Chapter - XXI

My Only Hope

It had been Baekhyun and his new parents, who were taking him  to show around their  house, an icebreaking activity which the director encouraged  the new parents  to form a rapport .

Baekhyun had never thought , he will ever get a new family there were occasions in the past  when he was sick and tired of who  he was and how he had been living that he terribly wanted to get away from that kind of lifestyle , but often suppressed the thought  as it did not seem possible.

But when it was finally happened it all seemed like a dream , he got to meet his new parents who seemed to be very nice but he didn’t know  why his instincts reacted otherwise, usually when kids get adopted they all seem to be happy and smiley  some even get overwhelmed and cry on being adopted . Baekhyun on the other hand didn’t know whether he was happy ,satisfied or overwhelmed nor he was able to express of the emotions , he was anxious 24/7 around his new parents  ,he mostly failed to start or hold a conversation . He had been scared to come of as an annoying child who bickers or something ...

He knew he might be overreacting but he did not want to make a mistake or anything close to it

At New Hope House , Chanyeol and Mr Park arrived at their destination , as soon as they  reached the parking lot of the orphanage they were assisted by a lady to the Director’s office

Chanyeol couldn’t help but wander his eyes around the place , he saw a few kids playing at the children’s common  ground , small kids chasing each other until they fell in the lump of sand and erupting in laughter, the place seemed to be well managed , more than an orphanage it looked more like a hostel  where children of all age groups resided

One thing which sharply distinguished it from looking like he was walking  at a school’s corridor was he did not witness any child wandering alone nor with a group of their friends

They were called in by the director after waiting for a minute or so,

The director was not meeting Park family for the first time , she proceeded to question Mr. Park

“It’s been a while, what brings you here? “

“Well, we were planning on completing our unfinished business here” Mr. Park stated

“By unfinished business I assume you mean Baekhyun...right ?” she replied eyeing the duo wearily

“Mr. Park, what makes you think I will hand over our Baekhyun to a kidnapper’s family?”

Chanyeol’s heart sank a little  his eyes could no longer hold the director’s gaze as he sat with his bent posture with clasped hands , Before Mr. Park could speak the director continued

“Even though it had been for Baekhyun’s safety you say and as it shown in the trial ..”


“Mr. Park, Our Baekhyun has been doing really well, He is one of the nicest and obedient child  I’ve come across …. I really wish to send him to a normal family “

“Director, I understand its natural for you to doubt our intentions but we are ready to accept Baekhyun into our family with open arms… the child has been through a lot and I would like to take him under my guardianship and provide him the life he deserves..”

Chanyeol kept mum,  he had been out of words he usually thinks things out for important stuff but when it actually  happens  he is unable to utter a word.

“Directornim, Please consider our concern” Chanyeol spoke a quiet voice

“And you , haven’t you reflected upon your actions during this probation period !..”she remarked

Chanyeol suddenly knelt in front of her apologizing for speaking out of step and taking impulsive decisions in the past

Taken aback  the director told him to stand up , she took a deep breath before speaking

“The thing I think is most important while raising children  from  all these years of experience is safety , second safety, third safety  if the child isn’t safe then happiness , success  none of it matters” she stated wisely

“Your right , We will very careful and make sure such a situation wont come up again !”

“You’ve come  too late …”

“He’s taken” questioned Mr. Park kind of relieved

“The status is yet to be confirmed based on both the parties’ she said

The way back home had been a frustrating trip both Chanyeol and Mr. Park couldn’t believe that not they unable to adopt Baekhyun and yet they got to hear how they did not deserve to adopt him ?!

Meanwhile,  Baekhyun had been barely managed to keep a pleasant face throughout the time he spent time with his new parents, he was good at being polite and but even a stranger could spot his fake smile

Thankfully, This had been a day stay at their abode and not the night stay it would have been highly difficult to keep his show till late  

Later when the parent drove him back to New Hope , Baekhyun was finally able to  relax in the back seat , he thought how in few months or days this might become his official parents, how he manage if he feels so nervous like this ?

