One and Only Chapter

Things Don't Always Go Accordingly

AN: Felt like it was rushed in the end, but I'm not sure


It was a nice September morning. Well, it really wasn’t nice for Bora. Currently Bora was stressing over the message she had put on the box of macarons that would go along with the breakfast Minji would soon be having.

Bora was about to share the news about how they would soon have an addition to the family. That being a baby. An actual child in their lives, even though Minji likes to say Cherry was their child and even treated Cherry like an actual baby. Minji spoiled that dog so much she even bought Cherry a stroller. Bora just didn’t understand how someone can spoil their dog so much, but Bora couldn’t do much about it. She couldn’t change Minji’s mind about it plus it wasn’t a bad thing.

Before letting herself get too lost in thought over the dog, Bora tried to calm herself down, stressing wouldn’t do her any good, plus it wasn’t healthy when she was expecting. This plan was perfect, Minji would open the small box of macarons that she loved to eat and see the note, and then they could both be happy. It was a foolproof plan, it’s not like Minji suddenly hated macarons overnight.

Just as Bora was beginning to calm herself down, she heard her wife’s footsteps from the hallway. This made her start getting anxious again. She wasn’t a very patient person and wanted to just scream the news, but she knew that would be too straight foreword and may startle her wife a bit. Plus, she always had the thought of telling her significant other the news through an announcement like the ones she always saw on the internet. She just didn’t know how much time she would have to wait in anticipation of her lover finding out. She was going to go crazy with how long Minji was taking to get to the kitchen.

Finally, after what seemed like centuries, Minji had appeared although with a sleepy face. “Good morning baby.” Her voice was raspy and a bit deeper than usual, but Bora loved hearing her like that y voice.

“Good morning Minji, did you sleep well last night.” Bora responded as normally as she can, but she was dying on the inside.

“Slept like a baby. You made breakfast this morning?” Minji finally noticed the eggs, bread and fruit that Bora had prepared.

“Well that’s probably because you are a baby, a giant baby at that. And yeah, I decided to make something other than just usually eating cereal every morning.”

“Oh, any special occasion as to why?”

“Other than the fact that you finished all the cereal yesterday morning, no not really.” Bora had lied on the last part, but she really hadn’t lied about Minji finishing their go-to breakfast. Her wife had decided on eating as much cereal as she could in one sitting and that had ended up with an empty box by the time Bora woke up.

Bora watched the older girl grow embarrassed at having been caught, and shyly sit at the table. She watched every move her wife was making, but even with the box of macarons right in front of her nose, Minji had not given them any thought. Bora thought she would have to fight the older girl from eating the treats before eating breakfast, but the girl was eating her eggs so happily.

“Aren’t you going to eat as well Bora.” Minji said in between the mouthfuls of watermelon she was stuffing in .

“Yeah yeah you big baby. I’ll sit down right now but don’t finish all the food.”

They continued breakfast and Bora had completely forgotten about her plan with the way that Minji and her were playfully fighting. Minji really knew how to get under Bora’s skin.

Soon, Minji started getting ready for work and that’s when Bora remembered the box. Minji hadn’t even spared the box a glance.

“Hey Minji?” Minji hummed in response as she was putting on her tie, telling Bora that she has her attention.

“Don’t you want a macaron before you head to work? I got them from the shop you really like to go to.” At this point, the small girl didn’t even care if the panic in her voice was noticeable, she just wanted Minji to open the box. The small girl couldn’t help but look down, not able to look up at her wife.

Minji looked a concerned, taking notice of how shaky the small girl’s voice. “Baby is everything alright?”

Bora was close to tears, but she didn’t know why. Well, she knew why but she didn’t want to admit it to herself that this was affecting her. She was sure she could handle those dumb hormones but here she was, almost breaking down over some stupid macarons that Minji hadn’t looked at.

Seeing Bora trying to hold back her tears made the taller girl even more worried. She didn’t know what was making her want to cry, so she did what she knew Bora liked when she was upset. She hugged her wife. Instantly, Bora brought her arms around Minji and hugged her tighter, finally letting herself cry.

“Hey, are you okay?” Minji spoke in a hushed voice while she was comforting Bora. She lifted the small girl’s chin up, seeing those tears and her pout broke her heart.

“I-I just don’t want you to leave! I miss you a lot when I’m alone,” Bora cried out, balling her fists around Minji’s clothes. She wasn’t exactly lying when she said this, but it wasn’t the main reason she was crying.

Minji looked at her, there was still some concern, but now there was a small smile on her face. “Is that really why you’re crying? Because you miss me?” The smaller girl nodded, and it brought an even bigger smile to her face.

