Finding Meaning
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(adj) too great to be expressed in words






All the engineering students inside the room are boringly looking at their teacher who just arrived a while ago; well, except one student who happily greets their 63 year old teacher with a wide smile. She really likes their teacher because it always gives deep history about something before reaching them their topic about civil engineering.


"What can you say about The Statue of Liberty?" She directly asked the question without even getting them a good morning. Well, to the students, nothing is good whenever this teacher of them is inside the same room with them. He is just too boring.


"Sir!" Chaeyoung, the stupidest student inside their room raised her hand confidently making her seatmate, Jeongyeon, slap her face.


"Yes Miss Son?" He asked as he acknowledged her.


Chaeyoung immediately stand up from her chair with confidence. She cleared and roams her eyes in the entire room before giving her answer. "It is a statue hehe."


Their classmates immediately laughed at her stupid answer. Of course it's a statue.


"I don't think if I should consider that answer or what." Their teacher said while shaking his head on disbelief.


"Why!? I am right! It is a statue!" Chaeyoung said defensively making Tzuyu and Jeongyeon who's beside her pull her down forcefully.


"Shut up Chaeyoung." Jeongyeon said while rolling her eyes.


"Anyone else?" He asked again. And this time, the most intelligent person inside their room raised her hand; AKA Tzuyu.


"Sir!" Their classmates widened their eyes hearing the familiar voice making them wish to disappear right then and there. They all got traumatized every single time Tzuyu answers.


"Oh God, no." Their teacher silently mumbled as she intentionally ignored Tzuyu.


"Anyone else?" He asked again, looking at his students; asking for cooperation or else they are all going to suffer. Yet, no one raised their hands. Instead, they lower their heads while clasping their ears with their hands.


"Sir! Chou Tzuyu! I know something about it!" Tzuyu shouted with all her might, trying to gain her teacher's attention.


"Fine," He mumbled with a shake of his head. "What is it?"


Tzuyu gave him a smile before standing up and saying her next words. "Its full name is Statue Enlightening the World. And it was a gift from France given to America in 1886. The robed female figure represents Libertas, the Roman goddess of freedom. She holds a torch and tablet upon which is inscribed the date of American Declaration of Independence and that was on July 04, 1776. From the ground to the top of the torch the statue measures 93 meters and weighs 204 metric tons. Lady Liberty wears..." And then she keeps on telling random facts about the Statue of Liberty.


She paused when she noticed that her classmates and even their professor are not listening to her at all. "Hey! Why are guys not listening?"


Before anyone could even answer her, the bell rings. Yep, she just waste the entire time for that subject mumbling random facts or whatsoever.


"Goodbye class. See you tomorrow." Their teacher said then goes out their room.


"Come on Chou, let's eat now." Jeongyeon said as she pulled Tzuyu to go out of their room. Chaeyoung immediately followed them.


"I don't really get why are not interested in hearing facts about statue of liberty." Tzuyu mumbles as they walk towards the cafeteria.


Both Chaeyoung and Jeongyeon just rolled their eyes.


"It isn't boring at all. And it was so cool hearing those facts." She added.


Chaeyoung and Jeongyeon stared at each other for few seconds before deciding to do what's on their minds.


"Hey, where are we going?" Tzuyu asked when she noticed that they take the other way.


They both remained silent.


"If we go through that side, it will add another 300 meters of walking and that is equivalent to 5 minutes on average pace." Tzuyu explained yet they still ignored her.


"Hey are you guys not listening? I told you, we should go thr--" Her sentence got cut off when Jeongyeon suddenly shouted from outside the gymnasium.


"Hi Sana!"


The girl, who's being called, immediately turned around to the source of the voice and saw the three of them standing from a far. "Hi Jeong!" She greets back as she waves her hand in the air.


"What are you guys doing?" Tzuyu asked her 'friends' as she gave them a look of disbelief.


They still didn't answer her like she's not even with them.


Sana runs towards their direction. "Why are you guys here?"


