
The First

“You can stay here for as long as you want, Taemin. I'll call your mother and try to talk some sense into her,” Jinki's own mother said once they had arrived back at the hotel where they would be staying for the duration of their stay. When they came earlier, they didn't think things would go so awry.
“No,” The black haired male said in a somewhat shaky voice, “no, that will just make her angrier,”
He knew his mother too well to know something like this wasn't something she would just forgive, and trying to talk her into a better mood wouldn't work.

The Lee family stood in silence, and the parents turned to one another after a little bit.
“Well, we wanted to go look at the new botanical gardens that was set up here in Seoul. Would you guys like to come with?” Jinki's father was almost completely sure neither of them did, but he wanted to be polite and offer an invitation anyway.
“No, we're okay, thanks,” Jinki answered since he was sure his boyfriend was much too upset to say anything.
“We'll see you later,” Jinki's mother said, left a kiss on both the boys' foreheads, and the parents then left.

The senior and university student were left in silence in the room, neither of them knowing what to say. Jinki didn't know if Taemin wanted to be held and cuddled, or if he just wanted to be left alone instead, so he stood while shifting his weight from side to side unsurely instead.
“I don't know what to do,” Taemin admitted honestly, slowly making his way to the small loveseat in the room to sit down.
He was already beginning to miss his mom; something about knowing she was angry like this with him made him feel awful, and he didn't know what to do about it. It was times like this that he felt the most useless - he wanted to do things for himself, he didn't want to rely on people all the time. With Kibum, Jongin as his main comfort. Now, it seemed to be Jinki. Taemin wasn't a child, and he would have none of this anymore.
“You could stay with us like my mom said,” His boyfriend offered in a soothing voice, but the black haired one shook his head immediately at the idea. He would make it on his own with no one's help. He was always told nice things, having someone do everything for him, and now it was time to change. It would be hard in the start, he knew it, but he couldn't be babied any longer.
“No. I'll fix this myself, that's all I can do,” He mumbled and scratched his head a little confused; he didn't know what exactly he could do to stop his parents from being angry at him any longer, if he was honest.
“What if you can't?” The older one asked the question Taemin didn't want to hear, and the senior sighed, “then I don't know,”

The black haired male knew avoiding his parents for a while was the best option. He knew the moment he set foot back into his childhood home, he would be sent off to the camp, and that just couldn't happen. Not only wouldn't it work, but he also had school to worry about. He had to do well in order to have more opportunities to get into good universities and colleges...and with the way things were going, moving to Japan didn't seem like such a bad idea.

He stayed with Jinki and his family only for two or three days before he started searching for his own place. Apparently, his mother had reached out to Jinki's, and she was less than happy. Maybe even angrier. But Jinki's mother went along with the lie and said she hadn't seen Taemin since the last time they visited, which gave the senior some breathing room for a little while. Going home wouldn't be an option for a few months, is what it seemed like.
He began looking for a part-time job in the city to get some income since he knew he would be finding a small apartment soon - it was overwhelming just how fast he suddenly had to grow up, but he had no choice in the matter. Luckily for him, he was over eighteen, and that meant neither of his parents could force him to leave the school premises once he was on it. So, school wouldn't be an issue.

Five days after staying away from his home, Taemin finally found a job as a librarian's assistant; the pay wasn't that great, and he had to organize books all day, but it was at least something. Enough to keep him going for a month or two if he budgeted right.
Next on his list was to find a nice, cozy place he could call home for a while. He searched close to school, but came up short since most of the accommodation was much too expensive for him to afford on his own. Jinki offered to help since his family had no problems with money, but Taemin shook off the idea.
The only place he could find which was within his price range, and he felt somewhat safe with, was very near to his parents' house. The pros of the place was that it had a functioning bathroom and a bedroom big enough to move around in, which was more than he had seen in other places. The cons were that it was so very near to his childhood home, and the lock on the front door didn't work too well. But what other choice did he have? He couldn't afford to work two jobs, especially now that he was in senior year. He needed time to study, and he couldn't do that if he had to work in both the daytime and nighttime. So, he took what he could get.

“This is the place?” Jinki asked as he walked into the small apartment; it felt so cramped to him who was used to having a lavish place by the university, but he didn't want to judge.
“Yeah. What do you think?” Taemin asked as he placed the last box down in the bedroom - which definitely couldn't fit more than one person in it - and then turned to his boyfriend.
“It's...something,” The older one responded and forced a smile before he took the younger one's left hand.
“You know I can get you a nicer place. You wouldn't even need to pay for it, Taemin-ah. Won't you at least consider it?” The brunette asked with a small squeeze on Taemin's hand, and the senior shook his head.
“I can't expect that of you. I've already gotten a job, so it's okay. Maybe this isn't the best place, but it's better than home,” Saying that made it all feel even more real, and the senior felt his throat tighten as some tears flooded his vision. It was something he never really thought he would say in his lifetime - he couldn't turn to his mother for help when he felt stressed from school, he couldn't go out and play some sports with his dad, he couldn't do any of it. He had to learn to fend for himself.

