Chapter- XVI

My Only Hope


Third – Pov Person Pov :

Baekhyun did not end up calling Chanyeol as he was worried that he would be caught right away , Mr. Park finally informed about the trial which was to happen the span of two weeks during the dinner time, Chanyeol maintained his sombre expression on table just to rush soon after the dinner to add new things which generated from his reverie .

Soon the trial day arrived after long two weeks, Park Chanyeol being his confident self was sure he would be able to win the trial and then Byun Baekhyun would be under the safe hands.Sadly, as soon as he arrived at the court the rush  of prosecutors and attorneys hurriedly getting ready for their respective schedules and the scattered reporters from various news channels made him nervous

Two days before the trial, the Director decided to meet Baekhyun  who was doing his best being quiet about everything , every time the counselor questioned him. Today was different, Trial was going to take place in two days, after observing Baekhyun for a quite a long time she decided the only way to get know him would be making him aware about trial .

Baekhyun had been sitting in a small sketch book scribbling thoughtlessly, when the counselor left her seat , he did not expect  for the Director show up,

“Can we talk for a bit ?” she asked

Baekhyun unconsciously swiped his hand over the sketchbook in a weary manner

Director thought that she could  no longer waiting for the right time for Baekhyun to open up, had been given enough time to do so , she decided to strike at the main point without wasting any time further

“Did your Mom ever hit you ?” she inquired

“But the other teacher told me , if I  do not want to talk about it , it was fine” he countered

“No.. the thing is Baekhyun just in a day or so  the trial will take place, so we need to know  if she ever wronged you or tried to hurt you …”

“In order for the trail to go fairly , we need to know that ..” she continued

“If I do that , will my mom get punished …”

“Well that depends on what you tell us “

“I don’t want to say anything ..though “

“You must be worried , that your mother will be punished ,because of you… but if don’t tell us then she might be freed without getting punished and you might end up living with her ..

Is that what you want ?”

The conversation left Baekhyun in a dilemma,

 Two days  later, Everyone was seated for the court session , Baekhyun’s homeroom teacher and Park family happened to be seated on the same side on separate rows , Baekhyun was  not allowed to be in the court as he was not only the minor but also the victim of child abuse with his guardians being his perpetrators . It was a messed up situation , as the main abuser which was hidden from the public eye had been on the run , ever since he had witnessed Mrs. Byun getting  arrested.

Chanyeol on the other hand had been experiencing cold sweats , he was miserably failing to calm himself ever since the court session started , he couldn’t help the repeated  tapping of  his feet ,

The court session started with Ms Kim., Baekhyun’s homeroom teacher who begins to explain the different purple and blues  she happened to see on Baekhyun’s body not to mention the repeated record of absence and the incidence when the child had  fainted in the Bathroom , she continues to blame Mrs. Byun being an irresponsible mother by  living with an abusive man , to which Mrs. Byun’s attorney retorted

“There no accountability of what you are saying , Your Honor ... Ms Kim had payed a visit to the victim’s house  wherein the child did not respond to her when she had tried to question him with various questions “

The attorney proceeded to look towards Ms. Kim and ask her whether she had ever heard Baekhyun directly tell her about the fact that he was being hit or being abused by his guardians

To which Ms. Kim couldn’t muster a response immediately 

“However” she spoke

“That will be all-“she was roughly cut off by the attorney ,

“Sustained” replied the judge

Next was Mr. Park who was called , who narrated the entire incident of his son saving Baekhyun from the brink of death , the court room was shown images of the bruises on Baekhyun’s frail body , images of deep fingerprints on the pale neck  , when he was choked to death , his bruised torso and feet.

Chanyeol sharply exhaled recalling what the poor child had to go through was painful enough

Soon after the images where shown the attorney spoke a listless statement “I do not think we should consider this as this was taken by the kidnappers’

“But we rescued the child from the abuse “ spoke Mr. Park

“No.. your son should have ensure that child escaped the situation and the police should have been informed right away … however the defendant made sure to take away the child and kept the victim in hiding ..”

“Isnt that right Detective Ma ?” asked Mrs Byun’s Attorney further startling Detective Ma who was suddenly called to the podium , Mr, Park with his head hung low returned to his seat.

“In other words , this family was trying to steal someone else’s child ..”

At this point, Chanyeol was baffled at the allegations the attorney kept their family accusing of , he was on the verge of his breakdown – he was so angry and just so sad at the time.

