Chapter - V

My Only Hope

Baekhyun’s Pov

It’s almost been a day since I woke up, I had been lying on the ground unconscious until noontime when I felt the sunlight poke my eyes I open one of my eyes rubbing both of them with my sleeves, I try to sit off but my body is drained out of all the energy. I look around while lying on the ground, I hold onto the sofa beside me  to help myself stand, but as soon as I stand I fall down on my knees, my mind is clouded with the flashback of last night’s events, I remember ahjusshi pulling me inside by harshly holding one of my ears,

 He was very angry since I entered the house a few minutes late and my mother was asking about my whereabouts  from him which angered him to no extent, I slowly try to touch my right ear which started throbbing as soon as I touched it “Ah!” I could feel the shape of ahjusshi’s sharp nails and some dried blood, how I am supposed to go out like this!

I try to turn in my sitting position to see the time on clock which showed the wrong time, but it has been ages since the batteries were changed, my wristwatch! it was not there on my hand, I remember ahjusshi pulling me from the front door and thrashing me towards the wall near the sofa, I think I broke my digital wristwatch the only thing left which I cherished, my eyes waters at the thought of it

The soreness in my body overpowers everything I somehow manage to stand and walk slowly towards the bathroom; both of them are not present in the house right now,

In this messy house which has no attribute of warmth

Mom must be at the store she works,                  

It's uncanny how even ahjusshi is missing I walk quietly to the bathroom just in case he pounces at me from somewhere, he is usually at home playing video games, he calls himself a freelancer but it doesn’t require a genius to tell he is lying about it, he just stays here to torture me and use my mom’s money. I don’t know why my mother loves him, how does she have a heart to love such a beast? when she cannot care about her own child, Now I understand why she had just left me at birth with my Gran

I just want to die …

I don’t want to live like this anymore...

I look at my pitiful self in a rough patch of so-called mirror on the bathroom wall

My unruly dark hair which ahjushhi pulls every time I make noise, my eye bags all this while the discomfort I’m put through I cannot even afford to sleep properly like a normal human being.Salty tears flowing down my pale sunken cheeks.

I bow my head leaning against the sink,

“You can do this Baekhyun!!”

“One by One you can try to make yourself less miserable!!”

I bang my fists against the wall and shout “Not all days are the same!!!”

More tears flow down my cheek I want to stop crying, but it hurts everywhere

Sobbing, I decide to clear the mess made in the house


I bend down and see I had stepped on shattered glass of alcohol  which he threw towards me which I saved myself from but then  I tripped on something and fainted

I quickly rush to the bathroom to avoid my bloodstain from spilling, I put cold water onto the sole of  my feet to stop the blood, I further continue to sloppily bandage my foot and my ear, I feel I sharp sting when put disinfectant on my earlobe before putting a Band-Aid

Third-person pov

It takes Baekhyun almost half the day to clear the mess made by the elders, exhausted and dehydrated he drinks a chunk of water to fill his stomach but he feels very hungry. Baekhyun decides to dress up and go to work at the restaurant at the end of the neighborhood and maybe get something to eat.

Baekhyun’s Pov

“Hello Granny, it’s  me’

“Oh Baekhyun –ah, why have to come so early today, Are you skipping school?”

“No no granny, I just finished with school early today  ... that’s why “I explained

Granny comes closer and noticed how pale I looked and offered me something to eat

I try to eat as humanely as possible; if I rush it might look very suspicious

“If you not well why are coming here hmm, Take this curry I’ve packed and go, it’s not good to work like this your condition will worsen “

“Actually Gran I overslept after coming from school and didn’t have breakfast that’s why I look like this, it’s nothing really”


“Ah Granny, if he wants to let him, anyway we need a little help with distributing those flyers”

It’s Minho Hyung, wearing an old – fashion apron on top his check shirt and cream pants he wipes his hand on the towel beside the kitchen wall as he enters the main area of the restaurant

I greet him from my seat 

“Thank you Hyung I will finish distributing them today for sure” I ensure him giving him a thumbs up

“Sure Kid, No need to overwork though “I nod in response it

I stand and stretch bit energized after the meal Gran offered me “Thank you, Granny, I’ll start now!!!”

Park Chanyeol’s Pov

After overhearing the conversation between the teachers I can’t help but imagine all sorts of scenarios. One thing which confuses me most is my role in the entire thing, I know I just happened to be one of the witnesses and I know if any other person gets to know this they would either mind their own business or they would report, what am I supposed to do?

I can’t report without any evidence and also without Baekhyun’s will, Maybe there is one thing I can do, keeping an eye on Baekhyun – that I feel is the only possible solution I can come across for now.

Third Person Pov

Chanyeol makes up his mind to spy on Baekhyun secretively, later this evening he makes an excuse and goes to run some errands near Baekhyun’s neighborhood he sees Baekhyun outside the restaurant where they had met, he seemed to look exhausted and was sitting on the bench beside the entrance of the restaurant. He was dressed in clothes that did not fit him appropriately.

The roads empty since it was a weekday there was not much hustle in the quiet neighborhood.

It had been while, that Chanyeol had been looking at Baekhyun when he saw a tall guy come from the entrance of the restaurant suddenly he said something which made Baekhyun hold onto his loose cap.

Chanyeol automatically assumed that the reason why Baekhyun was wearing the hat was the cause of the wound given by the strange man which he saw previously.

He leaned against the wall from where he had been spying and closed his eyes,

Chanyeol feels partially what had happened was his fault as he did not barge in...He really needed to take some action in order to stop the guilt from killing him


sORRI guys didnt know how to close this chap , you all might feel its going bit slow , but its all part of the character development !!

Keep on readinf and let me know your thoughts !!!!!!

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Hi Everyone !! thankyou for checking out my story and subscribing , I hope i am able to convey all their feelings
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Exosaranghae614 signing off ...<3


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Beau1996 1383 streak #1
Chapter 28: Chan is so sweet - I hope that high school is a good experience for Baek👍
Beau1996 1383 streak #2
Chapter 27: I always worry a little when everything is going too good...
Chapter 26: So sweet:)
Beau1996 1383 streak #4
Chapter 26: Very fluffy and sweet - nice to see Baek making progress with a positive supportive relationship rather than an abusive one🌞
Beau1996 1383 streak #5
Chapter 25: After Baek being so long without comfort - emotional or physical, it's nice to see he and Chan's relationship changing ❤️ Nice update author-nim ✌️
Anindita_ #6
Chapter 24: The answer is you chanyeol
Beau1996 1383 streak #7
Chapter 24: Looks like I was right !!
Anindita_ #8
Chapter 23: Hmm, i wonder if baek sleep well in the same bed with chan
Beau1996 1383 streak #9
Chapter 23: I think Baek's sleep inducer is going to be cuddling with Chan...
Looking forward to next update!
Anindita_ #10
Chapter 22: Congratulation baekhyu