"Are you done practicing?" Chaeyoung didn't answer her question. Instead, she asked irrelevant one.


Sana nods her head as she spare a single glance on the person standing behind Jeongyeon and Chaeyoung with her head down. "Yes, we just finished before you came. Why?"


"Nayeon told me to invite you to eat with us since she didn't saw you in your room because you are here practicing." Jeongyeon explained as Tzuyu keeps on fidgeting.


"Okay! I'll just change." Sana said then looks at Tzuyu. "Hi Tzuyu!"


Tzuyu instantly raised her head. "Ahh... H--... Uhm..." She sighed when she realized that still; she cannot say a single word when Sana is there.


"She said 'Hi' and you can change now. We will wait for you." Chaeyoung said; saving her friend.


Sana bites her lower lip as a small smile can be shown on her face. "Okay, I'll be quick."


"What is wrong with you!? Why are we here!? Why did you invite her!?" Tzuyu yelled at her friends in disbelief when Sana disappeared in front of them to change her clothes.


"Why? Don't you want to see her? And don't you want to eat with her? Or... you want to eat her?" Jeongyeon said with a teasing smile. If there is the most erted person in the world, that would be Joengyeon.


"What are you saying!?" Tzuyu asked as she widens her eyes.


"We will go to the canteen now." Jeongyeon said and then pulled Chaeyoung along with her.


"Wait what?" Tzuyu asked again.


"Bye bye Chou!" Chaeyoung said with a sniffled laugh as she waves her hand to Tzuyu.


"Wait for me!" Tzuyu shouted before following them.


"No, you wait for Sana!" Jeongyeon said as she turns around.


"What!?" Tzuyu asked, halfway towards her idiotic friends.


"Unless, you're going to dump her?" Chaeyoung reasoned out making Tzuyu thought for a while. She didn't notice her friends already left.


"Son! Yoo!" She tried to call for them but of course, that's to no avail.


"!" She silently cursed as she went back to the entrance of the gymnasium.


"You can do it Chou! Just at least a single word. Calm your down." She said to herself as she taps her throbbing chest.


"Breathe in, breathe out." She said while doing the action.


"Calm do--"


Her words got cut off when she heard a very familiar voice. "I'm done."


She instantly straight up and then gulped.


"Where are Chaeyoung and Jeongyeon?" Sana asked when she noticed that the others are gone.


"Uh... I... Th--" Tzuyu tried to explain but she really cannot. So she pointed at the path where they went.


"You mean they went to the cafeteria already?" Sana asked with a chuckle.


Tzuyu nodded in; embarrassed.


"Okay," Sana gave her a smile. "Let's go?"


Tzuyu nodded again and they both walk in silence.


"Sana! Here!" Someone shouted when they both set their feet inside the cafeteria.


They both see their friends sitting in a circle table in a circle chair.


"I will just go there. I don't really like to eat something. You can go there with Jeongyeon, Chaeyoung and Dahyun to order for your food." Sana said as she pointed at the mentioned persons who are busy ordering their foods. She immediately went towards their direction without waiting for Tzuyu's response.


"D-do-- Ahh... ." She was supposed to ask her if she's sure about that statement but of course, she's Tzuyu and that was Sana. It only means that she cannot say even a single word to her.


Tzuyu heaved a long sigh before going to the counter where her friends are ordering something. "Hi,"


"We already finished ordering food for us and for the others. It was just you and Sana who does not have something to eat yet." Chaeyoung immediately explained.


"She said she doesn't want to eat." Tzuyu said the obvious.


"You really believe her? She's just conscious in her body you know. Buy her something she wants." Jeongyeon reasoned out.


"But she really said she don't want to eat." Tzuyu said defensively. There's no way she's going to ask Sana. Or if there is, she cannot really talk to her.


"Okay, if you want to starve your girl who just finished cheering and dancing and tumbling and jumping or whatever." Jeongyeon said with a teasing smile.


