Beggin' on Your Knees

Beggin' On Your Knees

images belong to thier rightful owners and super junior members are not my own.



♥•-╜•♥ ♥•-╜•♥ ♥•-╜•♥ ♥•-╜•♥ ♥•-╜•♥ ♥•-╜•♥


Oh there he went, that selfish bastard that had fooled me completely. When I had just first arrived here, he gave me a smile and I fell...hard. He was the first to talk to me and show me where my classes were. We became good friends seeing as he was there ready to answer any question I had. Not even a month into my new school, we were a couple. He was my first in many things. First kiss, first official boyfriend, and the first to take my ity. Not even a week after that, he dumped me. Dumped me in front of the everyone who happened to be in the cafeteria that day. It was then that I realized he had played me the entire time. He only really wanted to me since I had such a nice .

That they I ran, ran and ditched the rest of the day crying, sobbing the pain I felt. I was so humiliated. I skipped two days of school after that before I managed to control most of my feelings. By the time I got back, he had his arms around some sleasy chick who often wore heels and a skirt. When I happened to pass him by the hall, that son of offense to the mother who had to bore such a retched child... smirked at him, kissing her tongue and all in front of me. That became a regular routine, though he switched the girl about 2 weeks after that first encounter. Really?! And these girls would practically line up to be the next one in that bastard's arms. Gah!

That was 3 years ago. Now we were both in our final year of the university and I had come back from studying abroad for a 2 semesters. My appearance had changed from that rather sweet man to something far opposite end of the spectrum. I looked at the photo in my hands, the way I looked before leaving. I chuckled, I looked so niave.


Perhaps that was the reason why he targeted me. I grit my teeth and clenched my hand around the photo. Well not this time around. I folded the image and adjusted my sunglasses. A sigh escaped my lips as I was stretching my arms upwards into the sky. I had just arrived on campus getting ready to meet my boyfriend of one year. Heck, I met the man two weeks after the breakup with Kyuhyun. People around me began to mutter and whisper, side glances coming as I walked down the path to get to the main entrance where he would be waiting for me. The glances, stares, and whispers continued. I couldn't help but allow a slight smirk form on my lips.

My hair was a tad longer and shaped upwards towards the heavens. It wasn't clean and precise as it used to be, but rather messy and tossed. My body was far more toned than it used to be and this time I showed it off to the world. The weather was warm after all. I continued to walk with my hands shoved into the pockets of my jeans, my thumbs on my red belt. I knew how excited my boyfriend was to see me. He saw my transformation simply through pictures and video when we chatted. I missed him and I would be giving him quite a gift tonight.

It was when I was reaching the front entrance that I noticed him again. This time with his arms around a blonde kid. It was clear the hair was dyed. But I also noticed the change in appearance on his side. His body was more fit. His hair shorter and messier. I had to admit, he was still as good looking as ever. Thanks to the glasses, no one knew who I was exactly and the fact that I was staring at the king of all players here at the school. He had truly built quite a reputation for himself.


I scratched the back of my neck and I noticed him and his little group turned to look at me after I was pointed out. Well I definately stuck out like a sore thumb among them all those who were around. I could hear a few of the supposed whispers from a few of the girls I had just happen to pass before giggles began.

"Who is that?"

"He's quite good looking!"

"That body! Its so..."

"Have you seen him around?"

"Go talk to him!"

"You go!"

I wanted to laugh, but I had to keep up my little act up didn't I? Now where exactly was that little boyfriend of mine? I looked around again, slightly confused until I heard someone shout for me.


I turned just as gasps seemed to echo through out those who were able to hear the shout. I grinned as I spotted the person I was looking for and taking off my darkened glasses. People who were now able to see my face could only gape or react quite violently to what they saw.


"What happened to him?!"

"The hell?!"

"He's gorgeouse!"

I could tell my partner was getting irritated as he heard a few of the comments that were being thrown without restraint. He growled and sent them all a glare declaring that no one should dare touch what was his. I laughed not being able to stop myself before wrapping my arms around his waist. It had been such a long time since I had seen him and kissed him deeply. Again this earned gasps from around us but I could care less and I knew the diva in my arms didn't either.

"Mmm, Hankyung like the look."

"Only for you Heechul."


I then left one of the arms wrapped around him but moved it up to his shoulders, going into the school. We had most of our classes together which I was estatic about. I didn't pay much attention to the one who had hurt me, but Heechul did. Later into the day, he had mentioned that the idiot looked like he had seen a ghost. We both laughed. Well that was the plan after all, but if only I could have taken a picture.

"Han, you should truly show them who you are at the upcoming dance," Heechul commented causing me to look at him.

"Oh, how so?"

"Performing of course!"

I looked at him warily, but he managed to convince me after a night of... persuasion. It was until the next morning that I agreed after waking up in our apartment. Neither of us wanted to get up seeing as we had used up all of our energy making up for lost time. I just had to wonder though, what exactly should I do to show those idiots you can't always judge a book by its cover. I wasn't one to mess with and simply turn my cheek. I had enough of it and it was time for everyone to know that. be continued....

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Congrats :)
yourartist #2
Congratulations :)
congrats :)
baconcoconut #4
Congrats on getting featured :)
sterlingpaper #6
omg, kyuhyun is so evil here X) i thought you would end it with a kyugeng story! i can't wait for that!
HappyMonster #8
Ohh awesome first chapter!!
HappyMonster #9
Oh very intersting
update soon!!