


“Hey, little Jonghyun! Can you go call your mother for me?” Jinki requested with a smile as he saw the six-year-old boy. The boy was reaching to open the door from the other side when Jinki had opened the door from inside the den. Jonghyun pushed his spectacles up his small nose, scrunched his tiny face into an even more serious expression before looking up at Jinki. Jinki gave his eye smile to the little boy who quickly nodded shyly and rushed off towards the back of the house.

Jinki moved towards the kitchen to check status of the food that Kibum was preparing but had somehow gone missing in between his cooking. He was surveying the chaos in the kitchen when little Jonghyun came running to the owner of the house who he feared but also liked because Jinki allowed him to watch his favorite cartoons on the big-screen television in the den. He also liked Jinki because the ‘little-bit’ scary man allowed him to sprawl on the large couch and even fall asleep on it, which was heaven to the little boy during the hot summer months. And, Jinki never asked him to do anything, even though he employed both his parents. That is why the request to fetch his parent had taken the boy by surprise.

Jonghyun wondered how to tell the man that his parent had not even heard him when he had informed about being called. The little boy scratched his head and decided to tell the truth, “He did not hear me, Sir. Dad and he are talking loudly. Very loudly.” He looked down at the floor and added in a trembling voice, “I think they are fighting.”

Jinki nodded at the information and told Jonghyun to go and watch television to keep the little boy occupied, while he unwillingly went towards the rooms where his housekeeper resided. It was a strange morning where Kibum not only abandoned his cooking midway but also did not respond to Jinki’s call.

Jinki knocked on the door. The loud voices coming from inside suddenly stopped as Minho opened the door for Jinki. Jinki glanced inside the large room and saw Kibum turn away from him to face the wall. Jinki looked at Minho who was looking highly uncomfortable with Jinki’s sudden appearance in his and Kibum’s private quarters.

Jinki raised his brow in question but Minho remained silent. The older man wondered whether to interfere in the personal life of his young chauffeur and housekeeper but decided that he needed the meal preparation completed on an urgent basis and if that meant he had to poke his nose where it didn’t belong then so be it. “Okay, Minho, what is the issue? And why is Kibum crying?” Jinki baldly asked his tall chauffeur without any preamble.

Minho was clearly uneasy that Jinki had come to know that he and Kibum were having a marital dispute. He knew how stubborn and commanding his employer could be though the older man rarely was so. He squared his shoulders and answered while staring at his spouse’s back, “Kibum is cheating on me.” Seeing Jinki’s shocked face, Minho elaborated on his statement, “He is in constant touch with another guy through his phone. I have proof of it.” When Jinki shook his head in silent denial, Minho the said phone in Jinki’s hand, “See for yourself.”

Jinki stared at the phone in his hand that he had seen Kibum use to watch television programs and YouTube while he worked around the house. Jinki looked up to see Kibum glance at him and then look away again. The sad, swollen eyes of his young housekeeper touched Jinki deeply. With a silent sigh Jinki peered at the phone in his hand and asked, “What number should I look for?”

Jinki put aside his qualms regarding how offensive he found this intrusion in Kibum’s personal life and opened the call log. He memorized the last four digits of the nameless phone number that Minho pointed out. He took a calming breath and then spent a few minutes studying the call log pattern of the said number. His brain attempted to analyze the call data.

Minho looked at Jinki half hopeful, as if he wasn’t certain whether he wanted Jinki to find what he was claiming to be a fact or whether he wanted to hide away in a corner with his small family. Finally, he became defensive when Jinki announced that he did not find anything incriminating in the call log. “Sir, see how there are daily calls. And Kibum has been calling him back also.”

“But, Minho, the longest call is for one minute and the shortest is eight seconds. What can Kibum talk in such a short time. And the call lengths do not support what you are saying. However, it does appear this person is giving many missed calls before Kibum responds with a brief call back,” Jinki responded with his analysis, wishing to be anywhere else but in the middle of a family quarrel between the young couple.

Minho peered at the phone along with Jinki and asked him to check older dates. Jinki complied with the taller man’s request and checked the older dates but failed to find any data related to the number.