“I hate to be leaving you too and I always think of you when I’m working. I really wish I could stay here with you all day, but I can’t.” Minji pouted as she said this but she had an idea so her wife wouldn’t be alone today. “Since you’re not working today, why not call the girls? It’s been a while since you’ve seen them, and they could keep you company while I’m gone.”

It was a perfect idea. The girls could help her think of ways to tell Minji, surely, they might have some ideas that could work. Well, she doubted that Siyeon and Yoohyeon would be much help but maybe their two brain cells could finally be put together and come up with an idea.

“You know what, that sounds good. I’ll call them right away.” With that Bora gave her a farewell kiss and dashed to their bedroom. Minji giggled at how quickly Bora’s mood had change, she always was a handful, but she wouldn’t have it any other way.


Bora walked into the café near her apartment, she saw that Handong, Yoohyeon and Gahyeon were already at a table but Siyeon and Yubin weren’t. It was to be expected, they weren’t on there lunch break yet but would be shortly. She went in line, deciding what she would get. Once she ordered her tea, she went over to the table where the others sat, waiting for the workers to bring her drink.

“So, Bora, any reason you wanted to talk to all of us? I doubt you just wanted to hang out, there has to another reason you called all of us up.” Handong confidently said. Seems like she saw through Bora’s little reason for a quick get together.

“Well, you are correct, but I would rather discuss this once Siyeon and Yubin arrive.”

They all sat down, chatting while they waited for the two remaining friends to arrive. After 10 minutes, Siyeon and Yubin finally arrived, although they looked like a mess. They both had their hair looking as if they were caught in a tornado and it looked like Yubin’s uniform was torn and had a few buttons missing. Siyeon had a cut on her lip and looked like she a nasty bruise growing on her jaw. Bora gave Siyeon a napkin to help with the bleeding and got a silent thanks.

“Hey guys, sorry for making you wait. Yubin and I got a call about some druggies that were causing traffic. When we tried to walk them off the road, they both just started swinging at us. Gave us a hassle and we had to take them back the department before we came here.” Both police officers looked exhausted, and ready to drop dead. “Honestly not looking forward for the report we’ll have to write later.” Yubin nodded in agreement at Siyeon’s comment.

“Well, now that everyone is here. I have an announcement to make.” Bora looked to see that she had everyone’s attention before she continued, after all, this was some big news. “I am currently pregnant!”

All of them were clearly surprised and it made, Siyeon fall of her chair, landing hard onto the floor with a groan. Yoohyeon had spit her drink onto poor Gahyeon who screamed at her clothes being ruined. Handong and Yubin having similar reactions, eyes wide and surprise on their face.

Handong and Yubin were the first to recover, Yubin giving Bora a small smile and Handong getting up to give Bora a hug. Both of them giving her congratulations. The three were brought out of their little conversation when Yoohyeon and Gahyeon were screaming. Seems like Gahyeon wasn’t happy and punched Yoohyeon on her arm. But then both of them looked at Bora with a confused look, Yoohyeon tilting her head a little, making her look more like a puppy.

Gahyeon spoke up first, “Wait, how are you pregnant? Two girls can’t have a baby?”

“Minji isn’t hiding something between her legs, is she?” Honestly, Bora didn’t know how Yoohyeon could be this much of an idiot at times.

“No, you idiot! There are other ways to have kids, we did insemination!” Bora quickly got up to attack the dumb tree but felt arms around her, successfully restraining her, although with some difficulty as Bora was trying to get to Yoohyeon. Yoohyeon upon seeing how Bora was going to attack her, had hid behind Yubin.

“Even though we would usually let you kill Yoohyeon, we can’t really let you while we’re in a café. We would all get kicked out.” Siyeon was struggling a bit when she spoke since Bora was still trying to escape.

“Fine,” Bora huffed. “I won’t try to kill Yoohyeon while in the café.” Bora kept glaring at Yoohyeon even when Siyeon let her go and sat down. Yoohyeon was still hiding behind Yubin, well at least until Yubin pushed her away. The tall girl gave the younger girl a look of betrayal and a pout. Yubin didn’t care and just shrugged her shoulders.

Once they were all seated again, Bora stopped glaring at the tree of the group and asked for their opinion and ideas. “So, while I wanted to tell you guys the news. That wasn’t the main reason I called you here today. I haven’t told Minji yet, and I don’t know how to tell her. I was hoping you guys could help me.”

“How could you not have told your wife yet?” Gahyeon shouted, which made everyone in the establishment look at her. Gahyeon quickly hid herself, her face getting red. “She’s your wife, don’t people usually tell their love first?” This time she spoke more quietly, not wanting the attention on her.

“Well, I had a plan all set up, but it didn’t go as expected. So, she doesn’t know yet.” Bora was still embarrassed about the fact that she broke down crying in her wife’s arms just because she didn’t open the box. She was keeping that detail out of this conversation.

