
My Only Hope

Chapter- XVIII

Chanyeol Pov:

After the Judgement was passed Baekhyun’s mother was sentenced to jail while I was on probation, even though I had some expectations after the decision was made in the court  I thought I would be able to meet Baekhyun. Baekhyun had shifted to an orphanage in Bucheon. Oh how I wish New hope house was in Seoul i would have tried to meet … but ever since I’m on probation I cannot risk meeting the kid even if I want to  ..  It has been 3 months already.

Probation was not too difficult follow , Since school life continued and being loaded with homework helped in getting my mind off from the troubles and anxieties. Earlier , when the judgement had been passed the news was all over , since me and Baekhyun are considered juvenile our faces were  blurred on television even though we had not faced a crucial public scrutiny entirely , initial months in school were quite tough , there were days when I did not feel like going ,  People just need something to gossip …news eventually died out  in a month or two.

I would be lying if  say I did not miss Baekhyun mostly I was more worried than missing him, I guess .Finally he is in safe space ,I hope he made some friends  and he eats well and sleeps well

Ever since the incident, I think I had become more of a homebody, I avoided roaming around too much, Whenever I was bored I called Sehun or Jongin over , their company and the normal high-school routine made me think every thing was normal, but it wasn’t….

 There had been one individual who had started living rent free in my brain ever since I had started to care …

Dad was kind of satiated , he was happy I was out of troubles … I often thought what would happen Baekhyun after these months or maybe during these months , who will his guardians ?

Rainy season which is very short-lived, was just around the corner , these days had been so humid ,  Me and Sehun  decided to race till Han river , to a get a breath of fresh air and maybe it will be a chance for me to clear my thoughts .

The small outing had been quite a treat me and Sehun talked for a long time  before it started to drizzle , we hurried our way back home .

Fortunately , I reached home before the heavy showers had begun , I freshened up ,had food with Dad.

A new habit I started was Journaling I was not that great of writer but it help me in clearing my thoughts and setting upcoming week’s goals.

It had been close to 12 am when I received an unexpected phonecall from an unknown number

I was skeptical at first , but I picked it up anyways , since there was no response from the otherside i said Hello first


I thought I had been imagining stuff when I asked who it was

“Hyung, it me ….Baekhyun” he replied softly

I was too shocked from him I didn’t realize my heart skipped a beat, Overwhelmed

“Baekhyun-ah.. Where are you ? how are you calling me at this hour ?” I asked quickly

“Ah- Hyung , it’s a telephone near our library, I made a phone-call secretely”

I released the breath I was holding “I wanted to talk with you” he continued

“Oh” I replied bit flustered

“How have you been?” I asked

“I’m good, I finished a couple of books, here in library” he paused

“How are the teachers there ? are they good?”

“Hmm, they pretend to be scary , but they are not ..”

“How are you ,Hyung..?”he asked

“I’m cool, you know high school stuff” I replied unsurely attempting to maintaining a plain picture

“Did you make any friends?”

“Yes, there is Kyungsoo of my age, rest are younger than us”

There was a small pause, before we both spoke at the same time

“You first” I said

“Uh.. Hyung .. I miss you” he almost whispered the last two words

“… me too” I breathed out

“Baekhyun-ah , hang in there …”

“hmm.. Bye hyung” quickly hanging up before hearing Chanyeol’s response

Third – Person pov

Both Chanyeol and Baekhyun had got emotional over the phone call, Baekhyun had hung up on the phone call in the fear of being caught, since the rain had stopped , calming the turbulence in their hearts. Chanyeol had realized he could not ignore the worry poking his conscience after talking with Baekhyun,  he came to a conclusion which would be an answer to all his problems.



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Hi Everyone !! thankyou for checking out my story and subscribing , I hope i am able to convey all their feelings
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Exosaranghae614 signing off ...<3


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Beau1996 1382 streak #1
Chapter 28: Chan is so sweet - I hope that high school is a good experience for Baek👍
Beau1996 1382 streak #2
Chapter 27: I always worry a little when everything is going too good...
Chapter 26: So sweet:)
Beau1996 1382 streak #4
Chapter 26: Very fluffy and sweet - nice to see Baek making progress with a positive supportive relationship rather than an abusive one🌞
Beau1996 1382 streak #5
Chapter 25: After Baek being so long without comfort - emotional or physical, it's nice to see he and Chan's relationship changing ❤️ Nice update author-nim ✌️
Anindita_ #6
Chapter 24: The answer is you chanyeol
Beau1996 1382 streak #7
Chapter 24: Looks like I was right !!
Anindita_ #8
Chapter 23: Hmm, i wonder if baek sleep well in the same bed with chan
Beau1996 1382 streak #9
Chapter 23: I think Baek's sleep inducer is going to be cuddling with Chan...
Looking forward to next update!
Anindita_ #10
Chapter 22: Congratulation baekhyu