Can't Let You Go

Stay With Me
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Hyukjae wandered around their home aimlessly looking at everything with slight disgust and disappointment. He walked over to their room and sighed seeing Donghae's dirty clothes on the floor. The hamper was barely filled but it seems like Donghae just can't be bothered to put his used clothes in it. Entering their shared closet Hyukjae made a face seeing balled up shirts thrown in haphazardly and unpaired socks mixed with Donghae's underwear just laying all over everywhere. 

"You idiot. What the heck is this mess." Hyukjae grumbled but then stilled for a second when he looked at his side of the closet. 

Hyukjae's clothes were still neatly hung in their closet. Color coordinated and well pressed. Even the laundry he had left before he passed was arranged accordingly in their proper areas. Hyukjae had on a sad smile remembering that night. Sitting next to a sobbing Donghae on the floor while the latter folded his clothes neatly and carefully just the way he liked it. He quickly wiped the tears from his cheeks and took several deep breaths to keep himself from crying any futher and left the closet. 

Briefly glancing at their shared bed, Hyukjae felt his heart constrict seeing it untouched. Donghae hasn't slept on it ever since the day they buried him. 

Walking back out to the living room, Hyukjae heard Donghae groan a little as he slowly started to regain consciousness. Heaving out a heavy sigh, Hyukjae sat next to Donghae and watched him slowly sit up, look around the apartment, and nothing. 

"Yah, Lee Donghae. How long are you gonna do this for?" Hyukjae scolded when he saw Donghae just staring at the picture he fell asleep with in his hands. 

Donghae stared at it for a long time and didn't say anything. Then, after minutes of just silence, Hyukjae saw Donghae let out a smile. A small broken smile that shattered his heart because he never thought he would ever see Donghae have that smile. 

"Good morning, Hyukkie." Donghae whispered; his voice hoarse from the screaming he did yesterday. "Did you sleep well?"

"No, I didn't!" Hyukjae answered even though he knows Donghae won't be able to hear him. "That floor is hard and cold. Why are you sleeping here, you idiot."

All throughout Hyukjae's scolding, Donghae kept his eyes on his photo, fingers gently grazing over Hyukjae's smile. His eyes started to well up with tears and as soon as Hyukjae heard him sniffle, he immediately stopped talking and stared at Donghae. He watched Donghae cry over his picture silently at first then loudly. Sobs turning into groans of anguish and Hyukjae wanted to ask him to stop crying. To stop looking at his picture everyday because it only hurts him. It hurts the both of them. 

 Donghae tried not to cry so much but he couldn't help it. His heart just hurt too much at the thought of spending another day without Hyukjae by his side. 

"I miss you, Hyukjae-ah," Donghae sobbed while his fingers gently grazed over his picture. His own tear drops started falling over Hyukjae's picture and he quickly wiped it away, afraid that any little damage might permanently erase the little presence he has of him. 

Hyukjae's heart hurt seeing Donghae act like this. This wasn't his Donghae. This wasn't the man he fell in love with, Donghae was happy and energetic and full of life. Donghae gave people something to smile about even on their worst day. Hyukjae could still remember how Donghae's smile always brightened his day and no matter how bad anything was, all Donghae had to do was hug and smile at him and he would immediately feel better. If only he could do the same for him now. 

"I'm sorry, Hae." Hyukjae whispered while gently putting a hand on Donghae's head and caressing it. His own tears staining his face as his lips quivered at the realization he could never be that for Donghae. Not anymore. "I'm so sorry."

Then, out of nowhere someone rang the doorbell. Donghae's tears ceased as his mind darkened at the thought of Heechul bothering him again. He decided to just stay quiet and not say anything hoping that whoever it was would get the hint and leave him alone, but then they buzzed again. 

"Donghae-ah, answer the door." Hyukjae pleaded but seeing the look on Donghae's face he just had to sigh himself already knowing he was dealing with Donghae's stubborn side. 

The person rang it again and again that Donghae got so irritated he started to yell. "Go away, hyung! I don't want to deal with this today!"

"Silver Sea delivery!"

Hyukjae was curious as to what Donghae could possibly have delivered at this time or rather when did he find the time to place an order since he's been with him the entire time. He watched Donghae stand still for a good minute not doing anything and merely staring at the door. Hyukjae was now really curious seeing many different emotions run through him all at once. 

