i got to have ya babe

she keeps me warm
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a/n: if ever you've subscribed to this story before this update, i'm here to announce that this will be my wenrene one-shot dump (changing the title to she keeps me warm). i'd like to thank everyone who has enjoyed reading the first story, even though i had written that while half-asleep (i should really stop posting stories in that state). i actually edited the first story (as of 04.02.20) so you can check it out if you're interested. and yes, i read how everyone is requesting for the that story probably deserved, but i, for the life of me, cannot write lol it's just not my thing so i'll leave it to your imaginations.

anyhow, the second story will still feature wenrene in the same au. it's not what any of you might have hoped for but, i think it fits



i got to have you babe

sequel to “i'll be your naughty girl”





Ahn Hyejin temporarily replaces Kang Seulgi.

It’s a no-brainer with the sophomore oozing charisma and a distinct fatality on the dancefloor. Joohyun may not have nabbed the coveted spot, but she pats herself on the back after trudging the boundaries of her comfort zone, especially with Son Seungwan’s mouth hanging ajar. What an undeniably delightful sight it had been. Her stunned expression is tucked in Joohyun’s memory forever to commemorate her personal victory.

Serves her right for regarding Joohyun as an easy opponent.

“You coming?” Sooyoung asks her over her shoulder when they exit the balcony of the theater. Her question halts Joohyun in her tracks. The tall business major was about to round the corner but must have realized the older brunette is headed for the opposite way.

Every year, the fall opening ceremony brings in crowds of giddy freshmen who rejoice at the prospect of an exciting university life, and the senior fully intends on avoiding such gathering at all cost. They’re a bunch of Energizer bunnies on a high being let loose. She’d rather be cooped up in her introverted shell at the safety of her dorm than be surrounded by the banshee screams of overly enthusiastic nineteen year-olds.

Freshmen kids are weirdly hyperactive.

She would have declined on the spot, taking this earlier time of the day as her opening to retreat to her dorm building while the crowd has yet to thicken. But this is Park Sooyoung asking, the friendly sophomore who dared to befriend her at the dance club Joohyun joined for stress-relieving purposes. So even if she has her answer ready at the tip of her tongue (“important matters to attend to” she plans to say, which is a code for napping this day away in her comfy lavender bedsheets), she clarifies out of politeness.

“To where?” Joohyun smiles at her. An innocent smile that would make her an exceptional bull actress. She bats her eyes for the added effect of curiosity.

Sooyoung points out the window to a stage being erected at the farther side of the open field. The students lining up at the variety of food stalls appear like ants from the second floor of the Performing Arts building.

“To watch Seungwan,” she chirps merrily, as if watching said person would be the greatest show to behold.

At this, Joohyun’s façade shatters in an instant, and she grimaces in complete disgust. “Watch Seungwan?” She parrots, adding in incredulity in her tone. “Why would I subject myself to such torture? Unless, she’s going to be burned at stake for her witchery then I’ll be there.”

That would be the only time Joohyun would volunteer to seek for Seungwan, a bucket of popcorn in hand.

Her friend of all people should have been aware. Sooyoung has been a star witness along with their dance club members at the two girls’ rivalry. It’s a very known fact that Joohyun dislikes Seungwan. She dislikes her preppy demeanor and happy-go-lucky attitude. She dislikes her flashy blonde hair and disarming smile like she could cure cancer by a simple curve of her lips.

She’s the epitome of who Joohyun isn’t, their opposing personalities sparking heated discourses throughout their university life. Joohyun swears it would be a miracle for them to be on the same page.

Sooyoung darts her an eyeroll. “Seungwan-unnie is nice if you give her the chance.”

“The chance for her to entice me with her witchcraft?” A rational theory to why people claim Seungwan is “nice”. Joohyun folds her arms over her chest. “Hard pass.”

“She’s not a witch,” Sooyoung drones monotonously, obviously exhausted with the on-going feud brewing between her friends.

Joohyun gasps dramatically. “That’s what she wants you to think!” Sooyoung readies her retort but before a distracted person could crash into her, Joohyun takes her by the arm and out of the busy hallway. The students who lingered inside after the opening ceremony have filtered themselves to the corridor. Joohyun absolutely detests squeezing herself among a sea of people so she pulls Sooyoung in a hurry, make their descent to the ground floor and tread to the open field where people are scattered at an acceptable distance.

They take shelter underneath the shade of a drink cart’s striped canopy, and Joohyun observes the number of people multiplying as they flock in front of the stage. She could see a couple of students in black setting up equipment, rushing in and out of the backstage, testing microphones and several musical instruments. There’s a familiar guy who is nodding his head playfully while he taps on a keyboard that isn’t connected to the sound system. Joohyun recognizes him as a business major hailing from California.

“Give it a break, unnie.” Sooyoung starts once again. Apparently, she isn’t finished convincing Joohyun in availing her membership at Son Seungwan’s fanclub. “She’s one of the most genuine people out here.”

“That’s her witchcraft working on you.” Joohyun narrows her eyes. Because Son Seungwam has only been a thorn by her side ever since the girl got in the dance club in Joohyun’s second year. She has been nothing but a nuisance, the sole positive thing about her presence being a fuel to Joohyun’s competitive spirit.

The rest of the members, on the other hand, worship at her feet like she’s the anointed Saint Seungwan, healer of lepers and proof that the second coming of Christ is in the near future with her embodiment of Mother Theresa. It’s all rainbows and sunshine and homemade pastries with the blonde girl. She tries too hard for Joohyun’s taste.

