1 - lonely.

come here, little puppy.



Razor- sharp fangs were at the ready as the trap went off. A shrill yelp filled the cool air and sent a flock of birds scattering into the midnight sky. Setting up a trap was very un-vampire like, but she never cared for the chase. She was impatient; wanting to sink her fangs into her prey as soon as possible. It had been a while, too long in fact, since the vampiress had had a fresh meal of any sort. The modern day and age often left her with little choice but to resort to prepacked blood bags from local vending machines. They were as bland as they were pricey, and Bae Joohyun had found herself increasingly unwilling to spend that much money on stale tasting pigs’ blood.

Freshly caught meals were a rare luxury, and Joohyun smirked as she readied herself for the first kill of the night.

Rounding the tree from where she’d been waiting, she gracefully made her way over to the tiny shifting bundle shrouded in the shadows. Her enhanced vision told her something was amiss about this meal; mainly the fact that it was not in the shape of her usual deer or other small animal, but very, very human.

Well, kind of human.

Joohyun was processing newer information with each step she took. She would’ve automatically passed the hectic bundle under the thick, roped net as a human. A human girl, no less. That was until she noted the pair of soft, pointy ears nestled between thick locks of layered golden-brown curls and the fluffy tail behind her.  

Ah, a hybrid, she thought, stepping into the moonlight and making her presence known to the oblivious little heap thrashing about at her feet.

She stood there, unmoving, and fighting every urge to just pick the little thing up and carry it home right then.

The captured girl froze in her tracks when she felt a sudden cold gush over her, making her shiver and prick her sensitive ears towards the direction of the stillness.

How cute.

Yes, she wouldn’t lie. Joohyun had fully intended on devouring anything and everything the night (and net) brought her. The squeals and struggles of her usual kills gave her no pause as she drained them dry and carelessly disposed of their carcasses. However, this. This was different. She surprised herself with how instantly infatuated she was by this adorable little hybrid. The way her ears were pressed flat against her head, weighed down by the heavy rope. The way her tail quivered ever so slightly, in fear no doubt, and those big, soft brown eyes with the unknowing ability to pierce right through her cold, dead soul. If she had a heart, it would’ve been fluttering and doing backflips by now, she was sure of it.

The vampire was so consumed by her captive that she forgot to be angry that she’d been swindled out of tonight’s meal.

The girl, on the other hand, was completely terrified as she beheld this elegant vampiric beauty with sleek raven hair casting a looming shadow over her trapped form. Her skin was flawless, un-kissed by anything other than the moon and it seemed to shimmer ethereally under the light of the stars. Her heart was going a million miles a minute, audibly thumping against her ribcage as her canine senses picked up on a peculiar warmth to this woman despite her deathly steely exterior. The woman began circling her, and she followed the movement with wide, shaky eyes.

Her attention snapped to the figure now crouching down beside her.

“Well look what we have here,” she sneered, making a show of her blood-red lips as the girl squeaked in fear, “A lonely puppy, all for me to snatch up.”

Joohyun had decided not to eat her, but that didn’t mean she wouldn’t toy with her a little.

The terrified girl gave a small whimper and tried to scoot back as far away from the vampire as she could. But the net was small, and she’d pulled it taut in no time, exhausting all her options of escape.

The woman chuckled darkly and closed the distance between them once again. She didn’t miss how hard her little captive was panting, chest erratically rising and falling with every panicked breath.

“Nowhere to run, I’m afraid,” Joohyun paused when she caught sight of the girl’s neck; the paleness enhancing the way her pulse point on her jaw throbbed madly, and so deliciously bare.

My my, is she really? If she is… then this is too good to be true. Oh, this is Christmas.

“Oh dear, little puppy,” she smirked, feigning concern to which she already had the answer to, “where’s your collar? Do you not have an owner?”

Her smirk widened as her suspicions were confirmed when the girl meekly shook her head, ears flopping over and drooping sadly.

Poor thing, a stray. How could such an endearing creature possibly be a stray?

Anger bubbled up inside her thinking about who could’ve done this. It was obvious that this was a pedigree, and a fine specimen, at that. Definitely the type to be bred and bred from the finest bloodlines, only purpose in life to serve in show business or to be bought by filthy rich families who hadn’t the time nor a clue on how to properly raise a hybrid. It made her sick to her stomach. But she hastily brushed her emotions and opinions aside, focusing on the more important issue at hand.

“What’s your name, little one?”

“S-Seung-w-wan…” the girl barely even managed to stammer.

It was settled then. Seungwan needn’t worry, for she had found herself, willingly or unwillingly, a new home. Never had the vampiress made up her mind as fast as she did tonight, wanting nothing more than to keep this shivering little puppy warm and safe at all costs. It was so perfect, she almost forgot she’d come out tonight to feast, and her fangs had long since retracted. She’d been contemplating getting a pet ever since moving into her new place. Despite appearing aloof and reticent to the public eye, Joohyun had to admit that it did get more than a little lonely having to live with oneself day to day with nothing but your own lifeless soul for company. She desired companionship, and she was just waiting for the right time to acquire it.

But it seemed like fate beat her to it, in a night of unadulterated bloodlust.

“Well then, Wannie, it’s time to go home,” she said nonchalantly, pushing herself from her position and straightening up in preparation to cut the net.

She looked down at the shivering girl at her feet, curled up in a tight ball and burying her face in her fluffy jumper. The vampiress inwardly kicked herself for knowing she’d just as good as given the poor thing a heart attack.

Okay, façade’s up you idiot. Time to play nice.

