
Young Love, High School Love (Discontinued)

Finally, Yuna’s last day at school came. Yuna has mixed feeling. She felt relieved to be able to leave from here but at the same time she felt sad for something or someone. Yuna went to meet school director to inform about her departure then went to say good-bye to the nurse who always took care of her at treatment room.

[ At Treatment Room ]

“So you’re really leaving? Well, I wish you would be fine at new place.” -nurse-

“I hope so. Thank you!” -Yuna-

“Well, at least you’re lucky to have 2 boys take care and worry about you like this.” -nurse-

“Two boys?” Yuna got surprised.

“Yes, I see Minhyun and JR really care for you.” -nurse-

“Yes Minhyun cares for me but JR… I think you must be confused.” -Yuna-

“Really? But the day you fainted on roof top and asked to sleep here for one night, I saw JR took care of you. Well, that night I forgot something so I came back here again around 11PM and I saw JR was putting cold towel on your forehead, kept sitting and carefully looking after you. I was in hurry so I didn’t talk with him. I thought he likes you too….. but I don’t think someone would do this to someone who isn’t important to him.” -nurse-

“Are you sure it was him? He always bullies me. This is unbelievable.” Yuna still couldn’t believe.

“Well, I don’t understand you kids but sometimes bullying isn’t all for bad purpose. Everything must have its reason. To be honest, I often meet JR too. He often goes on fight and gets injuries so he often comes to get treatment here. He’s just a little kid sometimes not scary at all. He has lovely side too. He likes going to fight but he doesn’t bully anyone here before. You know it really surprised me when I heard he is bullying an innocent girl like you. Anyway, you’re leaving, so please forget all the bad memories about here. Good-luck, kid! Take care!” nurse said with smile.

“Thank you so much for this one month! I’ve disturbed you a lot.” Yuna cried. Nurse hugged to console her.

After a sad good-bye to nurse, it’s time for class so Yuna went to class.

[ In Class ]

Nu’est Boys arrived. Yuna met eyes with JR first. JR gave her a smile for the first time. Yuna became so emotional to see. Then their eyes interaction was disturbed by Minhyun. Minhyun walked to Yuna.

“Yuna, good-morning! I know it’s your last day here. I feel really sad, you know. But it’s ok because we’re having each other contact so I’ll contact you every day. I’ll go to meet you often. Is it ok?” Minhyun sadly said.

“Yes let’s keep in touch! Don’t be sad! I’m still in Seoul.” Yuna tried to cheer him up with a smile.

“JR, please don’t bully her today! It’s what I ask from you. Please!” Minhyun turned to JR who still standing next to them.

“I got it.” JR replied with a smile. JR was soft today, got Yuna so surprised. He gave a glaze at Yuna before went to his seat.

“Yuna, let’s go to have dinner after class! Let me treat you! Let’s say it’s last farewell for you at this school! Please don’t refuse! Let’s go together!” Minhyun insisted.

“Ok if you insist!” she accepted. Minhyun smiled and patted her head.

Lecture started and teacher announced to the class about Yuna’s departure and last day at school. Everyone didn’t feel surprised because they already knew about this. Teacher asked Yuna to come to say something for the last at the whiteboard.

“I don’t have many things to say because I’ve been here for only one month. To be honest, before I entered this school, I was really looking forward to studying here. I hope I could make friends and had a happy life here but it wasn’t like this. I’ve transferred from Busan and everything in Seoul was all new to me. It was hard for me, everything was just hard and impossible. I’m so regret that I couldn’t make any friend here. Maybe I’m not good enough, I would like to apologize.” Yuna said as she was crying then she bowed to the class. Everyone became emotional because of her speech.

“Though I don’t have many good memories here, I feel thankful, thank you so much for this one month. I’ve learnt a lot. I’m really saying this from my sincerity, thank you so much! Please get successful with your studying, take care your health too, good luck for our last year at high school together!...” she paused her speech and went to take something from her desk then came back to the whiteboard.

“By the way, this morning I woke up early to make some cookies, if you all don’t mind let’s eat together at break time!” Yuna finished her speech. Everyone became teary and some kept sobbing, even the ones who used to hate and bully her felt guilty and cried for her. They clapped for Yuna.

