Heart Attack

Best Part


unedited/no revision

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Jiwoo wakes up alone in bed. Her feet laying above the gray comforter, early morning sun rays washing over them. It was silent and Jiwoo thought for a second that Jungeun had left but her nose picks up a pleasant smell that made her stomach growl. If one thing didn’t change about their sleepover is that Jungeun always wakes up first.

Jiwoo rises to sit and mewls as she stretches her body. She feels good, no hungover, or any problems you get from late-night drinking. She quickly made up her bed, picking up plushies that fell over as it got crowded last night for two-person. She rearranged them along with the white fluffy pillows in her preferred position.

She made her way to the bathroom to brush her teeth and wash her face. Mentally thanking Jungeun for helping her remove her makeup last night. She grabbed a cream-colored sweater from the closet room just beside the bathroom after and wore it over her red night ware. She admits that often she gets cold sleeping in this night-wear but she figures Jungeun would provide enough heat just as she had from their past sleepovers.

The pleasant smell intensified when she got closer to the kitchen where she saw Jungeun placing omelets over each cup of rice on the two plates served on the table. Jiwoo’s eyes ran over Jungeun’s body from behind. Smiling at how adorable she looks in her pajamas.

Jungeun turned to put the pan on the sink. Coming face to face with Jiwoo. Her eyes fleeted over Jiwoo’s bare thighs for a second before meeting Jiwoo’s eyes. She smiled then proceeded to clean the white countertop.

“Good morning,” Jungeun said.

Jiwoo walked up to the sink. “Good morning! You feeling good?” She the silver faucet, watering the pan to make it easier to wash for later.

“I only had one bottle. How about you?” Jungeun pulled a chair from the white table. “Sit here.”

Jiwoo watched her take a pitcher of water from the fridge. She placed two glasses on the table then filled them.

“Two bottles only. I feel perfect though I’m thirsty.” Jiwoo gulped the water down and Jungeun refilled it for her. Jiwoo looked at the serving on the table. Radish kimchi and melon slices were the addition to the omelet and rice. “Wow, you made this?”

Jungeun sat down beside her. “No, it magically appeared when I woke up.” She met Jiwoo’s squinted eyes with a teasing smile.

“What time did you wake up anyway?” Jiwoo asked as she spooned her first bite. at the delightful flavor. She shoved another spoonful in . “This is divine. Can I keep you?” She sent a big-eyed hopeful look at Jungeun.

Jungeun shook her head in amusement, looking at her own plate as the color of pink dust her cheeks. Jiwoo giggled. Jungeun always tries to hide her blush but often fails at it which only adds to her cuteness.

“Not that early as you might think.” Jungeun scooped the radish, still avoiding eye-contact. “And you can’t keep me here.”

Jiwoo made a whining sound, pouting but continued to shove a spoon inside . Oh well, at least she tried.

Jungeun smiled at her. “You have to take to me out.”

Wow. This time, Jiwoo shocked herself by being the one who was caught flustered. She wasn’t the only one. Jungeun laughed in surprise.

“Did I just made Kim Jiwoo blushed at 9 am in the morning?” Jungeun asked in wonder and amusement, not meaning it as a question to be answered.

Jiwoo tried to cover her face with the sleeve of her sweater which prompted another laugh from Jungeun.

“Shut up.”

“I have to write this on my CV.”

Jiwoo slapped Jungeun in the arm. “Is it really a skill though?”

“How many people have actually made you blush, Jiwoo? Like actual blood in your cheeks.”

“That sounds gruesome,” Jiwoo said.

Jungeun only raised her brows in response.

Jiwoo sighed. Hot damn eyebrows.

“Okay, I don’t know. I don’t recall, maybe a few? For a short time? So, it wasn’t noticeable.”

“You get me now?”

“I do,” Jiwoo smiled, looking down on her plate to put beat of silence to their conversation before looking back up to Jungeun. “Where should I take you out?”

Jungeun didn’t answer and just continued to eat her meal. What a shame. Jiwoo was asking seriously.

