Love Does Work in Mysterious Ways

Love Works In Mysterious Ways

A/N: Hello! Finally the last chapter! It has been a wonderful journey. Thank you for your support especially to those who have supported me from my previous work, 'My Favourite Idol'. I would say that this story started out quite differently, as a romcom. Also, this time, 'LWIMW' started off with the intention of being a chaptered fic (Yay! A first). Anyways, I am planning to take a break from writing. See you again and I will definitely let you all know if I have any new Jensoo fanfic ideas. Once again, thank you! Hope that you all have been coping well with the lockdown and that this fanfic had helped to kill boredom or cheer you up.

Stay happy and healthy!


Over the year, the two of them have been working hard for their shared future. Jisoo's business has been brisking after starting up the YouTube channel. She had also been invited to host dating variety shows. It was difficult to manage everything but it was fine after a while. It was also interesting how one year had passed so quickly and to her surprise, she had taken up so many jobs. One thing she did not expect from being a matchmaker. It was definitely the most successful year for her and she was contented to experience it. As she was getting busier with her work, Jennie decided to quit her job to help manage the business, while working as a freelance investment broker. Even though it wasn't an ideal situation, they managed to work it out. Relationships aren't a bed of roses and fights are inevitable.

To celebrate the new year, the business was closed for a day and everyone took time off to celebrate past achievements and welcome new opportunities and challenges. This time was also the best for the two families to come together and celebrate the girls' happiness.

"Let's cheers for prosperity and love!" cheered Jisoo's father as he stood up, raising his glass of red wine.

"Cheers!" Everyone on the table followed suit.

After a long toast, the two Kim families were asking the girls questions and it was a roaring night, full of fun and laughter.

"How do you two envision your future?" asked Jisoo's uncle in a teasing manner and in return, he was gifted with a sharp pain on his right arm, from his wife. Everyone just laughed at the sight but the two girls knew how they want their future to be like.


- 5 years later -

Jisoo was wrapping things up with the young couple that she had successfully matchmade. It wasn't an easy start but alas, after some time, they were meant to be and this reminded her of her own situation with Jennie. Both of them had indeed come a long way and that love doesn't stop after getting together or even getting married. Let's just say that love is a life-long commitment and that is always the advice she gave her clients after a red thread is formed and a reminder during their wedding.

"I hope that you two will live happily ever after. Remember, God has brought you two together. You still need to maintain this relationship on your part," said Jisoo as she gave the couple a hug.

"Thank you very much for bringing us together. We will discuss the wedding details on a later date. My parents are very thankful for your service," said the customer, with a huge grin as he looked at his partner. After a short small talk, the couple exited the shop and Jisoo went off to keep the files in the cabinet.

Soon, she heard the bell and her favourite voice of a certain someone, "done with work?"

"Stand there!" Exclaimed Jisoo, as she turned around to face the said person.

"Why?" the other was puzzled and pouted slightly, while half-raising her hands.

Jisoo blinked her eyes, activating her special sight. Soon, a red thread from both ends started to form. The moment that she had been waiting for, the red thread between her and Jennie. It's there. Fate has brought them together and destiny kept them together. After the sudden realisation, she was relieved and tears of joy started to form.

"What is with you?" asked Jennie, as she put down the food on the counter and went to hug the older.

"I see it... You are the one," whispered the older, as she returned the hug. She tightened her hug around the younger's shoulders and savoured the warmth emitting from Jennie.

All the younger could do was to chuckle. It was surprising but after quick thinking, she managed to understand everything but decided to speak, "let me piece everything together. You've matchmade 1000 couples, you can see your red thread and it is binding to mine. We are destined to be together right?" Even managing to make sense of everything, Jennie was stunned and her jaw dropped. She couldn't believe it. It was worth all the wait, for both of them.

Jisoo nodded in response and released the hug to look at Jennie. However, looking at how Jennie was still stunned by the information, she took advantage of the situation and gave her a smooching kiss. This made the younger snapped out from the trance, and responded to the kiss, arms wrapping around the older's waist and kissed back with the same amount of passion.

After the short and passionate kiss, the younger got down on one knee and took out the box that she had been holding onto. The ring that she bought had been with her for almost 6 months and she had been waiting for the day when her girlfriend tells her that she had accomplished the mission.

"I bought this for quite some time already. I am always prepared for the day when the sun, moon and the stars align perfectly and that fate tells us that we are destined to be together. I love you and I will always love you. You are everything to me and I will never trade anything in the world for you. You are like an enigma. You always puzzle me, but in a good way, and that's what makes me fall in love with you, even more, every single day. 5 years ago, you came into my life and brighten up my world. I can never imagine not being with you for the rest of my life. With a red thread, or not, I promise, I will take care of you forever. I love you."

Jennie said her speech while looking at Jisoo with sincerity. She was nervous but she managed to muster all the courage to tell the love of her life what she wanted to say. 9th September 2025 will be a special day for both of them. She could see Jisoo tearing even more and it's the best time to pop the question, "will you, Kim Jisoo, marry me, Jennie Kim?"