Unwilling to pry deeper into the phone, Jinki handed it back to his disappointed chauffeur and declared, “There is no data older than seven days related to that number. We will discuss this matter further after I have spoken with Kibum.” He looked at the blonde man who was facing the wall with hunched shoulders, attempting to make himself as small as possible in a bid to disappear, and ordered, “Kibum, come with me. You need to finish preparing the meal so I can leave for the hospital. I am getting late and my uncle will be waiting.”

Kibum followed Jinki to the kitchen, sniffling all the time. As Kibum picked up the pan on the gas top, he began speaking hesitantly, “I have not cheated on Minho. The number belongs to Minho’s friend – Taemin. He was our neighbor where we lived before moving here.” Jinki listened to every word with a carefully blank expression. Kibum noted the lack of reproach on Jinki’s face and continued with his explanation, “Two days ago, Taemin called me to the nearby park where I sometimes take Jonghyun. I went and talked to him. Now, that weasel is claiming that I am in love with him.”

Jinki did not let his surprise display on his face and interrupted Kibum’s explanation, “Does he have any proof of that?”

Kibum shook his head in negative, “I don’t know. I have never said that to him because I am not in love with him. Minho says he was shown proof that I have cheated on him. It is not possible, because I have not cheated.” Saying that, Kibum became angry, “I took him back when he ran away with my bother Jaejoong. I knew Jaejoong did not love Minho, but who listens to me. When Jaejoong left Minho to live with Yunho, Minho came crawling back to me begging my forgiveness.”

Jinki sighed deeply, hearing the pain and anger in Kibum’s voice. He let Kibum go on with his little rant, “Till we came here to work for you, Minho kept trying to get Jaejoong back. He emptied out our bank account, even put us under a mountain of debt.” He finally looked Jinki in the eyes and said, “You know all this, right? Minho’s mother was working for you at that time and told you every embarrassing detail as she cannot keep anything to herself ever.”

Jinki gave a small nod. He knew there was no way out for him. He was now well and truly entrenched in his employees’ marital issues. “Yes, I remember all of it. But Minho is over Jaejoong now. His mother assured me of it, before your family moved into this house.”

“Yes, that’s true,” Kibum agreed. “I should have not taken him back. I did it for the sake of our son. And, because I am married to that tall lump of stupidity.” Kibum snorted angrily as he continued to pack food into containers for Jinki to take to hospital. “I am only 23 years old and I have a six years old child. The only life I know is work and my family. I began working for you to help Minho repay his debt. If it were not for the money you gave us interest free, we would be under the thumb of those dangerous loan sharks even now.”

Kibum paused to sniffle and breathe before he continued to vent out his anger, “I will kill Taemin, that bastard, if I get my hands on him. Just because I laughed at his stupid jokes and smiled at him, he is claiming I love him. He wouldn’t let me rest with his continuous missed calls. I should have kicked him in the balls.” Kibum then lowered his voice and began uttering inaudible curses at Taemin.

Jinki gently patted Kibum’s back, not knowing how to console or calm the young man. Minho came to the kitchen just then, looking daggers at Kibum. Without a word to his spouse, Minho picked up the bag containing packed food and said to his employer, “I am ready anytime you are.”

Jinki nodded at Minho and when the chauffeur exited, he spoke to Kibum, “I will speak to Minho. But, before that I want to be certain that you really did not cheat.”

Kibum’s anger left him at Jinki’s words. He looked sadly at the older man, “I swear on Jonghyun that I never cheated on Minho with Taemin.” He took a deep breath to steady his trembling voice. It was a long pause before he spoke again with determination lacing through his words, “I am not going to talk to any of Minho’s friends from now on. Who knows what I will be blamed about next? I think I should keep my distance from his family also because his mother just keeps poisoning his mind against me.”

Jinki nodded and patted Kibum again. He was getting late for the hospital and rushed to collect his wallet and laptop. Wallet he pocketed but laptop he couldn’t find, anywhere in the den. Little Jonghyun softly informed him, “Dad took it a few minutes ago.” Jinki gave the little boy a smile of thanks.