Yuna met eyes with JR again before she went back to her seat. JR was teary too but he tried to smile to her and clapped for her. Yuna became so hurt to see how he reacted to her that way. It was a soft side from him that she never saw before but it made her hurt instead for no reason.

Yuna went back to her seat and she couldn’t stop sobbing. The whole class is full of sound of crying, made teacher couldn’t continue their lesson.

“Yuna, are you ok?” Minhyun went to her.

“I’m sorry I just couldn’t hold my tears.” Yuna kept crying.

“It’s ok. Cry as much as you want!” Minhyun hugged and patted her head to console.

“Alright, alright, I’ll give this hour to you all. Make it as your time! Let’s have break early! I’m gonna leave.” Teacher understood the situation so he gave a break early.

As soon as teacher left, her classmates went to her.

“Yuna-ah, we’re sorry. We shouldn’t have done those improper things to you. We’re so bad. We’re sorry. Please forgive us!” they came to apologize. Yuna got excited.

“No, don’t be sorry! I was bad too. Don’t feel bad for yourself!” Yuna stood and gave a smile to her classmates.

“Yuna, can we make friends? It may be a bit late but please make friends with us!”

“Yes sure, I’d love to. Thanks for making friends with me!” -Yuna-

They hugged Yuna and kept sobbing.

“Yuna, can we eat your cookies now?”

“Sure! Here you go! Please don’t mind if it’s not delicious.” Yuna handed her made-cookies to her classmates.

“Omg it’s so delicious. I want one more…” they all were happy talking and eating Yuna’s cookies. The atmosphere now became so fresh. Everyone laughed and gave good words to Yuna for her new path.

“Hey, don’t you give us cookies too? Aren’t we your classmates?” Ren came to Yuna along with Baekho, Aron and Minhyun.

“Your speech was too emotional. Now I feel so bad for bullying you.” Baekho said with emotional face.

“No, you all didn’t bully me. Ren-shi, Baekho-shi, Aron-shi and Minhyun-shi, you all didn’t bully me. Please don’t feel bad!” Yuna gave them a bright smile.

“I did bully you once though. Well… I’m sorry.” Ren apologized, got Yuna surprised.

“Oh that time… it’s ok. Let’s think it was just a nightmare!” Yuna smiled to them again.

“You guys should learn from me. Never bully pretty girls!” Aron joked around and made everyone laughed.

“Yuna-ah, don’t forget our date! Ah I mean our appointment for dinner after class today.” Minhyun confirmed their appointment. (Minhyun intended to take this opportunity to confess to her properly and ask her to be his girlfriend.)

“Yes!” Yuna smiled and nodded.

“Hey, keep some cookies for me!” Ren shouted to his classmates then he went to get some cookies.

“Me too, me too!” Aron, Baekho and Minhyun entered to get some cookies too.

Yuna was smiling, looking at her classmates enjoy eating her cookies even Nu’est Boys. However, she soon lost her smile when she realized JR wasn’t here anymore. She was turning round and round to find him but he wasn’t in the class anymore.


[ At Rooftop ]

Actually, when everybody was approaching Yuna and enjoying her cookies, JR left.

He came to rooftop alone.

“I found you.” Aron came.

“Hyung, why did you come here?” JR got surprised to see Aron.

“You left without telling so I came to find you. Why are you here? Everyone is celebrating for Yuna. You should join them.” -Aron-

“Hmm how can I join while I’m the one who caused this farewell party? I shouldn’t be there.” JR started tearing up.

“Do you love Yuna already?” Aron shocked JR by his question.

“Wh-why did you ask like that? I… I…” JR couldn’t answer properly.

“Why did you kiss her while riding on ferry wheel that night?” -Aron-

JR go shocked again. He opened his eyes wide, looking at Aron.

“Hyung, you saw it?” JR surprisingly asked.

“Haha of course, I saw it with my both eyes. You forced to kiss her while Minhyun and Seungcheol were closing their eyes. I was so shocked. I even dropped my drink from my hand.” -Aron-

“Whatever it’s not important anymore. She’s leaving.” JR sighed and faced down.

“The problem is not she is leaving here. The problem is Minhyun also loves her. If he knows, he’ll feel betrayed and that’s what I’m afraid.” -Aron-

“She’ll leave and we won’t meet.” JR shortly replied.

