Last Farewell

Not-So Ordinary Breakup


a/n: I'm not really good in english... Please bear with it..... Thanks





"Goodbye" It's the last word I heard from him before he hung up the phone. He said it's end but I believe it's not! 

I promise to sell my soul to the devil for him to comeback!!! 

I'm here outside the airport to hunt him down and tell directly to his face that I'm so stupid for breaking up with him.. 

Yeah, I have the guts breaking up with a kingka like him. 

I think apologizing is the best solution for my cliche love story...


~ ~ ~


Why do I say cliche?? 

The first time we met was a chaos.... a totally chaos......

I was an ex-nerd and he was a flower boy and a chick magnet. 

He already ed 80% of the girls in  school..

I was a transferee student, a fresh meat and especially a . 

I really don't like to mingle around with people... 


Because I'm a nerd! 

It's in our nature to isolate ourselves in the public, 

I was a nerd wearing a thick rimmed glasses and I had braces but when a professional stylist makeover me,

I became a goddess..

Our parents arranged a marriage for both of us. 

He immediately agree in the said marriage because he wanted me on his bed! 

The day before our marriage he took advantage of me..

I treasured my ity so much but he CRUSHED it into pieces...

The next day, I became Mrs. Jung, his wife. 

As I dig deeper in his personality and as he ed me more, I realized that he loves me. 

Not just for lust but also for love.. 

He's not a cold-hearted kingka...

He also have a warm heart that made me love him. 


~ ~ ~ 


 Right here, right now I'm running as fast as a cheetah to catch him. 

It's all Gongchan's fault for making Jinyoung a semi-gay!! 

He seduced my Jinyoung!!!! 


Not really a fan of ... 

Jinjin is a straight but Gongchan keeps on flashing his stupid body on him! 

Jinyoung ended up having a ing affair with that home-wrecker!!!! 

When I discover them on our master's bedroom, I hit Gongchan with a vase on his head. 

Fortunately, he only fainted. 

No severe injury was done. 

I immediately called my lawyer to file a divorce between us. 

I left our house bringing nothing except for myself and my hatred towards Jinyoung.... 

That guy... 

That stupid  homoual gay guy!!! 

I hate him!! 

While roaming around the streets, I saw a bunch of guys bullying some random nerdy girl...


I can picture out myself with that girl.. 

Jinyoung was always there to save when I needed his help...

He's my ert super hero...

He's saving in exchange for a kiss.

or screwing around



~ ~ ~


Two weeks after I filed a divorce, my mom called me and she told me that Jinyoung will stay in US for the rest of his life. 

He will never appear in front of me again..... 

That's the point where I realized that I still love him.

I don't want him to disappear in my life... 

He's my soul mate and especially my husband. 

I rushed my decisions and forget thinking about the consequences. 

I can't live without him..... 

I'm sure I'll be back being a nerd. Everyone will bully me and I'll become useless. 

I'll become a small dot in a world full of colors. 

If nobody likes me then I will not have a boyfriend. 

If I don't have any boyfriend, I can't have a husband. 

If I don't have a husband then I can't have a child. 

Time will pass and my parents will die.... 

If they die, I'll be forever alone.. 

Who will treasure me?? 

NO ONE!!!! 




I'm scared.... 

I don't want that to happen. 

I quickly went to the airport to follow Jinyoung. 

Luckily,  his flight is scheduled today!! 


I'll catch him and our airport scene will look like we're shooting a movie.. 




I can't wait to see him!!! 

I dialed his number. He answered my call but he only said "GOODBYE" 


Is that a right response for your wife?? 

A couple of minutes later, I finally found him sitting on a chair... 




Before I could finish the word 'Jinyoung', I bumped a blondie and his phone hit the floor's cold surface... 


BUT I don't care about him.. 

I don't care eh eh eh eh eh er... 

I can give him tons and tons of phone after my reconciliation with Jinyoung.. 

I kept on running.. 

But someone was following me behind... 

That blondie..... 


OH MY GOSH! He's running after me.... 


He's chasing me now. 

Blondie had the chance to grab my wrist. He pulled me closer to his body and wrap his arms around me. 


"This will be your payment for breaking my phone" 


Our lips crushed with each other.


He keeps on playing inside... YUCK... 

GROSS... This is so wrong!! 

I don't even know him!! He might have some ually transmitted disease. Any contact with his body fluid can kill me...

