Chapter Fifty Two

Love Me For Who I Am

Midnight At The Park's Residence

Jimin:*arms wrapped around jungkooks waist asleep snoring*

Jungkook:*sits up breathing heavily hand on his stomach*Really do you want to come this early



Jungkook:Oh you sure do *rubs his stomach shaking jimin*LOVE

Jimin:*groans nuzzles his face in his pillow*

Jungkook:Love come on wake up *shaking him*

Jimin:Ugh what time is it

Jungkook:Time to have a baby 

Jimin:*sits up eyes widen*WHAT

Jungkook:My water broke..*smiles looks at jimin*

Jimin:Oh gosh are you alright I got the bag packed and all *rushes out of the bed running around*


Jimin:Okay I got the hospital bag...I gotta call the family *runs out of the room*

Jungkook:*laughs leans against the headboard of their bed*

Jimin:Oh haha well I can't have a baby without my fiance *helps jungkook out of the bed*

Jungkook:You sure do I'm the one delivering the baby *giggles they get into the car*

At The Hospital 

Jungkook:*screams breathing heavily*WHEN WILL THESE CONTRACTIONS BE OVER 

Nurse Kim:Don't worry jungkook your 9 percent dialated soon you'll be able to push I will call in the doctor 

Jungkook:*screams gripping onto the bedsheet tightly*Where the hell is my diance

Jimin;Sorry love..I just I had to tell the family how you were

Jungkook;Well that's good your excited while I'm in pa-AHHHHH 

Jimin:Love..*grabs his hand*

Dr.Song:Alright jungkook I think it's time to welcome your little one into the world *smiles big sits in between jungkooks legs*

Jungkook:*nervous breathing heavily*I don't think I can do this

Jimin:I'm right here baby you got it *kissing his forehead*

Dr.Song:Okay jungkook on the next contraction I want you to start pushing..

Jungkook:Na..AHHHH *screams starts pushing*

Dr.Song:Good job it's a good start jungkook

Jungkook:AHHH IT HURTS *screaming crying pushing*

Jimin:*holding onto his hand tightly whispering in his ear*

Jungkook:AHHH UGHHH *pushing and lays back on the bed*

Dr.Song:Take a breather your off to a great start..

Jimin:See you go-AHH

Jungkook:*screams grips jimins hand tightly pushes*

Jimin:AHHH *falls to the floor groans from pain with jungkooks grip*

Jungkook:I HATE YOU SO MUCH RIGHT NOW YOU DID THIS TO ME *tightens his grip even more*

Jimin:Ughh I see the light *feels light headed from jungkooks grip*

Dr.Song:That's good jungkook keep going I see his head 

Jungkook:*pushing falls back to the bed crying*I can't do it it hurts to much

Jimin:Sssh baby you got this our baby boy is almost here *caressing his cheek*

Jungkook:You do it for me please *whines sniffs*it hurts

Jimin:It's almost over baby I promise the outcome will be beautiful we'll be able to see our baby *kissing his forehead*

Jungkook:*sighs takes a deep breathe*

Dr.Song:A couple big pushes jungkook *smiles*

Jungkook:*pushing hard grips onto jimins hand*

Jimin:*groans bititng his lip from the pain tears in his eyes*

Dr.Song:One more jungkook then he'll be here

Jungkook:AHHH AHH *screams one last push falls back to the bed*



Jungkook:*breathing heavily sleepy looking at them*

Dr.Song:And he's here would you like to cut the umbilical cord jimin-ssi

Jimin:*smiles walks over to the doctor cuts*He's so beautiful baby 

Jungkook:*smiles eyes slowly close asleep*

Jimin:You made mommy work for you didn't you little one *rocking him*

Baby:*gurgles whines wiggles in jimin's arms*

 Hospital Room

Jungkook:*eyes slowly open moans*Love..

Jimin:Hey look who's up baby boy *holding the baby*

Jungkook:*gasp looks at the small bundle in jimin's arms*Is-is that our baby 

Jimin:It sure is..*smiles hands him into jungkooks arms*

Jungkook:*smiles big caressing the chubby cheek*Aren't you just precious

Jimin:You did good my love *kissing his temple*

Jungkook:I think I have the perfect name love 

Jimin:Really what is

Jungkook:*caressing the baby's cheek*Park Byeong-Su

Jimin:I love it welcome to the world our precious byeong-su *arms wrapped around jungkook*

Jungkook:We made a pretty damn cute baby 

Jimin:Well I mean we are the parents *chuckles*

Jungkook:Okay that was cocky on another level *rocking byeong-su *

Jimin:Mwoya you started it 

Byeong-su:*wiggles in jungkooks arms nuzzles his face in his chest*

Jungkook:Oh are you hungry baby *pushes the gown down and holds byeong-su close to his chest*

Byeong-su:*latches onto jungkooks and starts *

Jimin:Waahh it's like our son was deprived of food in your stomach *laughs*

Jungkook:Shut up *laughs*

Jimin:I better get the family they are dying to meet the little one

Byeong-su:*releases jungkooks *

Jungkook:It's time for a good burp and nap isn't it baby *starts rubbing his back*

Jimin:Just be as quiet as you guys can *smiles*

Jungkook:Hey guys *smiles*

Byeong-su:*burps really loud*

Jungkook:Oh my..*giggles looks at byeong-su*

Byeong-su:*slowly falls asleep in his arms*

Jungkook:Mommy Daddy Umma Appa Hyungies and Uncle Jaewan weclome Park Byeong-su *smiles*

Areeyah:Well our grandson gave us some welcome *laughs*

Moyeon:Omoo he's sooo beautiful

Yoongi:Well he does have our genes

Jimin:YAH what is that suppose to mean

Hoseok:Aish ignore him jimin you and kookie sure made a damn good looking baby 

Jaewan:Woah would you look at that gingoo hyung sijin you guys are grandparents 

Gingoo:This is crazy it all feels like a dream 

Sijin:This baby is gonna be more spoiled by it's grandma's than us

Gingoo:That is soo true *laughs*'s our first grandchild so let us live

Areeyah:And look at that adorable face he's so cute to resist *caresses byeong-su's face*


Welcome Park Byeong-su

Born:August 18th, 2019 2:00am 

Weight: 5.3lbs 

Inches:6 inches 


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Chapter 54: So sweet this chapter was so adorable especially with little Byeongie 😍😍
This is so adorable
Chapter 53: Awe the Park family being together, Umma Kookie, Appa Chims and baby Byeongsu so sweet ❤️❤️❤️❤️
Chapter 52: Yes, the Jikook baby is born!!!!!! ♡(> ਊ <)♡
Byeongsu is a cute name too (◍•ᴗ•◍)❤
Chapter 50: Awe I love it when parents think of names for their babies, all the names are cute and meaningful I can't wait to see which one Jikook choose ❤️❤️❤️
Chapter 49: Love how forgiving Kookie and Yoongs are, such awesome hearts, I know with everything Jaehwan has done that wouldn't be easy to forgive. Thanks for the update author-nim <3 <3
Chapter 48: Awe Kookie and Yoongs having such beautiful, forgiving hearts ❤️❤️
Chapter 47: Areeyah remembers! And that's so sweet of Kookie and Yoongs wanting to defend their uncle <3
Chapter 46: Plot twist!!! XD
Poor Yoongs, he's so confused
Can't wait to see what's going to happen next <3