catching feelings pt. 2

takin’ shots
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“Saku.” The said lad groans hearing his name be called, he wanted to be left alone still but the voice kept calling him. He opened his eyes the fourth time his name was called, his vision was blurry and unsteady and it took him a few minutes to adjust before he was met with one of the most beautiful sights he’s ever seen.


“Lunch will be over in five minutes, we have to go.” Chaewon said, it seems like he fell asleep on her lap well you can’t blame him it’s comfortable. He released a whining noise and stretched his arms, looking back up to stare at the lass after.


“Do you want to skip class with me?” The fairy was taken aback at the offer, she haven’t tried skipping classes not even once. She’s always been a good student, top of the class, introverted and quiet so skipping class is something that she had never tried before and will never try. But now, she doesn’t know how to respond to the lad’s offer.




“We have no class after this, we’re just going to be forced to sit in the auditorium for two hours straight to listen to a boring seminar that we’ve been listening to every single year. Come on Chaewon, we have a secret spot here in the campus. I promise you won’t regret a thing.” Well there goes her shot at refusing, when she didn’t say a thing for about five seconds Saku knew he won. So with a smile, he got up from lying on her lap and helped her up, clasping their hands together as he guide her to his ‘secret spot’.


“Where are we even going?” She asked as she shades her eyes from the sunlight using her free hand. “It’s a surprise.” Saku quips and she just lets him take her to wherever he goes. A few more walks and bushes they had to go through and they arrived at an abandoned gazebo, right beside it was a tree house. Chaewon looks around and was in awe, this place was surrounded with trees and the untamed grass was enough information to assure her that this place is no one’s property.


“Let’s go up.” The steps were a little wobbly but Saku made sure she got up safely before hopping up. Chaewon saw a few place mats on the ground as well as some unopened snacks. Saku sat down on the mat and patted the space next to him which she then occupied.


“What are we going to do here?” She asked.


“I don’t know, study math maybe.” He answered sarcastically, the younger rolled her eyes on him and hits his arm playfully. He laughed before casually draping an arm over her shoulders catching her off-guard.


"Kidding, we are going to sit here and wait until class is over. Sounds good?” She was too flustered to utter a reply, but when Saku quirked his brows she snapped out of it and nodded her head. With that, he looks away while pulling her closer to him.


"Lean on me and rest, it’s obvious how tense you are. You need to stop stressing yourself with so much school works and be more laid back. It’s okay to have fun every now and then, it keeps us sane.” Little by little, she started to relax in his arms as she finds his warmth rather soothing. Once she was able to settle in, Saku intertwined his fingers together fully embracing her and rests his head on top of hers.


“This feels nice.” He said and the lass hums in agreement. Slowly she started feeling exhausted, like her body is coming into realization about how much she has forced herself to get the grades she has now.


“It does..” In just five minutes, she completely surrendered herself in his arms. When Saku noticed she had fallen asleep, he carefully laid her head on his lap, adjusting himself so she can rest comfortably then placed his coat to cover her legs. He looked down to stare at the sleeping fairy and he bites down a smile. The Japanese fixed her hair and bangs, moving the strands away from her pretty face and eventually he finds himself cupping her face. Not gonna lie, he actually found her attractive from the very beginning and something about her just lures her in. He’s not one to usually go home early but he does every now and then to accompany her home ever since that one faithful day.


“You are so whipped for her.” Saku jumped a little when he heard a voice, looking at his left he saw Yuri’s head peeking as she tried to climb up. Following her right after was her boyfriend, Yehan who was looking at him with a teasing smile.


"So this is why she wasn’t in class earlier, she never skips class. You are such a bad influence to her.” The captain rolled his eyes on Yuri and chose to ignore her. He wanted to avoid the topic about him and Chaewon dating as much as possible by keeping quiet because well, they really aren’t and they weren’t even supposed to be in the same table as them earlier but of all people, it had to be Yehan and Yuri.


“So, how did you pull off a Kim Chaewon. Do tell.” Yehan teased as he wiggled his brows, Saku rolled his eyes on the tease and kept silent instead.


“Oh come on oppa, we wouldn’t say anything to the others we promise.”


“Yeah, I just wanna know how. I tried to charm her before it didn’t work so I settled for Yuri, she kinda looks like Chaewon anyway.” He quickly received a not-so-light punch from his girlfriend, he winced in pain and was quickly shushed by the other lad so as not to wake up the sleeping girl on his lap.


“Whatever, seriously though how did this happen?” Yuri scoffs then asked in all seriousness, the Japanese bit his lower lip taking a quick glance at Chaewon before finally entertaining their questions.


“I just walked her home.”




“And that’s it.”


“That’s it?”


"Yes, that’s it.” The couple stared at him blankly, as if they were expecting for more. Well they were actually, who wouldn’t be intrigued about how the captain of the basketball team got together with Kim Chaewon, their batch’s top student. Heck it hasn’t been an hour since the news broke out and there are already countless of rumors. Some are saying he’s probably just using her for better grades, some are saying it doesn’t make any sense because a week ago Saku was just in a relationship with a cheerleader, some are betting whether they will break up in within a month or not. The list just goes on and on.


