End (1/2)

Last Christmas

"Last Christmas, I gave you my heart

But the very next day you gave it away.

This year, to save me from tears

I'll give it to someone special."




"What a stupid song to listen to on Christmas Day."


Jongwoon grumbled and slammed a glass of soju in his hand harshly on a table.


"I know right! It's as stupid as All I Want for Christmas is You!"


Turning to his left, Jongwoon saw a man looking to be around his age resting his cheek on the counter while facing him, his eyes slightly puffed and red.


"Christmas is a stupid holiday anyway," Jongwoon said, "I mean, who the hell romanticizes Christmas? It's a sacred day of God, not a day for people to around brainlessly!"

"Exactly!" The man sat up straight and looked at him. "People who date and on Christmas Day are so uncivilized, boring, and have single brain cell!"

"I couldn't agree more." Jongwoon nodded vigorously, "they use Christmas as an excuse to around like they think with their , not their brain. Super uncool."

"Oh my god, I think I just found my true friend!"


The man grinned and raised his glass of beer. Jongwoon was more than happily raised his own and clicked their glasses together. Gulping down the alcoholic drinks, it took them some time to be sober enough to talk again.


"Kim Jongwoon, you?"

"Cho Kyuhyun,"


Both men who were slightly intoxicated giggled and shook their hands as if they had known each other for their whole lives.


"So, Kyuhyun, you got dumped on Christmas Day?"

"Yeah, that didn't even bother to hide her affair from me. What a . I take it that you got dumped too?"

"Yep, my liar of an ex thought that he could two-time me and my friend like juggling balls. Worst of all, the jerk who used to be my friend also thought that it's a good idea and ed the bastard in my-ing-bedroom!"

"Disgusting. Wait, did you say that your ex is a he?"

"I like men. Got any problem with that?"

"Nah, a cheating bastard is a cheating bastard no matter the gender. They all deserve to go rotten in hell!"

"Hell yeah! Death to all cheating bastards!"


Probably because he was too excited, Jongwoon almost fell off his stool but Kyuhyun was quick to catch him. Even after helping him to sit steadily, Kyuhyun's hand still lingered on Jongwoon's waist but neither seemed to mind it, or they were probably too drunk to mind it. Jongwoon snickered when he saw a lovey-dovey couple sitting not far from them. Kyuhyun turned to where Jongwoon was looking before snickering too.


"Look, how come people can be that shameless in public?" Jongwoon whispered.

"Yeah, they really have no shame." Kyuhyun whispered back.


The couple leaned in and kissed.




"... What a loser we are, throwing a tantrum at other couples like a kid." Jongwoon said sadly.

"We're not cool at all..." Kyuhyun followed suit with a weak smile.


They sat there in gloomy silence for a while, both were lost in their past memories.


"Not good!" Jongwoon suddenly spoke up, "we shouldn't waste our time thinking about those cheating bastards!"

"But that's easier said than done."

"I know! How about we help make each other's Christmas better than the last one? If we create a wonderful memory together, we'll definitely forget about the cheating bastard."

"I'm in. I don't even want to think about that again."


Jongwoon and Kyuhyun smiled at each other. They quickly slid down from their stools, that was when Jongwoon realized that Kyuhyun's hand was still on his waist. Kyuhyun laughed sheepishly and took his hand off. It went only halfway back to him because Jongwoon took it in his small hand instead.


"The night is still young. Let's go!"


Jongwoon said lively and began to drag Kyuhyun who had a huge grin on his face out of the bar.




"How do we make this Christmas better than the last one though?" Kyuhyun asked once they were outside at a bustling street.

"Hmm..." Jongwoon touched his chin thoughtfully, "let's start with telling each other what we did in the last year. I went to see a movie with my ex first, so uncreative, right?"

"Absolutely. Hey, I think I know how to make a better memory. Come with me!"


Kyuhyun beamed and held Jongwoon's hand tighter, before leading the shorter man toward a nearby mall.




"Kyuhyun, aren't we just watching a movie as usual? How can this be a better memory?"


Jongwoon whispered to Kyuhyun who sat beside him. They were in a theater watching a boring rom-com movie about a couple who found love on Christmas Day. Jongwoon was confused. He didn't understand how this was different from what he did last year.


"Hush, just you wait and see."


