

[ C H A P T E R   F O U R ]



She stole a glance at Eric, watching as his expression changed from the relaxed and happy person she knew to someone who was in deep distressed. They were eating the dinner he cooked for them both in his apartment — a place that has almost became their go-to dating area because of how many limited places they could go to together. He was fine, he was happy, he was the brightest as she knew until he received a text message, then it all happened in a flash that she could barely catch it. His face changed, and he grew silent. 


She asked what it was about, but he left it at nothing was wrong, but Yongsun had a slight feeling everything was wrong, because if it really wasn’t, he wouldn’t be this stressed about it. She didn’t want to bring it up, but something roamed in the back of her head, and she knew this was about this one third party they never really brought up — the woman who was in his life before she was.


    “Is it her?”


She asked, because she didn’t like that she felt a presence of a third party in between them even though that person wasn’t even physically there with them. He looked at her, and she placed her cutlery down. Something about this atmosphere in the room made her appetite completely disappeared. 




She’s loss at words, and she had no ideas why. Yongsun had never met her, never heard stories about her, never knew anything about her, but every time at the mention of her, she felt like she lost both herself and him. Grabbing her glass of water, she took a small sip as she tried to swallow away the lump in .


What does that person even want now?


Yongsun knew from during their wgm stint that he had a girlfriend in Korea when he first came. He told them otherwise when the girls came out to help them during one of their filmings, but he later on opened up to her and admitted that he indeed had one in Korea when they got too deep in their talk inside the pool in their house. She knew they had broken up, but that was all she knew and he never really brought it again.  


He’s not the type to be on two boats in one time, and Yongsun knew that he also likes her the way she likes him, but he was torn about something. She didn't want to entire placed the blame on him either because it was clear that other party was the only one who would keep on ringing him up even though he never answered, but she felt strange. It was as if she was competing with someone she didn’t even know of, it was as if she won this battle only because that other person wasn’t even competing with her in the first place.


What he didn’t know a few weeks back when she argued with her sister was actually something about him. She told him it was only over a mere thing about laundry, but that wasn’t actually all about the arguments. She brought up about this third party that kept on haunting them both, and she knew her sister was right but Yongsun didn’t want to acknowledge it so she fought back. 


But, Yonghee was right and Yongsun knew it — she’ll never be able to win his heart completely if she doesn’t let him solve whatever was still holding him back, and they’ll only hurt each other more if she still keep on refusing to accept the truth.


He loves her, she knows that. But, a part of him was also still tied to that one person he couldn't really ended things completely with, and Yongsun can’t help him with that, because now it is his battle.


She waited, but his lack of response disappointed her. She wasn’t exactly expecting him to explain anything, and even if he did, Yongsun had no what was it exactly that she wanted to hear from him. 


Maybe her sister was right, maybe she should stop pretending that she was the one who won his heart when it was almost obvious to her now that she hadn’t really win over his heart completely yet


    “Maybe it’d be better for you to be alone tonight so you could sort this out much more comfortably.” 


Her heart broke when he didn’t stop her from leaving his apartment.



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TTahgaseTT #1
Chapter 19: this fanfic gives me butterflies 🥺🦋 2 years late I just wanted to say thank you for writing this beautiful story 💗
soaleiousav #2
Chapter 19: Can you make a sequel??? Pls.
Chapter 4: oh oh ohbo
Chapter 2: i ing miss them already.. .
I just finished the wgm Ddongie couple and I wanted more. Though Im a huge moonsun shipper, it'd be nice if the both Solar and Eric dated. That's why I'm here to drown my poor poor self into fanfics.
HotPotatoSweetPotato #8
Chapter 9: Ohhh was this an actual show and if yes can you link me?
moomooradish #9
Chapter 19: Thank you for this wonderful story and best of luck with your classes!