“Damn, I tried so hard to catch her attention only to hear that a like you just walked her home and then you two are suddenly dating. I begged her to tutor me with math you know, she turned me down by saying she had someplace else to be and she’ll see when she have the time but I ended up stuck with this brat.” Yehan blew on his bangs and sulked as he leaned back seemingly regretful and feeling betrayed.


“Yeah well guess who she was with after class that day?” He smirked, the younger guy’s eyes grew wide as he gasps in disbelief.


“You bastard.” And in a blink of an eye he attempted to deliver a punch to the older, but before he could his girlfriend immediately pulled him by his ears harshly causing him to wince in pain loudly as he apologized nonstop.


“Yah keep quiet Chaewon’s sleeping!” Before he could shush the younger lad, the fairy was already awake and rubbing her eyes. Saku looks down and watched her do so, finding the sight quite adorable.


"You woke her up.” He was about to throw a bottle at him when Chaewon stopped him by holding his wrist.


"It’s fine.” She sat up staring at the floor awkwardly not knowing what to say especially with those looks that the other two is giving her. She’s a really shy girl and she’s not use to attention, so being stared at made her feel uncomfortable and thankfully Saku noticed that.


“Stop staring she’s uncomfortable.” He said causing the two to utter an apology. Chaewon pressed her lips in a thin line and nodded to tell them that it was okay before they were engulfed in complete deafening silence. It’s awkward alright, it shouldn’t be but Yehan and Yuri are making it awkward for some reason.


“Oh come on let us talk the silence is killing me!” Yehan groaned which caused Yuri to do si as well, the captain rolled his eyes on his friends dismissing their whines.


“Me too I want to know more, like since when were you two seeing each other.” Yuri kicked her feet, the cute sight making the older girl chuckle in delight. She then looked at the lad beside her who was doing the same, when their eyes met their eyes were both telling each other the same thing. There wasn’t any words involved, but somehow they felt a mutual understanding.


“So who confessed first?”


“He did!”


“She did!” The pair’s ears perked up as soon as they heard the question and both their initial response was to deny that they were the first one to confess while pointing a finger at the other.


"What? No I didn’t!” Chaewon defended herself from the accusation, and so did Saku. The two of them exchanged an argument, both determined to win leaving the other pair amused at the behavior being presented in front of them.


“Fine I did, but you liked me first.” The lad smirked at his comeback, Chaewon gasped in disbelief then flicked his forehead making them all flustered.


“Ah yah!” Saku widened his eyes at the lass’s action before a mischievous smile appeared in his face.


“You’re going to pay for that.” He tackled her down on the floor, using one hand to hold her two arms above her head as he tickled her. The girl screamed while laughing out loud as she struggle to free herself from his grasp. Yehan and Yuri watched in amusement, they have never seen the captain this playful with his past lovers.


Perhaps Chaewon is different. The two were lost in their own worlds that they forgot they weren’t the only ones here. It was only when Yehan spoke when they remembered they’re not alone.


“It’s weird seeing you like this hyung.” Saku stopped tickling the lass, he placed both his hands beside the girl’s head so as to support his weight as he looked at his friend with a confused expression.


“Like what?” Yehan was about to tell him how whipped he looks right now when Yuri nudged his side. They know him, he’s confident but he gets a little awkward when someone starts to notice what he’s doing.


"Nothing.” The captain shrugs then guided his partner who was still catching her breath back up.


"I told you you’ll pay for that flick.” He murmured under his breath but Chaewon heard it loud and clear, she immediately glared at him and hits his arm causing him to hiss in pain.


"Jeez no wonder Minjeong is so aggressive it runs in the blood.” Saku teased and as if Yuri knew what was about to happen next she interrupted the other couple’s moment.


"Chaewon you should totally come later, we’re having a slumber party at Saku’s place.” Yuri’s invite made the two look each other in the eyes. Again they’re being cornered in another situation that was impossible to escape, why can’t they just tell the truth and end it right here and there, eh?


“I don’t think I could—“


"Booh, come on it’ll be fun. Just this one time, I’m sure everyone wants to hang out with you.” Having left with no choice, Chaewon agrees to come with and Saku had never felt this apologetic in his life. He really shouldn’t have said that she’s his girlfriend earlier.



“Wonyoungie my little princess.” Saku said underneath his

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because ssamkkura is that awkward ship y’all have been sleeping on.


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mushroom79 #1
Chapter 52: Waw. Damn. And hi.
1756 streak #2
Chapter 52: hello again authornim!!! and man... i thought it'll be happy but boy that's rough...
Chapter 49: Part 3🤩
Chapter 52: WAHHH AN UPDATE!🤩 Thank you very much author for coming back.

Chaewon doesn't deserve a cheater huhuh
Yujin please be the second lead🙏🙏
mdaichan #5
Chapter 52: Welcome back author . I think everyone deserve a second chance but i want chaewon teach saku a lesson that he will never do it again
Chapter 52: OMG welcome back authornim 🥰
Chapter 52: Saku deserves to be dumped
Sorosdaas #8
Chapter 52: Welcome back author!! And thank you for the new story.. chaewon deserve better.. once a cheater, always be a cheater.
Chapter 52: We missed you, author! I hope chaewon be together with a person that truly loves her and faithful with her. She didn't deserve all of it.
Chapter 52: missed you so much, hope you’re doing well! 🥹
honestly don’t think they should make up, chaewon deserves better! 😩