Kyuhyun replied and turned his attention back to the movie. With that said, Jongwoon had no choice but to wait patiently. He absentmindedly watched the movie while occasionally yawning. Romance movies really weren't his cup of tea. He watched with absence interest until it finally ended. He quickly stood up as he couldn't wait to get out and find something else to do. However, Kyuhyun caught his wrist and pulled him back to his seat.


"Where are you going? The best part just comes!"

"What do you mean? The movie already ends so let's get out."

"Even though we can watch the next movie for free?"


"You know? Night shift staff rarely check the theater to see if all customers already get out or not, especially on a holiday when they already work to their bones. I know because I used to work a night shift too, when I was in college."

"Kyuhyun, this is illegal! We should get ou-"


Too late. While he was arguing with Kyuhyun, the next group of people already buzzed into the theater, and, as Kyuhyun said, the next movie soon began to play. Jongwoon fidgeted nervously in his seat while glancing at the exit from time to time, worrying that they might get caught.


"Kyuhyun, you're crazy!"

"Maybe, but hey! This is more exciting than your boring movie date last Christmas, right?"


Kyuhyun giggled but quickly shut up when a person who sat in front of them turning around to glare at them. Jongwoon was still nervous, but as Kyuhyun said, this was far more interesting than what he did last Christmas. Plus, the movie being shown now was to his liking too. So, he joined Kyuhyun in enjoying the movie while hoping with a crazy heartbeat that they wouldn't get caught. Probably sensing his nervousness, Kyuhyun leaned in and whispered in a reassuring tone.


"Calm down. We won't get caught, trust me."

"What should I do? I'm so anxious..."

"Wow, your hand is shaking like hell. I believe you now that you're really anxious."

"Whose fault is it then?"


Kyuhyun quietly chuckled. Then, he held Jongwoon's hand more firmly, before intertwining their hands together.


"Much better?" Kyuhyun asked.

"Much better." Jongwoon replied.


Smiling softly at each other, Jongwoon and Kyuhyun turned their attention back to the huge screen. Neither took their hands off and simply stayed like that throughout the movie.




"Whew, that was stressful but fun! I'd never want to do it again though." Jongwoon said after they came out of the theater unscratched.

"Haha, I take that as mission success then! What's next?"

"Your turn now. What did you do last Christmas?"

"I took her to a freaking expensive restaurant in some high-end hotel. I paid for everything, of course."

"Wow, what a greedy . Hmm... Dinner? Oh, I know a wonderful place not far from here! Follow me!"


This time, it was Jongwoon who beamed and held Kyuhyun's hand tightly. He called a taxi and got in the car with Kyuhyun closely behind him, their hands never once separating.




"Dinning in the dark?"

"Yep, you know, the one where you eat in pitch darkness?"


Jongwoon explained while waiting for a waiter to prepare a table for them. Kyuhyun nodded and looked at the building in front of him curiously. It was a huge one-story building, though he couldn't see the inside because of a thick black curtain covering all windows. Soon, the waiter came back and led them inside the restaurant. As per the waiter's suggestion, Jongwoon and Kyuhyun held hands so they wouldn't get lost in the darkness. They struggled to sit on their chairs even with the waiter's help. Jongwoon yelped when he clumsily hit the table with his knee, causing Kyuhyun to laugh. Finally sitting properly, they ordered everything that the waiter recommended and chatted to kill time. Soon, their orders arrived.


"How was the food? Delicious, right?"

"Yeah, though it's a bit hard to eat. I can't find my bread!"

"Me too!" Jongwoon giggled, "hey, feed me something from your plate!"

"Are you sure? I can't even find my own mouth but you want me to feed you?"

"Why not? We're here to create a better memory anyway, right?"


Kyuhyun nodded but soon remembered that Jongwoon couldn't see him, so he gave a non-committal hum instead. He felt around his plate until he found what was probably a sliced french bread. Fumbling some more, he finally located a plate of cheese and freashly cooked bacon. It took him some time to properly put them on top of the bread but he managed it. When he was done, he called out to Jongwoon who was waiting quietly.


"Hey, I'm ready now."

"Then hurry up and feed me!"


Kyuhyun blindly his hand out at what he thought was Jongwoon's mouth.


"No, Kyuhyun, that was my cheek! Here, let me help you."


Jongwoon giggled and fumbled his hand around. He caught Kyuhyun's hand and guided it to where his mouth was.


"Ouch! You bit my fingers!" Kyuhyun complained.

