On and Off (FINAL)

On and Off

Yoon Jeonghan was known as many things.

At first impressions, he was the long blonde-haired with the beautiful big eyes and the breathtaking smile. The one with the chocolate brown eyes that you could just get lost into for hours. He was the lean, slender one, who devoured everything in sports but still with a low stamina. Then, when he sang, you just couldn’t help but stop and listen.

Digging deeper and the first thing that you’d find about Jeonghan was that he was the school’s biggest .

Usually, the school’s s would have been ostracized, but never Jeonghan. Why? Well, the answer was fairly simple.

Everyone wanted him.

From the Jesus loving girls in the forever club, to the upperclassman boys in the graduating senior year class.

He was beautiful and sweet and flirty to every single person, and rumor had it, if you asked really nicely, he’d let you him after school in the boy’s locker room.

No one had tried doing that when Seungcheol was around, of course. Jeonghan’s on and off boyfriend– his only boyfriend ever since God knows when, Choi Seungcheol, was as jealous as he was popular.

Last time they were together, some boys had tried to corner Jeonghan to set up a date. Jeonghan’s usual bodyguards, Mingyu, Wonwoo, and Jun were missing, so the blonde had to fend for himself. When he tried to refuse their rude invitations, things had gotten a little handsy just as Seungcheol had walked into the hallway. It was safe to say that no one had gotten away without a beating that day.

Because even if Jeonghan had a reputation as the school’s , he was also known to be extremely loyal once you had the right to call him your boyfriend. Because even if Seungcheol had a reputation as the social king, he wouldn’t hesitate on destroying you if you messed with his things.

But none of that mattered now, because now they had broken up… again.


It was during lunch when Seungcheol had finally cracked.

They had broken up the previous day at a party with a really bad argument that had made Jeonghan run away in tears. When he had gone home that night after drinking away his feelings, Seungcheol’s heart started to ache with regret. The only thing that had kept him from calling Jeonghan to apologize was his pride.

Now though, he couldn’t help but glare as his blonde came striding into the room. Eyes all turned, watching hungrily, openly (now that Jeongcheol had broken up), as the blonde sashayed toward the table where he usually sat with his friends.

Jeonghan was oozing y confidence, but if anyone took a closer look, they would’ve seen the forced smile caused from his heartbreak. He was the school’s , but Seungcheol had been his only boyfriend and it ing hurt every time they broke up. As a side effect, Jeonghan couldn’t even glance in Seungcheol’s direction when he walked in. Instead, he set his eyes on Mingyu, the school’s soccer captain and all around bad boy.

Mingyu, Jun, and Wonwoo, were the boys who Jeonghan usually went for a good when he and Seungcheol weren’t dating. If they weren’t available, Jeonghan would go for the next person who asked him. It had never come down to that though, but people liked to talk and brag about sleeping with him (when they never did), and he honestly didn’t care enough to make them stop.

“Hey babe,” Mingyu greeted when Jeonghan sat himself down on the other’s lap.

Twining his fingers through the hairs on Mingyu’s nape, Jeonghan simply smiled. “Mingyu,” he purred, leaning closer to nuzzle his face into Mingyu’s collarbone.

Moving closer, he bounced and squirmed in Mingyu’s lap, chuckling when the puppy put restricting hands on his hips. “If you’re going to keep moving like that, I might just you into the table.”

His husky voice made Jeonghan shiver, cheeks blushing to make him look more innocent than he actually was. He could feel the people in the cafeteria stare at him, but he paid them no mind as he squirmed once more, giggling when Mingyu’s hard-on became more prominent pushing against his . “Well why not? It’s not like you haven’t done it before.”

Mingyu groaned loudly then, arms tightening around Jeonghan’s small waist. “You’re really pushing it, hyung,” he growled quietly.

Across the cafeteria, Seungcheol had stood up throwing his napkin onto the table. “Right then,” he said, “that’s it.”

Usually, when they weren’t dating, Seungcheol would avoid Jeonghan at all costs– especially when he was flirting with someone right in front of him. The cafeteria who had seen him stand had expected him to leave, but when Seungcheol started stomping toward the two in the corner, everyone held their breaths.

When he got closer, Jeonghan, who was giggling breathily against Mingyu, gave a loud shout when Seungcheol pulled him off the younger. “What the , Choi!” Mingyu had shouted, errection clear against his uniform pants.

“Jeonghan is mine, Kim, so you can just sit down and shut the up.” Seungcheol’s beautiful, usually smiling face, had contorted to one of pure anger. His eyes burned fire as he turned and faced the cafeteria, Jeonghan struggling against him in his arms. “Yoon Jeonghan is mine, and if I see any of you bastards touch him, trust me when I say that you will have no future to look forward to.”

“Don’t with me!” Jeonghan shouted then, still struggling to get away from Seungcheol. “Who the hell you do you think you are, you stupid ! I’m not your toy! You can’t just throw me away and ing expect me to take you back–”

His shouting was stopped as Seungcheol silenced him with forceful lips.

The blonde continued trying to push the other away, using his teeth to bite Seungcheol’s unrelenting lips, but when Seungcheol moved to cradle the blonde’s head with his hands, Jeonghan stopped fighting. A loud, muffled sob left his body and he was kissing back just as desperately, hands rising to clutch onto Seungcheol’s hair as the two continued to try and devour each other in the middle of the busy cafeteria.

When they pulled away for breath, Seungcheol was smiling apologetically, eyes soft as he brushed away the tears from the blonde’s cheeks. “I’m sorry,” he whispered, “I’m so, so sorry.” He pulled Jeonghan close to him just as the blonde broke out into muffled sobs, “I’m sorry, I love you so much,” Seungcheol continued to say, “I’m sorry.”

Mingyu stood up then, his hopes of ever calling Jeonghan his own crashing all around him. He pushed both Seungcheol and Jeonghan out of the cafeteria, herding them toward the nearest empty classroom before pushing them in and closing the door behind them. He had fallen for his hyung a long time ago, but now that he saw that… 

Mingyu could only sigh wearily as he turned and made his way back to the soccer field.


The next day, when Seungcheol and Jeonghan came into the school, everyone instantly knew that they were together again. How could anyone tell? Well, if it wasn’t the blooming love bites on Jeonghan’s neck or the way that the blonde limped with every step and winced every time he had to sit down, it had to be the way that they looked at each other.

The couple was never one to be shy with their public displays of affection, but now, instead of steamy make out sessions, they kissed softly, languidly. Their eyes were soft and loving as they stared at each other, and anyone with eyes could instantly tell that they were in love.


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ververthesecret #1
Chapter 1: This is the second time I've read this. At first I thought jeongcheol relationship here was so fake and.. it's like a joke to them, they're just playing around and were never serious at all. But it also left another unnamed feeling that i couldn't describe. And this time when i read this again, I had another thought. Maybe they're just too in love, madly in love that they could never let go of each other whatever happened? That kind of love somehow was so sick, ironically. As if they knew it hurt but they still chose it. They.. wanted to try? I tried imagining what could happen after this, like in their future, and all I could see was blank. And now I'm sad because they probably would never work, because they were wrong at some point or they're not destined to be together? i'm emo ;_; sorry for my messy message, idek what i'm saying just.. thank you for writing and sharing with us
Chapter 1: A one of a kind relationship tho...Seungcheol being a bad guy but submit and say sorry to Jeonghan....