past strangers (2)

takin’ shots
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Chaewon gives herself one look on the mirror, making sure she is tidy and pretty. Her husband walks over to her, wrapping his hands around her tiny waist as he caress her tummy. She doesn’t have any bumps yet, but even so, it became a habit of his to hug Chaewon and either kiss her tummy or just rub his palm over it.


“You ready?” Saku attempts to kiss her cheeks, only to be denied when the lass moves her face away before he could kiss her.


“You’re going to ruin my make up!” The lad’s forehead creased, how dare she refuse his kisses.


“I don’t care, I wanna kiss you.” The married couple spent about a minute of pushing and pulling, completely forgetting about the fact that they have a reunion to attend to in an hour.


“Fine if you don’t want my kiss I’ll find someone tonight who’ll be glad to have a taste of me.” Saku straight up just left the room leaving the lass shocked and a little bit mad. Okay not a little bit, very mad.


With her being pregnant, her mood swings are uncontrollable. So she marched to where her husband is heading to catch up to him and pulled his hand to force him to face her.


“Don’t do that.” Her bottom lip jutted out in a pout, a grin immediately appears in Saku’s lips as he steals a kiss from the lass, which she did not object to this time around.


The lad placed his hand on the small of her back as they walk down the stairs together. In the living room, Wonyoung was playing with her dolls accompanied by Chaewon’s half sister, Minjeong.


Once she got a glimpse of her parents, the kid immediately rose from where she sits and ran towards them. Saku was quick to catch her in his arms and raise her up.


“Daddy I wanna come with you and mommy.” Their little bunny pouts, mimicking the look that Chaewon had earlier. Saku kissed her head while his wife their daughter’s face.


“Bunny you can’t come with us tonight, it’s for adults only. We’ll be back really late tonight too and you have to rest early because you have a playdate with Yujin, remember?” Wonyoung dislikes being apart from her parents very much, she used to come with them everywhere even to work.


As a matter of fact, looking after the cute little kid was one of their employee’s stress reliever. Everyone just adore the little girl so much so despite her parents both being the head of a huge company, she didn’t really feel that lonely at all because she had a lot of company.


“How about my bedtime story? What if there’s a monster under my bed.” The kid hides her face in her father’s neck. She’s doing everything she can to make them stay and this would’ve worked on them if only it wasn’t a reunion they’re attending


“Your aunt will read you your bedtime story. She’s also really brave and strong, she’ll defeat the monsters under your bed bunny.” Chaewon snatched their daughter from her father and showered her with kisses all over her face. Wonyoung looks genuinely upset and dejected, she’s been acting up a lot lately ever since they told her she’ll be having a younger sibling.


She’s absolutely jealous and worried about needing to share her parents’ love so Chaewon and Saku always make sure to shower her with love every time so that she’ll know that their love for her will remain the same if not more despite having another kid.


“How about you go sleep in our bedroom tonight? When you wake up Mommy and daddy promise we’ll be there beside you. How’s that sound bunny?” Just like that, they finally got the kid to agree. With that, they head to the living room where Minjeong is and sets the little girl down on her lap.


“Now be good to your aunt, okay?” Chaewon and Saku kissed her forehead before leaving the house. As they got to the car, Saku immediately placed his hand on her lap.


“You’ve never really said anything about your high school apart from the time when we were checking out your yearbook.” The lass takes his hand and intertwined their fingers together.


“Hmmm there’s not really much to say, but let’s see.” For the rest of drive, the couple pretty much just talked about the past, Saku too takes part in telling his story from high school.


Chaewon never really took him as the kind of guy who hangs out with the popular kids in school, from what she observed he looks more like an introvert wallflower. But then again, with a visual like his he was probably really famous in high school.


Before they knew it, they arrived at Chaewon’s high school. They didn’t immediately step out of the car though, Saku gave her all the time in the world to reminisce her good old days.


It took her about two minutes before finally deciding that she’s ready to face her old pals. Saku opened the door for her as she snake a hand around his arm.


“Hey I’m going to head to the bathroom real quick, I’ll find you inside?” Saku excused himself from his wife, he doesn’t really need to use the bathroom but he figured she’d want to meet her high school pals alone at first.


“Okay, just make it quick okay?” Saku nods and left, but not before giving her a quick peck on the lips. Chaewon head towards their gymnasium, it seems like almost everyone is inside since she didn’t even bump into anyone on her way.