"Sorry! Is it hurt?" Jongwoon apologized after swallowing the food.

"It stings but I can endure it."

"Oops, my bad, let me see, I mean, let me feel it."


Kyuhyun placed his hand on the table, palm up, so Jongwoon could find it. Jongwoon held Kyuhyun's stung finger in his thumb and index finger, before rubbing it soothingly.


"There, all pain be gone! Feeling much better now, right?"


Jongwoon was about to take his hand back but Kyuhyun wouldn't let him do so. Kyuhyun's long fingers gingerly slid in between Jongwoon's shorter one and hooked them carefully as if he was afraid of damaging them.


"Don't you think it'll make eating harder?" Jongwoon asked but let his fingers stay in Kyuhyun's.

"Well, we're trying to make the dinner more interesting than my last Christmas, right? Now, feed me something too."


Jongwoon happily complied. With only one hand available, he took forever to find and stab whatever in a salad bowl with a fork. Of course, he shoved the fork at Kyuhyun's chin instead of his mouth. And judging from the fork that felt slightly lighter, he probably dropped something on Kyuhyun's shirt too.


"I told you, feeding each other is a bad idea."


Kyuhyun grumbled like an old man. Despite what he said, he continued to feed Jongwoon and let the man feed him until nothing was left on their plates.




When Jongwoon and Kyuhyun came out of the restaurant, they laughed heartily at each other's messy look. Both of them had some food stains or crumbs on their faces and their shirts. Kyuhyun had it worst than Jongwoon because the stain on his shirt was from a salad dressing. Jongwoon tried to hold his laughter as he used his handkerchief to wipe Kyuhyun's face. Sadly, it was impossible to clean Kyuhyun's shirt even though Jongwoon tried his hardest.


"It won't come off... Sorry, I ruined your shirt. Let's go to a nearby mall and buy a new one. Of course, I'll pay for it." Jongwoon took responsibility without hesitation.

"Shopping..." Kyuhyun was deep in thought, "that reminds me, I used to take that ungrateful woman to shop at a mall not far from here."

"Did you pay for everything again?"

"Unfortunately, yes, I even carried all shopping bags for her."

"Damn, what a horrible person. Don't worry, I'm here to create a better memory for you!"




After buying a new shirt for Kyuhyun at the mall, the duo stopped to discuss their next plan.


"Jongwoon, exactly how you'll make this shopping trip better than my last Christmas?"

"Last time you had to pay for everything, right? That's why I thought that this time we should shop without spending a single won."

"Is that even possible?"

"Of course! Haven't you heard of a window shopping?"


Jongwoon cheerfully explained before dragging Kyuhyun to the nearest store, a toy store. Kyuhyun was a bit embarrassed being a grown man among children, but Jongwoon didn't mind that at all. He headed to a stuffed animal shelf and picked up a stuffed turtle.


"Kyuhyun, Kyuhyun, look!"



Jongwoon hid his face behind the turtle and spoke up with a weird squeaky voice.


"Hello! My name is Mister Handsome Turtle! Nice to meet you!"

"Hello, Mister Handsome Turtle, my name is Cho Kyuhyun." Kyuhyun replied with a small chuckle.

"Kyuhyun-ssi, what do we call a cheating bastard who betrays our trust and throws our hearts on a floor?"

"I don't know. What do you call them?"

"Nothing. They're not that important to pay heed to their existence. That's why..."


The turtle's fluffy arms reached out to Kyuhyun and touched his face.


"Don't let their bad memories upset you. You deserve to be happy, not sad."


The turtle pulled its arms back while Kyuhyun stood there speechless. Because of the stuffed animal, he didn't know what kind of face Jongwoon was making. But he didn't need to see it to know that Jongwoon was genuinely worried about him. Smiling in joy, Kyuhyun took a stuffed penguin from the shelf and held in front of him like what Jongwoon did.


"Mr. Handsome Turtle, what do we do with the cheating bastard and his scum lover who stab you in the back?"

"I don't know, literally stab them back with a knife?"

"Despite how enticing that sounds, please don't do it, I don't want to lose a friend yet. Most importantly, don't taint your beautiful kind soul because of those scums. You're far better than them."


After a short silence, Jongwoon slowly peeked out of from the turtle. His cheeks were slightly red as he spoke up shyly.


"D-Did you really mean it? Everything that you said just now?"

"Of course. I meant every word that I said, like how you meant every word you said."


