Rich Girls Love Trouble (Discontinued)
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Warning(s): cursing
Length: 6.0k words

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  03 a weird day  


If you’re nonconfrontational, consider getting over it because people are slimy pieces of that deserved to be cornered for the sins they have committed.


Los Angeles. Piercing hot sun on pale skin, girls with tan lines, and boys who apparently don’t give a . I want my credit card back. Rehearsing it is death, but then again, you can’t spell rehearse without hearse.


“You’ve been here for five minutes. You can’t possibly already want to go back because it’s warm.”


Seungeun has only hopped into an Uber, and they haven’t even left LAX yet, but the sun is too hot and her hotter nerves offer no cool refuge. “It’s not that,” she lies. “I’m just really angry, and you know how I hate flying when I don’t feel well. Get me water.”


Lia does as she says, but before Seungeun can grab ahold of the bottle of water, Lia pulls it back. “Why don’t you tell me what’s going on? The last time you came to LA, you fired nearly everyone working at the boutique. Don’t tell me you’ll do that again.”


“I only fire people who deserve it.”


“I hardly think that an entire store deserved to be fired.”


“And this is why I own 16 boutiques while you own none.” Seungeun grabs the bottle of water and twists the cap to open it with a satisfying CRACK. She ignores Lia’s scoff to glare out the window as she chugs down some water. “Have you finished moving Junmyeon’s stuff out of my house? I want it all gone by the end of the week.”


“It was finished yesterday.”


“Good. I’m staying there. I want you to put all my luggage in my room and make sure that all my indoor plants have been watered.”


“I just got them watered today.”


The two of them go back and forth like that: Seungeun assigns something she wants done, and Lia either says that she has already done it or will prioritize it once they get to their respective destinations. Being one of Seungeun’s many assistants, Lia already has a list of tasks waiting for her to complete. On the other hand, Seungeun’s schedule is nearly empty except for one big, glaring task: confront Baekhyun and take her credit back from his clutches.


Before Seungeun embarked on the spontaneous trip to LA, Minseok had told her that Baekhyun would probably be found at a particular nightclub within a certain section of the city. Though Baekhyun had only used her credit card twice (one for the airplane ticket and the other time for an Uber), it was enough for Minseok to assess that he had taken a ride from the airport to a nightclub called Onyx.


I want my credit card back.


Seungeun shakes her head with more confusion than disappointment and anger. Baekhyun stole her credit card; she still can’t believe that! What kind of situation does a person need to be in for them to steal a credit card from under someone’s nose? One would have to be a kleptomaniac or extremely desperate to do something as crass as that. It makes her wonder whatever the actually happened to Baekhyun. She used to know him, and he most definitely would have never stolen someone else’s credit card—especially if he knew them.


By the time Seungeun gets to Onyx Nightclub, the sun has long set, and every other bar and club on the street has their front lights. It’s around this time that clubs start filling with people—at least, with as much people who want to get drunk on a weekday in September. Onyx, in particular, is so bare that Seungeun has no trouble finding a table at a secluded corner obviously meant for a group of people to congregate as they watch a stripper.


Unlike the club in Seoul, Lux is about a hundred times raunchier. There are stripper poles and rooms marked for VIP access as well as unashamed couples eating each other’s faces with their tongues. The lack of classiness disgusts Seungeun, but she’d rather sit inside than stand outside like a solicitor. It’s too bad that Baekhyun finally makes appearance after 20 minutes of waiting.


Seungeun spots him almost immediately because of his god-awful gray hair. It looks a lot worse than when she last saw him a few days ago; he definitely has not taken a shower since then. He’s even wearing the same clothes—baggy white pants with a matching baggy jacket that screams trash bag. Just looking at him makes Seungeun angry. That ugly-haired motherer stole her credit. Really? Of all people? How embarrassing!


“Baekhyun,” Seungeun shouts, and the man himself whips around to see who the speaker is. Seungeun waves him down, and even from afar, she sees him turn pale at the sight of her. He takes his time sauntering over to where she’s sitting cross-legged and cross-armed, and by the time he’s standing close enough for her to talk without yelling, she’s even angrier than she was a minute ago. “You stole my credit card,” Seungeun hisses at the baffled Baekhyun. “,” she adds. “What’s wrong with you?”


“What’s wrong with me?” Baekhyun points to his chest. “What? What’s wrong with you? What are you doing in LA? Don’t tell me you flew here just to take your credit card back.” Baekhyun narrows his eyes, still in disbelief. “How did you even know I was here?”


“I tracked you down,” Seungeun scoffs. “I can’t believe you’d take my credit card like that, you prick.”


“Prick?” Baekhyun has the audacity to cough himself. “Eun, you tracked me down? Like, with a private investigator?”