On his return he underwent a round of questions which he had been too tired to answer , but managed to answer them anyway  which were same  plain  boring according to Director, who had felt a door  had finally opened for the young child

Looking at his responses she had not expected , she did not take any hasty or quick judgment of the couple since the response from their side had been nothing but positive from start

She planned a few more meets for Baekhyun and his new parents , little did she know that would all be in vain

Mr. Park and Chanyeol felt offended after the meeting with director , but getting offended and turning their backs to the case was just not in the Park blood , they researched and prepared themselves with help of Detective Ma who too had warned them regarding the whole scenario “was statiscally not in their favour “ but “there was nothing wrong in trying”

Once they were ready, they came up with a new option altogether and that was guardianship, which was lot different than the typical adoption procedure, it involved getting  a bunch of approvals to undertake the guardianship of  Baekhyun , in this case Mr. Park would be the legal guardian of Byun Baekhyun until he reached the age of 18-20 thereafter Baekhyun was an adult and was free to take his decisions.

It took a couple of weeks to finally get approval of the court now all they required was Director of New Hope to agree, which they were worried as all what the director told them was how the young couple was still in an under consideration status, now it would probably lucky once all the  the odds fall in place .

On the other hand , Baekhyun had been struggling with social anxiety during his day stays / brunches arranged by the director for him by his new parents , it was all a foreign feeling to have someone prepare food for him and treat him in a special manner and that got to his head that he tried so hard to please the parents  that  he was gobbling down the food too quickly and later emptying the contents of stomach  on his return,

All this had been being reported to the director through the care takers of the group Baekhyun belonged in , she tried to ignore the situation by reasoning it as initial awkwardness or Baekhyun just trying to adjust into his new family .

She had not expected it to turn into something serious until Baekhyun got carsick this time on his return to the orphanage , things seemed too clear to be explained. The parents and director ended up having a meeting , wherein they finally were able to give up Baekhyun and  choose other child

Director did not have a heart to explain Baekhyun about the whole thing , she did not want the child to blame the scene on himself and be burdened , she decided to wait until she found the right match….or she already had one in mind

She could not believe, she was considering  to call the Parks as her last  resort .

One week later

“Chanyeol-ah , you ready ?  everythings ready ?” Mr. Park shouted from downstairs

“Yes!! Lets go we’re  gonna be late”

A quick recap to the previous week, Director ended up calling them, obviously Chanyeol couldn’t  contain his happiness, that he  almost wanted to get over with the procedure  and bring him within that week but obviously the procedure took a while but they were allowed to bring him home by the next week

Apart from that Director finally told Baekhyun that there was someone else who wanted to undertake his guardianship, but she didn’t reveal since Chanyeol wanted to see Baekhyun actual reaction and his take on this ……

Today was THE DAY , he couldn’t help but feel excited and nervous not to mention the rant Mr. Park had been giving him the entire car ride until they reached , when they reached it felt like it had been very long , they had just parked their car when he noticed one of the caretakers bringing Baekhyun to the gate , it truly seemed like it had been a long time , Baekhyun was dressed nicely and looked like a healthy child who was being cared for , only off point was he seemed very nervous

Mr. Park and Chanyeol left the car walking slowly towards Baekhyun who now locked eyes towards Chanyeol , too shocked to respond to the whole situation

“Hey Baekhyun, it’s been a long a time”


hey guys !! so sorry for the long long wait , the moment we've been waiting for is finally hereeee !!!!*voots* 

Thankyou  for subscribing to my story !!! stay tuned !!

exosaranghae614 signing off ~


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Hi Everyone !! thankyou for checking out my story and subscribing , I hope i am able to convey all their feelings
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Exosaranghae614 signing off ...<3


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Beau1996 1386 streak #1
Chapter 28: Chan is so sweet - I hope that high school is a good experience for Baek👍
Beau1996 1386 streak #2
Chapter 27: I always worry a little when everything is going too good...
Chapter 26: So sweet:)
Beau1996 1386 streak #4
Chapter 26: Very fluffy and sweet - nice to see Baek making progress with a positive supportive relationship rather than an abusive one🌞
Beau1996 1386 streak #5
Chapter 25: After Baek being so long without comfort - emotional or physical, it's nice to see he and Chan's relationship changing ❤️ Nice update author-nim ✌️
Anindita_ #6
Chapter 24: The answer is you chanyeol
Beau1996 1386 streak #7
Chapter 24: Looks like I was right !!
Anindita_ #8
Chapter 23: Hmm, i wonder if baek sleep well in the same bed with chan
Beau1996 1386 streak #9
Chapter 23: I think Baek's sleep inducer is going to be cuddling with Chan...
Looking forward to next update!
Anindita_ #10
Chapter 22: Congratulation baekhyu