“But how long are you going to hurt yourself like this? Will you be able to forget her? Look at yourself, were you crying for her?” -Aron-

“I’m just being sad because of what I’ve done to her only not love.” -JR-

“Don’t you have anything to clarify with her? like apologizing or confessing love. haha ” -Aron-

“Hyung, stop teasing me! I’ve nothing to do with her anymore. You’d better go back. I want to sleep. I’m not going back to class today. Leave me alone!” JR said then laid down on floor, closing his eyes to sleep.

“Don’t make yourself regret later! Chance and time may not have twice.” Aron said then left.

JR couldn’t hold his tears after Aron left. Aron’s word was touched.

“Though I know I’ll be regret but what can I do? I love you, Yuna. It’s hurt to accept the truth that I’m not going to see you after today.” JR was crying painfully alone without realizing Aron was still hiding watching him near the door.

“This kid is very weak inside. I think I need to do something.” Aron murmured to himself then left.


After coming back from meeting JR, Aron seized time to go to talk with Yuna privately.

“Yuna, can I have your time?” -Aron-

“Oh sure!..” -Yuna-

They left the crowd and went to sit on a bench to have private talk.

“Well, I’ll go straight to the point. Yuna, do you love Minhyun?” -Aron-

“Oh… I… hmm I like him because he’s always kind to me but I think it’s not the feeling between couple yet. I think I like him just like a friend, just like Seungcheol.” Yuna honestly answered.

“I see. How about JR?” Aron made Yuna get shocked by his second question.

“J-R…” Yuna lost her words.

“Yes how do you think about JR? Do you hate him?” -Aron-

“Of course, I should hate him.” Yuna suddenly shed her tears.

Should? Don’t you hate him and why are you crying?” -Aron-

“He has been bullying me. He hates me. He has no mercy on me. I should hate him.” -Yuna-

“But you don’t!” Aron gave her a smirk.

“I… I’m so hurt.” -Yuna-

“Well, Yuna, maybe it’s the best choice for you to leave here but before you leave, I have something to tell. Please forgive JR!” -Aron-

“It’s not important. He doesn’t bother to care if I forgive him or not.” -Yuna-

“He surly needs it or he will be living in sorrow and guilty for the rest of his life.” -Aron-

“No, I don’t think he needs it from me. I’m not that important.” -Yuna-

You’re important.” Aron volume up his voice. “You’re important to him very much, much more than you, I and other people could know. He loves you, Yuna.” Aron added.

Yuna became so shocked to hear.

“It’s not time to joke around. It’s not even funny. If you asked me here to play with me like this, please excuse me, I’m gonna go back.” Yuna said then got up from bench, intending to leave.

“Do you think someone who hates you would kiss you? Kissing is for only love, no matter if it’s a forced kiss or agreed kiss. He kissed you because he loves you.” Aron shouted and Yuna stopped walking.

“It was just… it was just a bullying…” -Yuna-

“Who would kiss to bully someone?” -Aron-

“We all know he loves Yuri. He has been bullying me because of Yuri.” -Yuna-

“Yes he used to bully you because of Yuri. Then he started to bully you again because of you.” -Aron-

“What do you mean? Bully me because of me? I’ve never heard of such bullying before. You’re so funny. I’m gonna leave. Please excuse me!” Yuna bowed and continued walking.

“If he didn’t bully you again, you’d be worse than this. He bullied you again because he wanted to protect you from Yuri and other people’s bullying. With his second time bullying you, his inside was seriously fragile that you don’t know.” -Aron-

“Bullying because of protecting? This is another line I’ve never heard before. Is it all? Can I leave now? Yuna acted like she paid no attention on Aron’s words.

“I’ve never seen him like this during my 3years being with him. I’ve never seen he cares for someone like this. Jumping to a pond when he was so sick just to find that one’s precious thing to her back…” -Aron-

“He did it because of Yuri. I heard everything you all were talking in hospital when he was hospitalizing. He did that because of Yuri. He said that by himself and I heard it clear.” -Yuna-

“Well, I don’t think I need to hear anything anymore. Lastly, I really hope you’re all doing fine and personally I would like to thank for spending your time telling me this.” Yuna added.

“I also have never seen he is hiding, being sad and crying alone like this. He is at rooftop, just in case you have something to clarify with him.” Aron said then walked to hit Yuna’s shoulder slightly then left.

Yuna was standing, crying alone for a while, thinking about Aron’s words. Then after she felt a bit better, she walked back to class.