“You're really adamant on staying here?” The university student questioned unsurely, then brushed some of the younger one's hair out of his eyes.
“Yes. I'm okay,” Was the meek reply, and Taemin flashed the most convincing smile he could muster.
“Are you sure you'll be fine when I leave for Japan again?” The older one asked anyway; he didn't like the fact that the younger one was staying alone in a shady place like this, but there was nothing he could really do to change Taemin's mind, it seemed.
“Yes~ really, I'll be fine,” He laughed softly - Jinki never failed to cheer him up, even in bittersweet moments like this.
“Okay...how about we get some takeout, then I'll help you unpack?” His boyfriend offered, and Taemin nodded in glee; they had moved everything inside in only an hour, which he was glad for, but he really was starving.

They ended up ordering some pasta and curled up on the small bed together to eat.
“Have your parents spoken to you about it all yet?” The younger one between them asked, and Jinki nodded with stuffed cheeks.
“They said they were happy for us. I guess it's because they know you well, and they know you only have good intentions,” He said, and Taemin sighed out softly. He didn't know why, but that sentence made him sad. Why couldn't his parents be like that? Why did they have to be so mean? He wished for the first time that he had a different family.
“I wish mine could be like yours, all understanding and stuff,” He mumbled sullenly as he finished the remainder of his alfredo pasta.
“I know,” Jinki said, then pulled the younger one closer.
“Do you think they'll ever forgive me? Am I really so wrong for falling in love with someone they wouldn't want?” He whimpered out sadly, allowing himself to be held and cradled by the older one. It was scary being out in the world like this with no real guidance, and he didn't know what would happen next. He didn't know if things could get worse, but he was trying to see the positives in it all, even if there were very little.
“I can't answer that,” The university student responded honestly - he didn't want to fill his boyfriend with false hope, nor did he want to crush the little bit he had left. However, to Jinki, it seemed as if Taemin's parents had written him off for good - the outburst had made that clear. There was no coming back from it, but Jinki didn't have the heart to tell that to the black haired male.
“I miss them. I wish I could go home,” Taemin was in tears before either of them knew it, and the brunette held him a little closer to hug him. He could only imagine just how hard this was on the younger one; just the thought of running away from his parents to save himself made Jinki sad.
“I know, I know...” He cooed softly and brushed a hand through the other one's hair. He knew his words wouldn't help a lot, but he wanted to at least try making his boyfriend feel better.
“I-I just wish they weren't so strict...I didn't choose to be like this!” He whined out and hugged the older one closer as he let his tears wet Jinki's shoulder. All this bottling up of his feelings felt more than just awful, and he felt relieved that he could just let it all out.
“They hate me now, I know it! How could this happen...?” He choked out before sniffing, Jinki pulling him even closer. All he could really do right now was let Taemin know he was here, even if it was non-verbally.
“Even if they do, I'll give you enough love for both of them,” He said in his calming deep voice - he hated seeing the one he loved so upset like this, but his hands were tied, really. Moments like these would come and go like the waves on the shore, but Jinki wanted Taemin to know he would be right here through it all, no matter what would happen. Even during his low times like right now, Jinki would make sure his boyfriend knew everything would be okay in due time.
As long as they stuck together against those who doubted them, then they would be okay.

Over the course of the year, Taemin grew increasingly frustrated at the stress he felt from all sides - school became harder and harder, he got little to no sleep because of studying, homework and his part-time job, and sometimes he could barely pay his bills. Sometimes, when he found himself not too busy, he started yearning for his parents again. It made him sad often, so much so that he had to stop himself from reaching out to them and telling them he would go for the conversion therapy if it meant he could see them again. He truly missed them with all his heart, but what could he really do? Nothing would make them happy. No matter what he did, it wouldn't be what they wanted from him.
Jinki supported his boyfriend from Japan as much as he could by Facetiming often, even using that time to explain some of the work which Taemin had some problems understanding. Even though they couldn't talk as often as they did since the younger one had a lot more responsibility to deal with, the university student did his best to understand and not be too overbearing.

“Have you thought about what college you want to go to?” He asked one night when Taemin had a day off - even so, he was still tired. There was always something to do, and it drained all the energy he had.
“Not really. I haven't had the time to consider my options,” He answered and tried to avoid closing his eyes for even a second, knowing he would fall asleep right away.
“Hm...” Jinki said, “not even if you want to stay in the country or not?”
Taemin pondered over it for a minute.
“Well...there's nothing really keeping me here, so not really. Maybe I could come to you,” He joked with a tired smile, but when he didn't get a reply for a few seconds, he frowned.
“Is that what you were trying to get at?” He asked, and Jinki smiled a little, “maybe,”
“I don't know, hyung. I'll need a scholarship if I want to attend your university, and I'm already working my off. I don't know if I can do any better than I am right now,” Taemin sighed just at the thought of putting even more effort into his school work; he was already going to bed at 2 AM on most nights, and he felt he couldn't put any more effort in.
“How about you just apply and take the chance anyway? We can cross the bridge if you get accepted,” Even as he said this, Jinki had no doubt that his boyfriend would make it. The senior was smart, they both knew it, so he would have no problem getting good grades.
“What if I don't do good enough? There's so many other better stu-”
“Nonsense! You'll do just fine. Trust yourself, okay?” Jinki hummed, and Taemin sighed but smiled anyway, “okay,”

