I See You

Stay With Me
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Hyukjae hasn't stopped thinking about Donghae ever since his encounter with him three days ago. He looked at the pink scarf hanging by his bed and it made him miss the latter even more. After Donghae left so abruptly, Hyukjae went back to the store the following day hoping to run into him again but had no such luck. However, he did find the scarf that he bought for the latter on display and couldn't resist the urge to buy it again. The fact that he paid a lot less for it this time around had him beaming a little that such a precious item now only cost him 25,000 won compared to the original 100,000 won that he purchased it with. 

Grabbing the scarf off the bed, Hyukjae wrapped it around himself and snuggled with it, pretending that the warmth that the fuzzy cloth gave him was Donghae. Not that it even came close to the real thing because nothing would ever come close to how good it feels to be in Donghae's arms. To how safe he felt whenever Donghae would just hold him tight and how loved he felt whenever Donghae would look into his eyes and tell him he loved him. 

Hyukjae sighed heavily at the memory and felt himself tear up at how much he missed Donghae. He only has 40 days left to get Donghae to fall in love with him again and he's made no progress whatsoever. A soft knock on the door brought Hyukjae out of his reverie. 

"Eunhyuk? Are you awake?"

"Yeah," he answered, slowly sitting up on his bed. "What is it?"

Yesung entered his room and sat at the edge of Hyukjae bed. "You've been moping again."

"No, I haven't." Hyukjae denied even though he knew Yesung wasn't really asking. "I was just...thinking about things."

"You mean you've been thinking about your past with Donghae."

Hyukjae's only known Yesung a week and he already hates how easily he could read him. Was that part of his psychic powers? Looking down guiltily, Hyukjae unconsciously started playing with the scarf around his neck and mumbled, "You don't have to say it like it's a bad thing."

"How are you supposed to create a future with Donghae if the both of you keep yourselves stuck in the past all the time?"

Hyukjae pouted but kept his mouth shut. He knows Yesung means well and that he is right but his memories with Donghae were the only thing keeping him sane right now. He's grateful for the second chance but he doesn't feel like he even has a place here anymore. Even if he sees Donghae again, the latter would probably just keep running away from him, specially when he's such a painful reminder of what he lost. He can't go run to Heechul or his parents. Not even to Leeteuk who's always been his shoulder to cry on whenever things got too tough or ubearable for him. Right now, he only has Yesung, and as helpful as he has been all this time, Hyukjae yearned for that sense of familiarity and safety from his old life.

"Hyung...do you ever feel like you don't belong?" Hyukjae's asked his voice soft and vulnerable. "I-...I don't think I belong here anymore. The longer I stay here the more I realize...that maybe-maybe I wasn't meant to come back afterall."

Yesung frowned seeing Hyukjae's despondent state. Slowly, he reached out and placed a hand over Hyukjae's who was still fiddling with the hem of Donghae's pink scarf. He stopped and looked to see Yesung giving him an encouraging smile. 

"Don't be so discouraged. You still have time."

"What if I fail?" His voice trembled the more he realized his fear. He's not just afraid that Donghae would reject him but also of the fact that maybe what he and Donghae had in the past were really just a once in a lifetime thing.Can he really be so selfish and have it happen again? Is he allowed to be that greedy? 

"Stop thinking about failing and think about how you're going to get your man back!" Yesung joked and laughed when he finally saw a smile on Hyukjae's face. "Get some rest. I'm gonna need your help at the cafe tomorrow."

"Is Ryeowook asking for me again?"

Yesung rolled his eyes and playfully nudged Hyukjae's knee. "He's seen you twice and all of a sudden he can't stop asking about you."

Hyukjae chuckled and teased Yesung back. "That's good to know. Maybe if it doesn't work with Donghae he can be my fall back guy."

"Yah!" Yesung tried to hit Hyukjae's head but the latter was quick to lean back and catch his hand. "My Wookie is taken! Besides, he's nobody's second. Ryeowook is too awesome for that."

Rolling his eyes at Yesung's romantic words for his boyfriend, Hyukjae ushered him out of the room so that he could rest for the night. Closing the door after Yesung, Hyukjae took a deep breathe and turned around to go back to his bed. He laid down and thought about different ways he could get closer with Donghae until he fell asleep. Tomorrow, he'll definitely have a plan put together or die trying. 