Today JR didn’t attend the rest of lessons. Yuna kept looking at the door, hoping he would come back but he didn’t and that made her felt uncompleted.

JR was still at roof top, shedding tear and thought about all bad things he has done in the past. He felt sorry and ashamed that’s why he didn’t have bravery to meet her on this last day.


Class ended. All her classmates went to her desk and wished for her at new school before they left class.

“Yuna, good-luck! Let’s hang out sometimes! We have each other’s contact so let’s keep in touch.”

Yuna was touched by her classmates’ last message to her. It might be late but she felt happy because at least she could leave here with some good memories.

“Good-luck at new place! Nice to know you” Ren came and smiled to her for the first time.

“Yuna-ah, I love your cookies so much. I hope I can eat again and good-luck with your new journey.” Baekho also came.

“Yuna, I’m going to wait for you outside. Maybe you want to have private time alone in the class.” Minhyun said then he left the class with Ren and Baekho.

“Yuna, can we exchange contact? To be honest I’m figuring out something that related to you. If I find out, I’ll contact you. Well, it’s not about you and JR. It’s something else but please don’t ask me what it is yet. Just give me your contact, I’ll explain to you later.” Aron said. Yuna was curious but she dared not to ask. She exchanged her contact with him.

“Oh by the way, if there is something that is uncompleted, you should make it complete before leave. Life is short. Time won’t turn back. Young love is this complicating. I hope you’ll find the answer for yourself.” Aron gave her a cheerful smile, patting her head like a caring brother then left.

Yuna started crying again when everyone left.

“How can I find the answer? I don’t even know what my question is. What I know is I’m hurt and feel uncompleted.” Yuna faced down on her desk and kept crying for a while.

“It’s finished. Everything is gonna get better after leaving here. I’ll be fine.” Yuna wiped her tears, grabbed her bag, intending to leave the class. But when she stood up and was about to leave, she automatically turned back to look at JR’s desk. She started shedding her tears again when JR was not there. There was only his bag and books.

“The bag that he used to bully me…” she painfully touched it. She held it tight on her chest then cried louder. “I should be happy. I should hate you.” she didn’t even know why is she this hurt.

While she was holding his bag, she accidentally dropped something from it.

“This… this is my hair pin… why is it with him? I remember I wore it on the day I fainted on rooftop. I thought I dropped it somewhere but why is it with him?” Yuna was so surprised to see.

“Yuna-ah, why are you not coming out yet? Is there any problem?” Minhyun suddenly came back to class.

“I’m going now.” Yuna took her hair pin and quickly put JR’s bag on his desk back. Then she left with Minhyun.


Yuna and Minhyun went to have dinner together. Yuna didn’t talk or eat much. She kept thinking about JR. She became more and more complicated and finally she made an decision.

“Minhyun-ah, I’m sorry but I gotta go now. Please excuse me!” Yuna said, grabbed her bag and ran out even before Minhyun could reply her. Mihyun was speechless and lost but he didn’t follow her.


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Young love isn't that bad. Look, they are so happy together and they're so sweet. <3 :D


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Chapter 22: Yuna is blaming herself :'(
Chapter 22: Yuna is blaming herself :'(
Chapter 21: Please don't break them up Mr song :( and the personal driver is such a snitch!
Chapter 20: Minhyun hates JR because of Yuna :'(
Chapter 19: Glad that Jeonghan finally forgives JR of what he has done to him and why Minhyun had changed? :'(
Chapter 18: What a birthday party it was for her! JR definitely does have a heart inside I hope he does apologize to her new friend for what he did the other day :)
Chapter 16: Minhyun did the right choice to leave the gang but with many problems still and Jeonghan is so welcoming and friendly to her, No wonder he was put as the class monitor he doesn't deserve to get beating up for no reason :'(
Chapter 15: This is what happened when friendship turns sour over jealousy and a girl, She only minhyun's friend I hope they all sorted it out :(
Chapter 14: Yuri is still a bully that she made JR to be a bully for Yuna, and can't believe Minhyun left NU'EST, I hope there's a way to let him join again :'(
Chapter 13: The people at her new school are so friendly to her unlike the people at her last school that I hope they do give her a welcome party :) and, not just Yuna hurt Minhyun but JR too he really should've tell the truth that he liked her