He rushed to his car and Minho opened the car door for him. Jinki slid into the back seat and noticed his laptop bag laying there. He checked the bag for the chargers of his phone and laptop as Minho started the car and smoothly entered the mainstream traffic.

Jinki leaned back and pinched his nose. He really hated interfering in others’ matter. He was happy that Minho’s mother had stopped working for him. Her daily gossip about her family, her neighbors and Jinki’s neighbors had finally stopped. Kibum was a good replacement. More energetic and quiet. Jinki knew Kibum’s habit of softly singing to himself as he worked in the kitchen or around the house. He wouldn’t even let his husband, Minho, gossip to their employer. And Jinki was immensely grateful for that.

But now Jinki had no other option except to jump right into the middle of the young couple’s dispute. “Minho, I spoke with Kibum,” Jinki addressed his chauffeur who immediately looked at his employer in the rearview mirror of the car. Noticing that he had Minho’s attention while he drove carefully, Jinki continued, “Kibum says he has not cheated on you.”

Minho kept his eyes on the road as he responded heatedly, “He is lying. Taemin told me himself.”

Jinki’s voice held censure as he rebutted, “As long as Kibum has worked for me, I have never found him to lie to me. Why are you so willing to trust this man Taemin instead of your own husband?

Minho became highly agitated. “Taemin is a long-time friend of mine. He has recordings of Kibum talking with him. He has video of Kibum and him in the park. If Kibum is not cheating, why did he not tell me that he was going to meet Taemin,” Minho paused for a deep breath. “If he loves Taemin, I have told Kibum that he can leave me. Or, if he wants, I will leave him. And he can go and be with Taemin.”

“Why did this Taemin take video of their meeting and record their conversations?” Jinki was sure there was something not right about the whole situation. “Only a person with wrong intentions will do so. Does Kibum say anywhere that he loves Taemin?”

Minho shook his head, “No, but Taemin said he began recording only after Kibum told him he loved him. Taemin’s friend also is a witness to the phone conversations. He made the recordings because he is good friend of mine and does not want me to suffer with a cheating spouse. I don’t want to hold on to a husband who does not love me.”

Jinki combed his fingers through his hair as he thought over the information he was given. Seeing his employer deep in thought, Minho continued in a much softer tone, “Sir, I don’t want to live with Kibum if he does not want to be with me. Taemin said he was willing to marry Kibum because it was him that Kibum cheated with. My friend is nice enough to offer marriage and a home to Kibum if I leave him because of cheating on me.”

When Jinki did not offer any comment, Minho became agitated again, “Why would Taemin and his friend lie to me? They have shown the recordings to my family also.”

Jinki looked at the rearview mirror to find Minho glancing at him repeatedly. He took a deep breath and gave his opinion, “I think your friend and his friend are lying to you. They want to break up your marriage.”

Minho exclaimed, “Taemin is my friend. Why would he do that? There is no reason for him to do so!”

Jinki sighed at Minho’s naivety, “I do not know why. What I do know is that often people cannot digest other’s happiness.” Even though Minho’s eyes were double in size in disbelief, Jinki did not let it deter him, “You and Kibum are relatively happy. May be Taemin and his friend want to create trouble for either you or Kibum. Why record everything and show to you? Why offer to marry Kibum? Why does he want you to leave Kibum?”

“Because he is my good friend,” Minho reiterated.

“No, Minho! He is not your friend,” Jinki was very certain. “These are not actions of a friend. A good friend will never do what Taemin did.” When Minho remained silent, Jinki continued with his advice, “If Kibum did not want you in his life, he would not have accepted you back after your months long fling with Jaejoong. Even when you returned to him, you gave him a hard time. Kibum had all the reasons to cheat on you then and leave you. But he remained loyal to you. Before you get upset with Kibum, it was your mother who told me about you and Jaejoong. Kibum is not one to gossip. In fact, he detests loose talk. So, think again on everything your friend Taemin and his friend told you.”

There was silence for long minutes in the car.

“Everyone is making fun of me. We have become laughing stock with my family and friends,” Minho was highly upset at his loss of reputation.

