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Miyawaki Sakura is a photojournalist. She was sent to New York to report the coronavirus pandemic. She was tested negative in the airport, but still have to do a 14-day quarantine at home. She thought it would be a good idea that she can now play on her new video game as much as she liked but soon found that self-isolation ( as not a matter of choice) is not something fun at all.

Lee Chaeyeon is a professional dancer. All performances and even group practices were canceled because of the pandemic. Moreover, her choreographer was confirmed sick, unfortunately, and the whole group became "close contacts", and were forced to stay home for 14 days. Self-isolation days are stressful for a person who needs to move all the time, so one day when the sky is clear and the weather is warm, she decided to go practice on the roof.


I have had this idea of writing a story on self-isolation since late January when the coronavirus first outbroke in Asia. I and my colleagues have to work from home. I tried not to go out and have been extremely cautious, and it has somehow become stressful and depressing. It didn’t take a long time before the coronavirus became a pandemic that limited our freedom and face to face interaction. However, on the other side, with the advancement of ICT, the world also becomes smaller in another sense. I read this story in March and finally found the inspiration I wanted for my story. So this AU is an adaptation from A Guy From Brooklyn Sees A Girl Dancing On A Roof, Sends Her A Drone With His Number On It. Please check out this beautiful story too. 


Hi everyone, especially Indonesian speakers, QUARANTINE now has an Indonesian version, please support it too! www.asianfanfics.com/story/view/1460007


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1751 streak #1
Chapter 7: So beautifully written. You could feel the emotion that the pandemic gave on them!
1751 streak #2
Chapter 6: yes yes yes!!!! yay!!! one step closer!!
1751 streak #3
Chapter 5: oh yeah!! document digitally their bonding!!
1751 streak #4
Chapter 4: awww the wholesomeness!!!!!
1751 streak #5
Chapter 3: aww so sweet and wholesome!!!
1751 streak #6
Chapter 2: love love love!!!!!
1751 streak #7
Chapter 1: ahhhhh reading this again!!!! i'm falling in love with this story again!!!
pwmaking #8
If in today’s standard, these two people have actually jeopardised their quarantine just by letting kurikindi flying back and forth. Not to mention rubbing the other’s fingers. But it is really inhuman and miserable even for otaku to be locked up in solitude for 2-3 weeks. Hope this story has soothed the lonely souls.
Chapter 7: Awwwww dammit . My kkuchaen heart <3333
Chapter 7: I just reread this masterpiece! Still my favorite kkuchaen fic 💞 thank you author-nim for creating this! I want to compliment you more but I am past my bed time because I want to finish this in one go so yeah. Fighting!!! Always looking forward to your works!