My Pizzaiolo

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Everybody's crazed over the Flaming Charisma pizza at the Duburia. Even his colleagues have been frequenting the pizzeria just a block away from their office building.

Office employee Kim Kibum has grown more curious as to what the fuss is all about until one day, he decides to give the popular place a try.


If there's demand, perhaps I can give it a try. I was challenged by an avid reader of my works with the prompt she's made here. As I thought about it, I was chatting with another online friend and told her I want to write something for the prompt and she encouraged me to do so. So, as thanks, I dedicate this fic to them:

  • Dawna - thank you for the prompt! I shall do my best to write you a good fic. I hope you'll like this one too.

  • Xhan - Thank you for the pizzeria name, recipe for the signature dish in this fanfic as well as other ideas and suggestions (trope, character roles, etc.)

  • err4tic - For always entertaining my daily DMs and for encouraging me to keep on improving

  • Gia - Happy birthday, dear! I hope you like this!

  • Charith and the rest of my regular readers - Thank you for reading my works! You keep inspiring me to do better. I promise, this one won't be too intense.

Hope you can leave some comments here even if they're just "looking forward to your next update" or something.^^;


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Chapter 3: Wow, Kibum. You are so obvious ㅋㅋㅋ Cant wait for the next chapter. Will they bring him to their house?