"No! I mean, no. Of course I don't want to starve her." Tzuyu exclaimed as she spare a glance towards the subject of her sentence who is busy chatting with their friends.


"See," Dahyun points out.


"But how am I supposed to ask her?" Tzuyu asked as she gave the three of them with hopeful eyes.


'Send help?'


"We don't know. How do you think?" Jeongyeon said with a teasing smile.


Tzuyu's eyes widened. "What!? You are not going to help me?"


"Bye! We are going to eat now." Dahyun said then pulled the others along with her towards the other; leaving Tzuyu behind.


"Hey!" She tried to call for them but they just ignored her.


". . ." She silently curses.


She took a few deep breaths before deciding to walk towards Sana.


She stands there like her friends are not seeing her at all.


'Really? You guys aren't going to help me?'


She cleared before starting. "Uh... S-- . Uhm... S-sa--" Instead of calling her name, she just poke her with her index finger.


Sana instantly turned around to look at her. "You need something?" She asked with a smile.


Tzuyu gulped nervously, seeing Sana in front of her makes her really nervous. "Uh... D--" Of course, like the usual, she wasn't able to say a single word to her.


Sana stared at her, still with the same smile as she waits for Tzuyu's words.


And in the meantime, their friends are just looking at them; observing every little action they are both making.


' me.' She internally cursed when she noticed Sana raising a brow at her.


"What?" Sana asked again.


She immediately gets the small pad of paper inside her pocket and her pen. She always brings that, just in case that she's going to talk to Sana. How could she forget about that?


She immediately wrote down the question she wanted to ask and then showed Sana the paper. 'What do you want to eat? I'll order it for you.'


Sana smiled at the cute action. But of course, she's reject Tzuyu's offer. "I told you, I don't want to eat."


Tzuyu shook her head; not acknowledging Sana's answer. She writes another word in the small pad then showed it to Sana again. 'Please?'


"Fine," Sana said with a slight blush. "Order what you think I'll like."


Tzuyu nodded and replied, 'Okay,'


"Okay," Sana said the same word; looking at the unmoving Tzuyu.


Tzuyu realized that she's been standing there for a minute before immediately running back towards the cashier.


"I hate myself." She mumbled to herself as she gets their food.




"You really like to see my twin sister struggling to speak in front of you huh?" Mina, Tzuyu's twin sister, who is older in her for few minutes, asked Sana who's sitting in front of her with a shook of her head.


"Can't help it, she's too cute while doing that." Sana answered with a smile.


"I don't really get how the always talking Tzuyu turns mute when Sana is beside her or in front of her." Chaeyoung asked as she wonders.


"That's because she have a crush on Sana." Jeongyeon immediately gave what she thinks is the reason.


"Then why are you not like that when you have a crush on me?" Nayeon asked from beside her.


"I don't have crush on you. You just forced me to like you duh." Jeongyeon said as she takes another bite on her food.


"At least you like me now." Nayeon said confidently then flips her hair to her back.


"I still don't." Jeongyeon silently mumbled to herself but Nayeon heard her; loud and clear.


"I will kill you!" She said then hit Jeongyeon on the head.


"Just kidding babe," Jeongyeon said with an awkward smile as she rubs her head.


Nayeon rolled her eyes. "Kidding my ,"


Their friends laughed at their antics.


"You really think that's because she likes Sana? She doesn’t need to get shy anymore since it is obvious that Sana likes her too." Dahyun said making the others nod their heads in agreement.


"You are talking as if I am not here." Sana said as she rolls her eyes.


"Sorry," Dahyun gave her a piece sign.


"I will just go to the comfort room so you guys can talk about me and Tzuyu." Sana said with slight sarcasm and then stands up.


"Yes please. Leave now." Mina said without even feeling bad about it.


Sana threw a death glare to her before going to the comfort room.


"When do you think that 'Sana syndrome', will stop?" Momo asked curiously the moment Sana left.


