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Добро пожаловать!  Я новичок здесь, и я не являюсь носителем языка, если вы найдете ошибки (здесь много возможно), пожалуйста, не бойтесь указывать, и если у вас есть что-то неясное, спрашиваю. Спасибо за Ваше внимание. Luv.


Из-за долгого времени отключается веб-камера рядом с устройством, а прямоугольный экран на стене не начинает работать сразу. Через несколько секунд после короткого сигнала кнопка загорается зеленым сигналом, указывающим, что устройство активировано. Небольшой квадратный экран под веб-камерой сначала отражает помехи, затем экран низкого качества показывает обеспокоенные глаза Jungkook, которые регулируют камеру в комнате, полную кабелей и ноутбуков. За ним на маленьком иллюминаторе показывался яркий солнечный свет, ослепительные глаза и лицо, а затем исчезал поворот космического корабля. Позади Jungkook вы можете видеть пустое пространство с включенным экраном в сочетании с тремя мониторами, которые отображают различные данные неоново-голубыми маленькими буквами и различными маленькими кнопками разных цветов, расположенными вокруг экрана. Кабели, 



Jungkook откидывается назад, опирается локтями на край панели управления, нервно скрещивает пальцы на губах и долго молчит.

Астронавт моргает глазами, нервно жует нижнюю губу, и его ноги дергаются под столом. Jungkook открывает рот, чтобы что-то сказать камере, но тихие буквы замирают в его горле, и вместо слов он вздыхает; не говоря ни слова, он быстро отводит взгляд от камеры, его глаза бегают по комнате, стараясь не смотреть на камеру. Jungkook просто не знает, с чего начать и как правильно объяснить всю прошлую ситуацию. Пока неизвестно, получит ли центр свои сигналы и услышит ли его сообщение, или антенны все еще касаются астероида.

    Jungkook кусает свои сухие губы в привычке возбуждения и тяжело вздыхает, его грудь выпирает под темно-синей униформой. Чон смещается в своем кресле, почти неслышно откашливаясь, и, наконец, глядя в камеру, начинает:

    «Это миссия «Союза-12 », это астронавт Чон Чонкук», - сказал он и потрясенно покачал головой. «Я не знаю, слышишь ли ты меня или нет, но возможно, что мое послание вообще не достигнет Земли. Наши четыреста двадцать второй день в космосе на борту «Игнотуса", мы прошли планету Юпитер три дня назад. Экспедиция еще не достигла своей цели: его руки заметно дрожат, он кладет их себе на колени, взволнованно отводит взгляд, быстро облизывает сухие губы от волнения и продолжает. «Но дело в том, что сильная гравитационная сила Юпитера заставила нас внезапно столкнуться с астероидами. Нам удалось предотвратить столкновение, но нам пришлось изменить координаты, и я заметил кое-что, что пропустил капитан при изучении планеты».

  Jungkook stops, rubbing his fingers and freezes.

  "The captain made a mistake. We made a big mistake. This is our big mistake".


    /flashback/February 13, 2026/

   " So ... I took a spare towel. And socks, too. I showered and brushed my teeth. What else could I have forgotten?"
   Hoseok, pursing his thin lips and narrowed eyes funny, with a wistful face behind the small kitchen, holding a belt stained with dust white hands - the guy clearly fumbled on the sack of flour, why – God knows. 

    He was dressed in a dark purple Adidas tracksuit with a white stripe down the sides, buttoned up to the throat and sleeves rolled up awkwardly to the elbow, and a dark purple bandage was pulled over his forehead. His dark brown hair, sticking out in all directions, was damp from the shower and glistened in the sun from the window.

    A dark-colored sports bag with the logo of an unknown company lay open by the front door, and Hoseok had just clumsily tossed in clean clothes and a yellow towel. The door, the upper part of which was made of glass and the lower part of wood, painted white with a square little door for dogs was slightly ajar, allowing the winter draft to enter the warm house.

    Suddenly Hoseok screams, causing the dog, who is sleeping quietly near the refrigerator, simultaneously raises its short ears up, alert and abruptly jumps off the floor, immediately barking towards the source of the sound, but when the dog sees Hoseok, it stops barking, tilts its head to one side, not understanding why it was woken up.

    "My favorite mug! How dare I forget?"

    Hoseok rushes like a hurricane to the kitchen cabinet on the way deftly sliding his socks on the tile, and when he begins to rummage loudly in each shelf, Theia – a fluffy red dog of the Japanese akitu-inu breed, begins to whine in dissatisfaction, trying to cover his short ears with his paws, but giving up and hurriedly departs from the kitchen.

    "Oh, hyung, you're not going to a resort for a month, but to the nearest city fifty miles away for a couple of days" – muttered his younger brother, who was sitting at the table, continuing to quickly click on the transparent keyboard of his laptop.