“So… I’ve been auditioning these past few months for an entertainment agency. I forgot to tell you, I got accepted at Nightstar Ent,” Jungeun said.

“That’s amazing!” Jiwoo leaped from her chair to give Jungeun a tight hug. “I mean, I kind of thought you’ve given up singing but, this is just—” Jiwoo pulled away and locked eyes with Jungeun.“—I’m proud of you, Jungeun. These last three years I have wondered if I’ll ever hear you sing again. Hope you debut early, you’re very very talented. And your look is a big bonus too, beautiful!”

“Okay, we’re getting a little bit excited here. You’re not allowed to say I’m beautiful when I just woke up.”

“That means you’re beautiful even without makeup, squinty-eyed, in my pajamas, having breakfast here with me, at my apartment in the morning, your skin smooth and glowing, lips pinkish–oh! now your cheeks are pinkish too. I’m just describing what I’m seeing Jungeun. You’re beautiful.”

Jungeun looked down at her half-eaten meal, in the tiniest voice she could muster she said, “Thank you.”



“Congratulations and great job to everyone!” Jiwoo’s manager, Min, said and sent Jiwoo a proud smile. The first week of her album promotion just ended, successfully so.

Everyone at the dressing room clapped and cheered. Overjoyed at the positive result that bloomed from their hard work. Jiwoo stood up in the middle and bowed in a ninety-degree angle to show her gratitude. “Thank you so very much-eu!”

Slowly people filter out of the room, murmuring plans of drinking the weekend off, some patted Jiwoo on the back and on the head as they pass by her.

“Do you have any plans for tonight, unnie?” Jiwoo asked when it was only the main staff and Min remaining.

The woman patted a light foundation on her face, using the mirror in front of Jiwoo for her reflection. She observed herself before sighing. “My skin is too dark. Probably the reason why I’m single for two years now.”

Jiwoo shook her head and caught her manager’s eyes with an intense look. “Your skin is beautiful, unnie. It’s true you’re not as light as all of us in this room but your skin is not too dark either. You can be beautiful regardless of the color of you’re skin, Min unnie.”

“You’re too sweet, Jiwoo. But you’re right, nothing’s wrong being a shade darker.” Min moves to comb her brown bobbed hair, a hint of a smile on her face. “We figured you're tired so we plan to drop you off to your apartment before we head to our plans.”


“Of course, sweetie.”

At the drive back to the company, Jiwoo’s phone rang. Her sidetrack, Tulip, blasted around the van. She smiled sheepishly when the staff and her manager riding along with her gave her an amused look. They all toned down their voices as Jiwoo answers the call.


Jiwoo couldn’t help but laugh out loud.

She can hear other voices from the other side, somewhere along the lines of, “That was so cringy.” “Ew, what the was that?”

“Shut up, Hyejoo.”

A slap resounded from the phone then a yell followed. It sounded like Hyejoo’s voice. Yeah, it’s probably Hyejoo.

“Jiwoo? Are you there?”

Jiwoo chuckled. “Yes, I’m here. Thank you by the way.”

“Oh. So you heard that.” Jiwoo could tell from Jungeun’s voice that even she was cringing to herself.

“You mean I wasn’t supposed to hear that?”

“…Well, I didn’t expect it to be cringe-worthy.”

“It was definitely unexpected but it was cute, don’t worry.”

Jungeun grumbled. “Sure, sure. Anyways, to say in a much more normal and less weird way, congratulations on completing your first week.” Jiwoo heard Jinsoul and Haseul’s voice congratulating her.

“Thank you,” Jiwoo said, figuring Jungeun had the loud-speaker mode.

“Yah Jiwoo, when are you free? Unnie will treat you,” Sooyoung said.

The building of the apartment she stays at appeared in her vision, most windows were lit up and the small but bright sign Destiny Apartments flashed in yellow lights. Jiwoo will have to end the call soon.

“I don’t have a new schedule yet, Sooyoung unnie. I’ll let you know.”