When she stands inside the gymnasium, indeed it is filled with people from her batch. Except now, they’re no longer little and sweaty, everyone looks elegant and classy. You could immediately tell that they all managed to become successful after high school.


“Chaewon!” Just an inch of her foot is in and she already heard a very familiar voice calling her. Her heard turn to the direction of the voice and she immediately cracked a smile.


“Yunjin.” The fairy walked towards her friend, the moment she was an arm-length away, Yunjin trapped her in a bear hug.


“I’ve missed you!” Chaewon hugs her back, Yunjin was one of her closest friends back in high school, they were inseparable. If it wasn’t for the fact that Yunjin had to go to the U.S to study, they wouldn’t have lost contact with each other.


“Look at you now, wow just wow.” Yunjin looks at her from head to toe, twirling her around to see everything even. Chaewon could merely chuckle, she’s still the same old friend she had back then. Only older and more mature.


“I could say the same to you, so who’s this?” The fairy nods towards the unfamiliar girl that accompanies her friend. They greeted each other with a smile.


“Right, this is Kazuha. My fiancée.” The latter’s face turned brighter, so Huh Yunjin finally decided to settle down after all.


“Ha, I never knew you had it in you. Didn’t you say before that love is stupid, and marriage is prison?” She teased, Yunjin and the two of them banters for a bit before more of their friends came to approach them.


“Chaewon!” Giselle gushed the instant she sees the fairy and hugged her tight too. Then Heejin, Lia, and Shuhua. All six of them are finally complete.


It feels like they were back in high school, where it’s just the five of them against exams, projects, and club activities. Their problems were so simple back then compared to now, funny how they all acted like it’s the end of the world when a simple problem arises.


One thing Chaewon noticed is that everyone is accompanied by someone, she was introduced to their partners. They all lost contact with each other, it’s really such a shame. Lia, Giselle and Yunjin all went to the U.S, Shuhua went back to Taiwan, while Heejin went back to the province.


But after the reunion, Chaewon is sure they will stay in touch and will make sure to never lose contact with each other again. They chatted with each other for a while, catching up when all of a sudden a group of guys approached them.


“Kim Chaewon?” The lass recognized the guy who called her. It was Junkyu, one of the guys who had a crush on her back then. He was very vocal about it, one could even assume they dated back then as they were always together during breaks.


Junkyu often goes with her and her friends to lunch, they did befriend him eventually but Junkyu wanted to be more than friends with her. Much to his dismay, that didn’t happen.


“My oh my, you were already so beautiful back then but look at you now.” Just a minute in and everyone’s eyes were already trained on her frame. Chaewon always was quite of a sight even back then, although quiet and shy, she’s famous for her fairylike beauty and kind personality.


“Kim Junkyu, once a sweet talker always a sweet talker huh?”


“No kidding, he’s been asking for you the minute I got here. He was more excited than me even!” The lad blushed after being exposed, and Chaewon? Well she could only smile awkwardly and wishes for her husband to come back because he is taking way too long in the bathroom and she needs him back.


“And he wants to know if you’re still single.” Yunjin smirks, Chaewon’s brows raised at that as she turn to look at Junkyu whose head was lowered. She was about to tell h

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because ssamkkura is that awkward ship y’all have been sleeping on.


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mushroom79 #1
Chapter 52: Waw. Damn. And hi.
1757 streak #2
Chapter 52: hello again authornim!!! and man... i thought it'll be happy but boy that's rough...
Chapter 49: Part 3🤩
Chapter 52: WAHHH AN UPDATE!🤩 Thank you very much author for coming back.

Chaewon doesn't deserve a cheater huhuh
Yujin please be the second lead🙏🙏
mdaichan #5
Chapter 52: Welcome back author . I think everyone deserve a second chance but i want chaewon teach saku a lesson that he will never do it again
Chapter 52: OMG welcome back authornim 🥰
Chapter 52: Saku deserves to be dumped
Sorosdaas #8
Chapter 52: Welcome back author!! And thank you for the new story.. chaewon deserve better.. once a cheater, always be a cheater.
Chapter 52: We missed you, author! I hope chaewon be together with a person that truly loves her and faithful with her. She didn't deserve all of it.
Chapter 52: missed you so much, hope you’re doing well! 🥹
honestly don’t think they should make up, chaewon deserves better! 😩