The student did as he was told, and applied for the university in Japan. He wouldn't he able to stick around in Seoul anyway, since he didn't have many friends or family there. A change would be good, especially to another country. He had family there - the other Lee family - and he of course had Jinki. Jongin would maybe come to Japan too, so it would be a real win-win for Taemin to get accepted.

After a week of waiting, he received the good news that he had indeed been accepted.
“Hyung, hyung! I made it!” He cried out in glee once Jinki had picked up the phone, and the older one felt a wide grin spread on his face.
“See? What did I tell you? I didn't doubt it for a second!” He said in a happy tone of voice.
“When will you come?” He couldn't help but feel even more excited now since he knew Taemin would be with him. Long distance didn't bother him that much, but it made him more than just happy to have the younger one close to him again like before.
“Well, I guess I could save up and-”
“Nonsense! That would take you too long. I'll pay, no arguments,” Jinki quickly said before Taemin could continue his sentence. He knew just how independent the senior was trying to be, but everyone needed help from time to time, and if the older one could offer some, then why wouldn't he?
“Hyung...” The younger one wasn't exactly sure what to say; he would be grateful for the assistance, but he didn't know if he wanted it. It felt wrong to ask someone to pay for something now.
“No, I don't want to hear any of it. I'm paying, and that's it,” The university student went on, and the black haired male sighed with a smile.

Taemin arrived just after school ended for the year, already having decided he would be moving to Tokyo for good. His parents hadn't reached out to him, and he hadn't tried either, so there was really no point in staying. Getting accepted into an elite university like Jinki did was amazing, so he wouldn't be throwing away a good opportunity either.
He only had two bags of clothes and things - somewhat sad - but Jinki still wanted to carry them.
“They're only two things!” Taemin exclaimed after they had said their emotional hellos, but his boyfriend only picked up the bags anyway.
“So? I want to carry them for you. And now that you're here for good, we can get you more clothes,” The older one said; he still looked as dashing as ever, maybe even handsomer now. It seemed as if his cheeks had increased in volume, giving them a somewhat chubby look; nonetheless, Taemin found it most adorable.

“How was the flight?” The older one had his own car now, which meant his parents hadn't come with to pick Taemin up.
“It was good. The food wasn't that great, but still a nice experience,” He answered, smiled at his boyfriend, then looked ahead. He was excited about starting over in another country, but it was more daunting than anything else. He was afraid of change, and this was a major one which he didn't know if he was ready for yet. Even if he had been debating it for at least two months.
“They haven't called?” He found himself asking out of hope; maybe his mother would be concerned enough to check with Jinki's family whether Taemin was okay or not.
When Jinki just looked at him and held his hand, Taemin knew. His parents were done with him for good.

“We're stopping for coffee?” The black haired male asked once he noticed them stop by a cafe.
“Yeah. Just a quick one. I want you to try the coffee here and tell me what you think,” The brunette said - it was his favorite place to stop for coffee, and he really wanted to hear Taemin's opinion on it.
“You're gonna love the university. It's very spacious, it has its own little place to eat, and there's accommodation on campus if you want it,” He explained excitedly once the two of them were seated; it felt weird for the younger one to see Japanese characters instead of Korean ones on the menu.
“Sounds fun,” Taemin said with a little smile, taking hold of his white cappuccino once it had arrived; Jinki ordered for them a little earlier, saying how nice their cappuccinos were.
“I'm really glad you came,” He said and held the younger one's hand; it was nice to have him around again like before.
“Me too,” Taemin smiled and squeezed his boyfriend's hand gently.

It was then that he heard that laugh; that laugh he would never forget, the one he had ingrained in his memory already even though he didn't want to remember it. That melodic sound that he once loved, that he thought he would never get tired of...


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feng87 #1
I enjoyed this story! 🩵
962 streak #2
Chapter 11: It is a pity that Taemin got estranged from his parents. But that happens.
At least Taemin found true love, after all.
Thank you so much for sharing.
Beau1996 1372 streak #3
Chapter 11: You really only learn from mistakes and upsets - even though they are so painful while going through them - enjoyed the happy ending and reflection 🌟
Chapter 7: Wow, finally. I was scared Taemin would reject Jinki again. Thanks for the update!
j3nk33 #5
Chapter 4: This story is great, can’t wait for the next update!!!
Chapter 3: Poor Taemin, he's so naive