The truth


How many times he dreamt with the moment his twin brother confessed his love? How many times he slept late only because of his brother?

He lost the count, the time, the happiness and everything else. He was semi-conscious about what he has done. Practice, sing and sleep were his routine everyday. His brother looked happy and it always made him smile. He didn't care if he got sick, he only wanted that warm smile in the morning.

The members did notice it, Kwangmin wasn't the same anymore, it wasn't even the reflection of what he was. Donghyun as the leader asked what was happening, but it was always the same answer

"I'm ok, don't worry"

Minwoo as the maknae and almost brother of Kwangmin, hi knew what's wrong, but he couldn't say anything or do something for him. It was too complicated, too painful and maybe bizarre. How he could imagine the younger twin was in love of no one but his hyung, Jo Youngmin?

Before BOYFRIEND debuted, when puberty hit them, that was when all started. Youngmin was surely smaller then Kwangmin but his baby fat had disappeared, his voice turned lower and a little smoother. Kwangmin was very confused at that time, surely he was straight, but something in his mind was telling him that he was attracted to his brother.

Time passed and his feelings changed, he was in love with his brother. How? Simple: Youngmin and Kwangmin were skinship partners. That contact between them, maybe for the fans were just fanservice but for the younger twin was the way he would want to have his hyung someday.

There was a rare day when BOYFRIEND didn't have any schedule, Kwangmin was in a deep sleep hugging his pillow imagining it was Youngmin, while Youngmin was asleep, sit in the bed deciding to listen or not to his heart, last night was a very hard night for him, jut because he heardt something he shouldn't.


-Hyung, we really don't know what to do; Kwangmin is getting skinnier everyday, he looks like a zombie and the fans notice it -Minwoo said to Donghyun who was sitting in the sofa, with a hand under his chin trying to think what should he do

-You're right but we don't know what he has... He's not eating well, just practicing and the faint -Jeongmin questioned, nobody but Minwoo knew about Kwangmin's secret.

-I know why he's like that -Minwoo murmured capting the attention of the rest of the boys.

-Why? Why he's in that state? - Hyunseong asked in a obvious anxiety state.

-It's because... -Minwoo took a deep breath just when YoungMin was getting out of the bedroom- Kwangmin likes Youngmin hyung and he doesn't care about his heath, he prefer his brother's instead of himself -in that moment, all the members lowered their heads, they all felt guilty for not notice it before. Youngmin was frozen in his spot, not able to believe what his ears where saying. His younger twin was in love with no one but him? His own hyung?


Everytime that memorie came to his head, he would feel a pain in his heart, his younger brother was sick because of the love he had for his hyung.

He got up from his bed and walked to the other one when his brother was sleeping peacefully, he sat on the edge and he got closer just for touch the younger's brown hair. His face looked paler than the usual, he was skinnier and the smile on his face disappeared along with his happiness.

-Kwangminnie... Wake up~~ -Youngmin whispered in his brother's ear before the other moved a little bit closer to that pillow

-Jagiya, 5 minutes more.. -Kwangmin whined and pouted earning a smile from the elder. Maybe he was in love too but he just didn't notice it.

-Yeobo, wake up, jebal -Youngmin spoke again removing that pillow from the younger's arms and huged him softly.

Kwnagmin opened his eyes slowly, he had a small headache but it was usual for him, he turned his head to a side just for see his hyung hugging him. "It wasn't a dream after all" he thought

-Hyung! W-what are you doing? -Kwangmin asked rubbing his eyes and getting away form his brother's arms.

-I know everything Kwangmin -Youngmin said sitting in the bed with a serious expression- Why you didn't tell be about it?

-I didn't know how to - Kwangmin confessed feeling tears in his eyes, this was the moment, he expected a punch and even hurtful words, but none of that happened.

Youngmin got closer again and kissed his lips softly and without hurry. Kwangmin was so surprised for the sudden attitude that he didn't close his eyes for a couple of seconds, trying to process waht was happening

-Just for you to know -Youngmin spoke when thet separated for air- I love you too -he whispered against the others lips before kissing him again, this time deeply.


OMG! It's horrible i know ;___; but I wanted to post it anyway(?)

Hope you liked it~~

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shahir #1
Chapter 1: so sweet !!!!!
Chapter 1: this is so cute~
Yuki0710 #3
oh so cute! >//<
Yoy guys want me to make a sequel? Let me think about it..
Thanks for the lovely comments <3
d*mn! It's so cute~~ Really! I love it and this story isn't horrible at all ^^
Bunta_x3 #6
wiko_skY #8
It's not horrible!!! it's really really SWEET!!! <3 <3 <3
make a sequel??? :DD