“Okay, I’ll be waiting,” Sooyoung said. “Yah! Where are you going?”

The white noise reduced before Jungeun’s voice filtered out from the phone.

“So, you’ll get out with Sooyoung but not with me, Kim Jiwoo-ah?”

The van slowed down to look for an available parking space. “Did you ask?”


“I have to end the call now, Jungeun. But I’ll call you later.”

“Where you at?”

“Parking at my apartment’s.” Jiwoo raised a one-second finger towards Nim who asked her with a look.

“Oh, I’ll let you go then. You said you’ll call me later?”

“Yes. After I’m laying down comfortably on my bed.”

“In that nightwear of yours?”


“No–nothing. I’ll hear from you later. Bye!”

Jiwoo stared at her phone after the abrupt end call from Jungeun. She didn’t even let Jiwoo say her goodbye. Oh well, they’ll talk again later, anyways.

“Nightwear huh…” Jiwoo thought about it for a second before it clicked. She smirked. Someone liked me too much in silk nightwear. Now, it’s required for her to tease Jungeun about it.



The call would have to be postponed or at least she could call just to tell Jungeun she wouldn’t be able to continue their talk. As soon as Jiwoo stepped inside her apartment, she jumped as booming voices greeted her.

Heejin wore a get-up that says I just came from work. A long white lace dress covered in a plethora of pastel-colored flowers. Jiwoo recalled her friend’s text yesterday about filming for a music video’s muse. Hyunjin and Yerim are wearing identical clothes. Denim shorts and jacket over a white shirt. Both are also wearing black boots. Jiwoo would have to ask about it later. Yeojin is wearing one-piece frog pajamas. Jiwoo is one-hundred percent sure Yeojin would sleepover and she’s fine with that.

“How did you guys get in?” Jiwoo asked, hanging her coat on the back of her door.

“Who do you think we learned it from?” Yeojin jumped to hug her. “I miss you, unnie. I wasn’t on-shift last Wednesday. Vivi unnie’s girlfriend, Haseul, invited me but I still couldn’t come.”

Jiwoo hugged Yeojin back. Eyeing the other people in the room who have confused expressions. “Ah, I was looking for you.”

“On-shift?” Yerim asked when Yeojin stepped away from Jiwoo.

Yeojin looked down as she fiddles with her fingers. “I’m working part-time, unnie.”

“Why though?” Yerim raised Yeojin’s head with a finger under her chin.

“For experience?” Yeojin smiled sheepishly.

“What aren’t you telling us Yeojin-ah?” Yerim asked.

“Dad’s kind of struggling with work.”

Yeojin’s father, who they met when they accompanied Yeojin home, is a kitchen assistant. A huge muscular man that intimidates everyone he meets but is actually kind-hearted and warm for his only child. Yeojin told them that her mother died when she was eight. Being a single-dad is difficult and Jiwoo saw how much he showers Yeojin with love equal of two parents. He transferred Yeojin into an expensive private school after the incident from her previous school despite the financial cost.

Jiwoo placed a hand on Yeojin’s shoulder. “You know you could always ask us for help.”

“I know, unnie. But I didn’t want to bother you with my problems.”

“You can always bother us with your problems,” Heejin said.

“That’s right. Even though I had enough of Heejin’s problems these days.” Hyunjin smiled at Yeojin, her eyes huge and unblinking. Heejin glared at her but she ignored it. Yeojin smiled at her unnies.

Yerim hummed. Her brows furrowed as she thinks about something. Everyone turned towards her. “I’m kind of looking for dancers to this choreography I just made. Hyunjin here is not enough.”

“What do you mean? I slayed today,” Hyunjin said.

Ah, so that’s what their outfit is all about, Jiwoo thought.

Yerim ignored her comment and continued. “I sometimes pay them after especially if it’s a very difficult choreography.”

“But I’m not that go—”

“—I’ve seen you dance before Yeojin-ah. And you danced in your school too, right?”

Yeojin nodded and Yerim smiled, a satisfied look on her face. “Then we have a deal. You’ll dance for me twice a month.”

