"Jonghyun, take Yuna to go! I'll take care here." Aron said then JR held Yuna's hand then left.

Minhyun couldn't calm himself. He still couldn't believe it. He kneeled down and hit the ground strongly, made his right hand bleeding a lot.

"Minhyun, it's enough. Don't hurt yourself!" Ren tried to stop him from torturing himself.

"I couldn't believe this. I have been the one who helps and protects her. I was so nice to her, why? Why does she love someone who has been bullying her like this? I can't understand." Minhyun cried out his pain in front of s for the first.

Everyone felt sad for Minhyun too but JR is also their friends so it's really hard for them to say who is right and who is wrong.

"Let's talk tomorrow! For now, let's go home and take rest! You have to calm yourself first. I was shocked with it too but let's talk for more detail with JR tomorrow." Baekho tried to console.

"Stop hurting yourself! Let's go back home!" Aron felt sorry for helping JR over Minhyun too.


Yuna and JR went to pharmacy to buy some stuffs to clean injuries for JR.

"I'm sorry to make you see this." JR apologized. Yuna kept sobbing and felt sorry to cause this fight.

"I'm wrong too. I should have made things clear with Minhyun before decided to date with you. He must feel betrayed. I feel so bad right now." -Yuna-

"You always refuse him. He should know that you don't love him. He just doesn't understand it himself. You don't have to be sorry or feel bad about it. I'll handle everything." -JR-

"Are you hurt?" Yuna touched his face softly that got a few cut on it.

"I'm fine. Don't cry, silly girl!" JR held her hand that was touching him.

"Can you promise me to handle with him in peaceful way? Please don't use violence! We're wrong to him. We have to understand his feeling for now." Yuna tried to explain to JR.

"I know that. Well, I'll try my best to make him accept our relationship and make up with him. I know him clear. You don't have to worry about us. We'll make up soon." JR patted her head to console.

After finished cleaning and covering bandage for JR, they went back home.


Yuna arrived at home very late and her father was waiting at living room.

"Yuna, why did you just comeback home?" her father asked her as soon as she entered the house.

"I... It's my first day at school so my classmates made a welcome party for me." Yuna lied because she couldn't tell the truth to him.

"I see. It's ok but next time if you're supposed to come back late, please contact me! Don't stay out late without telling like this because I'm worried. Alright, hurry go to take shower and sleep. You still have class tomorrow." her father stopped insisting then Yuna went to her room.

Yuna felt very bad for what happened today especially she felt so sorry for Minhyun. She didn't mean to hide it from him but time just didn't allow her to find a chance to tell him yet. She kept blaming herself and prayed everything would be solved soon.


My nu love for NU'EST | K-Pop Amino

Kpop Zodiacs and Birthday Scenarios - Nu'est Bestfriend - Wattpad

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Young love isn't that bad. Look, they are so happy together and they're so sweet. <3 :D


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Chapter 22: Yuna is blaming herself :'(
Chapter 22: Yuna is blaming herself :'(
Chapter 21: Please don't break them up Mr song :( and the personal driver is such a snitch!
Chapter 20: Minhyun hates JR because of Yuna :'(
Chapter 19: Glad that Jeonghan finally forgives JR of what he has done to him and why Minhyun had changed? :'(
Chapter 18: What a birthday party it was for her! JR definitely does have a heart inside I hope he does apologize to her new friend for what he did the other day :)
Chapter 16: Minhyun did the right choice to leave the gang but with many problems still and Jeonghan is so welcoming and friendly to her, No wonder he was put as the class monitor he doesn't deserve to get beating up for no reason :'(
Chapter 15: This is what happened when friendship turns sour over jealousy and a girl, She only minhyun's friend I hope they all sorted it out :(
Chapter 14: Yuri is still a bully that she made JR to be a bully for Yuna, and can't believe Minhyun left NU'EST, I hope there's a way to let him join again :'(
Chapter 13: The people at her new school are so friendly to her unlike the people at her last school that I hope they do give her a welcome party :) and, not just Yuna hurt Minhyun but JR too he really should've tell the truth that he liked her