Seungeun rolls her eyes like that’s not exactly what she did. “You’re not that important to me, Baekhyun. I just have notifications and the ability to read past transactions on my phone. And I’m a businesswoman,” she adds, “don’t think I’m in LA because of you. I own a few stores here.”


“Right,” Baekhyun mutters, taken aback and seemingly embarrassed. “Fine. Whatever. You can have your credit card back. I’m sorry for taking it.”


Baekhyun shoves his hand in his pocket and pulls out her card. When Seungeun takes it from him, she immediately notices how its matte black finish is smudged with Baekhyun’s fingerprints. With a wrinkled nose, she wraps it up in a handkerchief and places it in a separate pocket on her purse.


“Sit down,” Seungeun demands. Baekhyun is a few years older than her, but being in the States gives her the ability to be as pushy as she wants. “You’re going to tell me why you even stole my card in the first place.”


“No,” Baekhyun says as he shakes his head. “Just take it back, and I promise I won’t come near you again.”


“No,” Seungeun retorts. “You stole my credit card and fled the country, Baek.” She glares up at him and almost feels bad that he looks homeless, but she doesn’t stop her vocal tone from sounding agitated. “You know who the does that? People running from the government or people with a hit on them. So tell me before I call the police and get your deported.”


Baekhyun stares at her for a moment, and Seungeun sees him visibly clench his jaw as if to withhold his anger.


“Eun, you’re not serious—”


“Do I look like I’m making a ty joke?” Seungeun hisses. “You bought a one-way ticket to LA. I want to know why, so tell me, goddammit.”


Baekhyun hesitates for another moment before sighing. “Have you ever needed to run from the past?” he asks Seungeun in a low voice. He sits an armlength away from her and mimics her posture—crosses his arms and frowns. “Or just run in general?”


“What’s that got to do with stealing my credit card?”


“Eun, can you just answer the damn question?”


His sudden outburst takes Seungeun aback, but she answers him anyways. “Yeah,” she says slowly, “I’ve ran from the past. What’s it to you?”


“That’s why I took your card—to run. And because I’m broke as hell, okay?” Baekhyun raises his palms in the air as if to give himself up to the police in the movies. “I needed to get out of Korea quickly, so I stole your card. Happy?”


“I’m as happy as can be thanks to your explanation,” Seungeun scoffs. “So fine. You needed to ‘run’ or whatever the that means to you. Why would you come here then? This is such a cheap club.” She glances around and sees all the stripper poles, causing to shudder once more. “You couldn’t even use my card to buy yourself an entrance in a better club?”


“Are you—” The creases on Baekhyun’s forehead grow deeper. “So you’re angry that I stole your credit card, and now you’re even angrier because I didn’t use it to go someplace more expensive? Seriously?”


“You know how bad it makes me look that some homeless looking guy stole my—”


“You think I look homeless?”


Seungeun stops herself from curling her lip. Baekhyun’s frown has faded from his face, and he genuinely looks hurt that she said that. “No,” she lies, “I’m just riled up, okay? I’ve got a lot of stuff going on, and you stealing my credit card out of nowhere when I felt like I was reconnecting with a friend was just—it was out of line.”


Baekhyun’s expression shifts from hurt to realization within a second. “, you’re right,” he grumbles to himself and runs a hand through his greasy-looking hair. “I’m sorry I did that. It was out of line.”


“You know what? Just forget it,” Seungeun murmurs. Surprisingly enough, seeing Baekhyun feel bad made her feel bad. “I made this into an even bigger deal than it needed to be. I could have just called my bank and cancelled it, but I didn’t.”


The two of them pause and glance at each other. It’s as if the absurdity of the situation finally hits them in the face.


Baekhyun breaks the silence first. “Why didn’t you?”


Seungeun recalls the fight she had with her sister before she embarked on her trip to LA. She specifically recalls Naeun classifying her urge to see Baekhyun as a coping mechanism for her problems. Looking back, Seungeun felt wronged when Naeun said those things, but Naeun had a point. She always did, being the older one. The whole divorce thing is too much of a headache for Seungeun, and she’d really rather not think about it. Come to think of it, perhaps this is a quarter-life crisis.


“I’m going through a divorce,” Seungeun answers tersely.


“And what?” Baekhyun asks. “You decided to complicate your life more by coming to see me?”


“Oh, please. You couldn’t possibly complicate my life even more so than it already is.” Seungeun shakes her head and manages to smile of all things. The world really doesn’t seem so bad when she’s here with Baekhyun (who looks more of like a mess than she does) at a strip club of all places. It’s humorous, albeit in a sad way for her. “You have no idea how much of a bad year I’ve been having.”


Baekhyun bellows out a laugh. “Don’t get ahead of yourself there, Eun. You have no idea what I’ve been through.”