Jisoo didn't expect this to happen on the same day, seeing the red thread between her and Jennie and being proposed by the love of her life. It was indeed a special day and she replied with conviction, "yes, I do."

The younger slipped the ring onto her ring finger and picked her soon-to-be wife up and spun her around. They were so happy but Jisoo was getting dizzy and hit the younger slightly, signalling the other to put her down. Jennie understood the message and put Jisoo down, but did not stop hugging her. Jennie was so elated and was grinning so widely. It was the best day of her life.

"Jennie ah, you did a good job. 5 years ago, you've made a promise to take care of me and you did it. Now that you continue to make the same promise, I am sure that you will do a good job. I also want to make the same promise, I will promise to take care of you too, and be there for you, no matter what. I love you," Jisoo whispered her vows into the younger's ear. It is a promise that she will keep. The shop is a blessing. Many relationships start here and many more will come.


- 23 years later -

"Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday to Ella, happy birthday to you!"

Everyone was celebrating Ella's 21st birthday and everyone was excited about the revelation.

"This is it, baby, blink your eyes. Look around," said Jisoo, as she side-hugged her daughter, guiding the young girl on how to activate her special sight. Both Jisoo and Jennie had been introducing Ella to the history of matchmaking to make sure that she eases well into the role when the time comes. They didn't want history to repeat itself. They wanted Ella to accept her fate with grace and fulfil her role well.

Ella did as she told. She took a deep breath before blinking, trying to activate the super sight. She saw the red thread on her parents, Jennie and Jisoo, her parents' friends and a couple of her friends. She then blinked again, to deactivate it. She took another deep breath before announcing.

"I guess I am the next one. I am ready for the challenge," exclaimed the young Kim and she fist-pumped in the air, ready to take on any challenge. She grew up listening to stories and witnessed all the cases at the shop. She was actually glad to be born in a special family and prayed every night to inherit the legacy and made promises to herself that she would also do a good job and to experience great love like her parents.

"Good for you sweetie pie. At least you are taking it easily as compared to your mother back then," said Jennie, as she ruffled her daughter's hair and wife. In return, Jisoo knocked Jennie on the forehead and gave the younger a merong. Even as a middle-aged couple, they were still behaving as if they were a young couple. All Ella and the guests could do were to laugh at the amusing sight.

"Mommy, omma, the first I want to do is to help my friends! Bye!" Ella whispered to her parents and ran off to gather her friends after giving them a kiss on the cheeks.


After the party, Jennie and Jisoo went to the balcony, looking at the skyline. 28 years had passed since the first time they met. 28 years. It had been a long time but they both were hoping to spend more time together. Looking back, they are happily married and they have a beautiful daughter. They were blissful and contented with their lives.

Jennie back hugged Jisoo and said, "28 years ago, you came into my life as a matchmaker, to help me with my love life. You then work at my office and we became closer and closer. The twisted fate of getting me matchmade with someone else brought us together. Love does work in mysterious ways."

"I have listened to that speech many times," whined the older.

"Come on, you know that I love boasting to the whole world about you, I can never imagine being here without you," said the younger, as she snuggled even closer.

"Me too, silly," Jisoo turned her neck and gave the younger a kiss.

For Jennie, she always thought that fate and destiny don't seem to exist in her life but with unexpected twists and turns, her matchmaker had become her wife and for Jisoo, she thought that her cruel fate as a matchmaker would leave her alone and lonely, and also, with a twist of fate, the person she was fated to be had always be there for her. They were glad to found each other in the sea of people. Both can only say that love works in mysterious ways. It just comes knocking on your door when you least expect it to happen. Just take heart.


A/N pt 2: Hope that the last chapter has lived up to your expectations. Finally, the red thread between Jennie and Jisoo (the moment we all have been waiting for!), yay! As usual, stay happy and safe! Till we meet again :)

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Jensoo4everlove #1
Rereading hehe ❤
Chapter 12: What a great story :)))))) I enjoy reading it ^^
Chapter 6: Wait I sense topnnie? Excuse me this is my first time. Ngl it would have been so perfect for jisoo to call her princess, with her freespirited character and considering how Jennie is miss perfect meticulous
Chapter 12: Aight, let me look for a matchmaker ryt now and yeet my neverending despare of being single.

Heyow, love ur stories yet again, authornim! (Been marathon reading jensoo for uwus, ya know)

*bought actual red threads* *sips caffe mandorla* *screams in gay*
Chapter 9: *with narrowed eyes and tea in hand* "i sense drama.."
Chapter 7: *ordering boxes of tissues*
Chapter 2: I bet only jisoo can throw sandwiches over jennie's face and run away with it alive...
Chapter 1: *deep inside my 9yr old mind* "you breath air? that'snot vegan!" (thanks pewds -_-)
chuuuuu95 #9
Chapter 12: Awww... this story is cute! Thank you for this great story author. Looking forward to reading your next jensoo story. Hope to read more jensoo stories from you xx
dkdldb #10
Chapter 12: This was really nice, thank you