Chapter 1

Tattoo Bunny
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Jungkook didn’t know where to go, it was storming and pouring rain in the middle of the night. His body is freezing, teeth chattering, legs wobbling, he’s been walking in the middle of god knows where for what seems to him hours. His mind is starting to buzz and his view slowly begins to fade, why is my body so ing heavey? He asks himself as he tries to pull his luggage with him.


His left knee gives up on him and he comes down landing on the freezing ground “Hyung, I’m cold.” Jungkook whispers to himself. Now it all comes back to him, he bitterly chuckles as he remembers why he got here in the first place, “Right, I’m not needed.” we rasps out. Jungkook gives up on his body just like his knee, he falls completely to the wet, muddy, cold ground as everything around him fades to black.




It hurts.


It’s piercing me.


It ing hurts.


Buzzing, loud persistent buzzing. Jungkook shakes his head wanting to clear his mind from the sound, to make it stop. The buzzing just got louder as he’s regaining consciousness “Ughh”. He tries to reach for his head, but he can't, like something is restraining him.


“Huh?” he slowly opens his eyes. The buzzing got even louder, What the ?


The first thing Jungkook saw is both of his legs and his arm are duct taped to a chair. He feels a sudden pain in his right arm, he flinches, closing his eyes from the pain, “!”. The pain comes to a short pause, Jungkook quickly opens his eyes and snaps his head up only to face a more confusing sight.


Right in front of him was the source of all this pain. A tall man facing him, sitting comfortably while holding Jungkook's right arm in place as he seems to be too focused on whatever he’s doing to him. The buzzing sound returns, so does the pain. It all clicks in Jungkook's head, is that man is tattooing my arm right now? “what the ? HEY!” Jungkook tries to pull his right arm away from him. 




The tall man stops tattooing and looks up at him. “Oh, you woke up…”


Jungkook can't see the man's face at all, his long wavy bangs covering most of his eyes, and the black surgical mask he’s wearing is covering the lower part of his face.


“WHAT THE ARE YOU DOING? IT ING HURTS!” Jungkook shouts at the man.


“Huh, that’s weird. It should hurt that much.'' The man wipes Jungkook's arm with a tissue in his other large gloved hand, and looks back at Jungkook’s arm and starts the needle machine again, bringing it back to Jungkook's arm. His needle barely touches the surface but jungkook jerks his arm away. “I SAID STOP!”


The man at his teeth, a warning “Stop moving, you’ll ruin it.”


“IT HURTS!” Jungkook screams. The man sighs in defeat and turns off the machine, “ahhh, so loud~” tilting his head to the side and scratches his ear with his shoulder. The man sighs again and pulls his mask down, “Hold on a sec”. Jungkooks breath hitches, What the ? this man is so handsome he made Jungkook set aside the situation he is in at the moment. The handsome guy just reached for something on the floor, just when jungkook was about to peek down to see what the man was reaching for, the said man comes back up with a charming, mischievous smile. Jungkook’s gaze drops to the man's black gloved hands, and he’s holding a roll of duct tape. Jungkook’s eyes widen as the man covers Jungkook’s mouth with the tape.


“I don’t want to be distracted and ruin this” the man sits back on his chair while Jungkook is scream mumbling. The man turns his needle back on and continues with Jungkook's arm. Jungkook tried to move his hand away but was unsuccessful, the man’s grip was too hard. Tears start to prickle in Jungkook's eyes but he closes his eyes and sighs. His head hurts and he has no energy to fight the man in front of him, so he just gives up and lays his head on the table staring at the machine, waiting for the psycho handsome man to finish, because right now, he doesn’t care about anything.







The buzzing stops, finally some quiet. The man stands up and removes all the duct tape on Jungkook’s body. The man gently reaches for his face to remove the tape and Jungkook at this point is plient and lets the man do whatever. 


Jungkook stands up and pushes the man’s sturdy chest away.


“You shouldn’t hurt people kid” the man teased with a smirk on his face. God his voice is so deep, it’s annoying.


Jungkook rolled his eyes. “I’m the one hurt because of this”  Jungkook looks at the back of his arm to see what the man carved into his skin.


The man sits back on the chair and rests his face on the palm of his hand as he stares at Jungkook. “I guess you can’t handle painful things” the man smirkes. “I’m sorry I did something terrible” just by looking at his smug face Jungkook could tell that the man was not sorry at all.


Jungkook scowls at him.


“Cute” the man smiled.


“Who the are you?” Jungkook pretended not to hear what the man just said.


“Ahh.. my name is written right there” he points at Jungkook’s arm. Jungkook quickly turns his arm around and looks at the thin cursive font, the name stretched so it covers his entire forearm.


“It’s Taehyung, Kim Taehyung”.


“...huh?” Jungkook's eyes were about to pop out.


He grabs the first large item his eyes land on, which was a lamp to help Taehyung see clearly while tattooing. Jungkook pulls the lamp up, unplugging it, wanting to throw it at Taehyung. “I’LL ING KILL YOU” he grabs the hood of Taehyung's black hoodie and pulls him down. “That’s cruel” Taehyung throws him another charming smile. “I saved your life remember?”.

“You collapsed in the rain and i helped you out” Taehyung points with his thumb at the window. Jungkook looks at the large window beside them and it’s still storming. “What were you doing in that place at this time of day?” Jungkook stops, he lets go of Taehyung’s hoodie.


He drops the lamp to the floor, “i’m going home” he turns around and heads to the door. “Go home?” Taehyung tilts his head. “It’s still pouring outside, it’s dangerous you know?” he throws another smile at Jungkook.


I wanna punch his smug face in!


“Shut up and leave me alone.” 


Jungkook reaches for the door handle but his arm gets pulled. Taehyung turned him around and stepped closer to him, Jungkook took a step back, his arm still in Taehyung's grasp. “Where are you planning on going in this weather? At this hour?”


Angered Jungkook tries to pull his arm back. “Why the would i tell you? Let go!”

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kulitlang08 #1
this is interesting... :)