Detective Ma got the chance to give his statement , “the defendant did not not threaten the victim’s guardians  or demand any kind of payment, his only objective was to keep the child safe , that seemed be it …. When Mr. Park came over at my office to inform the case , they did so cause they cared for the child not only that … the victim was treated like he was their family “

The trial was adjourned for the break he next session took place in the gap of two hours , these two hours where like the only way Mrs Byun can either save herself and take Baekhyun back in under her guardianship or Baekhyun will officially become an orphan ..

Before, the trial , Attorney informed Mrs Byun that the next trial would involve the testament given by Baekhyun , she further informed her that it would be a video testament wherein the child would not be able to view the court but only hear the question which the attorney asks, Mrs Byun had been weary of the fact Baekhyun;s Testament would be taken  but somehow she was relieved it was wasn’t face to face , she preferred to hold onto the fact Baekhyun would not be able to give the truthful testament like the other side is expecting him to do ….

Meanwhile, Mr. Park and Chanyeol had been too disheartened , Mr. Park worries were mainly  saving his son from any kind of criminal record , whereas Chanyeol was too scared , his face had lost its pallor, the only solution that seemed right that moment was praying .. praying to his  mom as he believed that the  his loved ones closer to god would help him overcome the problem he was going through .

Baekhyun is taken to small room which seemed like a sound proof box , the video setting had been done before he had arrived in the room with the director’s assistant , he was told he would be able to testify his testament , the director has assumed that the child might have some lingering feeling left despite of what he had been through but the all Baekhyun cared about was Chanyeol , he didn’t want his hyung and his family to pay the price for an act of kindness which not everyone can do …

The questioning began as soon as the video link had been done , Baekhyun was not able to view the court but the people present in the court were able to do so , the moment Chanyeol saw the kid , he couldn’t control the shivering of his hands , all he wanted was the child to be in safe hands and surroundings .

“Baekhyun, I ‘m sorry , I will be asking a few questions…?”


“Has your mom ever hit you ?”


“Can you tell me where and how, exactly as you can remember ?” the prosecutor  continued

Baekhyun took a deep breath before answering “Um.. I don’t want to ..”

Mrs. Byun shared a small yet confident glance at her attorney seated beside her

“Alright then I will ask a few things all you need answer is whether it is true or not ”

Prosecutor , has just began  mentioning various accounts  of Mrs. Byun hitting Baekhyun

Unexpectedly , Baekhyun told the prosecutor that he did not want to talk about the things he had been mentioning  

Which shocked everyone in the courtroom , along with Mrs Byun , she had expected something like this .. . but not utter disapproval of what Baekhyun had been put through.

“Why ?” the prosecutor encountered almost scared to know the reason

“My mom had such a  hard time because of me , that’s why she hit me … hitting me made her upset too which makes me sad as well.. that’s why I don’t want to talk about it”

While Mrs. Byun had been wondering how smart her child was, Chanyeol had been torn , he had forgotton to blink the moment Baekhyun had started giving his testament,

“But..” Baekhyun continued

“I’ll tell you just one thing , Mom had not come from work and ahjusshi did something scary to me …he grabbed my neck and pushed down on me hard I had collapsed due to lack of  breath, but  when my mom came she didn’t check on me..... instead she went out with ahjusshi” Baekhyun stopped speaking  unaware of the emotion he had caused in the courtroom

“If   Chanyeol Sunbae hadn’t arrived on time… I would’ve died”


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Hi Everyone !! thankyou for checking out my story and subscribing , I hope i am able to convey all their feelings
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Exosaranghae614 signing off ...<3


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Beau1996 1383 streak #1
Chapter 28: Chan is so sweet - I hope that high school is a good experience for Baek👍
Beau1996 1383 streak #2
Chapter 27: I always worry a little when everything is going too good...
Chapter 26: So sweet:)
Beau1996 1383 streak #4
Chapter 26: Very fluffy and sweet - nice to see Baek making progress with a positive supportive relationship rather than an abusive one🌞
Beau1996 1383 streak #5
Chapter 25: After Baek being so long without comfort - emotional or physical, it's nice to see he and Chan's relationship changing ❤️ Nice update author-nim ✌️
Anindita_ #6
Chapter 24: The answer is you chanyeol
Beau1996 1383 streak #7
Chapter 24: Looks like I was right !!
Anindita_ #8
Chapter 23: Hmm, i wonder if baek sleep well in the same bed with chan
Beau1996 1383 streak #9
Chapter 23: I think Baek's sleep inducer is going to be cuddling with Chan...
Looking forward to next update!
Anindita_ #10
Chapter 22: Congratulation baekhyu