
My Only Hope

Baekhyun’s Pov

Soon after my presence was revealed to Sunbae’s parents it was decided that my missing would be reported to the police, I could not help but feel extremely guilty in front of the elders and felt highly responsible for what Chanyeol Hyung might face in near future if things go out hand? I feel extremely helpless for being of no use and having no sense of direction where life is taking me …but I definitely do not want to return to that house or anywhere near ahjusshi, Ahjusshi has been haunting my dreams, initially I get a peaceful sleep but in few hours or so I dream of him chasing or hurting me, often I find myself stuck in my horrid dream, if Hyung wouldn’t wake me up I think I might die dreaming.

There isn’t a single day when I don’t feel thankful for having Hyung beside me, at times I feel extremely unfair how  I do not have a normal family with a happy, safe, and secured home. Days living with Hyung unconsciously I felt I belonged to this place and people living here, To be honest, this wasn’t unconscious I think I had become selfish, wanting more and more as time passed by. The entire one week seemed like a really long time but as soon as Hyung’s mom found me I was I regretted not hiding, even though time before it seemed like sand slipping through in a hourglass.

 That evening, I wanted to soak in the feeling of normalcy, in the warm and cozy room where I was taken care of, Hyung glanced at me from time to time to check on me after my mini crying session. I pretended to notice him, Hyung started moving around and packing some stuff like he was going for a trip or is planning something for me I secretly sneak at him while he packs stuff, after a while, he starts writing something with a solemn expression wearing his face. I just hope he isn’t going to do another extravaganza, aren’t we already in one? ,I don’t speak out my thoughts as I might be wrong also I feel I’m not really in a position to talk like that .. Hyung has done lots while still being a student...

After writing for a while packing stuff, he taps on my shoulder I had been reading one of the storybooks he had given me to spend my lone-time while he away guess I will be needing more of it …

“Baek, Can we talk ?”

I nod, “Ok, so we are going to report the entire incident tomorrow at the police station, My Dad is a prosecutor, he was telling he knows someone there ..there might be a chance you will be sent to a child care institute or maybe a place for orphans” Hyung pauses for a second, more than me I find him to be more restless and unsure about the situation.

“This is a bag for you ..and “he pulls out some envelope “read this once we depart ..” he said looking at down

“Hyung, you can tell now  also,” I said pulling at his sleeve taking his warm hand  while he looks elsewhere

“No.. right now you are here that’s why I cannot tell…” he replied brushing away his front hair back.

He  turns to look at me, his eyes seemed moist, still he smiled “Now u should sleep it's late ..”

Before he gets up I hurry to give him a back hug, he has quite broad shoulders, so it's hard to completely wrap my thin arms around him.

“I’m fine Hyung, I’ll do well .. don’t worry ..” I assured him, he pats my hands, and tucks me in for one last time …

Next morning, I had breakfast with Hyung’s family, I feel very nervous but they are their usual self, nobody chats much I try to eat without making much noise or taking too much in my plate, I was in my own world when  Hyung  adds an extra egg roll in my plate “eat  more ..”

Suddenly, I feel the elders gazing at us but retrieve as soon as we look back at them. Before we leave Hyung quickly gets the bag he packed for me. Since, I didn’t have my own clothes, I was wearing hyung’s old striped shirt and shorts with a belt adjusted according to my size.

Car ride to the police station seemed too short, I repeatedly wiped the sweaty palms on my shorts, even Hyung was feeling jittery he kept on shaking his feet continuously,

I looked outside the car window letting the sunlight bath my face, praying silently.

 “Chanyeol, stay here with the kid, I need to check whether Detective Ma is there or not ..”

Mr. park instructs us getting out of the car, it had been a while since he went we assumed that the person he has acquaintance with might be there. Slowly we stepped out the car and walked towards the entrance.

Suddenly, Hyung stops and turns towards me bending down “Baekhyun-ah, Whatever happens, I don’t want you to blame yourself, you might feel guilty but don’t keep that thought in your head for too long …you happened to be in a situation and I happened to save you, Ok ?”

“Uh... I will try Hyung, I’m sorry” I replied, I didn’t know how to react to what he had said, all I hope for was that people who cared for me not be in any kind of trouble because of saving me

Before he could say anything Mr. Park called us inside, There were two detectives one of them seemed to be surprised to see me it was like he knew me the entire went by Mr park and Chanyeol Hyung explaining the situation and how I ended up being under their care

I silently observed their expressions, which didn’t change much they seemed to be taking the scenario quite ok until that inquisitive detective decided to crumble my thoughts by suddenly bringing up the term “Probation” which, Hyung might have to undergo...

What was that? Will he have to go to jail? But he saved me...

What will happen?

Mr. Park continued the conversation without any sense of shock, “But detective, he is a juvenile I believe they do not undergo any kind of Probation..”

“That is true they don’t … but in this case, the child was taken away without the permission of his parents”

“But they abused him detective !” Chanyeol Hyung spoke up gathering attention towards us

“Chanyeol calm down” Mr park almost whispered patting his shoulder

“Detective” Hyung’s dad signaled the man to continue

“So where was I, Prosecutor park ..the parents have filed a report that their son is missing … actually that day your son took him we investigated the house .. a lot has happened since then”

The other detective briefed Mr. Park about how they found some evidence regarding the events which have happened with me and my mom is found guilty and ahjusshi seems to be gone.

“Detective, what can be done ?”Mr. Park asked

“In many cases, parents facing prosecution for child abuse have their charges dropped as the child have nowhere else to go,” Sometimes children even ask to be sent home to abusive parents.”

My heart sank at the thought of returning to ahjusshi and Mom

“This can't be done detective! I have evidence” Chanyeol Hyung spoke up once again and dug his hands in his pockets to take out his phone and probably show the pictures of the bruises which have sort of faded, there are some marks from the previous beatings I received from ahjusshi.

“See this,” said Hyung positioning his mobile phone so that everyone can see

After a huge decision –making session it was decided I would be taken to a child care institute temporarily like Hyung had told me but this wouldn’t be the end of the hustle, Hyung was not allowed to be meet me for 6 months which is the probation period detective was explaining, this compensated as a punishment for kidnapping me.

But it would be Trial held in a few weeks which will decide whether I will stay in the child care place or sent back to the pit hole from where I barely came alive.



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Hi Everyone !! thankyou for checking out my story and subscribing , I hope i am able to convey all their feelings
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Exosaranghae614 signing off ...<3


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Beau1996 1373 streak #1
Chapter 28: Chan is so sweet - I hope that high school is a good experience for Baek👍
Beau1996 1373 streak #2
Chapter 27: I always worry a little when everything is going too good...
Chapter 26: So sweet:)
Beau1996 1373 streak #4
Chapter 26: Very fluffy and sweet - nice to see Baek making progress with a positive supportive relationship rather than an abusive one🌞
Beau1996 1373 streak #5
Chapter 25: After Baek being so long without comfort - emotional or physical, it's nice to see he and Chan's relationship changing ❤️ Nice update author-nim ✌️
Anindita_ #6
Chapter 24: The answer is you chanyeol
Beau1996 1373 streak #7
Chapter 24: Looks like I was right !!
Anindita_ #8
Chapter 23: Hmm, i wonder if baek sleep well in the same bed with chan
Beau1996 1373 streak #9
Chapter 23: I think Baek's sleep inducer is going to be cuddling with Chan...
Looking forward to next update!
Anindita_ #10
Chapter 22: Congratulation baekhyu