    Around him on the table were empty purple wrappers from milky way chocolates, a large number of crumpled and scribbled papers, and pencils of various lengths scattered on the table and tiles, and seven white mugs with dried coffee at the bottom. The younger brother looks very exhausted because of the constant work in front of the monitor: black circles under his eyes from lack of sleep, the pupils of tired eyes that expand, then narrow from the transition of the laptop background from dark to bright. Out of habit, nervously chewing chapped dry lips and moving the mouse on the table with his right hand, clicks on it several times in a row, an unpleasant sound makes Hoseok strain all his nerve cells and distract himself from searching for a mug on the shelves.

   "Envy in silence, bro" – Hoseok chuckles as he casually examines the cabinet, to which Jungkook only snorts loudly. "My whole life depends on this competition" after Hoseok stretches his neck and clicks his tongue loudly when he sees an empty shelf on the top of the wardrobe. "Where's my mug by any chance?"

   "The one with the duckling face?"  Jungkook continues to click the mouse, manages to follow the rapidly passing numbers on the screen and, without raising his head, nods somewhere to the side. "I saw, of course. It's on the sink".

    Hoseok stops rummaging through the shelves, closes the kitchen cabinet door, which opens on both sides, and looks expectantly at the sink, the dishes in which, it seems, have not been washed for a week. Under Hoseok's sharp gaze, as if under the influence of some hypnotic force, the dishes, lazily arranged by the younger brother under each other, like the Eiffel tower, clanging against each other with a splash of water, fall to the bottom of the sink.

    The older brother's favorite mug lay at the bottom in dry cocoa.

  "What is this? You didn't wash the dishes while I was gone? What did you do?"  the older took a dirty mug out of the water with two fingers, looked at it quickly from different sides, and winced. "That's disgusting. Did you drink from my mug?"

  " I worked as you can see" Jungkook chose to answer only the third question and, rocking in a chair with wheels, moved closer to the laptop. "I didn't get out of this chair until you came back from training a couple of hours ago. Did you notice that I'm wearing the same clothes I was wearing a couple of days ago?"

Hoseok wrinkled his nose at his younger brother's words, set his unwashed yellow mug on the counter, and turned to face him, leaning his back against the kitchen table and crossing his arms in displeasure.

Jungkook continued to tap his fingers on the keyboard, completely ignoring the older man's presence, especially the disapproving gaze that was hard on him. Jungkook pursed his plump lips and frowned, squinting at the laptop screen. The front lenses of the round glasses reflected a screen with numbers and some small letters.

 Hoseok wearily sighed and desperately lowered his hands, thinking about his own, and clearly intending to scold the younger, takes two steps forward.

 "No, man, why are you acting like this? I don't even have the faintest idea what will happen to you after this. You aren't live like a practical person like a normal person".

"I don't ever want to be normal".

"The whole problem here is in this"  Hoseok discontentedly points a finger at the laptop, continuing to gesture. His brother's movements and his nervous voice made Jungkook's headache even more. "These numbers are practically in your head. The older man made a grimace of displeasure and waved his hands at his head".

"I can only use these brains for work". 

"Come on, Jungkook, I don't know what exactly you're doing in your green digital world. If you told me you were saving the world with these numbers, I would understand, you know. But these numbers are useless, Jungkook, you know just useless compared to the global problems that are happening around us". 

"I'm not saving the world" Jungkook says honestly, blinking twice. His eyes flick from one number to another with every second.

The older brother slaps his hip with his hands and begins to calm down. 

"Don't do anything. We're just pathetic compared to what nature does to us. Get over it, Jungkook. Now it's too late, and we – humans can't try to change anything. We have nowhere else to go".

"But I'm trying to save us, as you put it earlier, from global problems that have been going on for five years".

"Jungkook", the older stops him, holding out his hand in front of him, making it clear that he does not intend to continue this pointless discussion.  "Let's not talk about that". 


Jungkook calmly pauses, never looking at his brother during this conversation, and blinks several times quickly, as if afraid that he will immediately fall asleep if he dares to close them, leaving most of the work unfinished. The constant work of the younger brother in front of the monitor greatly irritates Hoseok when he sees a tired, almost fainting Jungkook. He had exhausted him so much that he had gone completely mad. He doesn't say anything, doesn't eat, doesn't sleep, just sits in a ing black chair and doesn't stop tapping his fingers on the ing keyboard. Junior wants to hit the same laptop on the head several times, so that he finally came to himself.
Damn it.

It is unlikely that a world experiencing global catastrophes needs such diligent programmers as Jungkook. Now people need rescuers and doctors. It can be seen that Jung performs the program work for ten people. Hoseok is about to open his mouth to apologize for the abruptness of his words, and then kick his brother out of the kitchen and into the room to sleep, when suddenly the phone vibrates in his pocket from an incoming call. Hosok takes it out of the pocket of his sports shirt — the display shows the name of the coach-swearing under his breath, the older man first looks at his tired brother, and then hurries out of the kitchen, accepting the challenge on the way
Hoseok's muffled voice is heard in the living room, telling the coach that he is getting into a taxi.