"Eunhyuk-ssi!" Ryeowook beamed as soon as he saw Hyukjae enter the store. "Welcome back! You arrived just in time for our delivery!"

"Delivery?" Hyukjae looked at the three boxes of coffee and six platters of bread and pastries neatly stacked on one of the tables in the lobby. "I didn't know you guys delivered."

"Well, we don't. Not really. But Yesung said he made an exception for this one."

Hyukjae raised a brow and immediately sensed something was up. The latter refused to come to the cafe with him this morning, muttering something about a friend meeting and "some things you have to do for yourself." Hyukjae chocked it up to his weirdness but seeing a familiar company logo, Hyukjae now understood why Yesung practically shoved him out the door to work today. 

"I don't really know why but he said you wouldn't mind taking it so good luck!" Ryeowook handed him the keys to a black sedan while directing one of the other part-timers to start loading the food in the car. When he saw Hyukjae's hand trembling a little as he reached out for the keys, Ryewook couldn't help but doubt Yesung's assurance of him one more time. "You...really don't mind, right?"

"Uh -- no. No, of course not!" Hyukjae ignored the rising anxiety in him due to excitement and showed Ryeowook a happy smile. "I'll make sure they get this right away."

Not even questioning the sudden shift in Hyukjae's attitude, Ryeowook's mood quickly uplifted as he handed Hyukjae the address of his delivery. Nodding his head in understanding to Ryeowook's instructions, Hyukjae quickly turned around and left the cafe. He got in the car and looked over the food. Donghae was never too big a fan of eating sweet items and he always drank his coffee black. The simple thought that he could possibly see Donghae today was enough to get Hyukjae's heart beating abnormally. Shifting the car's gear into drive, Hyukjae took repeated deep breathes to calm his nerves down. 

Following the directions of his GPS, Hyukjae reached Sapphire Blue company within 15 minutes. Pulling into the building's roundabout, Hyukjae informed the security of t

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I was going to put "Stay with Me" as the finale song *for obvious reasons LoL* but "Somebody New" seemed more fitting.
I hope you liked the story ^_^ Thank you! <3


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purple_88 #1
Just a foreword but already feel so angsty. I love it!!
Eh?? I suscribe it alr... but i don't think that I read it already. Okay then, i might read it asap
1578 streak #3
Chapter 25: If it weren't for that deus ex machina of the time control watch, I thought we were all in for one more round of angst with everyone finding the letters and going through it again before Donghae somehow stopped Hyukjae from giving up and leaving again. Glad you showed the characters (and us readers) mercy though, author-nim. Maybe, after turning back the clock this will be the first lifetime through all their fated reincarnations where they actually get to spend most of it together? Hopefully it changed the course of their future Iives too, to they won't be such tragic star-crossed lovers. A harrowing but romantic story, thanks for sharing! ♡
Nishinoya_yuu #4
Chapter 26: I LOVE IT <3 EVERY PART OF ITTTT. I have been a fan of your stories and I dont think you remember when I was so excited that I found you on twitter! I just want to say that you did a great job! This is @heemiyah btw hehe.
EunHaeLove42 #5
Chapter 25: So loved this story. The love Hae and Hyuk had was unreal. I'm so happy u wrote it. Thanks for sharing! ❤
Chapter 26: I honestly didn't know if I was going to get through this as the angst was really getting to me, but thankfully there was a happy ending. It wasn't where I thought the story would go, but I'm very satisfied with how it turned out. I wonder if Donghae will eventually forget about the four years like a bad dream?
Leox801 #7
Chapter 26: This was so so so well written omg!!! I teared up a lot in the middle my heart legit ached huhu especially the part where hyukjae projected his insecurities for that short while during their flashback :((,,, anyway omg they are so sweet and lovely together thank you so much for this story!! <33
Chapter 26: Your video was so good DB!!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
21 streak #9
Chapter 26: The fantasy mixed with real life reminds me of Goblin, one of favorite dramas, and I love you for that authornim! I knew no one could resist their love story, even celestials are as whipped as us fans. Also, thank you so much for the adorable video, I hope you find the inspiration you need 🥰
Nightprincess55 #10
Chapter 26: This was such a cute video. It fits the story very well. Good luck with the writer's block! I hope inspiration finds you easily. Thank you for all of your hard work!