STOP THIS... I can't escape from his arms. 

He's like a snake, killing for his prey. 

After he played with my mouth, he removed his arms around me.. 

Finally, the snake let go of his poor prey after harassing it.. 







Jinyoung saw us kissing. 

My jaw dropped and my whole body was paralyzed.

"So he's the one" Jinyoung forcefully smiled. He's controlling the devil inside him not to come out.. 

I can sense it... If  only blondie, jinyoung and I were alone in this airport Jinjin might have killed that blondie. 


Didn't I mention Jinyoung knows Karate, Judo, Taekwondo and Wushu? 


"No you got it all wrong!!! He kissed me without my permission and reason. I don't even know him!" 


"Please stop lying. You're making it hard for me to move on!


Mode: on


"Look who's talking...So who's the one make my life miserable for the past few days? It's you, right? Don't trick me Jinyoung! You're so disgusting!!" 


"Dear soon-to-be-ex-wife, You just had a major major kissing scene in this airport!! Scandalous!! Go away and get a room!" 


"hahahaha... FYI soon-to-be-ex-hubby, we had a very smooth relationship before. But you had an affair with a guy! For god's sake Jinyoung, you're a guy too! Do you think that Gongchan can give you a child??!!! NO!! Jinyoung, Choi Minhee can give you lots and lots of child but you prefer him on your bed. Do you expect me to be happy while seeing you together?? NO! I don't like !! We're married Jinyoung!" I showed him the ring he gave me during our wedding.


"I explained my side, right? But you don't even listen to what I was saying before."


"I already saw what I needed to see. No need for your explanation, soon-to-be-ex-hubby"


"I know this will not work out, I'm leaving Minhee. I wish you and your blondie all the luck" Jinjin hugged me. 

"I still love you though"He slowly pat my head and gave me a peck on my cheeks.


"Goodbye Minhee" 


He walked away leaving me with teary eyes. 

I didn't notice that I made a huge drama around. The crowd was surrounding us a while ago. 

But when he left, they started to disperse. 

Everyone left me crying except for Blondie.. 


"hahahaha! Pathetic" 


Arggggggggghhh!!! He's laughing endlessly while hugging his stomach. 


"Shut up! Will you? You ruined my life!!" I punched this blondie gangstah on his face with all my force.




"Aish you!" He lightly massage his left cheek with his hand.


I think I triggered his monster button on~ 




He covered my mouth with his handkerchief and carried me like a bride. 


I tried to break free.. 

 But I can't... 


"mumumumeemeeuumumeemumemeem" My mouth was trying to say 'HELP ME HE's HARASSING ME' 


"Stop forcing yourself to talk. It's useless!" 


We went out of the airport without someone stopping him. 

I mean, seriously?? 

Police where are you???? 





This is the end of my life... 

When we arrived outside, he stopped a taxi.

He opened the door and threw me inside... 




I had a chance to remove the cloth around my mouth. 




I strangled his neck with both of my hands.. 




Blondie didn't stopped me from killing him.. 

He was reaching something on his pocket. 

The moment he got it, he put it out and sprayed it on my face.. 

It was some kind of  spray. 

Do you think it can stop me? 


He sprayed it once again. My hands disengaged around his neck. 

My whole body felt numb. I can't move but I can see that he's moving closer to me. 

I can't move.. 


"You're mine now"




This might be Last Farewell To My Beautiful Life ,,, 




Thanks for reading this fic...  cool



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2 thumbs up madam!! :DDDD nice! :DDDD
OMONA! JINJIN! Wae did you just go like that?! TT^TT
ZICO YOU MESSED UP BIGTIME! *slapped Zico so hard till he fainted*
Sequel please! :D
sequel sequel.. :)
OMAYGAHD! That scene with Jinyoung was AMAZING! It felt so real.
So, Jinyoung still loves her? OMO! Zico shouldn't have interrupted the scene~
Nevertheless, this oneshot is astounding~!!! Thanks~
Zico!!!! Gongchan!!! Jinyoung!!!
Nice story :)
A Oneshot dedicated for me?! Woah. Woah. (‾-ƪ‾) *absorbing*
I never felt such gratitude from someone. (˘̩̩̩⌣˘̩̩̩) Thanks~! (∫˘▽˘)∫❤
FIGHTING~!!! I know this will be a GLORIOUS one. ~(˘▽˘~)(~˘▽˘)~ *happy dance*