“What have you been through?” Seungeun asks almost shyly. The last time she asked a question like this, Baekhyun stole her credit card and fled to the United States. “I mean… You don’t have to tell me if you don’t want to, but I’d like to hear it.”


All Baekhyun does is smile, and Seungeun already knows that he’s not going to tell her. “Some ,” he mumbles, eyes still in a smile. It’s strange how those two words conceal an entire world. “Listen,” he continues in a small voice, “I have a show in about an hour, and I’d like to rehearse for it. Sorry to cut it short, but—”


“Wait, you have a show? You can’t wear that!”


Baekhyun’s jaw drops. “What? What’s wrong with what I’m wearing?”


Seungeun has to hold back a laugh, but Baekhyun genuinely seems confused as to what she sees wrong with his entire…ensemble. Calling his outfit an outfit when it’s actually trash bag is an injustice. “Look,” she says, coughing to conceal her laughter, “you’re in LA, Baek. You can’t just wear what you think looks good in Seoul. The culture here is different.”


“So you’re saying you think I can’t dress myself.”


“I didn’t say that—”


“But you’re thinking it.”


“I am not,” Seungeun hisses despite its accuracy. She and Baekhyun may have broken up several years ago, but there’s undoubtedly still a part of him that remembers her and little quirks—like her tendency to judge people too quickly. “I run over 16 boutiques,” she states as a matter of fact. “I know what I’m talking about when I say that you could at least look a bit more fashionable.”


“Well, there’s nothing I can do about it.” Baekhyun shakes his head and rises to his feet. “You’re forgetting that I’m broke—”


“And you’re forgetting this.” Seungeun holds up the credit card that he stole from her. “I’ll buy you a few outfits.”


“Eun, what?” As if he was a walking comic, Baekhyun’s eyes widen in shock. “You just yelled at me for stealing your card, and now you want to buy for me? No, I can’t let you do that.”


“Too bad it’s not up to you to dictate how I want to spend my money.” Seungeun stands up with a slight hop in her step. Whether he likes it or not, Baekhyun will be her distraction. “Come on. It’ll be fun anyways.”


“Eun, are you ing crazy?”


“Are you? Baekhyun, I lied. Okay? I lied. I do think that you look homeless. Now—”


“You ing .” Baekhyun wheezes out a laugh and points an accusatory finger at her. “So you do think I look homeless! Wow, what the , Eun?”


“Are you coming with me or not?” Seungeun hisses back, but she’s laughing too. “I know you want to. I bet you’re not even that comfortable in those clothes.”


“What if I am?”


“Don’t lie to me.” Seungeun holds up a hand and nudges her head towards the exit of the nightclub. “Just come with me. It’s not going to hurt you to wear new clothes, is it?” When Baekhyun opens his mouth but fails to come up with a response, Seungeun takes it in prideful stride. “See? Besides, we’re friends, aren’t we? Friends help each other out.”


“Eun, we’re far from being friends.” Baekhyun crosses his arms and gives her that stupid look—his brows raised and mouth poised upwards in a strange combination of a pout and a scowl. “I don’t think friends would get as

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Updated with chapter 3!
Slowly replying to everyone ♥ let me know what you think of the story :-)


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Chapter 3: this is so interesting .But what happened to baekhyun in the past actually.
Chapter 3: he probably didn't have money to pay for the motel and begged them for a free night therefore being thrown out and punched. i feel his frustration... being broke (and broken) and having someone from your past who is rather successful to see you at your low like that.
Chapter 3: Wooow when he got pushed out of his motel room - that really caught me of guard, couldn’t help but actually gasp out loud (I was alone don’t worry). I am so intrigued now, who did he become and what was that attack about?? Did he get into money trouble and he owes and now they are chasing him down? Threatening?
Oh and also this Baekhyun doing gigs? Whew definitely received them y vibes haha, I love the way this story is written and I really like them bickering like that!! And I really liked the “goodnight” part and ah I’m just intrigued with this story! ^^
Chapter 3: I really like this story so far! The plot's honestly so unique it got me hooked since the beginning. The characters are amazing too, it's so interesting how things are developing between them! Can't wait for the next chapter! Already excited :D Till then!
Hobbitacikel #5
Chapter 3: Your stories are so different. I don’t know if its because of the plot or the style you write them but it is so refreshing to read. I really loved this chapter and I’m very curious for the following ones :)
purplebxtch #6
Chapter 3: Um, this story so far is like...so good. So looking forward to see how it turns out :)
This story is so good. ?
Chapter 3: Wo.. a lot sure happened back then and literally no . I think she dumped him cause she though it would be better for him to persuade his dream being a singer without her? But damn, what really happened with him for past 7-8 years
Chapter 3: It's only 3rd chapter but I'm already liking it ^^
You have this touch of reality in your stories even though they are fictions, that's what makes you unique and an amazing writer :)
Really looking forward for the future chapters. Best of luck!