These words pull Jungkook out of the digital world. Jungkook smiles at the words of his brother's trainer, who demands not to mess with his brain, and that the soul of Hoseok appear in the gym right this second.

Half a minute later Jungkook finally moves away from the monitor, stretches with a tired sigh, stretches his numb hands above his head, his entire body numb in a motionless state. Jeon winces at the discomfort in his limbs, feels the stiffness in his neck and back, yawns soundlessly, then leans back in his chair and closes his eyes for a second, as he expected, falling into the dark abyss of deep sleep. The body, continuously working for several days in a row, requires a full rest, and the stomach-normal human food, not a liter of strong black coffee. And Jungkook as he believes does not have the right to refuse to work until he finishes the program. Behind the elusive frame of slumber, you can hear the sound of a dog running from the living room and its loud happy barking, which snaps Jungkook out of sleep in time.

The guy abruptly opens his eyes, looking for a four-legged friend. Theia barks several times and turns merrily in one place, chasing her own red tail. Jungkook understands her thoughts almost immediately.

«О, нет, моя девочка, давай не сейчас», - бормочет Джунгкук, сонно потирая глаза средним пальцем, заставляя собаку обиженно хныкать, опуская голову на пол, опираясь мордой на лапы. "И не смотри на меня так. Прогуляйся с Хосок Хен ..."

"Fail" Hosok suddenly appears in the kitchen with the phone in his hands, squats down next to the dog and with a slight smile the shaggy red fur, then tells the reason for the refusal. "I have a flight to Daegu in an hour. I have a competition there at the "Phoenix Park" ski resort, so you will take Theia for a walk yourself" and Jungkook with half-open eyes drips a puddle from the chair to the floor "Come on, bro, get some air, you smell like a dead man" Hoseok lets out a short laugh, looks at his brother and jokingly waves his hand near his nose, immediately forgetting that a few minutes ago there was another misunderstanding between them.

Jungkook gives up and rolls his eyes, and propped himself up on his elbows.

"Okay, I'll go change then" junior rubs his right eye wearily with his fist, still too lazy to get up.

Theia jumps up and down with joy. Hoseok laughs.

Before Jungkook this family picture passes.

"Come on, bro" Hosok repeats his favorite and annoying Junior word, throwing the bag over his shoulders and waving his hand. "Wish me luck and wait — a couple of days-and then I'll come home and we'll watch movies from Paramount pictures."

:Yeah" younger one just waves it off wearily and mumbles about how the older one should stop talking and get out of here as soon as possible.

For some reason, Hosok stops right in front of the door and casts an unreadable glance over his shoulder at his younger brother: with a slight smile, he watches junguk rise from his chair, and The latter, as if noticing his gaze, raises his head to his brother.

"You're forgetting something".

Hoseok doesn't answer, just puts on a warm smile and shakes his head.

The front door slams softly behind his older brother, and while the door is still closed, Jungkook hears Hoseok fumbling with the half-closed lock of his gym bag and at the same time talking on the phone, assuring him that He has almost arrived, but is stuck in a terrible traffic jam. Jungkook  barely lifts his bare feet from the floor, reaches his room, and out of habit closes the door behind him.

His room is dark because of the heavy fabric of the closed curtains and smells of fresh street air after the morning rain. Air conditioning in all rooms stopped working half a week ago. The diamond-shaped electronic clock on the wall in neon green showed eight o'clock in the morning.

Jungkook spreading his arms in both directions, falls directly on the bed, shivering from the cold surface of the sheet, turns over on his side, but this movement makes the headache worse, and Jungkook again turns over on his back. Closing his eyes with a bent hand, he lets out a relaxed sigh and closes them only for a second. Lying down, Kook feels the strongest discomfort in his back. From a half-open window, you can hear the noise of a busy city in the distance: the muffled sound of a car engine, the laughter of children playing in the Playground, the voices of passers-by. He wants to yell at these people to shut up and close the window, but he's too lazy to get up.

Hoseok is right: Jungkook is simply exhausted.

He should take a warm shower, walk the dog in the park, and get a good night's sleep before his brother arrives.

It seems only yesterday that Jungkook sat down for the first full-time job in his life, and before he even had time to blink, it has been four years since he worked as a programmer at the National Bank of Korea-the only working Bank in Busan. It's almost the middle of the twenty-first century, digital technology, so Jungkook only makes reports and checks translations; he's also good at technology — there's no device at home that can fail. The current job is very difficult, of course, but Jeon has no other choice.

Jungkook was very tired.

Very tired.

Inaccurate images of the dream float before his eyes, and the voices outside the window are gradually drowned out.

"Grandma" quietly holds the boy in light blue pajamas with the image of superheroes.

He is sitting alone at a square table, quietly sipping hot milk from a tall glass and swaying his legs in different directions. He holds a glass of warm milk in both hands, trying to keep warm — his eyes are fixed on the dark window-and studies the invisible outlines of the high mountains. It's snowing outside.


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