“You want to turn your back on Kibum for simply talking to your friend and spending some time in the park?” Jinki tried to reason with the young man. “There is a much better way to deal with gossip. All you need to do is stay away from anyone who makes fun of you. Keep away from people and social media for a few weeks. They will soon find someone else to laugh at.”

Minho shook his head once more, “It is not so easy. You live alone. You do not know how vicious the world can be.”

“Minho, I only live alone. I am not alone,” Jinki smiled softly at the back of his chauffeur’s head. “We are approaching the hospital. I don’t know how many more days my uncle will be hospitalized. There is a lot of gossip by people I hear from who come to visit my uncle. Living alone does not wrap me in a cocoon. I am still a part of this world. But it’s my decision how I want the world to be a part of my life.”

Minho did not speak as he parked the car near the hospital entrance. He quickly got out and opened the door for his employer. As he exited the car, Jinki spoke very gently, “Minho, choice is yours. You can either live happily with the gossip mongers or live happily with your husband. Also, do not believe everything that your mother tells you about Kibum. We will talk again on the way home tonight.”

Minho nodded his agreement and left to park the car and then take the bags containing food and Jinki’s laptop to the hospital room.

When Minho left the hospital room, Jinki’s uncle smiled and chirped, “Ah! I am feeling so much better today. Hope the doctor releases me soon. I am tired of being in the hospital.”

Jinki held his uncle’s hand and pulled the chair to sit next to his hospital bed, “Should I bathe you now?” On his agreement, Jinki gently made the older man get up from the bed and guided him to the bathroom.

His uncle was not satisfied till he had his daily bath, even in the hospital. His uncle began talking animatedly as Jinki bathed him, “I am regaining my strength quickly since you began bringing homemade food for me.”

Jinki grinned mischievously, “It’s for my sake that I am doing so. You have decided to make permanent home in the hospital and I couldn’t eat the cafeteria food any longer.

His uncle laughed, “You will not come and stay home with me due to your work. But, you are willing to stay in the hospital all day long for over two weeks.”

Jinki laughed with him, “Next time you call me, I will come stay at your home. You don’t have to resort to such extreme measures. No more hospitals for you!”

Their day passed in idle chit chat, jokes and laughter.


Later, on the way back home quite late in the night, Jinki asked Minho if he had thought over his words in the morning.

Minho nodded, “Yes, Sir! I thought all day long about what you said. I think you are right. They were trying to break us up.”

“So, are you going to apologize to Kibum?”

“Why should I? He did speak with Teamin on numerous occasions and he did go and meet Taemin alone in the park. If Kibum didn’t do that, Taemin would not have any way of maligning us.” Minho was quick to deny Jinki’s suggestion.

Jinki sighed deeply and remained silent, seeing no point in arguing with Minho’s belligerence. He steered the conversation towards Minho’s mother, “What does your mother say now about Kibum? Is she still calling him a drunkard? Now that Kibum no longer commutes for his job with me, has she found something new to complain about?”

Minho blushed, “No, she does not complain about his drinking on the way back from your home. He actually drinks very little. I am sorry I troubled you a lot those days by checking about Kibum’s time of leaving your house.”

Jinki smiled knowingly, “I know how your mother’s mind works. She just wanted me to believe everything she said about Kibum so I will make her my housekeeper again. Has she clearly understood that I am happy with Kibum’s work and do not wish to employ her again. In fact, if not Kibum, I will get another housekeeper to work for me instead of asking your mother. Please do convey this to her.”

“Okay, I will do so,” Minho was completely a mama’s boy. He did not like being wrong about anything or anyone, be it his mother or his friends.

Jinki had noted Minho’s frown when Minho’s mother was the topic of their conversation. He wondered if Minho’s mother was behind the latest tiff between Minho and Kibum. She had played the devil many times in the young couple’s past. Now there was this friend Taemin.

When Minho concentrated on his driving in silence, Jinki closed his eyes. He soon fell asleep with one last thought circling his mind.

Jinki fervently hoped that Minho turned deaf to next whisper of the Lucifer.



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Chapter 1: Wow, what a ing bastard of a husband Kibum got there. If I were him, I'll break it off with Minho and live with myself and my son. Tsk
CamiiAusterlitz #2
Chapter 1: I need another chapter please!!!!