"You guys really decided to name it like that!? You are talking as if my sister has a condition or what." Mina said but still laughs a bit.


"Yes!" They all shouted harmoniously making the other students look at them. Not that they really mind.


"I think it will stop when they are finally together. You know, Tzuyu should stop acting like a chicken when they are finally together right?" Dahyun asked.


"You are right about that. But the question is, when? I mean, I'm pretty sure Sana won't confess first." Momo points out.


"But how the hell Tzuyu can do that? She cannot even say a single word when Sana is there." Nayeon said with raised brow.


"Should we help them?" Momo suddenly asked.


"No!" Jihyo shouted making them look at her. "Let them be. The right time will come."


"Okay," Momo nods her head.


"Shut up now. Tzuyu is coming." Mina whispered to all of them.


"Where is Sana?" Tzuyu asked them take a seat on exactly where Sana sat a while ago.


"She just went to the comfort room. She'll be back in a while." Jihyo explained.


"There she is." Momo pointed towards where Sana is.


Tzuyu immediately turned to look at her. "Uh... Guys? I think she's coming on my way." She mumbled; still looking the incoming Sana.


"Yes she is." Nayeon said for confirmation.


"Chaeng can we change seats?" Tzuyu asked while fidgeting in her chair.


"No." Chaeyoung declined.


"Dahyun?" Tzuyu asked her other 'close' friend but she declined too.




"Jeong?" Nayeon was the one who shook her head; not willing to let Jeongyeon sit far from her.


"Unnie?" She tried to ask her twin sister and that's an 'X' too.


"Jihyo Unnie? Please?" She gave Jihyo hopeful eyes. If there is someone who can Tzuyu call an ally that would be Jihyo.


"Ok--" Jihyo was supposed to agree but she wasn't able to since Sana already reached Tzuyu's side.


"Did you wait for too long?" She asked, directing the question to Tzuyu.


Tzuyu didn't say anything or even take a single breath.


"Tzuyu! She is asking you." Momo said from beside her.


She wrinkled her eyebrows in confusion. "Huh?" Then she looks at Sana. "Uh..." She shook her head while blinking.


"Okay," Sana nods. "Can I sit beside you?"


"Uhm..." She blinks as she takes a gulped of her own saliva. Then she nods her head when Momo nudged her.


Sana instantly moves to take a seat beside Tzuyu. But, there idiotic friends did something.


"Sana, are you comfortable enough?" Nayeon aske

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Chapter 7: Wooow, this is really beautiful. Thank you author-nim <3
zawszeitwice11 #2
Chapter 8: Waaah what an adventure \(〇_o)/I like these kind of stories because it is very thrilling and exciting!! Tzuyu is so manly (womanly xD) saving Sana till the end even if it cost her her own life (╥_╥)
But I'm still confuse at the last sentence "We are each other's escape". What does that mean? (Sorry my reading comprehension is really poor HAHAHA)(tinagalog ko na sa isip ko di ko pa rin gets HAHAHAHA)
Anyway, good to see your update authornim after a week. And yes we like !!! ヽ(°◇° )ノ And we will wait for your compilation authornim hehe. Thanks for the update authornim and yeeeees zusana finally has a selca after god knows how long!! Zusana lang malakas walang titibag!!!
Chapter 8: we are each other escape awwwww so sweet i might get diabtes from this line;)
Ako_Si_Kai #4
Chapter 2: You're making me cry huhuhu
Ako_Si_Kai #5
Chapter 1: You did a great job, author. I'm starting to love this story!
satzusoft_hours #6
Hehehe nagbabagong buhay na po talaga ako pramis
Acey095 #7
Chapter 7: its so cute to handle*_* my satzu heart! Chou familu indeed!aaaaaahhhhhhhhh<3
Chapter 7: This is so damn cute, can I ask for more Satzu married life please
Chapter 6: I'M MAD WITH THIS. I'm mad that it ended XD. I wanna have more more more. Authornim you're so good at writing , wow this is so damn hot