Kyuhyun said and returned the stuffed penguin to the shelf. His gaze never once left Jongwoon's face. It focused fixedly at those beautiful eyes and reddish cheeks. Jongwoon seemed like he had nothing to say for once. Still hugging the turtle doll, his small hands squeezed the turtle's fluffy tummy as if he didn't know what to do with his hands. Kyuhyun suddenly had an urge to touch that rosy cheeks and he did reach his hand out, but it was stopped mid-way by a joyful squealing.


"Omo! Oppas are in love with each other! Soooo cute!"


Upon hearing that, Jongwoon woke up from his trance. Not far from them, a little girl jumped excitedly in place while pointing at them. Jongwoon's face immediately turned into a shade of a ripe tomato. He quickly shoved the stuffed turtle in his hand back on the shelf before running away with an excuse that he had to use a restroom. The girl then ran to him and tugged the hem of his shirt guiltily.


"Oppa, I'm sorry! I didn't know that oppa's boyfriend is really shy!"


 "What're you waiting for! Go after him!"

"Huh? Ah, y-yes!"


Despite being confused, Kyuhyun listened to the girl and chased after Jongwoon.




It took him twenty minutes to find Jongwoon. During the time he was running around, he found something that he thought it really suited Jongwoon, so he stopped to buy it hoping to give it to Jongwoon. That was when he realized that they absolutely had no means of contacting each other. Staring at the gift in his hand, he was really scared that if he couldn't find Jongwoon, they wouldn't see each other again. That was why when they met again accidentally at the store where he bought a new shirt, he immediately suggested they exchanged their numbers. While Jongwoon was registering his number on Kyuhyun's phone, he noticed that the shorter man had an unfamiliar paper bag with him.


"What's that?" Kyuhyun asked.

"Oh? This? It's a Christmas gift for myself. What about you? What's that?" Jongwoon asked gesturing at a paper bag in Kyuhyun's hand.

"It's a Christmas gift for myself too."


Judging from their reddened faces and stupid grins, neither seemed to believe what the other told them. Nonetheless, none of them pointed out how poor their excuses were. They happily resumed their window-shopping trip shortly after that with Kyuhyun firmly holding Jongwoon's hand in his.




Feeling satisfied with their window-shopping trip, the duo got out of the mall and returned to a busy street. Their hands clung on loosely while their thumbs occasionally brushed.


"Your turn now, Jongwoon, what did you do last Christmas after watching a movie?"

"Actually, I'm considering skipping this one."

"Why? What's it?"

"Ice skating. That bastard took me there all just to show off his skill, can you believe that? That's why I said let's skip it. Not doing it ever again is probably the best way to create a better memory."

"That's the more reason to do it! Let's go!"

"What? Seriously?"

"Yep, rather than getting upset over it, why don't we rewrite it with something else?"

"You're right... In that case, Kyuhyun, here,"


Jongwoon pulled Kyuhyun to stop. Then, he took out a pair of sapphire-blue knitted gloves, and a scarf of the same color with a small red heart at one of its hem from the paper bag in his hand. He handed the two items to Kyuhyun with a shy but joyous smile.


"If we're going to go ice skate then you'll need this. I bought them as a Christmas gift for you. Do you like it?"


Rather than replying, Kyuhyun grinned widely and immediately put them on. After that, he handed his own paper bag to Jongwoon whose eyes glittered in happiness. Quickly taking the gift out from the bag, he let out a surprised cry when he saw that it was the exact gloves and scarf he bought for Kyuhyun.


"Now we're wearing matching gloves and scarf!" Jongwoon said as he happily put them on too.

"Well, great minds do think alike, don't they?"


Jongwoon giggled and nodded eagerly which made Kyuhyun chuckle too.

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391 streak #1
Chapter 2: Rereading ❤️❤️❤️
Liza_Blessedx2 #2
Chapter 2: Absolutely precious <3<3<3
TaiShanNiangNiang #3
Chapter 2: All the adorable fluff and stuff <3 What a rare treat that KyuKyu wasn't the least big evil and he was clumsy (as opposed to Jongwoon) All of the sweet things that happened and Jongwoon working through his insecurities, quite a lot in two chapters. Thank you for the early Christmas-in-July present ;)
Chapter 2: so sweet~~~~~my heart~
391 streak #5
Chapter 1: Ehey~ Cute~ <333