“I really don’t get you two.” Of course Sooyoung wouldn’t. The remainder of the population wouldn’t. Everyone else is exposed to Seungwan’s good side, whereas Joohyun pushes the right buttons to provoke her in revealing her bad side. It’s a reminder that Son Seungwan isn’t perfect. She’s cocky, overconfident and easily riled up beneath the goody-two-shoes persona. Seungwan has a switch and Joohyun is the trigger to flip it on.

Sooyoung momentarily flits her attention to her friends passing by, and Joohyun moves to sneakily escape the scene but Sooyoung’s hand is firm around her wrist. She scowls. “Oh no you don’t. We’re watching her sing whether you like it or not.” The tenacity destroys Joohyun’s initial plans of returning to slumber. Sooyoung rarely takes no for an answer causing Joohyun to deflate. “No more being a hermit in your dorm. Besides, you can’t possibly deny that Seungwan is a good singer.”

What is there to deny, anyway? Joohyun thinks. She shrugs nonchalantly. “Never heard her sing—ow! What the heck?” Not only is Sooyoung capable of giving a vice grip, but she can also inflict a mean pinch.

“How have you not heard her sing?!” Sooyoung is livid at the revelation, and the poor guy manning the drink cart almost drops the bottled water he was handing to a customer. His hands are too full to shoo them away, with the queue of people parched and impatient for their desired beverage.

Seungwan is a “famous” singer around campus, Joohyun knows. Listening to Seungwan sing has to be a right of passage in their university upon hearing their classmates and strangers praise her singing ability on more than one occasion. But the compliment is a mere knowledge to Joohyun as her introverted personality keeps her from spending her vacant time beyond the security of her dorm.

It’s not like she’s missing out.

“She has the voice of a literal angel.” Sooyoung swoons dreamily. Another testimony from a representative of Saint Seungwan’s cult of believers.

“I’m being careful.” Joohyun soothes the sore spot by her side with her free arm. A small patch of red blooms on the skin below her crop top. She’ll have to cover it up with her checkered flannel to conceal the eyesore. “She could lure me to my death.”

“You’re not a sailor and she’s not a siren either.” Sooyoung sends her second eyeroll in their few minutes of conversation. She’d be having pinwheels for eyes at this rate. “Come on, it’ll be fun! “Sooyoung jumps excitedly. The taller girl doesn’t wait for Joohyun’s response, tugging her towards the general direction of the stage and the gathering crowd. It would be unwise to test the limits of Sooyoung’s strength.

Joohyun already hates this.

“Don’t be a pouty mouth.” Sooyoung glances at her. The crowd isn’t as horrible as Joohyun expected it to be, but she wouldn’t survive this by herself. The tall girl expertly leads them around the throng of restless freshmen and annoyed upperclassmen, squeezing themselves in through the gaps. This wouldn’t come as a shocking feat to Joohyun, very well aware of how Sooyoung is present at every rave thanks to her very active social media profile. They secure a spot somewhere by the foot of the stage with Sooyoung behind Joohyun, shielding her from any possible collision. “She’s singing with her arch enemy so this will be worth the watch.”

“What?” Joohyun jerks her arm from Sooyoung’s hold and she turns around, eyeing her inquisitively. “What arch enemy? I’m not singing with her.”

Having Joohyun’s face in full view, freshmen boys are ogling her so boldly and the regret of not turning down Sooyoung on the get-go sinks in deeper. She could live without hearing Seungwan sing. The irritation of being under their scrutiny propels her to fire a single glare their way, and the boys scramble to face somewhere that isn’t warning them of death.

“Um.” Sooyoung’s voice reverts Joohyun’s eyes to her taller friend. She fuses her brows together. “You’re not her arch enemy.”

Joohyun tilts her head in confusion. Not her arch enemy? This is some mad alien language Sooyoung is spouting. “Are you forgetting the immense dislike we have for one another? She’s the bane of my existence, and the appearance of my face just about ruins her day. She even sends me chicken takeout on my birthdays knowing I hate chicken. A dumb present to waste her money on, but I return the favor by ordering a tub of mint chip ice cream on her birthday. It’s stupid but it’s our thing. Messing with each other is our thing. I am her arch enemy, Sooyoung.” Joohyun concludes her speech.

It feels strange that she felt compelled to justify her relationship—or her lack of relationship—with Seungwan amidst the numerous sweaty bodies encircling them. However, Sooyoung isn’t swayed by her conviction.

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i really don't know what else to say (i literally retyped this 5 times lol), i just wanna thank everyone for all the support ❤️💙 this wouldn't be featured without you guys!! 😭


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Seungwanniepuppy #1
Chapter 14: Aaaaaaaah. It was a roller coaster of emotions reading the entire 12 one shot stories. Piece of advice dont read 4th and 5th early morning. Just spare yourself from crying early in the morning.
Thank you Author-nim for these stories.
Chapter 12: lol this is so giggled
Chapter 10: It hurts ya Rene see Wendy looking at others and caring for others
Chapter 4: It's a story that can't be guessed the first time you read it
Chapter 7: forever one my faves
Chapter 4: will never not tear up every single time i reread this
Chapter 8: idk irene is crazy possessive here but i love this shot so much
Chapter 11: Chapter 11: this is still too cute lmfao
ShinHye24 1340 streak #9
I miss this collection :(
Chapter 14: irene lying about having a schedule just to go to wendy's place and have a late night drive makes me all giddy.🤭💙💗