"What is it?" Hyukjae asked out loud just as Donghae walked to open the door. 

He stayed behind and simply watched Donghae sign for the delivery and heard the delivery person say. "Congratulations!" before heading out. Donghae closed the door and returned with a huge vase of flowers filled with his favorite colors, blue and yellow with gold glitter sprinkled all around to make it shine. On top of it all were chocolate covered strawberries and where each strawberry had a letter that spelled out "HAPPY BIRTHDAY, MY EVERYTHING. I LOVE YOU!" 

Donghae gently placed it at the center of their coffee table before collapsing on the floor himself. Hyukjae's eyes widened realizing what day it was and looked at Donghae worriedly.

"It's your birthday today Hyukkie," Donghae said while looking at the flowers. "I'm sorry, I forgot." His voice started to crack as he gently placed Hyukjae's photo against the vase of the flowers. "But I got you flowers...w-with the strawberries that you like." Donghae tried to put on a smile but tears were still falling down his face and Hyukjae's heart was still breaking into smaller pieces as he watched Donghae celebrate his birthday by himself. 

Taking in deep breathes, Donghae cleared his throat and wiped his tears away before singing Hyukjae a happy birthday song. 

"Happy B-Birthday to you..." Donghae started singing to him. His usual smooth velvet voice was shaky from crying as tears continously dripped from his eyes. "Happy birthday to" Donghae choked towards the end and had to pause to take a deep breathe. His chest hurt too much and he couldn't breathe very well but he still wanted to finish singing Hyukjae his birthday song. He's never missed one and he wasn't about to start today. "I'm sorry, Hyuk." Donghae laughed bitterly as he looked at his smiling picture, heart clenching at the sight of that smile. T

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Thank you!
I was going to put "Stay with Me" as the finale song *for obvious reasons LoL* but "Somebody New" seemed more fitting.
I hope you liked the story ^_^ Thank you! <3


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purple_88 #1
Just a foreword but already feel so angsty. I love it!!
Eh?? I suscribe it alr... but i don't think that I read it already. Okay then, i might read it asap
1581 streak #3
Chapter 25: If it weren't for that deus ex machina of the time control watch, I thought we were all in for one more round of angst with everyone finding the letters and going through it again before Donghae somehow stopped Hyukjae from giving up and leaving again. Glad you showed the characters (and us readers) mercy though, author-nim. Maybe, after turning back the clock this will be the first lifetime through all their fated reincarnations where they actually get to spend most of it together? Hopefully it changed the course of their future Iives too, to they won't be such tragic star-crossed lovers. A harrowing but romantic story, thanks for sharing! ♡
Nishinoya_yuu #4
Chapter 26: I LOVE IT <3 EVERY PART OF ITTTT. I have been a fan of your stories and I dont think you remember when I was so excited that I found you on twitter! I just want to say that you did a great job! This is @heemiyah btw hehe.
EunHaeLove42 #5
Chapter 25: So loved this story. The love Hae and Hyuk had was unreal. I'm so happy u wrote it. Thanks for sharing! ❤
Chapter 26: I honestly didn't know if I was going to get through this as the angst was really getting to me, but thankfully there was a happy ending. It wasn't where I thought the story would go, but I'm very satisfied with how it turned out. I wonder if Donghae will eventually forget about the four years like a bad dream?
Leox801 #7
Chapter 26: This was so so so well written omg!!! I teared up a lot in the middle my heart legit ached huhu especially the part where hyukjae projected his insecurities for that short while during their flashback :((,,, anyway omg they are so sweet and lovely together thank you so much for this story!! <33
Chapter 26: Your video was so good DB!!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
21 streak #9
Chapter 26: The fantasy mixed with real life reminds me of Goblin, one of favorite dramas, and I love you for that authornim! I knew no one could resist their love story, even celestials are as whipped as us fans. Also, thank you so much for the adorable video, I hope you find the inspiration you need 🥰
Nightprincess55 #10
Chapter 26: This was such a cute video. It fits the story very well. Good luck with the writer's block! I hope inspiration finds you easily. Thank you for all of your hard work!