“Ah!” Heejin raised her hand. Her eyes were bright with an idea. “I know a nail artist from a salon that is looking for new designs. You’re good at nail arts, right Yeojin-ah? She said she’ll pay, I might say a ridiculous amount of sum if she found something that she likes.”

“I think I’m the luckiest dongsaeng ever,” Yeojin said with tears b in her eyes.

“Awe…” Everyone hugged Yeojin and a sob came out from her. “Don’t cry,” Yerim said.

With Yeojin sniffling, they pulled away. “It’s supposed to be Jiwoo’s unnie first-week celebration. I ruined it.”

“Nothing is ruined. I actually feel warm from all this fluff,” Jiwoo said. She saw a chocolate cake on her table with macaroons, shrimp sushi, and tteokbokki. “Oh no, my diet.”

“Don’t worry, I’ll exercise with you tomorrow,” Heejin said.

They made their way towards the table and sat down on the chairs.

“We’ll only have water for now, because of this.” Yerim gestured to the collection of calories in front of her.

“I feel like even has calories at this point,” Hyunjin said.

“We only eat healthy foods tomorrow then.” Jiwoo snapped her wooden chopsticks and dove into her tteokbokki. “Hmm! I missed this.”

The others followed her and no one spoke for three minutes, just devouring their food.

“So, who’s Vivi and her girlfriend Haseul?” Yerim asked after gulping down a glass of water.

Yeojin’s cheeks puffed with food inside . She chewed quickly to answer but Jiwoo did it for her.

“Vivi is the owner of the cafe she works at. She’s very sweet but sometimes I get the vibe from her that is like she knows something that we don’t. Haseul, who I’m surprised is not related to our baby Yeojin even a little bit, is her girlfriend that works in a PC Bang a few steps from the cafe.”

“How’d you know all this?” Heejin asked.

Now that Jiwoo thinks about it, she hadn’t told them about Jungeun yet. She was so busy with their reunion, she forgot to share it with her friends who always ask about how and what’s she doing in text or call. “I think it’s time to introduce you to a special person in my life.”

Heejin choked on her sushi. Hyunjin patted her back and handed her glass of water. “What? You’re in a relationship?!”

Yeojin laughed, her cheeks still puffed but she’s able to speak now. “She means Jungeun unnie. Jiwoo unnie’s childhood friend. Though I think they act like they’re in a romantic relationship sometimes.”

“Yeojin-ah?!” Jiwoo’s eyes widened in shock. That was news to her. If Yeojin sees it like that, then what do the others think. Do we really act like that?

“Ooh. Do spill,” Hyunjin said.

Jiwoo covered Yeojin’s mouth even though the food inside Yeojin’s mouth would hinder her from speaking clearly. “Don’t. I need alcohol for this kind of talk.”

“No worries.” Hyunjin fished alcohol spray from her bag, “Here you go.”

“Ight imma head out,” Jiwoo said, standing up from her chair.

“But this is your apartment.” Heejin hid her giggle behind her hand.

“I don’t care if you guys keep teasing me like that.”

Yeojin grabbed Jiwoo’s hand and pulled her down to sit. “I’m sorry. I won’t tell them anymore.” Yeojin made a motion of zipping . “When will you introduce Jungeun unnie, though?”

“Soon. I’ll think about it.” Jiwoo stabbed a rice cake when she saw the look passed between her friends. “Sooner, if you guys behaved.”



Jiwoo’s bringing phone woke her up from her sleep. She noticed that it is very dark in her room even though she left her curtain open. She grabbed her phone from the bedside table, finding it difficult to read the name. Ah beo ji <3. Her father is calling her at 4 am in the morning. Jiwoo’s heartrate spike and suddenly she’s wide awake.


“Jiwooming? Were you sleeping? I’m sorry my daughter this is important. You’re mother and I are in the hospital.”

In instant, Jiwoo is on her feet. “What happened?”