Having had basic knowledge of dogs and the responsibilities that came with them from the time she was a young vampiress and her family had gifted her a Dachshund pup for her 100th birthday, Joohyun bent down once again to calm Seungwan down, hoping hybrids were the same. She'd adored Mr. Wiggles, but learning to come to terms with the loss of a pet was a grievous path known to animal lovers of all species, human or vampire. She had been far too upset for the next thousand years or so to even consider getting another pet, for fear of forgetting him and feeling as though he was easily replaceable. But it wasn't just a pit of despair, though. Pets were lovely; their warmth was like no other. You’d often find yourself questioning what on earth you had done, never quite sure how you’d come to deserve such boundless, unconditional love.

And Joohyun couldn't have felt more undeserving.

Ignoring the scared flinch she received for reaching into the net, she carefully extended a limp hand, as Seungwan strained her neck forwards to take cautious little sniffs at it and at the air around her, trying to detect any sort of potential threat. Of which she found none. Joohyun then began oh so gently scratching soothing circles on the puppy’s head behind her small floppy ears. Seungwan immediately let out a small, heart-breaking whimper as she tensed at the sudden contact, however, visibly relaxed when she realised the fingers weren’t hurting her, after which she instinctively sighed into the affectionate touch.

Joohyun let out a shaky breath of relief when it worked.

“There, there,” she cooed, taking care not to scratch too hard as she carefully observed Seungwan’s expressions, “Sorry for scaring you, little one. But I’m not going to hurt you, I promise.”

Seungwan wasn’t sure how much of that she could actually trust, but in her current state of affairs she had little else to go by but the words of this bizarrely tender vampiress.

And she seemed to be keeping to it… for now, at least.

Seungwan just about rolled over in submission when Joohyun took one of her warm little ears and started rolling it softly between her fingers. Shivers ran down her body and her tail began unconsciously swishing back and forth. She’d never been touched like this before, and the poor thing shocked herself with how her body naturally responded to the simple caresses. She was so depreaved of any physical touch, affection aside, that the little that Joohyun was doing now overwhelmed her enough to willingly go along with it; to be taken in and taken care of, despite having her qualms about stranger danger.

“I’m going to take care of you, but you have to be a good girl and come home with me,” the vampiress couldn’t stop an escaping giggle at the sight of the girl practically drooling as she continued to roll her soft, velvety ear; eyelids heavy and pink little tongue lolled out at the corner of .

“Okay, puppy?” she inquired, taking her hand from out of the net.

The little dog whined at the sudden loss of contact, but unexpectedly nodded up at her with sad, glazed brown orbs.

We’re not even home yet. Wannie-ah, are you trying to kill me?

It was only when Joohyun was sure the girl had calmed down significantly to the point where she knew Seungwan wouldn’t try to run, did she give the net a quick slice with the small knife she kept handy at all times. She hurled the weight off and Seungwan’s ears sprung up, one sticking straight up and one happily folding over as she innocently glanced around, apparently not yet realising she was free. It was murderously heart-wrenching to behold; Joohyun had to thank her lucky stars she didn’t have one. She made quick work of crafting a makeshift noose and lead out of the remnants of the trap.

Holding the noose up in front of her with trembling hands, Joohyun held her breath, warily eyeing the unmoving girl as she carefully inched her way closer, utterly terrified that she’d make the one unfavourable movement that would cause Seungwan to bolt.

But it never happened. The puppy stayed put, head cocked and eyes on her the entire time.

“Okay Wannie, don’t be scared, I’m just going to put this around your neck. It’s only for now, I promise. It won’t be long.”

The vampiress was more than prepared. She was prepared to have to chase the girl down, subconsciously readying herself for when she’d make a run for it. A small part of her also prepared to give in, to accept the fact that she’d lost her little pet and resign herself to loneliness once more until she found someone or something that tugged at her as deep and effectively as Seungwan had tonight.

What she wasn’t prepared for, was abruptly being nose to nose with the girl in less time it took to blink, feeling her hands that were still clutching the noose now lightly grazing the tips of her shoulders. Joohyun had to forcefully blink the disbelief away before settling her gaze back on the floppy-eared girl now standing inches away from her, breath tickling her chin. A seismic shock wave threatening to wipe the earth would’ve flustered her less, as her entire being froze in this completely unprecedented display of dangerously blind trust only a puppy could boast.

So she just about keeled over and perished, as the terms and conditions of being immortal would allow, when the irreproachable honey-toned words left Seungwan’s mouth in the tiniest, almost punishingly lovable question.

“Take Wannie home now?”




kinda feel like making a second part, but eh idk tbh. i'm not too good with the fluff yet.

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Chapter 17: finally finished reading this again for the second time
Chapter 12: this is sad 🤧
Chapter 11: this is the part i like
Chapter 5: I finally found this story again 😭
Chapter 8: Everyone loves Seungwan. Wannie is the only one who can break their tough exterior.
Chapter 7: My heart is too weak to handle this. Irene must had save the whole world for her to have Seungwan. Love is in the air.
Chapter 6: The domesticity between them is heartwarming. I don't know how many times my heart melted and cooed at them. 🥺 They are perfect for each other.
Chapter 5: Wannie is so adorbs! No wonder, Irene wanted to take her home and take care of her. 🥺
Chapter 4: I'm excited!
Chapter 17: this is so beautiful Author-ssi 😭
i love it so muchhhh, this is my first time to read fanfic wenrene like this🥺 they're so cuteeee💙💗
thanks for this story!!