“How about you buy baby clothes that will tell her about the baby?” Siyeon voiced in her idea. Everyone stared at her since they weren’t expecting her to have an idea at all.

“Why are you guys looking at me like that? Is it terrible?”

“No, actually quite the opposite, it’s a good idea. We just weren’t expecting to have a good idea. Usually, your ideas are pretty bad.” Yubin told Siyeon since the others were still recovering from Siyeon actually using her brain cells.

“Hey! My ideas are not terrible.” Siyeon tried to defend herself, looking offended. “Do you want a list of your ideas that went wrong or were just plain dumb.”

Handong put her hands on Yubin’s and Siyeon’s mouth, forcing them to stop their little banter. She glared at the both of them, then turned to Bora and smiled. “I can help you look for some clothes if you want. I know that the others will be going back to work, and I don’t want to leave you alone.”

“What if instead of some baby clothes, you buy some clothes for Cherry that will also give Minji the hint.” Yoohyeon spoke up after finally coming back to the conversation, she had spaced out ever since Siyeon gave her idea.

Bora was really impressed; she was impressed that the idiots of their friend group actually said something smart. “Seems like you and Siyeon combined your two brain cells for something other than video games.”


Bora was finally home. Handong had been the only one to accompany her to buy some dog clothes for Cherry. It took them a while, but they finally found a shirt that they both liked. The shirt was pink and said, ‘My humans are having a baby’. The hard part was putting it on Cherry. There was a reason Minji never bought her dog any clothes other than winter clothes. Cherry just didn’t like clothes, but that dog would have to suffer for a little bit.

After 20 minutes, Bora was finally able to put the shirt over Cherry and she still had half an hour before Minji would come home. So, she started preparing dinner for tonight. She had decided on a ground beef bowl, delicious and simple to make. Once she finished, she started to set the table. Making sure to get two bowls, cups and soda.

It was very difficult for her to contain her excitement. Minji would finally know the news. This time it should work, Cherry always greeted Minji at the door. Once Minji would see the shirt and the message, she would be excited at their wish coming true. It was just perfect; she’d have to thank those two airheads later.

She was so lost in her little daydream that she didn’t heard the door open; she only realized her wife was home when she called out for Cherry.

“Cherry! Come here girl! Oh, what’s that you have on?” Bora walked over to the living room and saw Minji crouching down after putting her coat on the hanger. This was it, Minji would finally know.

“What’s that say on your shirt? Hmmm, I can’t read what it says. Is that... shoe polish on you?” Suddenly, Bora’s world came crashing down for 2nd time this day. It couldn’t be. This plan was supposed to work out, but somehow Cherry had gone and gotten the shirt dirty to the point where it was unreadable. Bora couldn’t handle it anymore and she ran to the bedroom, tears starting to form.

Seems like Minji noticed and ran after her wife again. There she found Bora on the bed, laying on her side, tears streaming down her face. She walked up to the bed and sat down, rubbing her hand on Bora’s side.

“Bora, baby? What’s wrong? It’s the second time you’ve cried today.” Minji was looking at Bora closely and noticed that she was holding something but didn’t comment on it yet. She wanted to know if her wife was okay first.

“I-I j-just wanted everything to be perfect, but it went far from perfect.” Bora hiccupped through the sentence, still getting over her crying. Just as Minji was about to speak, Bora sat up quickly, almost hitting Minji in the process and threw the pregnancy test. “This is what I’ve been wanting to tell you! I’m freaking pregnant and you’re going to be a mom!

Minji was silent, shock on her face, and she was trying to process everything that Bora had said. “I tried telling you through the box of macarons, but you didn’t even open it. I tried through the shirt that was on Cherry but that failed too. I just wanted to tell you through those ways, but they just didn’t work.” Finally, Bora calmed down, and threw herself on the bed again. That took more energy from her than she would admit.

“Are you serious? It worked? I can’t believe it worked! Bora, I can’t believe it, we’re finally going to be parents!” Minji was beyond happy, she was jumping all around the room and Bora watched her with a smile. The thought sinking in. They are going to be parents; they would have a baby soon. This is what they dreamed about for years and their wish came true.

Minji came around to Bora and kissed her. Happiness and excitement could be felt through the kiss. Their wish came true and everything was okay now. No more stressing, Minji knew now and things would be alright now.

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jungmo064 #1
Chapter 1: this too cute and ahahah bora srry for laughing at you ahaha
Chapter 1: lmaoo i'm sorry bora for laughing at all your failed plans but it's so cute saadjhajshdjas minji is so excited for their baby eeeekkk. thank you for this cute jibo fluff :>