“You’re mother had a silent heart attack. She–she couldn’t fall asleep ‘cause of muscle pain and when she stood up to get a drink—” Jiwoo heard her father took a huge breath and sighed out shakily. Jiwoo bit her lip when it started to tremble. “She passed out and I called for an ambulance.”

Jiwoo turned her lights on and walked into her closet room. She pulled out a small trolley bag. “How is she now?” she asked, opening the bag and decided on what to bring for her plan.

“Your mother will gonna be okay, at least that’s what the doctor had said. It’s a coronary artery spasm also known as a silent heart attack. According to the doctor, there is no permanent damage during a coronary artery spasm. Wait, what are you doing Jiwoo-ya? I heard a zipper.”

“I’m packing.”

“But aren’t you still promoting your debut album?”

“I won’t be able to focus on my promotion without seeing with my own two eyes that Eomma is okay.” Jiwoo packed two sets of clothing for the day and one nightwear. She hoped she could ask for a two-day personal break, even though what she really wants is to be with her mother until she’s truly fine. “Can you tell me more about Eomma’s condition?”

“…Dr. Bae said silent heart attacks aren’t serious… but they do increase the risk of another heart attack or one that may be more serious.”

“Well, that didn't reassure me at all.”

“I’m sorry, Jiwoo-ya. They assured me that Eomma can be treated with medications. And she doesn’t necessarily need surgery.”

Jiwoo sat down on the floor of her closet room. Wishing she could just teleport to her parents. “I’ll catch a bus when I’ve notified my manager. See you maybe at lunch. Take care, Appa. I love you. Both of you,” Jiwoo said, her voice cracking at the end. She feels like a child again, unable to stop the flow of her emotions.

Boys used to bully her when she was young because of her missing teeth, her over-energized self that always get herself injured, her aloofness to start picking her nose whenever she feels like it causing parents to stop their kids from playing with her, I was just a child for heaven’s sake. She wasn’t perfect, no one is, but her young self had always wondered why everyone only sees bad things about her.

She never maintained a friend. They never stayed. That’s where her passion for singing truly bloomed. She spent most of her childhood home, singing her mother’s favorite songs. And then, she met Jungeun. Every kid is scared of her. She has this glare and frown on her face most of the time. But Jiwoo dared to befriend because she’s just a child too. One day, she found Jungeun near their house’ backyard in a late afternoon, she was crying, her knee gashed. And that’s how discovered, the most feared kid in the neighborhood is weak. Jiwoo brought Jungeun home to ask her mother to treat her new friend’s knees. She kissed Jungeun’s band-aided knee. And they became friends. But most importantly, Jungeun stayed. Well, until…

“Be strong, my daughter Jiwoo. We love you too. I’ll see you soon, hopefully.”

She stood up when her father hanged up. She went to get an extra towel when her phone rang again. It’s Jungeun.

“Were you awake?” Jungeun asked.

“Yeah, why are you awake too?”

“I was working overnight. I just got home when… Are you okay?”

Jiwoo stopped forcing her towel inside the bag. “What? How did you know?”

“My mom is a nurse remember?”

“Oh… oh yeah, and your mother knows mine.”

“Yeah. So, whatever your plan is Jiwooming, I’m with you,” Jungeun said. Her voice soft, barely hiding the concern.

“I’m going home for two days.”

“Then I’m going home too.”


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Chapter 7: Calm thy hormones
Chapter 7: Jiwoo being jealous for Jinsoul and Jungeo...? Pls?
the prompt is so cute like... awwww
Chapter 5: Oh my.. I hope Jiwoo's mom is okay and Jiwoo and Jungeun's relationship are so cuteee
Anyway, thanks for the update!!
RCSTae #5
Chapter 4: oww, this is soo cute! I can't wait for more chapters []~( ̄▽ ̄)~*
Bucinyujin #6
Chapter 4: Aww...i can't handle these cutenesses
jade5xg #7
Chapter 4: Aww this chapter was cute! Can't wait for more!
Heda_black #8
Chapter 1: It's a great beginning for the story! I'm looking forward for the next chapter!