Chapter Thirty Six:SURPRISE B*ITCH

Love Me For Who I Am

At The Courthouse 

Jungkook:*nervous hiding in the backroom of the courtroom*

Jimin:Hey are you alright *hand on his cheek*

Jungkook:I'll be alright *fakes a smile*

Jimin:Hey everything will be fine I promise even lawyer bae dropped out being fighting him once he shows this evidence to the judge it's over and he'll be out of your guys is life forever 

Jungkook:If you put it that way 

Jimin:Trust me the truth is on our side..he will suffer not you or your family ever again *kisses his forehead*

Jungkook:I feel like a little kid playing hide and seek until someone finds me *giggles*

Jimin:*laughs hugging him kisses the top of his head*

Jungkook:*giggles looks in his eyes*I love you so much 

Jimin:I love you so much more *they kiss passionately*

Hoseok:Alright you two save it for your bedroom time to put the acting faces on 

Jimin:Thanks for ruining the moment hyung

Hoseok:It's what I do best *giggles*

Yoongi:You sure your okay here alone kookie

Jungkook:Nae hyung I want this to be a punch in his gut *smirks*

Yoongi:You're so mean I LOVE IT you are my baby brother *kisses his forehead*

Jungkook:*laughs*Gross get off

Yoongi:Pfft but you can share kooties with jimin

Jimin:Did you serious say kooties what are we grade school

Yoongi:*pouts arms crossed*

Hoseok:Let's go little boy *laughs walks out with jimin and yoongi*

Jungkook:*takes a deep breathe nervous*

Court Session

Lawyer Bae:*nervous sitting down next to jaewan*

Jaewan:So how is it looking huh are we gonna win this thing taeyong 

Lawyer Bae:I'm not going to be making promises I'm not sure of jaewan 

Jaewan:Well give me some hope

Lawyer Bae:I did all my research I could alright

Judge Song:Alright shall we get the hearing started please

Lawyer Jung:Yes sir we'd like to have a new witness to the victims

Jaewan;What others victims can they do that

Lawyer Bae:*lying*I have no idea

Jaewan:What is this bull *nervous looks at them*

Lawyer Bae:This one witness holds a key witness to this trial sir

Judge Song:Request granted bring in the other victim 

Lawyer Bae:*whispers to jiwoo*Have jimin bring jungkook in

Lawyer Park:Jimin sweetie bring jungkook in *smiles*

Jimin:Nae umma *smiles walks over to the back door*

Jungkook*nervous looks up*

Jimin:Ready my love

Jungkook:*takes a deep breathe and takes jimins hand*Let's do it 

Lawyer Bae:Your honor I would like to respresent Min Jungkook *smiles*

Jungkook:*walking into the courtroom holding onto jimin's hand tightly*

Jaewan:*eyes widen*WHAT...

Jungkook:You're honor *bows down*

Judge Song:Min Jungkook do you solemly swear to tell the truth and nothing but the honest truth

Jungkook:I do you're honor 

Judge Song:Take the stand...

Jungkook:*nervous biting his lip*

Jimin:*whispers in his ear*Don't be scared were here

Jungkook:*nervous sits down*

Jaewan:YAH what are you doing call objection this is impossible

Lawyer Bae:I can not call objection when the judge has granted it I'm sorry jaewan

Jaewan:This is a bunch of bull

Lawyer Bae:*smirking behind his papers*

Jaewan:If you aren't going to do anything I will..

Lawyer Bae:What jaewan-


Lawyer Jung:Mr.Min please you have no right to object when this is our time to testify 

Jaewan:So we're not gonna pretend that MY back from the dead

Lawyer Park:*scoffs*Mr.Min are you okay what do you mean back from the dead as you can see jungkook is very much alive in front of you

Jaewan:No he wasn't he was dead..and he was still in a wheelchair I know because I-

Judge Song:Yes Mr.Min you know because *raises an eyebrow*

Jaewan:Umm well because I took care of him that's my son and now he's walking

Judge Song:Why do you say he's dead when I can see him with my own two eyes

Jaewan:Because we saw him die even ask my wife

Areeyah:You're honor I have no idea what this man means my son is alive as you can see his therapy has worked and he could walk once more

Judge Song:Well that is great news I am happy

Areeyah:Thank you so may we continue his testimony your honor

Jaewan:Why you little-

Lawyer Bae:Jaewan enough..*pulls him back*

Judge Song:Mr.Min if you please stop with this non sense or I will have the tape your mouth shut

Moyeon:*giggles behind *

Sijin:Serves him right *mumbles under his breathe*

Judge Song:Mr.Jung please continue 

Lawyer Jung:With pleasure your honor now shall we start jungkook

Jungkook:Yes sir...*takes a deep breathe*

Jaewan:What the hell taeyong what now

Lawyer Bae:Like I said taeyong I will try my best let me look at my research 

Jaewan:*groans covers his face*

Lawyer Bae:*turns around thumbs up to lawyer park*

Lawyer Park:*slips the paper in his hand clears *

Lawyer Bae:I can do this just trust me and my instincts 

Jaewan:I better have chosen the right lawyer or I lost money for someone useless

Lawyer Bae:*clenches his jaw smirks*



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Chapter 54: So sweet this chapter was so adorable especially with little Byeongie 😍😍
This is so adorable
Chapter 53: Awe the Park family being together, Umma Kookie, Appa Chims and baby Byeongsu so sweet ❤️❤️❤️❤️
Chapter 52: Yes, the Jikook baby is born!!!!!! ♡(> ਊ <)♡
Byeongsu is a cute name too (◍•ᴗ•◍)❤
Chapter 50: Awe I love it when parents think of names for their babies, all the names are cute and meaningful I can't wait to see which one Jikook choose ❤️❤️❤️
Chapter 49: Love how forgiving Kookie and Yoongs are, such awesome hearts, I know with everything Jaehwan has done that wouldn't be easy to forgive. Thanks for the update author-nim <3 <3
Chapter 48: Awe Kookie and Yoongs having such beautiful, forgiving hearts ❤️❤️
Chapter 47: Areeyah remembers! And that's so sweet of Kookie and Yoongs wanting to defend their uncle <3
Chapter 46: Plot twist!!! XD
Poor Yoongs, he's so confused
Can't wait to see what's going to happen next <3