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Jo In Sung just finished his last scene for his newest movie. He’s been working early morning and now it’s past dinnertime. His tired is raring to have a long shower and a quiet night with his fiancée actress Song Ji Hyo who was also busy filming for her latest drama that day. They were able to talk twice that day in between their breaks and now he misses her again. They’ve been together for four years now and planning to tie the knot early part of next year. In Sung is very happy and contented with his relationship with Ji Hyo despite of their busy schedules she still brings sunshine and happiness in his life. She simply brings out the best in any given day. There was no answer when he tried calling her. Probably she’s still filming, he thought and proceeded to talk to his Manager before calling it a day. After the briefing for his next schedule, his Manager and the other two staff from his agency bade him goodbye. But before he can open his car, his Manager called him out.


“The future Mrs Jo drop by earlier but didn’t stay long when she found out you still have two sequences “said the Manager in a teasing tone. In Sung laughed. “But is she fine? She looks rather pale earlier ““She must be tired; she’s filming too today for her drama “


In Sung was wondering why she didn’t stay or texted him that she is coming. Probably she wanted to surprise him. They do that to each other specially when their schedules are full. They call it “Power Visits”. Cheering each other and checking on each other. He tried calling her again but still went to voicemail. As far as he can remember their filming location are opposite in direction. She must have finished her filming early. While on the road In Sung took a mental note of getting her flowers and her favorite food on his way home. He tried calling her again but instead the call from her stylist came through. He was a bit surprise since her staff doesn’t really call him unless it’s very important.

“ Hello “ “ Hello, Oppa. How are you? “ “ Am fine. Just finished filming. What’s up? “ “ Ummm..Oppa, was wondering if Noona is with you? “ No,I’ve been trying to call her. Is everything alright? Something wrong?” “ Ummm..just a little Oppa. I am in her place but she’s not here. But her car is outside though “ “ Tell me what happened…..”    

He is starting to be worried after what he learned from her stylist. And there was no reply from Ji Hyo after three messages and his calls are still going through voicemail. She is affected by what happened he is sure of that. Ji Hyo is a very patient person and she doesn’t get affected right away but when she does, she loses it and he doesn’t want that to happen right now. He still thirty minutes away from home and he is hoping she is there and safe. He can’t ask Kwang Soo to go to his apartment because if Ji Hyo is there, she wouldn’t like it and he doesn’t want to bother his friend as well. She was happy early that afternoon when they last talked and was asking him if they can go to the beach while they have days off and he agreed on it. Staying away from the city after almost two weeks of working is a welcome respite for the both of them. But with what’s happening right now he still don’t know what to do.


In Sung has always been very protective of Ji Hyo ever since the two met in a movie they did together. She is a shy person; she prefers to be with the production people than her fellow stars and that really amazes him. She would help the crew clean up or help in putting up the set. And he would be watching her. She would just be in the corner reading her script or sleeping. So, what he did was to include her in the conversation with the other stars or he would no end whenever there’s a chance so that she will be comfortable with the others. And little by little she started to mingle with the other cast not that he doesn’t like her with the crew but he wants her to be comfortable with the others as well. When they started to be close, he found out how warm and thoughtful and caring and how funny she is. He really enjoyed her company and so they became really good friends and the shooting of their movie went smoothly because of their new found friendship.


In one of their Thank You parties for the movie Song Ji hyo encountered some nasty advances from one of the guests and In Sung saw how Ji Hyo tried to get away from it without other people knowing it. He saw it and was just waiting for the time to get her out of it without causing commotion but she was faster, just a blink of an eye Song Jo hyo was nowhere to be found. She slipped from the party. He went to check outside to check if her car was still in the parking area. Not only did she found her car but Song Ji Hyo as well, sitting in her car’s half opened door and from the looks of it she is crying. He felt so bad looking at her. When he made his presence felt, Ji Hyo had this look of fright and surprise, and right there and then he promise himself to protect her as much as he can. He didn’t insist on asking too much why she was in her car when she said she isn’t feeling well. But before he left, he squeezed her hand and told her he is always around if she needs her.


After their movie they don’t see each other that often anymore but In Sung made sure Ji Hyo knows he is just around. They would text each other from time to time and update each other. And when she joined Running Man, he was so proud of her. She bloomed in the show, and became a household name not just in Korea but abroad as well. And since Ji Hyo and Kwang Soo work together this paved the way for their renewed friendship. They would hang out with Kwang Soo and theother guys or just them via coffee or a simple dinner. They got to know each other better and really got close despite the fact that they went out with other people still their friendship remained strong. They were there for each other with their heartbreaks and achievements.



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Yattahm #1
Chapter 1: Aww love it! I love them!
cucumberwasabi #2
you're my favorite author ☺️ I really love this in sung & ji hyo my lovely couple.. thanks a lot..